Hiro's page
Organized Play Member. 40 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Just visited my local occupy group, they were a litle cold and hungry. They did not like my Iraqi Freedom veteran hat and commented on how I am a part of the "military industrial complex.". I told them that I may not agree with their protest message, but I would sacrifice my life so they could do it. Then they took my food and apologized. We had a good talk and amazingly, I understand their pov and they said they understand mine a little bit better. Too bad more people can't be civil and put a face to the issues instead of dehumanizing each other. It makes it much easier to kill nonhumans than humans when the fighting starts. Hopefully they will stay warm tonight. I would bring them some chicken noodle soup, but some people can't have gluten and others are vegans. I really hope no one gets sick there.
ShadowcatX wrote: If you do go with the weapon finesse urban build, the agile enchantment and piranha strike can keep your damage high. What and where is that feat? I could not find it in the prd.
xorial wrote: If you played in Eberron, there are a lot of dino riding halfling barbarians. No such luck. We play a Forgotten Realms setting, but over the past twenty years our old characters have changed the traditional FR. I am going to stick with the halfling sling staff as my primary weapon, so I can range attack before the rage and then commence the beat down in melee. I am going to carry a medium sized great axe as back up and intimidation. I am going with power attack as my opening feat.
If I switch my stats I will have the following;
because I ge the minus 2 for str Is weapon finesse worth it? I do like the mounted idea with my war dog. War pig maybe?
Yeah I said it.
Wis 10
I was looking at taking Point Blank shot and using a halfling sling as my primary weapon. However, I like the idea of using a war hammer and shield with this guy too, so I can use the savage barbarian archetype. Has anyone else played one before? My last character was a Half-elven oracle, so I thought I would switch it up. For later rage powers I am interested in using the elemental type barbarian powers. Just looking for any other ideas.
Climate change is not 100% man made, the earth's climate has never been stable, it is always changing. We do bear some responsibility, but it's not just us. It is also not just America either, a big part, but not all. However, we should look at legitimate alternatives for energy than seer attainable now, while researching cool stuff like cold fusion or antimatter reactors. What are your thoughts?
Disclaimer: these are my opinions only and do not reflect the position of my company, nor the other employees there.
thejeff wrote:
I have no problem with that attitude. I only start to have problems when people want to have non-scientific beliefs taught in science classes.
I think that is my responsbility as a parent for me to teach my own children.
Zombieneighbours wrote: Hiro wrote: The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote: Hiro wrote: Awww, that was a good discussion. Too bad people had to ruin it by ridiculing people's beliefs and name calling. What happened? I thought we were having a grown up discussion.
What happened to the tax discussion? Taxation today is one form of tyranny of the majority and that is one thing the founding father's feared.
I take part of the blame for it disintegrating, now.
We were having a discussion til zn did this,...again
Zombieneighbours wrote: Paul Watson wrote: Climate Change links as refuting the same boring PRATTs on Climate Change is about as fun as refuting them on Evolution.
18 questions and answers from New Scientist
New Scientist Introduction to Climate change
Both are from 2006 and so will not have been updated with the latest research but should cover most of the alleged problems.
Do yo think? I mean, creationists are usually kind of funny. Their so out their that there is inherant fun, even if the repetition of the same list or reufations gets trotted out time and time again.
I find Climate change deniers just plain dull by comparison. And you have to still trott out the same refutations a hundred time.
Basically, I get tired of putting up with s*#! like that repeatedly from the same people. So, I decided to do something different. I am a catholic who believes in creationism, that is why math is so prevalent in the universe and also have a BA in environmental science, but I have learned that it is far more interesting to hear people's beliefs and why they do, than to argue who is right and wrong. In my line of employment I am a minority who gets laughed at because I have a different belief. But I persevere and so should you.
Dude, if you can square that circle,... I explained my belief to a co worker once like this. I see evidence of a greater being at everything I look at. When I see the night sky full of stars, the power of the sun and single celled organism through a microscope, I see God. The math just makes too much sense for it not to be designed in my eyes. Others look at the same thing and don't see it, but that's ok with me too. The greatest tragedy is when people tell each other they are wrong and deal in absolutes. The open minded can be just as close minded at times.
