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![]() I recieved an email stating that I have a $15 credit, but when I placed the above order at no time did it have anywhere for me to USE this credit. The order has been moved to my sidecart to be shipped with my next subscription, but if I cannot get the $15 credit applied to this order I'd rather cancel the order entirely. Thank you ![]()
![]() Our group stared the Rise of the Runelords in September of 2009. We are all adult (chronologically, anyway) professionals with careers and families, so we only got to play a few times per year, so it took us until January of 2017 to complete this epic journey. Here are the photos of my version of the Eye of Avarice, in which I replaced the floors with permanent Walls of Force, and a customized Karzoug. There are also some pics from their final assault on the Pinnacle of Avarice as well. This was done with some custom made terrain and a whole lot of Dwarven Forge tiles. Enjoy! ![]()
![]() I haven't been reading all of the threads in this forum, but after having backed a current Kickstarter from Mantic Games, it occurred to me that many of their science fiction line of minis could very well work for Starfinder. They have orcs, dwarves, ratmen, an elf-like race, and many stranger alien races for their Warpath, Deadzone, Dreadball and soon Star Saga games. The Star Saga game will also come with 3D furnishings (crates, weapons lockers, terminals, etc.) and doors, while their Deadzone line has walls and towers and such. Not to mention all of the other lines from GW to Reaper, or the terrain from Armorcast and Hirst Arts. I can see some nice tabletops in Starfinder's future! ![]()
![]() Simply put, when a curative spell (such as Cure Light Wounds or Breath of Life) is modified by the Reach Spell metamagic feat (increasing the range from "Touch" to "Close (25' + 5'per 2 levels)", becoming a ranged touch spell in the process), and used in such a way as to target an ally (not offensively vs creatures harmed by positive energy), is a roll to hit required? Reach Spell wrote:
Core Rulebook wrote:
![]() Sorry if this is covered elsewhere, I tried a search first I swear. Which of the Season 5 scenarios being offered at this year's Gen Con give the best storyline for this season's metaplot/story arc? I essentially only get to play PFS at Gen Con, and I have not played my 8th level Cleric of Iomedae in any scenarios from this season. I can only fit so many slots in before the big season 5 conclusion special on Friday night, so I want to know which ones to play in before Friday night. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Here's a link to my flickr photostream: In it you will see Calous Jack's paper minis, some official Reaper minis, some Fat Dragon Games cardstock buildings, some Dave Graffam's buildings, some Armorcast stuff, some homemade stuff, some painted minis, some unpainted minis, and some prepainted minis, including a river by Pegasus Hobbies. Whew! What do you think? ![]()
![]() Greetings, fellow Pathfinders! I tried posting this in the Advice forum, but I thought I'd try it here as well, since it is for one of my PFS characters. I need some help picking some future feats for my PFS character. First I'll summarize his stats, then explain the dilemma. Human (ulfen) male Fighter 1/Bard 2 (no archetypes)
Feats: Weapon Focus: Battleaxe, Power Attack, Cleave, Arcane Strike Spells:
As you can probably tell, he was meant to be a skirmisher/skald northman. His 4th level ability bump will be in Str, and his 2nd level spells will include Heroism (perpetual self-buff, along with Expeditious Retreat and Feather Step) and eventually Versatile Weapon, Gallant Inspiration and Alter Self. I had originally designed him to be an Intimidation machine, stacking the Shaken effect with Cause Fear/Scare/Fear/Dirge of Doom (yes, I know DoD isn't supposed to stack, it was worded oddly). Now that Intimidate/Demoralize doesn't stack with anything, not just itself, my plan is derailed somewhat. I was going to pick up Dazzling Display at 5th level, but now I'm not sure it's worth it. He does have the Taldan trait that lets him instill a non-Intimidate Shaken effect for 1 round, but that takes a full round action, lasts only 1 round, and is usable only 1/day. Right now, the short list of feats include Hamatula Strike (free Intimidate/Demoralize when Power Attacking), Vital Strike, Bloody Assault, and ?? I don't qualify for those until 7th/9th level, and those with a BAB requirement of +6 will have to be my last two options, so what do I take at 5th level? Should I just wait on Ultimate Magic/Ultimate Combat and then reevaluate my options? He's going to hit 4th level next month, but I won't play him again until GenCon in August, so waiting is a viable option. What say you all? ![]()
