Ghlaunder (Symbol)

Holan-Ji's Dragonfly's page

12 posts. Alias of Nomadical.


Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

"Hey, you kids, get outta here! There's a monster on the loose," Holan-Ji calls to the kids that distracted him and let Vilk get past. Once he's gotten their attention, he shifts into dragonfly form. "No werewolves here, just giant bugs!" he says with a laugh as he launches himself in pursuit of Vilk. With a little altitude, he spots the route that the cursed Pathfinder took and tries to sneak along behind him.

Stealth : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Standard to shift. Move to attempt the Stealth card. Fly speed of 60. 

About how long in game time is each Turn taking? He could boost his Dex with a Swift action, but only for 8 minutes for the whole day (useable in 1-minute increments.)

Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none
Effie Gee wrote:
"Holan-ji! Can you lift her away to safety?"

Maybe...? Move speed of 60, but I don't have any Flyby related feats. So I think I can move to her and grab her for sure. Strength of 20 I can likely lift her away, but I think it would take two turns.  Dang, if only there was a system with a 3-action economy....

Or I Move and shift to Tiger as a Free action and attack and/or Grab the dogs

Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

Sorry if this messes with the story/plot flow, but I kinda gotta... 

"Oh no ya' don't," Holan-Ji growl/mumbles rhetorically to the fleeing form as it disappears through the skylight.

"I just gotta keep him from killin' the judge until you all can catch up," he then says over his shoulder as his body shifts and changes. Two pair of long and spindly legs grow from his torso while gossamer wings of gold and red spread from his shoulder blades and begin fluttering with a deep bass hum.

He launches himself up from the street and zips straight over the wall and to the roof. Spying the open skylight, he rolls into an immelmann turn and dives through the skylight in hot pursuit.

Standard Action to shift and also move with Shifter's Rush, then a second Move action. Speed in Dragonfly form is 60, and has darkvision.

Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

Holan-Ji wheels around in the sky after scattering the bomber formation and sees Riko pop away from her ally, leaving the distracted man all alone. It looks like a perfect opportunity to get back into the fight, and he doesn't hesitate.

I know Z was right, but I just can't leave 'em like this. If I drop, I drop. But I'll meet the Tiger having done everything I can.

He flies right at the remaining guard and dips under any attack at the last second,
Acrobatics, Tiger aspect : 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 7 + 1 = 27
 Not sure if that was even needed given the Fascinated condition, but a raging giant dragonfly coming straight at you probably counts as a hostile act. And he's been stabbed enough today that even he knows the value of caution at times.

popping back up to bite the aasimar in the neck!

Bite, IC, Rage : 1d20 + 12 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 12 + 1 + 2 = 35
damage, IC, Zith, Weapon song, Rage : 2d6 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 4) + 8 + 1 + 2 + (2) + 3 = 25

Confirm? Bite, IC, Rage : 1d20 + 12 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 12 + 1 + 2 = 35
damage, IC, Zith, Weapon song, Rage : 2d6 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 2) + 8 + 1 + 2 + (3) + 3 = 20

Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

I think Holan-Ji isn't disabled again, cause he's still running on rage temporary hp. He went to 0, raged for +12, got healed for +13, then damaged for -13. As long as he continues raging (3 more rounds after this one) he'll be good, then drop out of rage to disabled.

"NOOOO!!!" Holan-Ji yealls in a buzzing roar when Hep get's stabbed just like he did. But he knows he can't help her directly without getting himself killed, too. It's up to Z and the girls now.

He let's Hep's song fill his soul with anger and fire as he turns towards the flying aasimars overhead and zooms straight up into the formation, slamming into them and tearing into the first one he gets to.

Bite, IC, rage : 1d20 + 12 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 12 + 1 + 3 = 30
Damage, magic, IC, rage, weapon song (flaming) : 2d6 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (2, 3) + 8 + 1 + 3 + (5) = 22

Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

Someone across the table yells, "Tumble, you stupid Tiger! 

I wasn't sure if it was allowed to combine that with Withdrawing. But rereading both, except for the change in speed, I don't see why not. 

Slight edit, if GM allows: Swift Action to use Minor Aspect (Tiger) granting +1 Dex for 1 minute, then Withdraw while tumvbling to avoid AO from Blue and Green in the 2nd square of movement.

