Radi Hamdi

Hassan Ahmadi's page

39 posts. Alias of Derek Vande Brake.


Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

I'll have a post up a bit later, but for now all I can say is...

Lubricated dwarf. Ew. :P

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

This is all conditional on the fact the thing is still alive after Berenwyr's attack. After all, if my count was right it has taken 14 damage now, though it might have DR I suppose.

Hassan steps forward, calling on the aid of the Dawnflower. A complicated ritual later, and a celestial eagle appears and swoops down to attack the creature in the trees.

Taking a 5 foot step to O19, and casting Summon Monster I. Using the Genie Caller trait to make it last an extra 2 rounds, and Augment Summoning feat gives it +4 Str/Con in addition to Celestial Template. Summoning an eagle into O16, high enough to reach the Tatzylwyrm, from where it will attack.

Talon 1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Talon 2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Bite: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Edit: Minor change to fix roll formatting, hope that's okay.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Noooo! We lost the hot chick! :D

Welcome aboard, Berenwyr!

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Hassan recovers his pack before continuing on with the party.

Upon coming to the huge tree, he holds back. He grew up in more desert climates, and forests are still a new experience. However, even he can tell that this tree is somehow unusual.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Hassan moves to position on the far side of the kobold, flanking with the dwarf.
Double move, risking the attack of opportunity. Finishing in K7.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

What program did you use to make that map? Looks snazzy.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

"Undead? Then it shall fall before the Dawnflower's light!" Hassan drops his heavy backpack, leaving him more maneuverable, and draws his scimitar and shield.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Hassan whispers to his companions. "Don't kobolds usually travel in groups? This could be an ambush. I think we should ignore it, lest we find ourselves in a much greater fight."

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

At dawn, Hassan takes the time to pray before helping strike the camp, asking Sarenrae's blessing on their endeavor.

"I agree with Zane, we must go forward. Lives depend on us. Unless it interferes with our mission, we should stay our curiosity."

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Wow. Looks like I should have just gone ahead and made that the second survival check rather than aiding another.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

I'll assist on the second one. Depending on the time scale in which these checks are happening, I will also cast Guidance for both, giving an extra +1, but that only lasts one minute so it may not matter.
Aid Another Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

I have Light prepared, but I agree that making camp before dark would be preferable.

As the party makes camp, Hassan says, "I'll take first watch, unless someone else would prefer to."

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Oooh, comp sci, fun! My undergrad was in Finance, but I'll be getting my PhD in Economics.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

So while we wait for the next game related post, I just thought I'd brag a bit that I'm now a college graduate. :) I'll be moving to Fairfax, VA in the next few weeks in preparation to go on to grad school in the fall! :D

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Hassan wanted to leave before he snapped at the foreman, so he turned and walked out of the building. "Are you ready to go, my friends? It looks like we'll have a river to cross."

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

I am so sorry for the delay. :( Finals are finally over, however, so I should be able to pick up my speed. Though it doesn't seem I have been needed quite yet.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Hassan had been quiet up until this point, and he was not about to start talking now... and he isn't about to start now, when he's irritated. It was probably for the best - he wanted to give the foreman a tongue lashing. How dare he charge five gold for information needed to save his village from a sickness? At least this Rhoddam person seemed to be better.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

In a rush, sorry for posting delay (finals week), just wanted to say I'll have something up when I get to work tonight.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Works for me! Probably should provoke an AoO to boot, but that's your call.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Since I don't want to act on OOC GM knowledge...
But in fact Hassan has been at the inn most of the time he's been in town, and has neither food nor water for extended trips. Water will only be a problem today, tomorrow at dawn he can switch out an orison for Create Water.

"How long will the journey to the tree take, Zane? I fear I am not outfitted for such a journey - is there somewhere in town I can buy trail rations?" Hassan asks.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

I'm good with that.

Edit: Additionally, a rules question I don't think I have ever heard come up. (It's always considered a free action in our group.) What kind of action is it to shrug off my backpack and drop it on the ground at the beginning of combat? That should reduce my encumbrance from Heavy if I get too much weight, but make everything in it inaccessible. (Which doesn't include any weapons, armor, shields, holy symbol, or spell component pouch.)

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

"Then please, friend Zane, lead on. The sooner we gather these ingredients, the sooner this plague might be cured," says the Qadiran holy man.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

So magical healing did nothing, or she nixed the idea? I'd expect it not to work, think you'd need remove disease... or in this case, maybe antiplant shell! But do I still have Bless then?

"I, for one, will seek out these ingredients," says Hassan.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Yeah, I honestly probably should have made the Diplomacy checks, as mine is a bit higher than Shalyna's... but it all worked out okay. Just a normal part of play-by-post games, especially at the beginning.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Hassan glances at Shalyna, wondering just what form her magic takes... but he is certain of his own.

"I have some small skill as a healer, by the grace of the Dawnflower, including some access to her divine power. I would be pleased to aid in any way I can."

