Hyperion-Sanctum's page
295 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote: Gestalt rules.
For the purposes of this thread, third part materiel is allowed, but homebrew materiel is not. You make take two prestige classes simultaneously, despite what the RAW says.
What classes do you choose?
Sneak Attack Flurry FTW
Pixel Cube wrote: I honestly tought that this was a thread about gunslingers. I think gunslingers don't really have a place in Pathfinder but I don't think they ruined the game by any means.
I've noticed Gunslingers have the Eidolon problem... people aren't making them correctly.
CaspianM wrote: So, standardly guns are rather expensive running more than a starting PC that's not a gunslinger can get.
The question is, even with the touch AC to hit thing within the first range band, is it worth that much more standardly?
I gotta ask... is the SRD wrong or something?
Deadeye (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger can resolve an attack against touch AC instead of normal AC when firing beyond her firearm’s first range increment. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point per range increment beyond the first. The gunslinger still takes the –2 penalty on attack rolls for each range increment beyond the first when she performs this deed.
Therefore, you are hitting touch AC when your target is past your first increment range, not within it.
It's not 4.0
No really, it's the game I love, kept alive by a company that didn't make it in the first place. Love you Paizo
harmor wrote: I'm not talking about Gasault or however you spell it, I'm talking some good combos that you wouldn't necessarily consider making.
I've seen a Wizard/Bard combo do pretty good and it got me thinking of other combos to consider.
Monk/Rogue = Flurry + Sneak Attack is sick
Rogue/Barb = Sneak Attack + Rage is also sick
2 appropriate CR Wilders with Psi crystals, Schism, and the original printing of Energy Missile with the MetaPsionic feats Empower and Maximize.
Basically becomes unsavable Missiles hitting every member of the party for an insane amount of damage
Matthias wrote: As someone who has been DM'ing on and off for awhile I have thrown countless MM, bestiary, and custom monsters at my players, but actually ended up backtracking on one of my big-bads after creation. She was a Nymph Vampire with the advanced template and 4 levels of Oracle (Time). Ended up looking at the things saves and AC + the saves my party would need to beat the thing and basically made it screw with the party but the encounter ended up being a romp in her flesh golem pit with her AP spawn lieutenant. I am sure others have had the same problem with their big-bads, and would be interested to hear what creations other DMs had to sideline. It's a 3.5 monster in Sandstorm but the Marrospawn Abomination, when played correctly... is horrifying
Nuwanda wrote: Hey
I spotted some non-Paizo Pathfinder-Products lately and I think about buying them. Therefore I wanted to ask which companies other than Paizo produce high quality?
http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/licensees/archives/theOtherTop3PPs
Here ya go
ah crap, this thread got more posts than my Monk thread (i think)
EDIT: nope, nvm ^_^
Cheapy wrote: Are there any ways to do this other than 3rd party stuff? I know SGG's Shadow Assassin can do it, but I was wondering about Paizo stuff for this particular build.
I read that title as ways to break the game?
klevis69 wrote: Any advice on making the whole process more time/space efficient?
The wizards character builder worked pretty well for 4th. But 4th sucks. Hah
An iPad app for pathfinder would be the best!
Honestly, either use HeroLab or just condense the sheets into only the relevant things you need. It wouldnt be too complicated to make an excel file that does the math for you and have them be able to be printed off on notecard sized sheets.
Clark Peterson wrote:
SM, I hear you. I think someone else also posted, very eloquently, how damaging it is in general to patronage projects to have something like this happen. It makes others gun shy about getting involved in other patronage projects, which is bad.
O I won't be shy about our eventual Kickstarter at all...
We're GOING to have a sample coming out in a month or two
You're GOING to play/read it (why wouldn't you, it's free)
You're GOING to LOVE it... LOVE
Confidence is a great thing
Didn't realize I had neglected this thread for so long... some stuff happened and well, it's not ready.
But never fear! (people who have no interest!)
We have a new tentative release date!
DeathMetal4tw wrote: I was wrong about the wealth, editing now. 10,500
Also, I plan on using the drow and duergar straight from the bestiary, and possibly some magical beasts. Bottom line is I'm keeping the waves weak but plentiful, and I'll adjust the numbers based on performance.
Yea, I've always viewed D&D and Pathfinder as a rules system, with the rest of it open to interpretation.
The Core Rulebook has the rules, the Bestiary monsters are suggestions.
If all PCs aren't created equal, neither are all monsters. What a boring world that would be.
Tweaking is a GMs best friend.

DeathMetal4tw wrote: There's a campaign I want to start on Sunday night, but I want some opinions on weather the premise is okay.
