
Healaugh's page

585 posts. Alias of Rev Rosey.


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Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh’s Song to Brigid

At the door of my soul she is standing,
So sweet in the gleam of her garment:
Her footfall awakens a fury,
A fierceness of love that I knew not,

Brigid comes swiftly towards me
An image that speaks:

"Stay, oh traveller tired with flight!
Tell me, wanderer , what are you seeking?"

"My way leads on to the worlds you come from!
My way leads to your unshod feet.

I am the swift voyager,
the venturesome poet!

I will harness myself to your glory
I will follow at your glance.”

Very freely adapted from a couple of Icelandic poems.

Male Halfling Bard 4



The halfling bows deeply and beams at his own personal deity. "Happen tha's in reet of it, our Brigid. Taking bit of chance seems to be way of life now. Reet glad to know tha's got eye on mesen. Not much of a lad for words, but skald in me'll find way to thank tha proper-like."


The boon is an awesome reward and quite perfect for Healaugh.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Anyone who wants to use a surge during the short rest gains an additional 4hp per surge.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Tha can coom out now, Yara. Moving on, like."

Anyone need healing?

Male Halfling Bard 4

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 - OA

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh flaps his arms and waves his javelin at the stirges.

"Go on, get away," he mutters.

War Song Strike (AC). On hit, probably irrelevant as it will be a minion, but just in case, next ally to hit same stirge before end Healaugh's next turn gains 2hp.
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
1d6 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 - even less relevant as I doubt 16 hits.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh swats randomly at the stirges and misses spectacularly.

"Bloodsucking things. Can't be doing with that. Off tha goes."

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 - OA 1
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 - OA 2

Male Halfling Bard 4

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 - Acrobatics to break free

Healaugh grabs the stirge by the snout and pulls it off him.

"Get out of it. Can't be doing with bloodsuckers," he bellows.

His shout has a curious effect on the surrounding wildlife and his allies.

Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude (1d20+9;1d6+6)
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you push the target 2 squares.
Effect: You slide each ally in the blast 2 squares.
Targeting purple dot, three red dots, Yara, Ddraig and Ghadmyr
Going round from right.
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
If any of those hit, 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7.
Push any survivors two squares away.
Slide Yara away from the battle (north, northeast)
Slide Ghadmyr north and northeast so he can get rangey
Slide Ddraig two squares south the break the grab on him

Male Halfling Bard 4

Top left corner for Healaugh please.

"Get behind trees, Yara. And run like buggery if we starts dying."

Male Halfling Bard 4

Have we earned an AP lately? I'm just updating Ynyr and Healaugh before they die horribly.

Male Halfling Bard 4

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 - Init.

Male Halfling Bard 4

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 - Stealth

Preoccupied with helping Yara, Healaugh isn't quite as careful.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Tha won't take to them, Yara-lass. Pesky things and reet nasty with it."

Male Halfling Bard 4

"This'll speed us on way, like."

So into the woods you go again,
You have to every now and then.
Into the woods, no telling when,
Be ready for the journey.
Into the woods, but not too fast
or what you wish, you lose at last.
Into the woods, but mind the past.
Into the woods, but mind the future.
Into the woods, but not to stray,
Or tempt the wolf, or steal from the giant--
The way is dark,
The light is dim,
But now there's you, me, her, and him.
The chances look small,
The choices look grim,
But everything you learn there
Will help when you return there.

"Good advice, that."

Male Halfling Bard 4

He does. He would also like to cast Traveller's Chant to make the going a little easier. It takes ten minutes of hurdy-gurdy.

Component Cost: 10 gp, plus a focus worth 5 gp
Market Price: 75 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)Level: 1
Category: Exploration
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 8 hours
Prerequisite: Bard

For the ritual’s duration, you and up to eight allies who heard the whole performance of the ritual can travel farther than normal. For the purpose of determining how far you and the allies can travel in an hour or a day, treat the group’s speed as the slowest member’s speed + 2.
Focus: A musical instrument you play as part of performing the ritual.

If that is OK, he'll knock off the components from his list.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Don't be fooled, lass. Tain't that common for us either."

Male Halfling Bard 4

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 - Nature

Healaugh considers the surrounding landscape and looks for suitable handholds.

"Gurt numpty. Twere only tree root. Now then, Yara-lass. Follow me reet careful like or tha'll end up arse over like our Ddraig."

Male Halfling Bard 4

Acrobatics - so even if he falls he can tumble down safely.

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

"Be singing a bit once we're out other side. Shorten journey like."

Planning to use Traveller's Chant if we can spare 10 minutes for a swift hurdy-gurdy recital.

EDIT: What is up with that dice roller? Two crits in a row.

Male Halfling Bard 4
Fabes DM wrote:
So, what's the plan, gang?

Take the head and the girl (if she wants to leave) and head back.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Lass were in trouble and helping don't make her "lady friend", our Ynyr."

Healaugh scuffs his feet a bit.

"Not to say she wouldn't make fine net-mender, but happen she's other plans."

Male Halfling Bard 4

Ynyr has the head already, nicely embalmed with a Gentle Repose ritual.

"Twere joke, our Ddraig."

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Reckon our Ddraig could pull 'un?" Healaugh sounds hopeful.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Shed first.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Hopeful rummaging ensues.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Happen they're still there and reet useful that would an all. Aye lass, reckon it's safe enough."

