John Murphy's page

1 post (252 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Jib wrote:
With the announcement of D&D 4.0 on shelves this May 2008 I am considering waiting on running the STAP and adapting it. Anyone else feeling the pressure and considering a similar move?

Nope, since the 4e books come out one a month starting in May '08, that means it will be at least July before I even get all the new core books, and then have to digest all the new material. So it will be almost a year before I am ready to DM anything. I figure the way things go in my group, I will take about a year or more to complete STAP, so I will finish that up in 3.5e and see how things in the Pathfinder melieu shake out with regard to 4.0 conversion.
