Ajbal Kimon

Horef's page

48 posts. Alias of Avarus.

I am out tonight (work) but I will update tomorrow for battle (if it goes that route). Make sure you can logon roll20 at map link. If you are having issues put in discussion thread.

A battle between Orc and Man rages again today in the Holds of Belkzen. The battle has raged on for days outside in the fields North of the River Kestrel. Neither battlefronts truly gaining favor with the gods as losses began piling up on both sides.

The initial invasion had mounted one of the regions largest Orc tribes against what appeared as a small contingent of men in the open field of Ghostland Marsh. It however was something far more. It was an invasion force set to strike the heart of the Orc empire in Urgir. Now it had turned into a humanoid resistance including Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, and Elves camped in defense of a massive counter attack involving dozens of tribes of Orcs. These defenders fought back strongly at first then the tide of battle changed as the numbers of Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins overwhelmed the defenders. This would not be the whole story as again the tides of battle moved but not from the defensive front it was from the rear lines of the attackers. Suddenly tribe after tribe began fighting. Orcs would not rule the day.

The resistance realizing an opportunity to escape did just that. They pulled back across the conquered lands to the hilltop city of Tranau; sneaking away from the battle. No doubt preparing Tranau's defenses from any remaining Orcs.

Ever so slowly the tribes were leaving as they fell in number, strength and leadership. Pride and glory destroyed as any hope of victory over mankind was now gone. As the sun began to drop down from the sky calm set in. Endless bloodshed had left the fields covered mostly in Orc blood. Only one name remained... carried throughout the lands from his action, King Thuul of the Black Suns. Word had spread fast of Kruul the Kingmaker's mark again.

Knowledge (local) (history) check

As things slowly calm at the dawn of the day it can be noted that the fields are filled with the wounded and dead as well as the opportunists that live for these battles. The bodies picked by all things living and dead. Stragglers wonder about dazed, lost and/or dying from the aftermath.

The calm is lifted suddenly by yelling from the edge of the river. Covered in blood and torn clothing a massive half orc stands at the Southern edge of the river midst a slew of dead decaying bodies. He wields a giant metal flail that he raises above his head.


He looks around to see only a handful of capable fighting bodies. He begins gathering them to a central point. He is helped by others in the area. As they come near him in number he states,

"One and all we must reform. We must make something of ourselves. You are the left behind, the deserted, the lost and I am your founder. With me you are not weak, today we come together to form a new tribe under my rule."

He begins posturing around connecting with the listeners.

"Who are you? State your name! Will you become one of us... One of the founders of a new order?"

With each yes he moves about the crowd. As he does it is obvious to the onlookers that his friends move to protect him and honor his wishes. At his left touching his shoulder is a shocking sight, it is a female human with dyed green skin. On his right are a pair of similarly dressed hobgoblins. One is riding a dire wolf while the other sits on a small wooden cart led by a few mules.

The monstrously sized 1/2 Orc stands 6 and half feet tall and well over 250 pounds. His weapon nearly as big standing no less than 4 feet tall. He and his side kicks gather paper and pen upon a makeshift desk.

"Come forth and sign in, you will be rewarded."

I would like to create an alternate Giantslayer campaign. So I will DM a campaign from the minds of the enemy. The idea is to take 12 submissions to form a tribe. Missions will take 4-6 characters out at a time. There will be a fight for tribe leadership early.

I am taking submissions for this alternative game now. Start date will be March 1st, Sunday. I am not given much time to do this but I expect great submissions.

Character creation:
150 gold and 15 pt build. There will be NO arcane involvement so only classes or archetypes without arcane ability. Think of a life on the Belzen warfront for all entries.

I will only take characters races that are of orc, 1/2 orc, goblin, or hobgoblin flavor.

Submission requirements:

A clean profile that is easy to read.

A commitment to regular entry in blog even when not on mission.






Talk to me people.


It is dusk and jubilation fills the evening air in the normally staid town of Trunau, for it is the twelfth birthday of the Chief Defender’s youngest daughter, Ruby, and the townsfolk have been preparing all day for the ceremony and festivities to follow.

The people walk toward an open-air amphitheater which lies in the center of town. A throng of spectators has amassed at the amphitheater which is the center of tonight's festivities.

Tranau Citizens:

This area is known by the citizens as the Commons. It hosts militia training, school lessons, important ceremonies, and other festivities.

You gather inside the stone floored area and move toward a raised stage at its southwest end. You stand here and wait with all the others...

Six Selected Members Check in Today:

Agon - Warpriest

Gavei - Ranger

Edmund - Rogue

Kametree - Cleric

Herri - Fighter

Linedassa - Druid

A place to talk about items not yet discussed elsewhere.

Greeted by a welcoming committee each and every person coming to the city is being settled in at the town Tavern. The Tavern owner himself greets you.