Healaugh heads for the stables to hunt for any remaining horses.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Shivnar, then. Have it own way. Not sure what tha saw in him. Tha seems like a nice lass to me. Be better off out of here." Healaugh coughs a bit. "Be pleased to escort tha, like."

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh asks Yara if the place they just fought the bulette was the strongroom.

"Dost know if place we fought gurt scaly brute were strongroom, lass? Can't rightly tell if yon Shinvar had owt else hidden, see and don't want to be leaving any nasty surprises behind us, like."

Then he considers where the group have explored and suggests investigating the other side of building 36 (i.e. the bit with the semi-circle attached).

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Don't like sound of that."

Healaugh shows the book to the others.

"Happen thing he's talking about were bulette, and happen t'weren't. Best take a look, like."

Male Halfling Bard 4


Healaugh nudges Ynyr, "Loan us book, Ynyr lad."

He reads it.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh takes the simplest route and asks Yarra if there's anything interesting she thinks the group should know about.

"Seemingly been bad doings here. Now, is owt else we need to be checking, now our Ynyr's got head preserved?"

Male Halfling Bard 4

While Ynyr fossicks around, Healaugh goes in search of Yarra.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Via the kitchen to pick up Yarra as she may know where things are stored.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Hauling boar inside and shutting the door sounds like the start of a plan. Quite how we transport a hippo-sized corpse is another.

Male Halfling Bard 4


Male Halfling Bard 4

"Be it known that the Ri Conn passes sentence of death on the white boar of Kilfay, which lately slew in bloody murder Muirish of the house of Conn. Furthermore, whosoever shall carry out this sentence and bring the dead body to the Ri shall receive his heart's desire, by the power of the Kingstone."

Sounds as if the King rather wants the whole thing. I doubt he'll be convinced by us saying "oops, crocodiles ate it."

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Don't want them closer is why."

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Get back here tha gurt nitwit."

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Sing a song of resting,
A pocketful of pie,
Sing of song of resting,
All the bad's gone by,
With the monster fallen,
Birds begin to cheep,
Everyone is better now,
Let's have a little sleep."

Healaugh bellows the familiar incantation over his shoulder.

Restful healing. Gain an additional +4 to any surges you use during a short rest.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh ignores his friend's plea and cuts a small piece of hair from the fallen boar.

"For memory, like," he says respectfully before leaping to his feet.

"Lass. Best be sure Yarra's not harmed."

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Can't rightly say what were happening there, but leastways we can prove boar's gone. Tidy that."

Healaugh looks thoughtfully at the body. "Happen were another god, like."

Male Halfling Bard 4

"There's reet strange."

Healaugh tries to work out what he's just seen.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 - Arcana, if appropriate.

Still in shock from the bulette's demise, he can make little sense of the rest of the happenings.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"C'mon our Brigid-lass, we've had a bloody-nuff of this," mutters Healaugh under his breath before turning his voice up full throttle.

"Back to the boiling vats that birthed you, you useless pile of mutant body-parts."

Vicious Mockery (Will)
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
13 damage from the power
2d8 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9 - crit damage.
22 damage

Ever capricious, Brigid hears the fervent prayers of her halfling worshipper.

Male Halfling Bard 4

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

The boar backs up and then charges, joining the ranks of those who miss in fine style.


Male Halfling Bard 4

"Come on now, our Brigid-lass. Don't be letting us down."

Healaugh mutters a quick invocation to the only deity he has any truck with.

"Gurt pile of useless leavings," he bellows at the remains of the bulette.

Vicious Mockery (Will). On hit, target takes -2 penalty to attack rolls to end Healaugh's next turn
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Unfortunately, Brigid appears to have her mind on other things. Healaugh shrugs and maintains Macmorr's protective shield.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Don't be bloody daft, our Macmorr."

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Keep tha spirits up, our Macmorr, tes nowt but a big heap un-naturalness when alls said."

Healaugh ducks behind Ghadmyr and unleashes a devastating attack on the fleeing horror.

Move to U26 behind Ghadmyr.
Sustain Canon of Avoidance on Macmorr (+2 all defenses)
Vicious Mockery (Will) v Bulette
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
ROCK! Crits.
13 damage from the power and 2d8 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9 from the crit. Total 22 damage to mutant nasty.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Ddraig, I guess?

Male Halfling Bard 4

Move to R20 going behind the boar.
Second Wind. +2 all defenses to start next turn.

Healaugh backs up the corridor and tries to pull himself together as his clothes burn. He looks with some concern at the White Boar, now rather bloodspattered.

Male Halfling Bard 4

You might have hit it, Macmorr. If Ghadmyr hit it's dazed and granting CA and if Healaugh did, all defenses are at -2.

Male Halfling Bard 4


Healaugh bellows at the bulette, hoping to take it off guard.

Vicious Mockery (Will). On hit, target takes -2 penalty to defenses to end Healaugh's next turn.
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
1d6 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
AP: Canon of Avoidance on Macmorr (+2 all defenses to end next turn. Effect can be sustained and transferred to an ally within 10 as a minor.
Minor: Last Majestic Word on Ghadmyr. Heals surge plus 4 and Ghadmyr can slide one square as a free action.

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