
Hyphend's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (50 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


For future reference. i noticed you put a nature DC of 18. could you explain what i can do with that. i know it is a difficulty check of 18. so i would roll a d20 (+) my nature modifier, before the athletic check?

Awesome, I'll get on that

Alright thanks everyone.

I am ready GM Valen!

Zoosh Glábaglá wrote:
Hyphend wrote:
Gromfur is my character, before i can fully commit to the day job posted. I have a 5 in the skills of Deception, Intimidation, Nature and Religion. Are there any jobs i can select with those or am i stuck with the Games lore from my gambler background or dwarven lore from my ancestor feat
Your options are Crafting, Lore or Performance

Yeah that's the broad options i keep coming across, for example how did you get your scout lore? remember i'm new so if anyone can point me to a list of what i can choose that would be appreciated

if anything i'll just go with what i posted

Gromfur is my character, before i can fully commit to the day job posted. I have a 5 in the skills of Deception, Intimidation, Nature and Religion. Are there any jobs i can select with those or am i stuck with the Games lore from my gambler background or dwarven lore from my ancestor feat

What is the day job with roll? I'm about to post

GM Valen wrote:

Do you have an estimate as to when you'll have your PC complete and registered?

I just finished a couple minutes ago. I was watching VC Tyranuis video on transfering a character from a character sheet to society play.

I wanted to know from you how you prefered I transferred a character.

I honestly should've been using the pathbuilder from the get go, but i didn't think about it. Was too excited about getting to use the core book for the first time. I'm now on step 8: buying equipment. I plan on getting that done by the end of the night

I have a Organize play ID. The character that I'm making rn isn't ready so i have not registered him for society play yet.

I'm currently on the process of choosing spells for my sorcerer. I'm sorry but this is the first time making a character and i've been doing a lot of flipping pages back and forth then trying to understand putting my bloodline parameters on the character sheet

Gotcha, thank you for clearing that up

Hi @ GM Valen, I know you said the table is closed. but i have to ask out of respect for my cousin. My cousin wants to know if he could play, but he's got a sick and twisted mind so he might say some wild rated R stuff. Also what is your and most other GMs stance on saying rated R things.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
GM Valen wrote:

I am one of the Venture Officers for the online PbP region for Organized Play. If you are interested in sharing, I'd love to know how you learned about us.

I got wind of Pathfinder by total chance actually. I was taking a virtual class and my instructor was screensharing slides from his computer. There was an icon for pathbuilder that peaked my interest so i looked up what pathbuilder was. That is how i randomly came across Pathfinder.

Hi everyone. I'm eager to join. I don't have a character yet because I'm waiting for my core rule book to arrive tomorrow . I think this works out because I can now create a character based off what the crew needs. I was wanting to choose a dwarf, any suggestions? Btw I've never played pathfinder before.

GM Valen wrote:
GM Valen wrote:

Recruiting for a Outpost run of Pathfinder Society Quest #6: [i[]Archaeology in Aspenthar[/i] for Tier 1–4. This table is not part of Outpost.

I plan to start on February 24, 2021 or whenever there is a minimum of four players, whichever is later.

Those interested may sign-up here.

Players will be selected on a first post, first seated basis.

Still looking for players.

HI!! I'm extremely intrested! Does tier 1-4 mean this is for level 1 characters? I have never played a RPG before and this sounds like it's for new players and characters. Is it?

hey guys, just giving an updat. i am copying over a pre gen character to my account, i'll be done within a couple hours and be posting soon.

i don't see any other tab, only recruitment. Someone else also mentions this

what is the 4 next to my name?

actually i'm going to use a pre-gen character until i get a little bit more accustomed to the game. If i can join, that is. It's overwhelming making a new character and learning a new game

sounds good, about to get started

sounds good !

ok so i got the pfs guild guide and found the Pathfinder resource document, with those two i was going to make a character. let me know your guys thoughts on what the group needs and i'll make it, if i can join that is

hi i was refered by GM Nowruz. Is this open for people new to PF in general? If so I'd like to join but i have no knowledge or items for the game.