![]() Hello all! I need some help picking some future feats for my PFS character. First I'll summarize his stats, then explain the dilemma. Human (ulfen) male Fighter 1/Bard 2 (no archetypes)
Feats: Weapon Focus: Battleaxe, Power Attack, Cleave, Arcane Strike Spells:
As you can probably tell, he was meant to be a skirmisher/skald northman. His 4th level ability bump will be in Str, and his 2nd level spells will include Heroism (perpetual self-buff, along with Expeditious Retreat and Feather Step) and eventually Versatile Weapon, Gallant Inspiration and Alter Self. I had originally designed him to be an Intimidation machine, stacking the Shaken effect with Cause Fear/Scare/Fear/Dirge of Doom (yes, I know DoD isn't supposed to stack, it was worded oddly). Now that Intimidate/Demoralize doesn't stack with anything, not just itself, my plan is derailed somewhat. I was going to pick up Dazzling Display at 5th level, but now I'm not sure it's worth it. He does have the Taldan trait that lets him instill a non-Intimidate Shaken effect for 1 round, but that takes a full round action, lasts only 1 round, and is usable only 1/day. Right now, the short list of feats include Hamatula Strike (free Intimidate/Demoralize when Power Attacking), Vital Strike, Bloody Assault, and ?? I don't qualify for those until 7th/9th level, and those with a BAB requirement of +6 will have to be my last two options, so what do I take at 5th level? Should I just wait on Ultimate Magic/Ultimate Combat and then reevaluate my options? He's going to hit 4th level next month, but I won't play him again until GenCon in August, so waiting is a viable option. What say you all? ![]()
![]() Not a druid or ranger animal companion, not a paladin or cavalier mount, just a plain old cleric of Iomedae wanting a trained heavy warhorse. So now what? I find it hard to believe that something as simple as "heavy warhorse" is SO borked in Pathfinder! The Guide says if you buy a Core Rulebook "combat trained heavy horse", all it does is "come trained to bear a rider into combat", which itself is vague. Does my 300gp buy all 6 tricks listed under "combat trained" in the Handle Animal entry or not? How many attacks does it get, and at what to hit and damage (I'm assuming bite/hoof/hoof are all primary attacks for +5 to hit and 1d4+5/1d6+5/1d6+5 damage)? Does my combat trained heavy horse have Armor Proficiencies or not? How can it gain any if not? I assume that if I armor the horse up without the feat, it'll just take the armor check penalty to hit as well as skill checks, so who cares? Since it's only got 2HD (and 19hp) and is not any kind of special critter, it'll never gain HD and therefore feats, so I can't see any way the clasical "heavy warhorse in plate barding" can be possible without it belonging to a cavalier, ranger, druid or paladin. The Mounted Combat feat seems pretty useless for people with bog-standard mounts. ![]()
![]() So Hero Lab is now an "official" partner of Paizo. Does this mean that someone with a laptop or tablet running HeroLab is table-legal even without a hardcopy of a book that their character is drawing upon? Say, someone has a trait from the "Races of" series for their character, but doesn't own the book, just the HL dataset. Is that legal, or do they need both? Likewise, do players need hardcopies of their character, or can they use an electronic HL copy in play, on a tablet or laptop? ![]()
![]() PRPG Core Rulebook wrote:
Since Scribe Scroll isn't available to PFS characters, does that mean any Caster's Shields found are one-use only (for the scroll part, obviously)? Or should it be treated like a Spell Storing weapon, somewhat? ![]()
![]() Cardstock character sheets, that is. Does anyone else out there print their character sheets on cardstock? Our group stumbled upon this little gem accidently, when friends printed out a character on my home printer while I was in the middle of a combat mapping experiment, and they love it! They comment on how much they love it nearly every session we play now. This combined with HeroLab (and the ability to add a character portrait) has been a major upgrade to how we handle our characters. Anyone else? ![]()