First for some backstory:
The campaign takes place on my continent of Syrix, more specifically the northern mountain town of Gates. For centuries Gates was part of the Drombidus empire, a human run entity which once spanned much of the continent but has been dwindling for generations. Recently the northern mountain settlements have fallen prey to attacks by drow, duergar and deep gnomes- creatures that are now known to have been living in the caves of the northern region.
Every human settlement was obliterated except for Gates, which is barely surviving the near constant siege. Meanwhile, in the capitol city of Drombidus, the king is between a rock and a hard place. He wants desperately to send his army to the north, but things aren't so simple. For about two hundred years the Temple Plethora and it's inquisition have grown more and more powerful to the point that the chief inquisitor is something of a rival king within the same city. The king knows that if he leaves the capitol city of Drombidus to save Gates, Drombidus and the king's castle will likely be taken over by the inquisition.
For a while the king sits idly, until his conscience gets the best of him. Risking it all, he marches his army north to stop the drow/duergar/deep gnome menace once and for all.
Where the adventurers come in:
Every adventurer is either a pardoned prisoner, freed indentured servant or volunteer sent to fight for the survival of Gates. Because each adventurer in the party is a seasoned combatant with some powerful magic or fighting skills, they begin the game with a royal allowance of 5,500 gold (Which the rulebook says is fair for level 5). Essentially, they are paid to fight, and if need be die.
The adventure begins when our heroes arrive at the peasant quarter of the city (The Northeast gate of the town of Gates- confusing, I know). The adventurers are doing some combat...
i find trials by fire are the best ways to start of campaigns
so YES
Gorbacz wrote: Wizard = Turbo Overpowered
Summoner = Mega Overpowered
Commoner = Hyper Overpowered
House Cat = Uber Overpowered
DeathMetal4tw wrote: Is the summoner overpowered? And if so is he wizard underpowered or super mega overpowered? my god, another one of these?
apparently, chances are the Eidolon you think is insanely awesome was built wrong
and then +1 to everything pipedreamsam said
Silent Saturn wrote: This Friday, I'm starting my very first campaign (with Crypt of the Everflame) and I'm worried I don't know how to prepare adequately. Every GM I've ever played with had piles of notes-- what do I write out beforehand? Should I write out every encounter? A full script?
And what else do I need to know that I'm not even aware of?
if you've got some free cash, buy Hero Lab and make dudes to have ready
notecards are also awesome
just make sure you have an idea of how the storyline should go, and then you should be able to wing everything else pretty easily
Reynard wrote: (I hope this is the right forum for this.)
Contests. Open calls. Standard submissions (with or without query). On spec assignments. Taking writing resumes.
I started a thread under Paizo General about writing for PF, and the majority of the response pointed toward "write for a 3rd Party Publisher." Okay. I'll buy that.
So, who's hiring? I know many 3PPs are one-or-three man operations done as a labor of love, but some of you have to be open to submissions or be willing to give assignments. And I am certain that I am far from the only one on this board to be interested in such work.
So here's your chance. Let us know.
So who is this "us" you speak of?
Or is it the royal us?
Matt Stich wrote:
Not quite, as the flesh would disappear back to the plane it was summoned from If something summoned bled all over the floor and maybe sprayed acid or something would you as a GM claim that too disappeared?
I would claim anything severed or removed would stay behind, minus a beheading
or hell, maybe the thing blinks back to it's plain, fully healed, in an essentially new/healed body, and everything severed stays including a head
LizardMage wrote: So I'm thinking of making a Wizard whose long term goal is to make a race of creatures loyal to him. Problem is I'm not sure if I should go generalist or specialize. I've consider that Transmutation might be a good and thematic choice to for it, though when I want the race to have innate magic and a symbiotic hive mind.
Anyone have some thoughts on the matter or suggestions for the long term on this character concept?
Well, you could always cast Summon Monster spells and extract reproductive ummm... cells from them inside the duration of the spell and try to selectively breed them.
It would require possibly polymorph and such to get different genetics (make the argument that cells that are no longer connected to the main body of the summoned/polymorphed won't disappear/unmorph when the spells end)
ie: Dragons can take human form through polymorph and mate with humans to create half-dragons so it's basically the same kinda thing.

LilithsThrall wrote: This thread is meant to be a free flowing discussion of an alternative game setting other than Golarian. Just post what you'd like to see.
I'd like to see something that hasn't been done before. It should not resemble Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk or Dark Sun or Ravenloft or Eberron. It might be a totally sea based world (akin to Pirates of Dark Water). It might be a post apocalyptic world (akin too Shanarra). It might be Stone Age. It needs to be something new.
