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![]() My party consists of 6 reasonably optimized PCs and I suspect the lone Wendigo will not offer much of a challenge to them once they are able to confront him (action economy...). What would be some nice, thematically fitting mooks that he could be surrounded with? About CR 9-12 would be best I think. ![]()
![]() PRD wrote: A shining child’s primary attack is a ray of searing light. This attack has a range of 120 feet and bypasses all damage reduction. And: Quote: Ranged searing ray +19 touch (10d6 fire) The bit about ignoring DR seems redundant to me: energy damage always ignores DR. Speculation on my part: Maybe the intention was for the ray to ignore fire resistance / immunity? EDIT: Also: This is one tough critter. ![]()
![]() It makes it hard to create memorable and balanced fights against the most important iconic "boss monsters" of the game, namely powerful undead, devils/demons and dragons. Take the demilich from bestiary 3, as it is presented in the paizo blog today. This guy will vary dramatically in difficulty depending on if the party contains a paladin or not. While it was always part of the game that certain party constellations were able to deal with certain foes more efficiently (clerics vs. undeads), I find it a bit much with the paladin, to be honest. Every dragon, evil outsider and undead which is a "boss type" monster (and thus will not likely be encountered in hordes or even pairs) effectively has a reduced CR (by 2 or so) if a Paladin is in the party. I do not like this. Smite evil is already awesome without "ignore any DR". "Ignore any DR" just gives GMs a headache. ![]()
![]() In my group I have an player who is a little frustrated about the damage output of his level 10 dwarven fighter. I warned him that his build as he planned it would be not optimal regarding damage dealt, but on the first few levels it was no big deal. But now he absolutely cannot compare to the damage that the smiting archerdin and the monk are doing. His stats are sth. like this (before items): STR 17
mag. equipment:
His feats include:
What could he do to deal meaningful damage? ![]()
![]() How could a wizard defend its (lets say extensive) lair vs. a party of greedy adventurers that teleport in, kill a bunch of his minions, take some of his stuff, teleport out again, repeat. The wizard has access to lvl 7 but not lvl 8 spells, so dimensional lock is out of the question (it covers a pretty small area, anyway). Even a mental warning would be nice. The alarm spell comes to mind, but I guess covering his lair with two dozen alarm spells is not really helping - he would want to know WHERE the adventurers have teleported in. ![]()
![]() Which laws exactly do the hellknight orders enforce? Do they have a Code of Law of their own (or diferent for each order)? Do they enforce the laws of Cheliax (supposedly remade by the ruling elite after House Thrune took over things)? Did Cheliax chose to adopt the laws of the hellknight orders? Or are there separate codes of law: hellknight law and chelish law? ![]()
![]() I built this character for a one-shot (module "Carrion Hill"). However, he is designed with further development in mind. NG Human Bbn1/Clr4 (Desna: travel and good) Stats (PB 20): STR 14 / +2
HP = 12 + 4d8 +5 (toughness) = 35 (thats the average, I will roll the dice) Fort + 5 (+1 magic)
BAB +4 Base Speed: 50 ft. Feats:
I will try to convince the GM to get my headband for half price (craft wondrous item), and buy some bane arrows vs. selected baddies (lycantrophes, undead etc.), a wand of cure light wounds and some scrolls with the remaining money. AC 19 / touch 12 / FF 17 Skills:
Concept: Traveling priest. He visits ustalavian towns and remote villages to heal and preach. I originally intended to take a level of Ftr, but a level of Bbn is really much better for my purposes. It does not 100% fit the character concept though... Suggestions? Critic? ![]()
![]() Its in bold on the back cover of "Lands of the Linnorm Kings". And, in todays Store Blog: Quote: Destiny has brought your characters through goblins, vikings, and the artic creatures of the far north. (emphasis mine) However, in the actual book (LotLK, that is), I could not find the term applied to either the culture or the people of the Linnorm Kingdoms. ![]()
![]() PRD wrote: The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Does that mean a medium sized rogue can't sneak say a rune giant for example (if he can't fly that is)? He might slash the Achilles tendon, but "vital spots" - thats more like liver, heart, throat etc, right? ![]()
