Cayden Cailean

HorusHanabi's page

Goblin Squad Member. 22 posts (181 including aliases). No reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

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265. The dead guy on the throne/beir/altar isn't dead. He's just waiting for you to get close.

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Tels wrote:
Anomander wrote:

what caius said.

If you want any sort of balance dont use rolled states, use point buy.

But even with all 18s in stats i too would like to know how he got 40+ in all stats.

18 (base)
+6 item
+5 book (or wishes)
+5 level
+2 race
= 36

and that is only to the best stat as he wont get race and level bonus to more than one, so the others really should be capped at 29.

Besides letting players get tons and tons of gold, presumably breaking wbl levels massively, will also make it increasingly hard to give challanging encounters, so my advice there is dont give the players too much gold or loot, and you will find the game not that broke.

Hmm, I must say, I find your taste in Avatars impeccable. Tis a handsome looking one, most definitely.

I find his taste in source material for names impeccable. Tis an excellent series, most definitely. Buttered Scone, anyone?

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I really like the CharacterFolio app from Dark Theatre LLC. It fills in a lot on it's own, like BAB and Init, and almost everything is in a drop down menu form. It has customizable equipment slots. Actually, everything is customizable, which is a good thing, since it has it's own issues like not recognizing that you have certain feats. As long as you know what should go in, say, AC, you can enter it.

I don't know if it's exportable or not. I would just fill out an old fashioned paper sheet for your DM and update it every time you level. The app is....$7, i think. Not a huge investment. I use it in the game I play in, my cousin uses it in the game I run and the other that we play in together. Another player in my campaign uses it, and yet another player in the other game uses it as well. Also....character portrait. Always nice!

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I don't ban it. In fact, everyone gets it, no feat needed. Actually taking the feat nets you a +2 to your leadership score. On the other hand, I don't allow automatic recruitment. Gaining followers is a roleplaying reward, and a cohort has to be actively, and specifically, sought out.

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I just wanted to post a quick thank you to Sara Marie (Customer Carebear!!) and the rest of Paizo's customer service. You guys are amazingly responsive, courteous, and helpful. Despite the slight hiccup with an order, once I made my query about it, it took a total of 15 min response time to clear it up. I don't know how much hassle you have to deal with as CS for Paizo, but you all do a great job, and probably don't get enough thanks for it. So, here you go. Thank you.

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Gorbacz wrote:
Trinam wrote:
ProfessorCirno wrote:
It would be like throwing on several feat chains built around neutralizing spellcasters with ease in Ultimate Magic. Which, you know, didn't happen.
Instead we just got Antagonize, which is lolarious against casters.

Actually, Antagonize could be a feat chain, that would go like this:

Mild Denigration
Improved Insult
Greater Insult

Hmmmm.... but I came here for an argument. Where's that in the feat chain?