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote: Hiro wrote: The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote: Hiro wrote: Awww, that was a good discussion. Too bad people had to ruin it by ridiculing people's beliefs and name calling. What happened? I thought we were having a grown up discussion.
What happened to the tax discussion? Taxation today is one form of tyranny of the majority and that is one thing the founding father's feared.
I take part of the blame for it disintegrating, now.
We were having a discussion til zn did this,...again
Zombieneighbours wrote: Paul Watson wrote: Climate Change links as refuting the same boring PRATTs on Climate Change is about as fun as refuting them on Evolution.
18 questions and answers from New Scientist
New Scientist Introduction to Climate change
Both are from 2006 and so will not have been updated with the latest research but should cover most of the alleged problems.
Do yo think? I mean, creationists are usually kind of funny. Their so out their that there is inherant fun, even if the repetition of the same list or reufations gets trotted out time and time again
I find Climate change deniers just plain dull by comparison. And you have to still trott out the same refutations a hundred time.
Basically, I get tired of putting up with s*#! like that repeatedly from the same people. So, I decided to do something different. I am a catholic who believes in creationism, that is why math is so prevalent in the universe and also have a BA in environmental science, but I have learned that it is far more interesting to hear people's beliefs and why they do, than to argue who is right and wrong. In my line of employment I am a minority who gets laughed at because I have a different belief. But I persevere and so should you.
I expect to be treated with some... I guess I am a more turn the other cheek guy than you are, but to each his own. Just don't get crazy about it
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote: Hiro wrote: Awww, that was a good discussion. Too bad people had to ruin it by ridiculing people's beliefs and name calling. What happened? I thought we were having a grown up discussion.
What happened to the tax discussion? Taxation today is one form of tyranny of the majority and that is one thing the founding father's feared.
I take part of the blame for it disintegrating, now.
We were having a discussion til zn did this,...again
Zombieneighbours wrote: Paul Watson wrote: Climate Change links as refuting the same boring PRATTs on Climate Change is about as fun as refuting them on Evolution.
18 questions and answers from New Scientist
New Scientist Introduction to Climate change
Both are from 2006 and so will not have been updated with the latest research but should cover most of the alleged problems.
Do yo think? I mean, creationists are usually kind of funny. Their so out their that there is inherant fun, even if the repetition of the same list or reufations gets trotted out time and time again.
I find Climate change deniers just plain dull by comparison. And you have to still trott out the same refutations a hundred time.
Basically, I get tired of putting up with s*#! like that repeatedly from the same people. So, I decided to do something different. I am a catholic who believes in creationism, that is why math is so prevalent in the universe and also have a BA in environmental science, but I have learned that it is far more interesting to hear people's beliefs and why they do, than to argue who is right and wrong. In my line of employment I am a minority who gets laughed at because I have a different belief. But I persevere and so should you.
What level of socialism are we talking about? Regulations on economics or full blown commune living? I think the us constitution shows that federal intervention is needed for interstate commerce and trade with foreign countries, but when is enough, enough? Do we need a government owned everything? I work for those guys and believe me, you do not want them running your daycare.
Awww, that was a good discussion. Too bad people had to ruin it by ridiculing people's beliefs and name calling. What happened? I thought we were having a grown up discussion.
What happened to the tax discussion? Taxation today is one form of tyranny of the majority and that is one thing the founding father's feared.
ciretose wrote: Hiro wrote: Jeff, maybe we are talking about two different things. But I do not see that if my dad had one employee, then that employee has a right to my dad's company. He doesn't. He gets his pay and benefits, but that is it. He should not be able to take anything but that from my dad. But the lady sounds like my dad owes something to his employee more than his pay aka more taxes. The lady is saying if you end up getting rich thanks to the fact that you live in a country that provided an infrastructure that allowed you have a working business, that is awesome. But you should understand it was built on the backs of those who came before you and built the infrastructure, and understand you have an obligation to pay forward for the next generation.
