The Fifth Archdaemon

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht*'s page

802 posts. Alias of Endoralis.

Previously our group had been met with turmoil. Our first GM, Wrath had met with some complications and was kind enough to recruit a GM for us. The New GM showed promise and enthusiasm but has thus far done nothing or disappeared. We checked just to make sure. As such We are making a call out to You pleasant Game Mastery Programs to assume total control and run these players through the simulation.

This is the game if you are interested.

Our group currently includes

A Kellid Barbarian who disapproves of Technology
A Android Cleric who, hiding her identity, seems to be exhibiting changes in programming.
A Catfolk Hunter... in every sense of the word.
A Halfling/Aasimar Techslinger Extraordinaire

The last member is.. something special though I myself am not fully in the know, it promises to be interesting.

Please note interest here if possible.

Silver Crusade

I haven't gotten a definite answer but Im curious, does the Fast healer feat apply to every tick of Judgement when used for healing (Considering it is SU) or once? If an Inquisitor switched his judgement every other round would it be considered a new application? Im leaning toward magical forms of healing period having the feat applied every time ( Considering its half Con which even with mass amounts of optimization is at most +5 a round)as opposed to one a spell or effect. What are your interpretations?

Silver Crusade

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So after one PFS game where I played my Psuedo-Spellslinger Granz Vantel; one of my very good friends ( Adastragames ) commented on how powerful said character was and that it was such power that would cause issues for other people's fun. I of course retorted that I liked my characters being created to be good at what they do, not some mockery, and also commented that I enjoy the character regardless of the classes power ( Though I willingly make the choice not to play fullcasters for example ). This sparked a challenge he set the parameters and I took it on.

Effectively The character must have the stat-line of 13,14,13,13,13,13 take only 1 level of any class and include 3 levels of fullcaster with 3 different Stat dependencies. Nodding to the challenge it quickly became its own character. Currently in PFS I had not yet created a Lawful Good Character. So my Gut reaction was of course to Go Paladin.Also I picked Human and put that +2 into Str.

The way I have him function is thus - He has no real recollections of how or why he was at the Pathfinder Society and remembers only faint images and stories.. but is stalwart in a few things... in that he is a force of good... and that he worships Iomadae.. And that Andoran is important to him for some reason. Effectively I turned him into some sort of Divine warrior of Justice who gained more of his memory and skills back as he leveled.

For those who actually read that, I applaud, if Not thats fine to. So here comes the Build


1 Paladin
2 Unbreakable Fighter
3 Cleric ( Honor & Tactics Domain )
4 Spellbreaker Inquistor ( Possibly taking Justice Inquistion)
5 Ranger ( Possibly Guide, If Not take FE Undead)
6 Cavalier ( Dragon; Possibly Honor Guard )
7 Knight of Ozem
8 Golden Legionnaire ( Putting Bonus Either to Charms and Compulsions or Against Evil outsiders/Undead )
9 Life/Battle/Ancestor Oracle
10 Cross-Blooded Sage/Imperious Sorc
11 ???
12 ???


1 Power Attack, Fey Foundling
2 Endurance, Diehard
3 Fast Healer
5 Judgement Surge
6 Outflank
7 ???
9 Extra Revelation (Life Link if Life oracle)
11 ???

So at this point Im just not sure what else to take that last Playable level in, or if I should change the sorcerer level out for Witch or Wizard And on the missing feat choices... So I ask... What are the last to classes This character should take based on his concept? I have mused over Holy Vindicator or Horizon Walker a few times as well

Another note that might help, This character is supposed to be along in a group with A Gnome Bard/ Paladin or Sarenrae who Dervish Dances and has Hospitalier and A halfing Lore Oracle/ Sacred Shield of Erastil who uses Aid another on...alot of things.

