
Hieronymus Trotter's page

No posts. Organized Play character for htrotter.

Organized Play Characters

Acadamae Student Korvosa
Silver Crusade Fifi Fluffernut

Female Halfling Cleric/7 (0 posts)
The Exchange Mokk

Male Half-orc Barbarian/5 (0 posts)
Beltias Kreun
The Exchange Weesel

Male Human Rogue/3 (0 posts)
Female Fighter
Silver Crusade Impasha

F Human Paladin (Iomedae)/11 |HP:114/114|AC35,F34,T14|F+17,R+12,W+15|CMB +15, CMD 29|Init+7|SPD20|PER +9|CRAFT (weapon smith) +5|DIPLO +16|HANDLE ANIMAL +11|HEAL +8|KNOW (nob) +5|KNOW (planes) +6|KNOW (rel) +6|RIDE +6|SENSE MOT +8|SPELL +5|SURV +6| (373 posts)
Dark Archive Sseth

Male Nagaji Sorcerer 1 (0 posts)
The Cinderlander
Liberty's Edge Boune

Human Gunslinger 1 (0 posts)
Scarab Sages Aja

F Kitsune Bard 10|HP:56/73|AC: 25 (F:18,T:14)|F:6 R:11 W:9| CMB:+5 CMD:19|INIT:+5|PERC:+5| (62 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Sovereign Court Volpone

Sorcerer 1 (0 posts)
Undead Slayer
Dark Archive Elly

F Human Sorcerer (5 posts)
Amin Jalento
Sovereign Court Tannhauser

Male Tiefling (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Qaw

Tengu (82 posts)
Grand Lodge Rissa

Nagaji Flame Oracle (0 posts)
Paracount Julistar
Liberty's Edge Rassmussen

M Aasimar Oracle(life)11(dual cursed:lame, wasting disease)|darkvision 60'|HP:62/80|AC:24.F24,T12|F+7,R+5,W+11|Init+2|Spd20|PERC+6|DIP+12|HNDL ANIM+4|HEAL+15|KN(his)+5|KN(nat)+5|KN(Pln)+5|KN(rel)+8|PERF(lute)+4|SENSE MOT+9|SPELL+7|SURV +6 (74 posts)
Trinia Sabor
Dark Archive Jenni Flex
(0 posts)
Scarab Sages Hieronymus Trotter
(0 posts)
The Exchange Loralei

F Wolf Druid Companion/4 HP: 18/27(31)|AC16 F14 T12|F+5(+6) R+6(+7) W+2|Spd 50|Init +2|Perc +5|Surv +2|Stealth +6|Swim +6| (72 posts)
Yndri Ysalaa (The White Mage)
The Exchange Trixxie
(0 posts)
Silver Crusade Tullie

M Human Fighter (0 posts)
Rayhan Xobhadi
Grand Lodge Phenec

Male Aasimar Shaman (0 posts)
Lion Blade
Silver Crusade Mr Zebra

M Android Investigator/Gunslinger (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Udolf
(0 posts)

The Exchange Andee

Sylph Arcanist (0 posts)
Tarrin Dars
The Exchange Nadya Petrovna Fyodor

F Human Cleric 14/Pharasma|HP: 114/114|AC31,F30,T14|CMD: 21|F+15,R+9,W+20|Init+1|SPD40|PER +17| (46 posts)

Liberty's Edge Datman
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Lomas Skor
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Timothy Fallowsdam
(0 posts)
Seneka Volstadt
Silver Crusade Kylee Dumaren

F half-elf Cleric of Sarenrae/6 HP:39/39|AC11,F10,T11|CMB +3|CMD 14|F+10,R+7,W+12|Init+1|SPD30|PERC +10|DIPLO +11|HEAL +11|KNOW(hist) +4|KNOW(nob)+4|KNOW(planes)+4|KNOW(rel)+4|PERF (dance)+9|PERF (poetry)+8|SENSE MOT +11|SPELLCRAFT +4| (155 posts)

Dark Archive Alabaster Jack
(0 posts)

Dark Archive Esmerelda aka Killer Frost
(0 posts)

Sovereign Court Sir Gaston Devereaux
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Alora*

Half-Orc Ranger (0 posts)
Liberty's Edge Tralala

F Vishkanya Swashbuckler (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Frank.
(0 posts)
Sanvil Trett
The Exchange Daylin Vane

Male Human Cleric of Sarenrae/4|HP:31/31|AC21,T12,F121|F+6,R+3,W+8|INIT+0|Diplo+8|Heal+10|Know (Arc)+5|Know (Hist)+5|Know (Nob)+5|Know (Planes)+6|Know (Rel)+6|Perc+3|Sense Mot+9|Spellcraft+5| (222 posts)

Grand Lodge Slash Ratigan
(0 posts)

Scarab Sages Dr Maybee

Samsaran Psychic (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Ned the Paladin
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Dorim Stormbrow
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Pendleton Blakros
(0 posts)
The Exchange Quasit*

Female Human Unchained Rogue/14 |HP:101/101|AC28,F22,T18|F+7,R+16,W+6|Init+7|SPD30|PER +17|ACRO +19|APP +10|BLUFF +19|CLIMB+9|DIPLO +20|DIS DEV +24|DISG +8|ESC ART +14|INTIM +11|KN(dung)+6|KN(Local)+9|LING+6|PERF +8|SENS MOT +9|SLEIGHT +9|STLTH +19|SWIM +5|UMD+13 (2,995 posts)

Dark Archive Nerosetep

M Shabti Oracle (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Jokk
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Harg da Half-Orc
(0 posts)
Elf Archer
Grand Lodge Fauxdurel
(10 posts)
Liberty's Edge Lidia*

F Human Ranger/10 |HP:140/140|AC25,F19,T18|F+13,R+16,W+11|Init+8|SPD30|PERC +18|ACRO +15|CLIMB+10|ESC ART +9|HNDL ANML(b) +14|HEAL +12|INTIM +6|KNOW(Dung) +5|KNOW(Geog)(b) +13|KNOW(Local) +9|KNOW (Nat) +11|RIDE +12|SENSE MOT +11|STEALTH +20|SURV +17|SWIM +9| (1,230 posts)
Mutant Goblin
Dark Archive Mheenah

CN Female Demon (quasit) Familiar/Rogue |HP:17/24|AC 18 T16 F15|F+2R+8W+4|Init +7|Perc +8|CMB+2 CMD 15|Speed 20 Fly 50 (perfect)|DR 5/cold iron or good| Immune electricity, poison; Resist 10 acid,cold,fire| (313 posts)

Exo-Guardians Zyggy Stardust
(0 posts)
Exo-Guardians Funky Cold Selena
(63 posts)
Priest of Desna
Horizon Hunters Maxis Fairwind
(0 posts)
Cale the Calistrian
Grand Archive Sool

M Elf (Seer) Enchanter 3| HP: 21/21 | Init +1|AC 16 | F+6 R+6 W+9 | Perc +7 | Class DC 19 | (310 posts)