![]() Humans and halflings do not have it. Pretty much everything else has. Animals have low light vision pretty universally, even if in reality some of them have actually pretty bad vision (for example snakes are nearly blind as far as I know). In the real world, the visual perception of a human is on the top end of the mammalian spectrum! Most of the more supernatural critters have darkvision. Giants. Magical Beasts. Dragons. Aberrations. All outsiders. Why is that? I would like it much more if darkvision was reserved for creatures where it really makes sense or is justified by their otherness or status in the game (underdark creatures, some outsiders, dragons, many aberrations), and otherwise either replaced by low light vision or (more commonly) just taken away. Its OK to give nocturnal predators like cats and owl low light vision, but it should really be removed from most other animals. I also do not see the need for most magical beasts, humanoids (with the exception of races from below like dwarves, orcs etc.) and giants to have darkvision. ![]()
![]() ...combined with ranged combat. Seriously. Our Paladin deals out absurdly high damage. We are currently level 9-10. We are at the point were a bad guy needs to have a lot more than 100 HP and AC in the 30s to be able to survive even the first round of combat. Recently the group (mostly lvl 9 at the time) faced off against a young green dragon (CR11). This should, on paper, be a challenging encounter, but the Paldin dealt out s.th. like 150 damage in one round (rapid shot + many shot, deadly aim + the works). Granted, he did have dragon bane arrows, but I think the dragon would have gone down even without them. I think any ability which lets you reliably instant-kill a dragon with CR 2 steps higher than your own level is probably overpowered. ![]()
![]() If an elf is reincarnated as a human exactly what racial traits will he lose / gain? Will he lose ALL elven racial traits (like special weapon profiencies, elven immunities, elven magic etc.) or only the ones directly tied to the body (low light vision) -? Will he get the human racial traits (extra feat / skill points)? ![]()
![]() I know that spells (for example buffs like enlarge person, bulls strength etc.) do not expire upon the casters death. What about dominate person / monster? If a vampire has dominated a player character and commanded it to kill its companions (to flee at full speed) and the rest of the party manages to slay the vampire - does the dominated character continue to fight (flee)? ![]()
![]() I recently reactivated my Campaign setting Subscription, after suspending it because of the upcoming Inner Sea setting book. I simply did not want to spend 25$ (or was it even more, like 40$? I cannot remember the exact amount) for shipping to Germany. As far as I know there are no new Hardcover books scheduled in this product line. Or are there? If yes, would it be possible to exclude them from the subscription somehow? I am sure I am not the only European who would welcome this option. ![]()
![]() My group heard of Kaer Maga and decided to visit this awesome location. We finished HMM at this point. I have several questions: It's deep winter. The group wants to travel from Turtleback Ferry to Kaer Maga. That shouldn`t be easy... I thought about throwing in a werewolf / worg attack in Ashwood. Any other, perhaps more creative, ideas? My main question however is what kind of information can be aquired from the library in the Therassic spire. Certainly information about the Runelords, the Sihedron rune, Sin Magic, the Fall of Thassilon. What about the Runeforge? The location of the Runeforge / Xin-Shalast? That information normally becomes available only much later in the AP. Do you think it would be very harmful to the campaign if the PCs aquired it at this point ( assuming good Knowledge rolls while studying the library)? Btw. what kind of bonus to the Knowledge rolls should the library grant? Would +5 or +10 be appropriate? What kind of entrance fee would you ask for the Therassic Spire in your campaign? ![]()
![]() I just bought Bestiary 2 print + pdf. I applied a promotional code to this order which gives me 10% discount, valid only until the end of January. I selected "ship with next subscription" during checkout, this will be on mid-february. Will the 10% discount still apply, or do I have to select "ship immediately" for this? ![]()
![]() I'm having some problems rationalizing the strategy of getting the help of a coven of hags to make it rain a lot and then damaging the dam at Skull's Crossing just to kill a couple hundred relatively helpless humans. This seems overly complicated and time consuming. I liked the strategy with the pleasure bark "Paradise" to subtly mark the population of Turtleback Ferry appropriate for strengthening Karzoug, but why don't the Kreegs just slaughter Turtleback Ferry with Fort Rannick destroyed? My players will certainly ask me this - what could I reasonably answer? ![]()