I'd like a world in which the gods aren't known to exist - a world in which either Clerics don't cast Divine Magic or there is some other explanation for Divine Magic (such as the community's pure faith). Also, any church can have priests of every alignment (even if, by 'every alignment', some alignments must be in hiding). So, you can have evil Cardinal Richelieu in a good church.
I'd like a world in which outsiders aren't strongly aligned, but are highly _alien_ in nature.
I want a world with few magic items, but magic items can gain power the longer you own them.
If you have the patience to wait a couple months, we'll have a lovely little world to play in
Aretas wrote: wraithstrike wrote: What are you specific problems?
How experienced is the group?
Can you give an example of a recent issue?
PS:You double posted so I flagged the other thread. That should drive everyone to this post once a Paizo official gets to it.
During battles. One time we went through 10 rounds in 2 hours! It was stupid. 3/5 players are very experienced. The rest are fairly experienced players. All the players know the basic rules. 1) Try to plan your turn when it's not your turn
2) Have attack and damage dice ready to be rolled
2b) If you have enough dice, roll attack and damage dice together
3) Spell cheat sheets are fantastical. instead of having to look up a different spell each time it's cast, just print them out on note cards or something
4) GMs: have your players ACs and Saves handy. If they trust you on your own rolls, you won't have to constantly keep asking what their AC and Saves are.
5) Have someone always keep track of initiative.
LORAYNE THORNHALLOW wrote: Howdy folks. got an interesting proposal from a friend of mine and i could use your advice on it.
My friend is having a bday party on sunday, and he is having a battle royale set within pathfinder. 8 of his friends, myself included, are meeting up and will be smashing each other for the entertainment of the crowds.
he gave us these guidelines.
20th level characters.
can only use pathfinder specific books for character creation
1mil gold pieces
roll up your stats.
so, usually i play the tank, but with this broad of criteria, i want to try something different but dont know the best way to build it. so id like to know through what combos would you be able to create a PC that can survive the longest against other PC's with the same available items.
off the top of my head
some sort of Barbarian and Sorc/Summoner Dragon Disciple build
or something unassuming like a Rogue or Monk focused on AC
deinol wrote: @Omelite - you are assuming the fighter spent a lot of resources on tripping optimization. I know my groups fighter doesn't. On the other hand, our fighter can stun or stagger almost anything on a crit, and gets 8 chances to crit on a full attack.
That's the thing about high levels. The differences between high defenses and weak points become extremely pronounced. If a party can hit a foes weak spot, whatever that be, they can handle things easily. If they can't find a weak spot, something lower CR than the party can be a challenge.
he did say TRIP fighter...
and more HORROR!!!!
Hell yea, the Sanctum CS adventure path is horror themed!
I'd give away more, but the imminent sample is FREEEEEEE
ulgulanoth wrote: they're a well optimised group but have no casters, all are melee types and use magic items to compensate ...how many?
ulgulanoth wrote: for a high level game (lv20s) i'm planning this to be the final encounter, but i'm wondering if its too powerful an encounter, being two CR21+ creatures as follows
** spoiler omitted **...
how many PCs... what are they?
DGRM44 wrote: Is it me or can Pathfinder players be a finnicky (even difficult) bunch to deal with? Sheesh! we're not difficult at all how dare you!!!!

Wolfsnap wrote: Last night I decided to do something different for the evening's encounter. It was a wilderness throw-down between the PCs and a gang of trolls. Instead of getting out the battlemat and the dry-erase markers, I instead reached for my Wargaming terrain - the grass mat, the miniature trees, the plastic hills, and so forth - and arranged the encounter that way, with no grid. Instead we used a tape measure for ranges and movement, with the standard 1" = 5' rule. Basically, we turned back the clock to before 3rd edition.
I've gotten so used to employing a grid for combat that it seemed like a really revolutionary idea at first, but then I remembered that this was the de-facto mode for RPG miniatures combat before grid mats became the standard. I guess I've gotten so used to the idea of employing a grid in the last decade or so that it felt very fresh and novel. This is probably because back in the early days I rarely used miniatures and most of the action was expressed narratively rather than on a miniatures mat.
At any rate, the experience was very organic and natural and I think I might prefer it to using a grid in the future - especially for outdoor or non-dungeon encounters where the landscape is supposed to be more natural and doesn't conform well to straight lines. Here's the analysis from my players:
- Easier time measuring ranges, more organic movement and use of space
- Easier to visualize the action, more representational
- Easier to establish flanking maneuvers
- Use of wargaming terrain makes the scene prettier and more compelling
- More difficult to figure out threatened areas
- More cleanup time putting away all the terrain (setup takes about as long as drawing the map on the grid)
- More stuff to lug to the game (this one from me)
- Possibility for partial inclusion in Area Effects needs some adjudication
Anyone else leave the grid behind when playing these days? I'd be interested to know if anyone else has traded their battlemat for a tape measure - or if any of us...