The electrical system that your Dad plugs his tools into. Infrastructure.
The roads and rails that bring the materials to the suppliers, where he picks them up and takes them to customers. Infrastructure.
The phone and internet lines used to get business. Infrastructure.
The insurance he gets, generally government backed. The FDIC protection on his bank account, etc...
People like to complain about government and taxes while accepting all the benefits.
It's annoying. But he already pays taxes for those things. What is the difference between him and other people that use those same services?
It's the government that we don't or can't complain about is what we should worry about.
Jenner2057 wrote: Hiro wrote: Jeff, maybe we are talking about two different things. But I do not see that if my dad had one employee, then that employee has a right to my dad's company. He doesn't. He gets his pay and benefits, but that is it. He should not be able to take anything but that from my dad. But the lady sounds like my dad owes something to his employee more than his pay aka more taxes. It's actually worse than that. She's saying that if your dad makes a profit thanks to public services, he has a responsibility to pay a "hunk" of it back to ALL the other tax payers.
Despite the fact it was NOT that taxpayers that put up any of the capital to start your dad's company. It was your dad's money.
And despite the fact that IF your dad's company fails, every taxpayer isn't going to send him money back to make up for his losses. He's going to be out that money, not the taxpayers. That's why is sounds so unfair to me. They want him to pay more only because he succeeded at work, but forget about it if he failed. This lady should be a politician or a lawyer.
Jeff, maybe we are talking about two different things. But I do not see that if my dad had one employee, then that employee has a right to my dad's company. He doesn't. He gets his pay and benefits, but that is it. He should not be able to take anything but that from my dad. But the lady sounds like my dad owes something to his employee more than his pay aka more taxes.
thejeff wrote: Hiro wrote: He works in remodeling, so most of his clients are restaurants, mom and pop shops and small business offices. When they get in financial trouble, it stresses him out because work drops.
I think we should just go to a flat tax rate with no deductions, just pay 17% on everything, I just picked that number out of the air.
The overwhelming majority of those restaurants, mom & pop shops and small business offices will make well under $250,000 net profit. Even if they did make more, remodeling would be a business expense, thus deductible from that profit. I understand that them being in trouble means less work for him, but high marginal tax rates aren't why they're in trouble.
<I started to write a long Flat Tax rant, but ZombieNeighbours said it better and simpler. > How does higher taxes help them? It just does not pass the duck test to me. If I earn more money, then I should pay a higher tax percent then someone else who makes less than me? Where is the incentive to succeed? It just sounds like we should hate rich people because they have more than us. That sounds like Marxism or communism, where the worker has a right to the factory the owner built.
thejeff wrote: Hiro wrote: Looks like my post was cut off, but my Dad already pays taxes for roads and stuff like everyone else. He does not make 250,000 a year, that would be nice, but he is not comfortable enough to hire anyone else now, even though he needs the help. So raising taxes will put him out of business. If people do not like companies like GE from not paying taxes then simplify the tax code and vote for representatives that support your cause. The government is in power only because we the people allow it, so we can only blame ourselves for the way things are now. So raising taxes on income over $250,000 or on certain deductions for people making over $1 million will put him out of business even though he isn't in those categories? Those are the only Democratic proposals on the table at the moment.
No one is proposing special taxes on small businesses below that cap.
There is a proposal, the only one Republicans have shown any support for, to simplify the tax code by removing deductions and lowering the top rate. That might save him a little, depending on where his income falls, but is more likely to cost him, and the rest of us, in lost deductions.
He works in remodeling, so most of his clients are restaurants, mom and pop shops and small business offices. When they get in financial trouble, it stresses him out because work drops.
I think we should just go to a flat tax rate with no deductions, just pay 17% on everything, I just picked that number out of the air.
ciretose wrote: BigNorseWolf wrote: Quote: I was Thinkning along the lines of a small business owner like my dad. He is his only employee and he had not taken vacation longer than a four day weekend for 15 years. He works as hard as he wants to and he likes it, but he is one of the people that would He's making over 250,000 a year.. net?
