
Huppi's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

I'm also mostly lurking around.

Normally we're playing every Wednesday for about 4-6 hours. Every two or three months we're doing a special no-sleep-all-pen&paper weekend. that's fun!

Thanks for your input! Just changed it ;) I totally forgot about the feat;)

I know that you do not recalculate class hit dice, but would you still recalculate bonus hitpoints (from CON to CHA) or do they stay the same for the class levels prior turning into an undead creature and you'll apply CHA only to levels after turning?

Thanks in advance

Skerek wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Basic rule I follow is that the cap is +5/+5, +5 of enhancements and +5 of qualities.
But the rules don't outline a cap on the qualities, the only caps are that enhancement bonus cannot go higher than +5 and that the total of enhancement and qualities cannot exceed +10, so a +1 Dancing Vorpal Longsword is fine RAW

That sounds about right for me, too. I already knew about the +5 cap for enhancement, and the total cap of +10. But I just wasn't sure about it, as the Black Blade is kind of a special weapon, which gains power over time.

Thanks to all of you again!

Thanks for your thorough answer!

Hi there

I just have a quick question about the Black Blade class ability of the Bladebound Magus.

Can the Bladebound apply any weapon properties (keen, vorpal, ...) to his Black Blade as the arcane pool would allow him?

And in general, do these properties count against the +5 cap? I don't really think so, because you wouldn't be able to create a vorpal(+5) +1 weapon.

Nice evening to you!

Play a Hurler (Barbarian Archetype).

The archetype is not that good, and the barbarian isn't the best ranged fighter but it's just plain awesome!

We mostly listen to "Erdenstern".
Great music for a great ambiance. ;)

We're running a Pathfinder RPG in our DM's world.

Currently playing with
Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Inquisitor (Does s*loads of damage, I tell you)
Sniper (will multiclass into cavalier for story reasons)

Works out pretty damn well.


You can get a permanent version of magic fang cast on you.

GM throws us into a fight against a pretty badass big boss (level 13 fighter with a vorpal sword) and some minions. big boss and minions part undead, big boss also part black dragon. and large. and swinging a large broadsword I think.

We were level 6 at that time.

As the barbarian tank I stormed the front, taking most of the big bosses damage. He took around 1/3 of my overall hp (in rage) with one attack. And he hit on 17 upwards or so.

DM kinda planned for us to not beat the enemy (He was the evil leader of a pretty big spy network around our world, so he shouldn't die that easy).

But of course things did not progress as planned. In our 3rd or 4th round (I was still standing... What luck!) our inquisitor had finished his buffing, and started to attack.

Result: 2 confirmed crits. in one round. equaling to almost 150 points damage (and the big boss only had around 180 hp or so).

I, as the main damage dealer, did the enemy around 20hp damage, the inquisitor 7 times more. It just felt kinda wrong...

Although not what he planned, the GM of course went with the flow and presented us some awesome loot (I think our gold nearly trippled).

It was fun! And unexpected!

I had one of those too.

A friend of mine asked us if we wanted to play a game of "Savage Worlds" with him as DM. Of course we agreed. It was actually my very first contact with a pen & paper game, so I was rather exited.

I don't exactly remember the details anymore (such as class, level, e.t.c.). But basically I was a guy that could swing around really huge things because he had those like really really really strong arms. My other two co-players were gunslingers of sort. could shoot and hit very well.

In the second session we met an NPC, which travelled alongside our party for a while. He was pretty powerful, so we thought that he might prove useful.

We had to raid a bandit camp, as they apparently stole something very valuable from our employer. We stealthed our way in, and came out in the middle of the sleeping chamber of the evil bandit boss. GREAT! So now we could prepare a trap to capture her, and extort some information.

And that very much succeeded. We had her tied to the bed, and just as we started to talk to her, the powerful NPC drew his gun and tried to kill her! (That wasn't bad, he just had a different objective as we did).

But we weren't some coldhearted murderers, so of course we started to attack the NPC.

That battle was were it started to get really strange. We just couldn't seem to hit him, regardless of what we rolled. My co-players even scored a critical hit against the head of the NPC, but o wonder! He was wearing a metal helmet and so could not be hurt by normal bullets.

My character got pretty upset about that, and picked up an old gatling gun to use as a mace. I rolled critical, and hit him like really really really hard. But the DM's only response was: "You hear a loud clinggg, just as metal hits on metal". The NPC was wearing a plate armour as well under his clothes, and so my attack did not graze him either.

At that point we just decided that that was rather silly, and stopped playing any further sessions with that DM. I guess he had quite a DM complex.

Ouh... That one got longer that it supposed to get. Sorry.

Can't wait for the Barbarian's Archetypes :)

And btw - It seems like the Extra-Armor-Bonus (The one you can add to your armor on the Arms page) won't be taken over to the summary-page Page3.

Is that "Extra" field currently the only way to specify a magic armor/weapon?


And what about an Alchemist with the "Infusion"-Discovery?

As the "Alter Self" spell is on the alchemists formulae list, he should be able to create an extract. And with the Infusion-Discovery he can pass this extract to one of his party members.

And as to your original question...

An extract is “cast” by drinking it, as if imbibing a potion—the effects of an extract exactly duplicate the spell upon which its formula is based, save that the spell always affects only the drinking alchemist.


When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the humanoid type.

As you decide which form you'll take when you cast the spell, and casting the spell equals drinking the potion, I would assume that you can mix the extract, and just decide on your desired humanoid form when you're drinking it.

Should be legit, shouldn't it?


Another thing could be the Boots of Striding and Springing (Permanent +10 feet on base speed). But as you already possess the Boots of Speed...

Just take some levels in Monk (gets you approximately +10 feet per 3 levels)

Full Name

Raikou Akane




Sniper Rogue









Strength 12
Dexterity 18
Constitution 13
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14