
Huppi's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I know that you do not recalculate class hit dice, but would you still recalculate bonus hitpoints (from CON to CHA) or do they stay the same for the class levels prior turning into an undead creature and you'll apply CHA only to levels after turning?

Thanks in advance

Hi there

I just have a quick question about the Black Blade class ability of the Bladebound Magus.

Can the Bladebound apply any weapon properties (keen, vorpal, ...) to his Black Blade as the arcane pool would allow him?

And in general, do these properties count against the +5 cap? I don't really think so, because you wouldn't be able to create a vorpal(+5) +1 weapon.

Nice evening to you!