Name his buisness and I will bet it benefits from the things listed in the quote, among other things provided by the social contract.
Everyone likes what you get living in the first world, but you have to pay for it if you want it to continue. He pays taxes, so he already helped build roads, paid for my school and pays the police salary. So because he owns a business are you saying he should pay a higher percentage than other people? That does not sound fair.
Looks like my post was cut off, but my Dad already pays taxes for roads and stuff like everyone else. He does not make 250,000 a year, that would be nice, but he is not comfortable enough to hire anyone else now, even though he needs the help. So raising taxes will put him out of business. If people do not like companies like GE from not paying taxes then simplify the tax code and vote for representatives that support your cause. The government is in power only because we the people allow it, so we can only blame ourselves for the way things are now.
LilithsThrall wrote: ciretose wrote: Ringtail wrote: The link is blocked from my work computer. I could discuss the title, but I'd mostly be making wild speculations and speaking gibberish. Would it make you feel better if I did? That would actually be kind of fun...
But the link is basically a link to this quote.
"There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there -- good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory... Now look. You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea -- God Bless! Keep a Big Hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along." - Elizabeth Warren Now, take the entrepreneur who risks his life savings and retirement on a gamble that his start up will succeed and subsidize him so that he's risking nothing. Pay him for the years of late night work he spends while maintaining his normal 40+ hour/week job. Then you can claim that his profit belongs to everyone else. I was Thinkning along the lines of a small business owner like my dad. He is his only employee and he had not taken vacation longer than a four day weekend for 15 years. He works as hard as he wants to and he likes it, but he is one of the people that would
Isn't that why we pay taxes? Sounds like they want someone to pay more of their fair share.
I like Grease+ Bungle. It nearly guaranties a prone enemy plus it makes me laugh. Now only if grease was flammable...
I cant believe the season is over already. What did you think of the last part of the season?
I go to the VFW and listen to the Vietnam and WWII vets' stories.
I wld definitely like to see a second season with a story arc about flaunt over a city back from the aliens.
I really enjoy this show. It reminds me of Jericho mixed with Battlestar Galatica.
Where do campaigns based on the 3 musketeers fall? I always considered it fantasy, but based on the comments here, it seems not too many people think along the same lines. Are there any steam punk campaigns out there?
In my campaign we have been using firearms for awhile. W have some simple rules and go with it. We thought of trying to explain it but it would be like trying to explain magic in detail; yuck! It has been a lot of fun and we made our world into a three musketeer world with swashbucklers the norm and not heavily armor people. I look forward to the gunslinger in our campaign. I do have to say our group is about fun, casual gaming, its about the journey and not the individual steps, but I know how we play would bother other players. Found that out dming in afghanistan.
In my friends homebrew campaign we are all gnomes, Gimblesprocks.
7th level gnome rogue(me)
7th level gnome bard
7th level gnome cleric
7th level gnome ranger
7th levl gnome wizard
7th level gnome barbarian
It is the best group I have ever been in. I usually DM and normally we always have "that guy," the one who is always evil or a drow, but this time we worked together durign character creation. I have never had so much fun just roleplaying in town.
One thing that truly irrates me is the lack of time betweeb editions. I mean I played 2ed for 11 years before switching to 3rd and then 3.5 after that. So I have about 8 more years before I will even consider changing again. So unless a SWAT team with C4 cwith medical support omes to make me change, I will stay 3.5. I realize it is a buisness and they need to make money but damn why do they have to ruin the experience?
Wow that was harder than I thought. I had to redo it three times. In the end I just kept it simple stupid. Good luck everyone!
I was afraid of the dark for a long time. I was deployed to Iraq two years ago. At night time we would pull guard duty with our NVGs. One night in particular, we had a terrible sand storm. The wind was howling and sand was stinging my face and hands. It was about 2 or 3 in the morning and shift change was coming up. I was about a hundred meters out of the perimeter and I could only see about 1 meter. My batteries went out and I had to replace them, so I got down on my knees and started to change them. As I was changing batteries a piece of debris, a 6" long 2x4, had hit me in the face. It hit me so hard that I had thought someone had swung at me. I was sprawled out in the sand, blind and blood coming down my head. I pulled out my knife and waited for the next blow. After 5 very long minutes, I realized I was alone, but the terror that I felt made me scared of the dark more than ever. Even now I leave night lights on in my house on both floors. The weird part is that the storm stopped right after I got up and it was a clear night with bright stars. I barely needed my NVGs.