Silver Crusade

After browsing one of my many character concepts, I thought upon my Dragoon/Sohei trying to figure out what could make a suitable mount that was also not useless and fit the theme... Which brought about Tyrannosaurus (Sylvan Eldritch Heritage FTW). The problem is that I have a couple of Questions..Good ones too (Assume Int of 3 )

1. Can It take Improved Unarmed Strike?
2. Can It Take the Accompanying Dragon Style feats?
3. If it puts on a Monk's Robe What is its Unarmed Damage? (I'm thinking 2d6 as it will be large by then)
4. Does Unarmed Strike now count as Manufactured and therefore use Iteneratives?
5. If So, Does A T-Rex get a full attack and 2 bites due to multi-attack?
6. Do these Bites do 1/2 str or 2x str due to T-Rex's SP ability?

And Now if My Dragoon/Sohei jumps in

7. If I flurry With My Spear and Burn a ki point to gain another attack, Does the T-rex?
8. If I or an ally cast Strong Jaw on the T-rex does both its Unarmed damage and natural attacks Improved on Just natural attacks?

Silver Crusade

Is it possible for a creature that has a bite attack but has two poisons for the victim to suffer from both

Ex. Lizardfolk Synthesist with the Serpentine Bloodline Power and Poison Evolution Bites you...Do you take one poison or both and if so do you chose which one goes in what order?

Silver Crusade

So I was coming up with Ideas in the ol' noodle and created a wonderful character

His name is Edin (Rattlesnake) Granz, Half-elf...with the More Well known Alias "Tricky Viper" (Who is his Eidolon)

So far The build seems to Be 7 sythesist/ 5 Mysterious Stranger (Since Spellslinger is out..awww)Granting him 3rd level Summoner Spells, 6HD eidolon (11 Evo points), SM4 SLA, 2 deeds, all martial weapons and Firearms, Cha for Grit (And damage with Deed), Nice saves across the board, Ok Skills and HD, and some utility...oh 10 Bab (11 when Fused)

My question is more, how I should handle the feats to reflect his Ophidian Heritage while still accomplishing my Multi-gunner with melee capability... it seems Weapon Finesse is a must...

Also this guy will have 4 arms..if that helps (the two extra are flavored to be snake heads)

Any Help or Suggestions on the build would be nice

Silver Crusade

Suffice to say...due to some MAJOR ....fecal matter.. my character died, (This character actually saved to party from a TPK) and I'd like to play him...Again, With the Same name and everything, is it possible just to Wipe his slate clean and start anew? Or is that too hard to Do in PFS? Btw yes he was Lv 1 and died on the Mission that SHOULD HAVE leveled him...ugh I'm gonna have to teir up alot eitherway..

Silver Crusade

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Can you technically use the Arcane Pool Magus Ability to enhance A Natural Weapon, Say A claw or Bite?

Silver Crusade

So i thought of a character that uses a scythe..simple huh? Well the Scythe has a Spiked chain attached to it, Here is where the question arises, If I wanted to swing with the chain and have the Scythe at the end would I need just proficiency in both, would I need proficiency in the unique weapon or would I simple just need catch-off guard... Assuming this weapon could even be made.

I needed to ask becuase my smart fighter ( who will also make STR fighters cry) would very much use a weapon in a way such as this.

Just some food for thought The Character is for PFS and is a Weapon Master5/Guide2/Student of War 5

Silver Crusade

From the Title You can probably guess what I am referring to, If not then I shall sate it clearly, I am trying to figure out how to create Gurren Lagann Least JUST Gurren Lagann as the rest are much harder.

I have come to a conclusion that the Closet I can get so far is to have one Synthesist be Lagann ( Med Size Biped, High Ride Check) and Gattai (That's Combine Kiddies) with Another Synthesist Gurren ( Huge Size Biped) The Helmet of course (And The Epic Volcano Explosion) would be either an Image spell or Hallcionary terrain or some other spell. Giga Drill Breaker Will be A Bite Attack that has Improve Natural Attack and Evolution to boost natural attacks, Huge Size and Iron Maw spell and Maybe Vital Strike or the Deadly Stroke Combo coupled with perhaps Hold Monster, Web or Black Tentacles.

What to make the Glasses of Win out of Im not sure.

So I ask you fine people, HOW do we make Gurren Lagann as close as possible within the rules?

