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Zepheri wrote:

0 always received madness even if you pass the will save, 1 can give you madness only if you don't pass the will or if you pass the will the damage still give you at least 1 point

Thanks Zepheri, that make sense now.

Zepheri wrote:
HolyEagle wrote:
Darkin wrote:
Berti Blackfoot wrote:

The switch them when taking damage is easy for a computer but staying the same seems easier for pen and paper, which is why I got confused about the intent. Then it would only change if you get a buff, like a new headband, which would be rarer.

i was thinking of just making the user choose in a dropdown, and put the onus on the GM :) but then i could calculate everything else.

I tweeted Wes, maybe he'll pity us and answer.

The way it specifically states to include any ability drain or damage, but does not state anything regarding enhancements, i believe the intent here is that buffs do not help, but penalties hurt.

Any reply to the above post? Our GM wants to impose this rule to our campaign and I have raised the same question. Isn't there be more logical to have some difference between threshold of 0 and 1? Right now, with the minimal Sanity Damage of 1, characters with Sanity threshold of both 0 and 1 will get a madness. Regardless the rules said "If your sanity threshold is 0, you always suffer a madness upon taking 1 or more points of sanity damage.", sanity threshold of 1 will always suffer a madness too. Sounds unfair and illogical to me.

Please help out.

Simple solution all sanity damage always going to do at least 1 point of damage and the rule say if the sanity damage is equal or greater than your sanity thresholds you will receive a madness based in the sanity edge; unless you pass a will save that reduce the sanity damage down to 0

That means accepting Santity threshold 0 and 1 are the same? Or shall the character suffer a madness only when Sanity damage exceed Sanity threshold but not equals to?

Darkin wrote:
Berti Blackfoot wrote:

The switch them when taking damage is easy for a computer but staying the same seems easier for pen and paper, which is why I got confused about the intent. Then it would only change if you get a buff, like a new headband, which would be rarer.

i was thinking of just making the user choose in a dropdown, and put the onus on the GM :) but then i could calculate everything else.

I tweeted Wes, maybe he'll pity us and answer.

The way it specifically states to include any ability drain or damage, but does not state anything regarding enhancements, i believe the intent here is that buffs do not help, but penalties hurt.

Any reply to the above post? Our GM wants to impose this rule to our campaign and I have raised the same question. Isn't there be more logical to have some difference between threshold of 0 and 1? Right now, with the minimal Sanity Damage of 1, characters with Sanity threshold of both 0 and 1 will get a madness. Regardless the rules said "If your sanity threshold is 0, you always suffer a madness upon taking 1 or more points of sanity damage.", sanity threshold of 1 will always suffer a madness too. Sounds unfair and illogical to me.

Please help out.