Dextolen wrote: Perhaps some male gamers have wives/girlfriends who do not game and wouldn't appreciate female gamer at the table.
Have you ever gamed with a DM who's 'soft' on his playing girlfriend or girl he admires?
My wife does not mind other female gamers, unless they are prettier than her, which I personally do not believe is possible. I love you, Babe. Hopefully, that gets me some brownie points. Anyway, I think girls in groups feel more comfortable roleplaying than singly, when they are known as "the chick."
I have seen a DM that break up their relationships in D&D because they went too hard on their girl. One time we saw an ogre pass through four AoO to get to "the Chick" and beat her "til the white meat shown." He did not want to be percieved as soft, so he is alone again.
One thing I enjoyed playing with women is the team dynamic. It seemed that they spent less time "jockeying" for roles in the group. They were very team oriented and surprised me with the resources they used, each other. I took a valuable lesson to heart with them; In gaming, you can be the a guy with a sword standing against the horde of orcs or you can be the team that stands by and watches that guy get chopped up as you lite the explosives to collapse the pass. I liek the explosives part a lot...I mean team.
I am actually surprised how many girl gamers I see now compared to 15 years ago when I knew only one. Now 20-30% of the gamers I know are gamers. I was surprised how many Air Force and Army women are gamers. Things have changed in the gaming world a great deal from the 80's. I think a lot of it comes from PC and Console games. There are a lot of D&D type games out there, so if the word gets out to enough people, I think there will be a lot more girl gamers. One game I played with women, I was the only male, their were raunchier and more violent than any all guy groups I have played. I guess what I am saying is that there is a growing industry for female gamers.
I love the plush toys, so does my daughter. We have a couple of non-dangerous caltrops. My daughter wants a plush blue dragon next. 4th of the July is coming up, so I might get her an independence day gift. Great store, keep it up.
Chris Shadowens wrote:
"...Hey, I'll tell you what. You can get a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn't you rather to take his word for it?...No, I meant, you can get a good look at a T-bone steak by sticking your head up a butcher's ass... No, wait. It's gotta be your bull..."
(I like it better when Tommy gets it wrong) :D
- Chris Shadowens
Yeah I like it too. Chris Farley was hilarious. Sorry, now returning thread back to its regularly scheduled on topic posting.
I reply in kind with Tommy Boy:
"You can take a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up a bull's ass, but wouldn't you rather take the butcher's word for it?"
I do not think Forgotten Realms is dying, but it has stabalized. The Realms are like a good female friend you had in high school, if you took her to the prom you would have a great time, but predictable night. Eberron is the slutty chick that everyone talks about the things she would do in the sack or car or cafeteria; you are in for one hell of a prom night. Now the realms are established and well defined, which may be good for some people, but Eberron is new and flashy(wears suggestive clothes.) Now they are very similar but stable does not mean dying, it means reliable. I think Lord vile and Yamo are looking at the realms as old news, but I think it has done well. Greyhawk has the Living Gazeteer and plods on, Dragonlance has a new publishers. The Realms has made it to the top shelf and will be there for a while. Eberron is new, maybe better to some people, but we all know with whom we went to prom. So saying the Realms is dying is like saying a steak is better rare as opposed to well, it is an individual's choice.
I actually like a shugenja with the water element. The wujen was close to what I wanted, but a shugenja has all of the things I like about clerics plus the fluff. I also love the psychic warrior. Nothing beats growing large and beating someone senseless with a huge greatclub.
I would rather just see a Shou Lung update. I think it would be effective to have them highlght a major power and then branch out from there. I do not think an all encompassing article is worth it. Just show a little bit and get people interested. Besides, the samurai have been way overdone with L5R.