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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
![]() I just ordered four Paizo PDFs using your great discount deal, and I'm happy with my purchases, except for "D4 Hungry are the Dead". It seemed to personalize fine, but when I download it the file seems to be corrupted. There are large blank chunks, and I get error messages when I try to scroll down the pages. Have you heard of such a problem from anyone else? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
![]() I've tried to download PF#10 several times, and when I try to open the zip file, Adobe reader (8.12) gives the error message that the file is corrupted. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Reader, but the problem remains. I can open previously downloaded issues just fine; it's just #10 that I can't access. I'm not sure how I might be doing anything wrong, since I downloaded issues 1-9 with no problems. Have you had similar reports from other customers? Any suggestions? Thanks. Chuck ![]()
![]() “Horrorborne and essense of madness?" Oliver says to himself, "And the sandman could pick them out." Oliver looks to Gornalunga, "No idea how he picked them out? Was it visual, by smell maybe? Reaction to an herb or a metal like a were creature maybe?" Gornalunga looks down at the gnome. “Variss said they had some sort of mark on their foreheads that was naturally invisible. That’s all I know. We didn’t chat about it much.” ![]()
![]() Aelfric and Devamil are on guard when the incident occurs. They both hear some sort of motion just outside the lighted area of their camp, which is in a small cul-de-sac off the side of the main tunnel. The tunnel is ten feet wide, the light from the fire beetles extends out to twenty feet down the tunnel in each direction, and the cul-de-sac is about a twenty foot deep alcove. Devamil motions to Aelfric to wake the others. He takes out his sword and moves as quietly as possible towards the noise to check it out. Aelfric nods and quietly begins waking the non-spellcasters in the group, with a finger on their lips as he shakes their shoulder. Aelfric will wait to learn more of what the disturbance may be before waking anyone who needs mental focus for spell preparation. He manages to wake Phaethon and Shiro before he hears a quiet puffing, hissing sound coming from the hallway. Devamil steps into the opening of the small alcove and peers out into the hallway, looking in both directions. The light from the fire beetles doesn’t penetrate very far, but he can just make out the aforementioned noises coming from the left hand side of the passage. He looks in that direction, and a fog of smoke or some other cloud comes wafting toward him, rolling around him and past him and into the room beyond. He can tell there’s some movement, maybe shuffling, going on just outside the lighted area, but he can’t tell exactly what. The fog settles over everyone, hitting Phaethon and Shiro just as they wake. Everyone breathes in some of the fine particles, which feel oily and taste unpleaseant. Phaethon wakes and readies his flail, holding the chain to keep it as quiet as possible and holding it up to see if it begins to glow. It does. Shiro grabs his sword and covers his mouth with his opposite arm as he moves toward the archway. As he arrives in the opening, he hears a noise from his left, and senses some sort of missile sent in his direction. His hand flicks out instinctively, deflecting the little dart to bounce harmlessly off the rough stone wall of the tunnel. A second dart hits Devamil in the wrist, where it proceeds to burn and ache immediately (1 HP). He plucks it out, possibly preventing its ill effects. Aelfric holds his breath and tries to wake the rest of the group. Genar wakes with little difficulty, but Dakbyr only snorts and twitches, unresponsive to shaking and prodding. Aelfric gestures to Genar that he should also hold his breath, by pursing his lips and pinching his nostrils shut with one with one hand. Actions? HP Tally:
![]() Vanthus pulls a key from a pouch at his belt. “See what I have here? Gift from some people I know that know some people that used to know the previous owner. Filge never changed the locks. I can get us in quietly, or we can try to knock and get Filge to open his door. We can play it however you like.” "I like the way you think, Captain. No reason to pass on an opportunity like that, I say we use it. But if anyone wishes to request an audience," he glances sideways at Nezeus with a grimace, "..then they should give us a few minutes to get deep inside before pounding on the door. And try not to let this Filge rouse an army of the dead while we're inside, eh?" About that time a monkey comes bounding out of the shadows and hops up on his shoulder with a tiny grunt. This clearly pleases Depape to no end, and he grins as the creature looks around at the others. "Ah! Gerbo the Amazing has joined us!" "I will do as you ask." Nezeus says, beginning to wait as Vanthus unlocks the door, which is round and carved to look like the moon with a lunatic’s face contained within. The rest of the crew steps from the landing and moves quietly into the entry room. They close the door behind them, noting that this 20’x20’ room is crammed with furniture fragments, smashed planks, broken glass and other detritus. There is a closed door in the north wall. At the west end of the room (you came in the east side), several upended tables form a crude barricade. As soon as the door closes, two animated skeletons stand up suddenly from behind the tables, exposing only their upper chests and heads, and aiming heavy crossbows at the group. They are clearly planning on firing at you. Actions? |