I use a 1 inch hex map... the only real difference it makes is that you can only be surrounded by 6 guys instead of 8... shrug
aside from that "problem" it's incredible
HowwwwL wrote: What are good classes to multi class with a Barbarian besides Oracle? I am looking for something unique to play as my next character. Sorc then Dragon Disciple
a level or Rogue or Vivisectionist (Alchemist) to add sneak attack is fun
its too bad you cant add Monk (ask your DM though... Rage Flurry is awesome
crystallos wrote: well in a few weeks time i need to get a 4th level character made. i got it in my head to play a dwarf druid. i know wildshape is a big deal and i intend to make use of it as needed but what i want to know is a level of figher worth it for the weapon/armor profeciencies(i want to wear stoneplate) or is the loss of the 1 level not worth it and should i just take a feat for armor proficiency? it's not even close to worth it in terms of cost/benefit, but if you'd want to do it flavorwise or don't care much for min/maxing and losing a caster level, i see no real reason not too
TriOmegaZero wrote: How is he not Wis focused with a 20 Wis? With my suggestion Guided will only give him a +1 to hit when he gets high enough. With yours he is behind by 4 points until Guided and always behind 4 points in damage. If he wants to focus on maneuvers alone then go Dex, but he's not ever going to do damage. my bad, i thought you were saying just go STR DEX... im tired
TriOmegaZero wrote: Hyperion-Sanctum wrote: you'll hit like crap until you can buy a Guided Weapon but after that, ew Or swap that Str and Dex and never need a Guided Weapon ever. Meanwhile, your lose nothing but dodge AC when caught flatfooted. well yea... but he said Wis focused
Threw up an image of some sketch art by the guy I've (hopefully) got to do our cover!
follow the blog and our twitter handle!
Ravingdork wrote: NEW FAQ UPDATES!!!
If I use Empower Spell on a spell that has a die roll with a numerical bonus (such as cure moderate wounds), does the feat affect the numerical bonus?
Yes. For example, if you empower cure moderate wounds, the +50% from the feat applies to the 2d8 and to the level-based bonus.
—Sean K Reynolds, yesterday
I am personally quite thrilled with the reversal of the old ruling (which stated unofficially, that the static modifiers were not included in the calculation). However, I am quite interested in hearing whether or not you believe this new, official FAQ entry is a good thing.
i always thought it should... I'm a fan
Hyperion-Sanctum wrote:
36 point buy? Good lord....
well, if non-core stuff is allowed, yes, Guided is amazing
Be a Dwarf, get a Guided Temple Sword, take Mobility, murder everything.
after Racial adj are applied, starting scores of:
STR 10
DEX 18
CON 16
WIS 20
further "optimization" allows for:
CON 18
you'll hit like crap until you can buy a Guided Weapon but after that, ew
Charisma wrote: I've been doing some research and I decided I wanted to try this new Qinggong archetype. Still doing a lot of reading but I wanted to see what more experienced players could pump out.
The rules:
36 point buy
Full BAB
Access to 3.5 material if needed. [Intuitive Strike seems like a good idea.]
Ability for some maneuvers would be great
If it matters, I am taking vow of chains. [DM is giving me +2 to damage and 2/ DR for them. Also said I would enchant them later on. *shrugs*]
Anything else just ask.
36 point buy? Good lord....
well, if non-core stuff is allowed, yes, Guided is amazing
Be a Dwarf, get a Guided Temple Sword, take Mobility, murder everything.
hunter1828 wrote: Scott Gable wrote: Sign me up, too! I'm there (Robert Thomson). A handful of others, as well. and a search from my laptop reveals your work info... nvm
hunter1828 wrote: Scott Gable wrote: Sign me up, too! I'm there (Robert Thomson). A handful of others, as well. Mind explaining what your pic is?
i searched on my phone and there are a lot of Robert Thomsons.
Or just circle me instead, Brent Stires
Wolfgang Baur wrote: Sure, sign me up. invites are closed again... i barely made it in
DGRM44 wrote: Cool. i dont mean to be an ass but its soooo open ended.
aside from the insane amount of customization of the sorcerer ie: spell selection, archtypes, bloodlines, feats, etc
those 2 characters probably don't serve the same role in the party
even my Monk help thread had over 1000k posts in it, the Monk is still useful if the party has the use for one
if the party doesn't need healing because potions are abundant, who needs a cleric when you can have fighters
stuff like that
DGRM44 wrote: Its subjective to each individuals own interpretation. Then your answer is a resounding YES
NECRO'D for a new set of requests