Silver Crusade

Hello once again Paizoins Master Endo here with a most troubling question. In my pursuit to make a Monk build for another Thread (You know which one) I have come to the conclusion that Bracers of Armor are Dull and limited in what they can do for no particular reason. Then it came to Me, Why can't one just purchase a Set of Robes or Shirt, or Existing attire and simply have it enchanted with armor properties?

And if this is possible why even put the restriction on Bracers of armor to not be able to have flat gold bonuses added to them?

Thanks for the Replies, I will be looking forward to them

Silver Crusade

In a build for my Synthesist/ EK (That utilized Arcane Bond)I have stumbled upon something.

Heirloom weapon makes you proficient with that one weapon, and the transformative property turns the weapon to any other weapon with the same handedness. Basically I planned on Taking an Elven Curve Blade, making it my arcane bond, giving it the Transformative property and switching it to a quarterstaff/ two bladed sword or any other double weapon when I want to cast and if I need some time summon monsters with my spell-like.

The Question is, are you still proficient with your heirloom weapon if it is transformed into something else?

Silver Crusade

Once Again, Endo here to rock you wonderful people with another Character concept. After reading the Ulti-Magic Book (Like 1 hour ago) I have thought up A possible Synthesis/ EK build utilizing Alot of the new stuff in the book

So, Lets go with Half-Elf 20 pt buy. A 5, 10, 15, or 20 level build would be nice to see, as well as utilization of the Eldritch Heritage feats (They are nice)if possible.

Love to see what the Paizoians come up with

Silver Crusade

Hello there Paizo Board I would Just like to ask for some suggestions or assistance (Whichever you prefer to give) on my Ranger/ Cleric Build

Basically the concept is a Litoran (Yes Lion-people) Ranger/ Cleric of Malethar (Litoran Deity of Strength , Honor, Law, and Protection) who is a Meleer/Scout/Healer type. Our campaign is set in the world of Ptolus (Get Ptoulus Players Guide for info) Which basically means alot of dungeon delving and political intrigue...and taxes lots of taxes.

So let me give you the details...

First The Race;


+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence: Litorians are strong and fast, but find certain concepts difficult to grasp.

Fast Speed: Litorian legs are built like that of a big cat, granting them a base speed of 40 feet.

Senses: Litorians have Low-Light Vision.

Skilled: Litorians have a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception and Survival checks

Scent: Litorians can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. These ranges are increased with more potent scents. When a litorian detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed--only its presence somewhere within range. Litorians can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. When a litorian is within 5 feet of the source, they are able to pinpoint the source's location.

Natural Bite: Litorians possess a bite natural attack that inflicts 1d6 points of damage on a hit. This is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if the Litorian wields a manufactured weapon.

Languages: Litorians begin play speaking Common and Litorian. Litorians with high Intelligence scores can choose any language as a bonus language.

Rolls(Using a roll style of 3d9 whose avg is about ..15?);


(The rest of the group is just as powerful but barely lives almost every session...well INDIVIDUAL people die to say the least)

Starting at 6th level my char is 2 ranger/4 cleric I'm not really too worried about spells (Likes to be useful in Antimagic fields) and the GM plans to go all the way to 20 (Yay!) So my build so far is looking like this

Ja'far Grimmane
Litoran Ranger (Guide) 2/ Cleric 4 (Honor and Ferocity Domains)

HP: 74 (3d8+2d10+38+4)

18 Str
13 Dex
20 Con
14 Int
18 Wis
16 Cha

AC: 21 (When attacking 19)
Touch: 12
Flat: 20

Feats(In order of acquisition):
Extra Channel
Selective Channel
Aspect of the Beast (Wild Instincts)<--- Ranger Bonus
Power Attack

Traits (allowed 3):
Heirloom Weapon (Bec de Corbin)
Exalted of the Society
Magical Knack (Cleric)

Positive Channel 9/dy [2d6]

So basically I plan on going about 4 levels in guide Ranger to get Favored Terrain and Terrain Focus instead of Hunters bond (Group already has 5-7 people no point bring an animal companion) Then Go Horizon Walker for 3-6 levels and then the rest cleric (Not exactly in that order) I do plan to take Diehard as well at 7 As While I generally don't play prepared casters a cleric needs to be up to keep others alive (Also fits the proud character)

