Hyperion-Sanctum |
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Hyperion-Sanctum wrote:LilithsThrall wrote:
And, now, having shown that you DON'T EVEN KNOW what a relevant comparison would look like between a Monk and another class, you have no basis to argue that monks are weak.
No no no, i dont know what a relevant comparison would look like that is acceptable to YOU.
You claim the Monk only has to worry about Dex and Wis. So make a Monk focused on Dex and Wis, fill out his skills as you see fit, and we'll see what he does
That's not how a relevant comparison is done. The way a relevant comparison is done is that you figure out a set of requirements and then you figure out how well the two options meet those requirements.
You keep showing over and over again that you can't identify what the requirements should even be. So, there's no basis for making any relevant comparison.
You can't even clarify what -you- think a relevant comparison should look like. You said to hit % and avg. damage, but when I asked if you think that that's the only thing that's relevant to a character in a campaign, you were unable to say "yes".
Because that isn't the only relevant thing.
But fine, lets do this.
Get your hit % at 50% or above
Stunning Fist DC at 50% or above
Post your stats
Post your AC
POst your CMB and CMD
Post your feats and tactics
The baseline is again, CR=CL