Acro to Tumble vs Blue, Minor Aspect : 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 1 = 14
Acro to Tumble vs Green, Minor Aspect : 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 1 = 9

 Ah, well. It was worth a shot at least.

AC 19 = 20 -2 rage +1 Tiger 

Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

Even enraged, Holan-Ji is well aware of the dire situation he's in. And that he's gotta get out of the fight. Now.

He feels bad that he's leaving everyone to these three, and that he really screwed this fight up. Jobu had to save him, Zith was right (as always), and Hep's caring words make him feel really really bad. But maybe he can still help.

Seeing the fliers above, he decides that maybe he should go help deal with them. Assuming he can get away.

Withdraw. Again. Straight away from the two. At least Riko won't get an AO. If he survives, he'll attack the fliers next round.

 Sorry to keep y'all waiting.

Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

@GM: I'm kind of waiting to see if Hep starts her ragesong, but while I wait, can I get a clarification on the mechanics of the "aerial bombardment?" Is this something that HJ could do anything about in his flying form? Is there actual combat involved, since I don't see an opponent listed? Is it just "he harasses the enemy forces with a ____ skill check (or not) and they don't do their thing."

Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

<"Oof, that the best you got?>" Holan-Ji taunts the two guards as the first squirms in his grasp and the second makes a gash in his side.

"<Oooh, oww. Yeah, he's pretty much always right,>" the dragonfly responds in Tien to keep Zithembe from hearing him admit it.

Yeah, that was kinda stupid.

{Stupid? You call that stupid? How about moroonic? Or imbicilic? You like that better? What were you thinking, that you're invincible?} The buzzing voice in his head stops as if waiting for a reply but doesn't really give Holan-Ji time to formulate a suitable comeback. {You got a plan, "smart" guy?} she asks.

Shut up. Yer pi$$in' me off. Ooh, hey, yeah, that's a plan. Get Angry.

{You call that a p....} the voice cuts out as the dragonfly "SKREEESSSS" in the face of the grappled guard. His multifaceted eyes glow with a hint of hellfire. {Oh, yes. Good plan. I approve. Now be smart, and fly away!}

Holan-Ji does just that, withdrawing as quickly as he can away from the three spear-wielders and back towards the clearly much wiser and smarter members of his team. He alights next to Jobu and sheepishly asks for a little healin' help.

Free action Rage adds 12 hp, Free action release grapple. Withdraw due East first then NE. Blue gets an AO if he also has a reach weapon.

Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

"They are a little far, ain't they," Holan-Ji nods at Hep's observation. "And ya' say they can fly, huh. Well, let's kill two flyin' birds with one rock... I didn't get that right, did I?" he laughs at his mistake as he starts moving. His body changes as he does, his shoulder blades becoming orange iridescent wings as he launches himself into the air and tearing straight towards the closest enemy.

Dragonfly bite, Charge, IC, NL : 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 12 + 2 + 1 - 4 = 19
damage, IC, PBS, magic/cold iron/silver : 2d6 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2) + 8 + 1 = 13

Grab, charge, IC : 1d20 + 17 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 17 + 2 + 1 = 27

Double-speed charge with Shifter's Rush to shift as free action, 60' fly speed, Grab as free.

Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

I do apologize, the question about Medium's riding him was meant to be in jest. Sorry to make y'all look stuff up.

Effie Gee wrote:

I will refrain from commenting about Hep riding Holan-ji.


Oh, don't think my mind didn't go there, though it certainly involves spanking and reducing encumbrance by shedding gear, clothes, etc....

Effie Gee wrote:
Actually though, Effie did just swear service to a god of the air who takes delight in his followers flying, so she'll maybe look for ways to make herself Small sized. She's got a 50/50 chance to UMD a scroll of Alter Self, but potions of Reduce Person won't work on her (native outsider).

Reduce Person would work on Hep, though....

Grand Lodge

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

So as a medium "giant" dragonfly with a Strength of 20, he could easily carry a small or tiny creature, right? Jobu or Cherry Blossom Tender want to go for a ride? Could he carry a medium creature? Flying archers/gunslingers?

And, no there's no dragonfly avatar. The wasp was the closest flying-bug-thing I could find.