Party composition is LN Aasamir Cleric of Ragnathol (Negative Energy Smite --- I have to kinda replace him, though if he comes back yay!)going Holy Vindicator; N Drow Bard/Caviler/ BattleHerald; CN Kobold Red Dragon Sorc/Dragon Disciple ( much Fire); CN Human Investigator Rouge; N Dhampir Gunslinger; LN Sylph Magus (He's the tank.. I'm helping him with that)

So Yeah throw some suggestions out there for this please (Like rather or not I should take more than 3 levels of Horizon Walker and such)

Silver Crusade

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Hello Paizo Board, Me again, This time not expressing how fun Summoners are for Poke'mon concepts

It seems no one has questioned it becuase of the whole Chill touch only getting one attack per round thing, but what if you put it inside a weapon. I plan on making a +1 Bill of Spell Storing Evil Outsider Bane (+3 item) that might have the Chill Touch spell imbued into it. Would this mean, on a successful attack that The spell goes off, touches the creature I just hit with and maintain until I use all of the touches I have per level ( Currently Lv 8 ) as long as the Weapon does not cast another spell? or does all the touches just funnel into that one creature? Another Question is what happens when You empower this particular spell?

It seems to me I might have created a similar effect to the Duskblade arcane channeling effect on a a degree...

Silver Crusade

Well I'm currently playing a summoner and he's entirely based on concept. While I will tell you that the stats were rolled differently the concept wouldn't have changed much (We do 4d6 keep all, I had terrible luck sometime and roll two below avg scores). Basically when I first saw the Summoner Class I thought..."Hey , You know what would be fun to play...A Poke'mon Trainer" and the concept erupted from there. Currently I'm going with my "Poke'mon" being a Lucario and thus (Since we are starting at 1st Level) I tried to pick things that could be as close to a Lucario as possible.

I shall give the numbers now for those who want it. Note the Feat Weapon Finesse is Free

My Elf Summoner (I need the skill points and it was more concept)


Str 11 AC 18-19
Dex 22
Con 12
Int 18
Wis 10
Cha 17

Wields a Rapier and Longbow at a +6 to hit as well as a buckler and leather armor just in case. He's mostly a craftsman.

Feats - Spell Focus (Conjuration)

Spells - Mage Armor and Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser

My Eidolon "Poke'mon" Lucario


Base Form -Bipedal

Str 16 AC 15-19
Dex 12
Con 13
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11

Attacks 1 slam at +4, 2 claws at +4 2d6+3/1d4+3x2 and they count as magic

Feats - Improved Nat attack (slam) , Power Attack (Maybe at summoner level 5)

Put Claws on feet, Grabbed Slam Evo to simulate Palm thrusts, Grabbed Improved Nat Armor to simulate Steel Type, And Magic Attacks Evo to simulate The "Aura".

Now I have only thought about this class till about 5th level but I pretty much know How I would play him...Like a Poke'mon Trainer. Basically his eidolon is supposed to play as the secondary tank in our party of 5 ( Half -Elf Thug Kit Rogue [He likes to intimidate], Elf Life Oracle, Dwarf Order of the Shield Cavalier, Elf 'Pokemon Trainer' Summoner, and a Human Arcane Duelist Bard [Fusion of Gambit and Raphael from Soul Caliber Series.]) But I effectively make it is own being...much like Red's Pikachu. Either way At level 5 I plan on giving him Perfect Flight and then start dumping into defensive abilities and having him contently run as medium, only using Evolution surge for a "super-mode" version of him as large.

Unfortunately there is no way to give him a spell-like ability to replicate the "Aura Blast" I was thinking of either fluffing Magic missile to be one blast at will or maybe getting the orbs from 3.5 and that costing like..6 evo points or something . Regardless, this is pretty much my build, please critique it it, ask any question or make any comments, heck put your own pokemon builds in this thread as well if you want.

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Can somebody point me in the direction of that rule in the book? The only thing like that I see says it can't be done effectively. Hence my wondering about the penalties involved.

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What is the penalty for wielding a two handed weapon in one hand? The best I can figure is -2 since a Two Handed Weapon is one size category larger then a typical one handed weapon.