![]() I have a question regarding the Weapon Master ability of the War Domain. Does this ability require an action to activate? The wording under the section describing how Domains work seems to indicate it requires a standard action to initiate, but that would make several of the potential feats next to worthless. ![]()
![]() I tried doing a forum search before posting, but didn't find this question addressed. Does the Evocation Specialist ability Intense Spells also add to scrolls read/wands activated that contain Evocation spells? Going by the ruling regarding Augment Summoning and such magic items, I'd say "yes" but more explicit guidance is welcome. ![]()
![]() The thread title says it all. I've purchased and read all 6 installments, have the Map Folio (what? no Catacombs of Wrath? And they go in there at least twice?), have read nearly every thread in this forum over the past year. Now it's gametime (or wil be in about 28 hours), so if any of you veterans of this AP have any friendly advice to throw my way, I'll gladly take it and give credit where it's due. So, fire away! We (and by we, I mean "I") are on the clock! ![]()
![]() The 3.5 book "Gods and Magic" has a lot of minor changes, mainly to spell lists, for each deity listed. Most of which involve adding a wiz/sor/bard spell to a cleric list, or lowering the level of a given cleric spell for clerics of a given deity. My question is, how should this work with the new PRPG rules, specifically? I know backwards compatability was paramount in forming the new rules, so I suppose the default answer would be "use it as-is", but has anyone tried this and found it to be a problem? Without digging through every single entry, are there any changes in G&M that are made moot by the PRPG Core Rulebook? What about Pathfinder Society Organized Play, are these changes legal there too? Likewise, the new spells in G&M: are they good to go as written? Any hidden snares waiting for the unprepared in that aspect either? ![]()
![]() Hello all! I am the DM of our group of players, and have never ran nor played in Pathfinder Organized Play scenarios. I have read the guide and have a couple of the adventures, just never gotten everyone else on board. This year, I and most of my regular group will be attending our first Gen Con (their first con of any kind, my first Gen Con) and I have several questions. First of all, are scenario numbers 23, 24, 29 and 30 using the D&D 3.5ed or Pathfinder RPG rules? I've signed up for the Thursday morning PRPG Conversion and Creation seminar, will I be able to make my Society character there that morning and then use him in the 1PM slot immediately after? Or should I make and register the character online before then Con and try to "update" him to Pathfinder? Since I've signed up for 4 events, would a new character be updated fast enough to level up between my morning session (3rd xp point gained) and an afternoon game? Thirdly, can one play a neutral cleric of an evil deity, so long as they are only one spot away in alignment? For example, could you play a Lawful Neutral cleric of Asmodeus? What about channel energy? Can neutral clerics of evil deities (if they are allowed) channel negative energy? I had more questions as I drifted off to sleep last night, if my morning coffee returns them to my waking mind, I'll be sure to come back to this thread and ask them anew. Thanks! Twowolves ![]()
![]() While I don't think this feat has been expressly addressed in any of the alpha releases to date, I'd like to suggest a change. Instead of a flat 2x duration, a better alternative would be to bump the duration up a sliding scale os durations. Ranges for spells already do this (Touch-Close-Medium-Long-Sight). Perhaps go from rounds to minutes, minutes to tens of minutes (or hours), tens of minutes to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, etc etc. So instead of a spell lasting 1 round per level going to 2 rounds per level when extended, it would be 1 minute per level. Perhaps the Extend feat could stack with itself once or twice, pushing the duration further up the scale. What say you all? ![]()
![]() So, I see the new version of Mind Blank no longer gives flat immunity to mind affecting effects, but indtead a flat +8 to saves. I can see why some felt the need to make this change, but as it stands now, this spell is just a beefed up Nondetection spell. If the designers absolutely must remove total immunity, at least please add in a line to the effect that Mind Blank allows a save against mind affecting and illusion spells (with +8 to save) even if the spell doesn't normally allow one. What do you think? |