Will burn Bless as a Cure Light Wounds, on whichever patient Laurel chooses.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Woohoo! First 1 of the campaign... wait, I shouldn't celebrate that!

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Hassan won't be stopping her. He will, however, attempt to gauge the health of those present - is it a physical malady, or simply an emotional drain at this point, keeping them down? That is, is the sickness almost everywhere, or are people more affected by the sorrow of loved ones being sick? Heal check:
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Hassan stands up. "I agree. We must hurry." Though his expression is serious, there is a gleam of excitement in his eye. You don't have to guess at what this means, for he adds, "I'm sure this is why I was brought to this place."

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

"Sickness?" asks Hassan. "Of what sickness do you speak?"

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

"I, too, know nothing about the Lumber Consortium. I traveled here from Qadira on what I thought was the will of Sarenrae... but I confess, after two weeks with no clear sign, I am beginning to doubt my interpretation of her will." He sighs despondently.

When the tall man with the axe enters, Hassan nods in greeting, but remains perfectly content to remain here with his present companions.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Hassan nods to Jak, saying, "Yes, I would very much like some jackflaps!"

At Shalyna's invitation he smiles warmly and moves to sit down. "A good morning to you, friends. I hope this dawn brings fortune upon you. I am called Hassan Ahmadi." He makes a small bow to each of the people present. "I apologize for the interruption," he says, turning to Zane. "You were about to tell a story?"

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Wow. I hadn't intended it to be the case, but it looks like I have the highest AC in the group. I guess I'll be closer to the front lines than previously planned, lol!

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

One day I think I'd like to play a barbarian with a high intelligence, just to mess with people's preconceptions. :D I wonder if it could be a viable build? Maybe use combat expertise, and some improved maneuvers that hinge on that?

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Ah, you must have caught me when I was fixing it. I had forgotten a spell component pouch and realized I did have a few spells that needed one, and got rid of the holy water and healer's kit to keep the weight down. :)

I think a Handy Haversack is the most important magic item you can get, even compared to weapons and armor. :D

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

1) No residents, likely, but I'd likely have gotten to know the people on the caravan I traveled in with. They'd likely stay in town a short time to resupply and buy new trade goods.

2) Currently 22 years old. His exact birthday is unknown, estimated sometime in the summer. He has always celebrated it on the 1st of Erastus.

As for character stuff... I keep coming up with a weight of 53 exactly. And looking at my cash, I'm getting 90.18gp left, going from the class average of 140. I'm going to doublecheck that since it doesn't quite match either of our figures...

Equipment: (* - item from Adventurer's Armory)
Hide Armor - 25lb. - 15gp
Heavy Wooden Shield - 10lb. - 7gp
Scimitar - 4lb. - 15gp
4 Javelins - 8lb. - 4gp
Backpack - 2lb. - 2gp
Blanket, Common* - 1lb. - .2gp
Chalk - 0lb. - .01gp
Fishhook - 0lb. - .1gp
Holy Symbol, Wooden (Sarenrae) - 0lb. - 1gp
Soap* - .5lb. - .01gp
String (50ft.)* - .5lb. - .01gp
Spell Component Pouch - 2lb. - 5gp

Weight Total:
- Armor = 25 + 10 = 35
- Weapons = 4 + 8 = 12
- Other = 2 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + .5 + .5 + 2 = 6
- Total = 35 + 12 + 6 = 53

Money Total:
- Armor = 15 + 7 = 22
- Weapons = 15 + 4 = 19
- Other = 2 + .2 + .01 + .1 + 1 + .01 + .01 + 5 = 8.33
- Total = 22 + 19 + 8.33 = 49.33
- Remaining = 140 - 49.33 = 90.67

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

I do? Ah, I wasn't thinking, lol, hadn't put my racial +2 in Wisdom as I probably should have. I guess that's the downside of being up late... your mind works fuzzily. (I actually had to make another slight change this morning, realized I had forgotten a spell component pouch.)

Two points will go into Constitution, giving me an extra hit point and +1 to my fort save.

Male Kelishite (Human) Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Lol, I was up pretty late last night so I think my character sheet's already done... but if you can see anything that needs changing, let me know.

I believe I am finished with my character. Background is an abandoned child left at a monastic temple of Sarenrae, parentage unknown (left to GM discretion if you want to use this as a plot hook). He arrived in Falcon's Hollow as a guard for a merchant caravan (possibly the same one Israfel arrived on?). I took the traits Genie Caller, from Inner Sea Primer, and Flame of the Dawnflower, from the APG. The former represents his study of magic; the latter his devotion to his deity.

I introduce Hassan Ahmadi, traveler from Qadira. He will bring the Dawnflower's light on your journeys.

(It's a work in progress... so his backstory isn't settled and his traits aren't chosen. But he'll bring primarily healing, combat support via buffing/summoning, diplomatic abilities, and a bit of damage via the fire domain.)