Demon Hunter

Hell's Messenger's page

24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I have a couple of questions, please, if you don’t mind:

1. Is there a replacement for the Bulette? I know the Krooth is relatively similar but I was curious about if they made a full replacement.

2. You mentioned there was a replacement for Sahuagin/Sea Devils, what are they called? And are there multiple versions (warrior, scout, baron, etc).

Thanks in advance.

-Name: MonsterZeroOne
-Age: 36
-Timezone: MST (Canada)
-Availability: Monday and Tuesday Day/Night, Morning/Afternoon Every Day, Other Weekday Nights a Possibility.
-System: Pathfinder 2E
-Platform: Prefer Foundry/Forge
-Experience: Multiple years of PF1E and PF2E
-Looking For: A full AP to go 1-20, PF2E or Of2E conversion
-Preferred Class: I generally like to play melee, specifically a paladin, but I’m flexible for group synergy.

I may have some friends who would be interested in playing as well, please slide into my DMs!

Say a character, due to a spell, has Fast Healing 5 and gets taken down with a critical hit: what would happen, would the PC go to Dying 2 and then on his next turn, would the PC gain 5 hit points, be Wounded 1 and regain consciousness? And would it be any different with Regeneration 5 (deactivated by acid), same scenario?

Just curious, if there is a hazard that for its routine makes multiple attacks, would the attacks beyond the first one suffer from MAP?

Just curious, if there is a hazard that for its routine makes multiple attacks, would the attacks beyond the first one suffer from MAP?

Maybe I just missed it, but what should the HP of the mortal shells used by the Agent of the Grey Queen Astradaemons be?

So my group is running. fall of Plaguestone, and against the fight with the Blood Ooze, the group’s Sorceror rolled a critical hit with a Hydraulic Push.
Now, Oozes are normally immune to critical, and as as per the CRB:

Core Rule Book, Pg. 451 wrote:
Immunity to critical hits works a little differently. When a creature immune to critical hits is critically hit by a Strike or other attack that deals damage, it takes normal damage instead of double damage. This does not make it immune to any other critical success effects of other actions that have the attack trait (such as Grapple and Shove).

So, the damage would be normal damage. But, a Hydraulic Push, on a critical, does 6d6 and is pushed back 10 feet instead of 3d6 and a 5-foot push.

So, against the ooze, is 3d6 damage and a 10-foot push the correct answer?

Thanks for the info, guys!

Hey all, I’ve noticed some creatures with Constrict, like the Giant Octopus or the Sea Serpent, have Constrict listed but no DC for the fortitude save.

Constrict, RAW says “ The monster deals the listed amount of damage to any number of creatures grabbed or restrained by it. Each of those creatures can attempt a basic Fortitude save with the listed DC.”

So, if a creature has a Constrict but no listed DC, how would you handle that? Would you assign a DC, or does that mean in those cases it is just automatic damage?

Another question, about Ancient Magma Dragons:

Magma Tomb Once per day, the dragon can spit a molten boulder at a target within 120 feet. This deals 10d6 fire damage and 4d12 bludgeoning damage, with a DC 42 basic Reflex save. If the creature fails its save, it’s encased in magma that instantly cools and has Hardness 10, HP 40, and BT 20. The encased creature can’t breathe and is restrained.

This is a really cool ability...but one thing I am unsure about, and I apologize if I’m missing something here.... how does the Broken Threshold come into play? I know for instance with a broken shield, it can no longer impart an AC bonus, but say, if you reduce the Magma Tomb to 18 HP, which is under the BT, would the character still be trapped inside? Would there be any other penalty to the Tomb, like lowered Hardness for instance?

Thanks for the clarification.

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James Jacobs wrote:

There are no tags by design. This specific ability possessed by this specific character does not provoke attacks of opportunity. That's one of the benefits she gets for being high level. It's MUCH easier to simply use (manipulate) or leave it off rather than write out multiple sentences describing something—it's a much more efficient way to get rules out there.

It's certainly POSSIBLE for us to forget a tag, in which case it's an error... but errors are not the norm (despite what some folks might claim). In this case, though, it's not an error.

She doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity when she uses Hammer the Chained. If she just drew her light hammer as a normal Interact action to grab a stored object, of course, she would. But when she uses Hammer the Chained, it uses its own rules.

You'll see this sort of thing happening a lot with NPCs. In order to make encounters with named NPCs more dynamic, interesting, and to a certain extent surprising or unexpected for veteran players, we'll be giving NPCs thematic powers that they've developed for their own use. I could see some of these abilities, if they gain traction and attention, some day being translated and reworked to be presented as player options, but that'd be for a separate book.


We COULD have, for example, had a Rare "Hammer the Chained" class feat or something like that be a reward the PCs could earn int his adventure; after defeating Ilssrah, for example, we could have put in her journals as a treasure containing the formula for how to learn a version of Hammer the Chained, and then would have put a PC version of the ability in that volume's Adventure Toolbox.

Cool, that’s interesting info, and I like the fact that higher level enemies have access to abilities that players can’t necessarily have, making them more unique.

Ruzza wrote:
Hell's Messenger wrote:
Quick question about Illsrah Embermead: Hammer the Chained special action, since she is still drawing her light hammer from her belt, would that provoke an attack of opportunity?
I don't have my book in front of me, so I can't confirm, but if Hammer the Chained has the Manipulate tag, then yes it would. Drawing the hammer would just be a part of the action, meaning it shares all the benefits and downsides of the action.

There are no tags, hence my confusion.

Quick question about Illsrah Embermead: Hammer the Chained special action, since she is still drawing her light hammer from her belt, would that provoke an attack of opportunity?

Hey all. Can you use offensive spells during exploration mode, i.e., Electric Arc? And if you do so, how would that spell work when combat begins?

Thanks for the info.

Will we see more about Zura, above and beyond from the softcover Books of the Damned?

Bodhizen wrote:
Keltorus wrote:
Bodhizen wrote:

Friends and fans, the Guide is in the process of getting an update.

Best wishes!

any chance there will be a section on antipaladin cruelties?
I don't see why it's explicitly necessary. They're good and bad for much the same reason that paladin mercies are good and bad.

I was just hoping for your opinions on them... and I guess I got it.


Bodhizen wrote:

Friends and fans, the Guide is in the process of getting an update.

Best wishes!

any chance there will be a section on antipaladin cruelties?

Are you still looking for players?

I'm looking for a group in Edmonton too! Let me know if you uncover anything.

Quick question about Channel Wrath:

Channel Wrath (Su)

When an oathbound paladin reach 4th level, she can spend two uses of her lay on hands ability to gain an extra use of smite evil that day. This ability has no effect for a paladin who does not have the smite evil ability.

This ability replaces channel positive energy.

My question is can I use Channel Wrath multiple times per day, or just once?

If my character has 6 Lay on Hands usages per day, can I convert said LoH uses into 3 extra Smite Evils?

Thanks for the help/clarification.

This is all great help, thanks guys/girls/robots of all ages!

Hey, this is my first post.

I'm currently playing a pathfinder campaign with my cousin, his friend is the GM (So just a two people game at the moment, something to bear in mind).

I always play as paladins in other RPGs, and was planning on originally being the tank, but as a result I'm sort of the jack of all trades in our 2-man game, tanking, dpsing and healing (My cousin is a fighter/rogue, and he's RPing it a little bit more than I am so his feats aren't exactly as "metagaming" as mine are). I'm a little bit more focused on actual game play, and want to take feats that will allow me to do some serious damage, while at the same time have a lot of defensive strengths.

I realize with my current ability scores, I can't take the two-handed weapon feat and the other feats necessary to take the sweet shield bash ability.

Keltorus, Level 5 Paladin (Human, 20 point build)
57 HP
Str 14 +2
Dex 10
Con 13 +1
Int 12 +1
Wis 10
Cha 19 +4

Great Fortitude
Power Attack
Shield Focus
Toughness +5

Beneficent Touch
Armor Expert

Cold Iron Masterwork Long Sword
Full Plate
Heavy Metal Shield

I was thinking of making getting some sunder or bull rushing abilities, or maybe Hammer the Gap. Any thoughts/advice?
Keep in mind I can't change my ability scores at this point, or change traits and already chosen feats.

Any help would be great.