Blue Dragon

Hiro's page

Organized Play Member. 40 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Yeah I said it.
Wis 10
I was looking at taking Point Blank shot and using a halfling sling as my primary weapon. However, I like the idea of using a war hammer and shield with this guy too, so I can use the savage barbarian archetype. Has anyone else played one before? My last character was a Half-elven oracle, so I thought I would switch it up. For later rage powers I am interested in using the elemental type barbarian powers. Just looking for any other ideas.

Climate change is not 100% man made, the earth's climate has never been stable, it is always changing. We do bear some responsibility, but it's not just us. It is also not just America either, a big part, but not all. However, we should look at legitimate alternatives for energy than seer attainable now, while researching cool stuff like cold fusion or antimatter reactors. What are your thoughts?

Disclaimer: these are my opinions only and do not reflect the position of my company, nor the other employees there.