"The city of Trunau welcomes you. Although it is a most dangerous place, come in, sit for a spell, and talk of the days ahead. There are many others to share your time with as we wait for supplies. "

The Giantslayer Adventure Path begins! In the human town of Trunau, a beleaguered settlement surrounded by the brutal orcs of the Hold of Belkzen, the heroes must investigate a mysterious death. Before they uncover the truth, however, Trunau comes under attack by an orc army, and the heroes must help defend it—only to discover that the situation is worse than anyone realizes. For even the fearsome orc raid is just a distraction allowing a giant chieftain to recover the relics of an ancient giant hero from a tomb long forgotten beneath the town.

I will be starting this adventure as soon as the books come in somewhere around the end of this month, February 2015. So come in create a character based on these rules and let’s see who makes the cut. If you are interested please submit. Combat maps and chat will be on roll20.

Starting Level: 1st level

Stats: 15 Point Buy. I want to make the PC’s rely on each other to succeed, as well as keep the game as balanced as possible.
Alignment: I am going to be allowing any alignment here; however, expect your actions to have consequences.

HP: Max for 1st level; after that, you can either roll upon leveling up or take the average.

Classes: All classes will be accepted, but there are a few I dislike such as the Gunslinger and Occult classes.

Races: All races will be accepted for consideration but party and game balance remain a key concern. If you choose to play something monstrous, like a goblin, explain why you are tolerated in civilized lands.

Drawbacks: I will be allowing Drawbacks.

Traits: Two, one being a campaign trait. So with a drawback you have potential for three traits. Campaign traits can be in the players guide.
Wealth: Max starting wealth.

Submitting a Character:
Create an alias and include relevant information in its profile. I’m going to be asking that character submissions follow this format, stolen from Jelani. You don’t have to follow that exactly; as long as it’s easy to read and the information is all there.
Be sure to include the following in your profile, preferably at the bottom and in spoilers:

Description - Please provide a description of your character as if someone were seeing them for the first time. If you have a picture reference, please include it.

Personality - Self explanatory I hope, but refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.

Background - Your character is not a hero of great renown, at least not yet. Feel free to go as in depth as you'd like on this section, but keep in mind that you are level one, and while above the cut of your average soldier or town guard, you haven't done any great wonders yet. If you have knowledge of the campaign, I invite you to have your character be FROM Trunau or the the Holds of Belkzen themselves, and you can incorporate some tidbits of this knowledge in your background. However, I do ask that you do your best not to use out of game knowledge to drive character actions. If I suspect any metagaming to be taking place, I will put an end to it in my own, most likely harsh, means. Also, if you go this route, I expect you to include at least 1 rank in Knowledge (Local) in your character to represent this added insight. In this section, include why and how you came to Trunau.

Your characters will be able to interact prior to game start in the Gameplay Thread, partly as a way to have fun and pass the time, partly to let you display your character’s personalities. Participation in this pre-game banter in no way will impact your eligibility or likelihood of acceptance. It is not a requirement, and the person with the highest post count has equal chance of acceptance to the game as someone who does not take part. The pre-game RP will be taking place wholly within the guildhall, as described in the thread. Feel free to take some liberties with NPC’s of your own design, but do not expect any responses from me in that thread, as it is purely there to provide the applicants with a venue to entertain themselves while the recruitment process is under way.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Recruitment will be open until February 28th, and I will post my decisions by Noon CST on the 1st of March.

Pathfinder Online Land Rush is here.

Fellow Texans, the time is here to join a clan close to your physical home. If you like to know the people you are playing with and live in the Austin area I have the Chartered Company for you.

Mastodon Marauders

We are a tribe hailing from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. The tribe escaped the Worldwound aftermath and has traveled south in an effort to rebuild its numbers.

The current leader of the tribe is Avarus. Leadership of the tribe is based on acts of great courage, strength, and guile.

The North is a cold and harsh land with harsh people capable of withstanding its elements. If you feel up to the test join our tribe, help develop our ways in the South, and help us conquer the weak Southernors that stand in our way.

The Mastodon Marauders are like many tribes in the North and relay on growth through a continuous influx of members from other entities. This growth will develop our tribe as we see additions of 1, 2, or even as many as 10 from other organizations. Strength is power!

PS: Also looking for a web master for those interested. Job for the talented web site builder willing to do it for prowess.


Chartered Company: Mastodon Marauders

Role - Northern Tribe (Southern Development)
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
Motto: War is not about who is right, it is about who is left!

Focus: Growth and longterm development through combined effort in PVE & PVP

Settlement: (looking for members or other companies to bind our power as one tribe) (STRENGTH IN NUMBERS) Settlement name identified only by Company for the Land Rush.

Join our cause in Pathfinder online:


The North is a cold and harsh land with harsh people capable of withstanding its elements. If you feel up to the test join our tribe, help develop our culture in the South, and help us conquer the weak Southernors who stand in our way.