![]() I always, even back in 3E days, wondered about how new spells for divine casters that appear in non-core supplements are supposed to be introduced into the game. Do all divine casters add non-core divine spell XY to their spell list as soon as you decide that its allowed in your game? I think that this is how it works, because I cannot remember to have ever read any rule that describes how a divine caster can expand his spell list. However, it also means that as soon as you say for instance (as I have done): "All new options from the APG are allowed in our game", the divine casters immediately gain a lot of nifty new options whereas arcane casters still have to learn every single spell (and therefore forego a core spell they would/could have otherwise learned). This seems... problematic to me. How do you handle this? Is there any official ruling? ![]()
![]() Yesterday I gamemastered "The Hook Mountain Massacre" and stumbled over this particular topic (that is, map scales). In THMM the overland distance between Magnimar and Turtleback Ferry is given as 450 miles (the map of Varisia unfortunately has a scale bar without a legend). This is inconsistend with the "world map" (i. e. the one depicting Avistan and northern Garund that was published with the Gazetteer and the Golarion CS). Using its scale bar, the distance should be much less, more like ~200 miles. Ok, no big deal, things like that are unavoidable I guess. BUT: I think the scale on the world map is way too small. From eternal ice to steaming jungles in 1200 miles? Thats only from northern Norway to central Germany! Or from Anchorage to Vancouver or sth. It certainly makes Avistan very small, much much smaller than Europe (which I guess is in some ways a model for it, just as Africa is for Garund and Asia for Casmaron), and only about 1/4 as large as the U. S. Why is that? Why are the climate zones this close together? Is Golarion that much smaller than our earth? I certainly hope not, I think high fantasy deserves large distances, great wildernesses etc. Or is the scale on the map incorrect? ![]()
![]() I am currently DMing RotR and my group has just killed Aldern - next stop Magnimar. Unfortunately the group is only level 4-5 and will not hit level 6 before Xanesha (which will be very hard even for a level 6 group). Additionally I think Magnimar is a great location and "The Skinsaw Murders" does only very little with that. So my question: is there an published adventure set in Magnimar, ideally for level 4-6 characters? I could use that for getting the group to level 6 and also getting to know the city a little more in depth. ![]()
![]() Hello, there seems to be something wrong with my Pathfinder supscription. I haven`t yet received Pathfinder #36, I can't download the .pdf either. The Homepage of my subscription states: -------------------------- Ongoing Subscription Most recent volume:
Next volume:
----------------------------- It seems as if #36-#38 are missing from my subscription. How did this happen? Could you please add them again to the products scheduled for shipping (and also activate the download links to them on my subscription page?) Regards PS
![]() I don´t. I cannot put my finger on it exactly why.... It seems too strong - considering the progressive cost of magical enhancement boni and the fact that the Divine Bond enhancements STACK with them.... and are reconfigurable. Further, a Paladin player will not exactly rage upon finding say a Holy Avenger or another really cool weapon (+5 or higher total enhancement) - since it will actually hurt him because it is not as versatile for him than say a straight +4 weapon. If however the high-level Paladin happends to find a really REALLY cool weapon - say a minor artifact, that will be actually kind of bittersweet, since one of his best abilities (Divine Bond) is now pretty much useless. What do you think? ![]()
![]() My group will start RotR sometime soon, with me as the DM. One of the players has his mind set on playing an outcast necromancer (cleric) from the Shoanti-Skull tribe (yes, I know that they are undead HUNTERS, hence outcast). He plans to raise a small army of undead as his escort as soon as he has access to animate dead. His alignemt is somehing N though (CN I believe). He is/was quite ethusiastic about this concept. I got the impression that necromancy i.e. the creating of unded is considered evil by most folks in Golarion (and the spells DO have the evil describtor). That would seriously hinder group-NPC interaction or create the situation where the necromancer would have to hide his creations much of the time. Adding to that, some of the more hideous foes in the campaign are necromancers themselves. I fear that much of their psychological effect would be gone (think ogrekin mum), if the party traveled with a pack of undead themselves. Last but not least I think the other players would have a hard time explaining why their mostly good aligned characters would travel with a "defiler of the dead". Therefore I have disallowed this character choice. And now my bad conscience plagues me. Was my decision reasonable, what do you think? |