
Harlynd of Clan Dorak's page

27 posts. Alias of Balabar.

Varisian Fortune Teller

Korvosa, Neth 23, 4708

Hadric wakes up early to care for his catatonic wife. He moves her body to the side to remove the threadbare sheet, replacing it with a slightly cleaner threadbare sheet. He smooths out the blanket keeping his wife warm and leans over to kiss her forehead. As he draws his head back, he notices a card half under her pillow. He pick it up, looks at the front (The Uprising), then turns it over to read the back…


When did you get the new tattoo? Alika sleepily asks as Eran gets out of bed.

What? I haven’t got a new tattoo.

Yes you do. On your back. The top of your right shoulder.

Eran twists his head, craning his eyes to see the top of his back. There is a new patch of brightly inked skin! He reaches back and feels not skin, but a card. It’s a Harrow card, The Unicorn...


Tolen gets up from the alley floor. We hasn’t slept at home for the past three days. He runs his hand through his greasy hair and starts to unfold the cloak he was using as a rough pillow. As he unfolds it, a card flutters to the ground (The Big Sky). He picks it, turning it over to read the scrawled message on the back...


Fane wakes up late in his small room in the Shingles high above Bridgefront. Even though its almost noon, there is a chill in the air, as a breeze blows through the makeshift walls of his room. He is still tired and stiff from his long night searching the back alleys of Old Korvosa for any sign of Lamm. Just then a bright coloured piece of paper blows by in a gust of wind. His hand snakes out and he catches it expertly between two fingers. It’s a card (The Juggler)...


Allyph shivers in the cold as she enters the abandoned outbuilding. The room is small and dark. Anything of value was removed long ago. Stacks of old crates shield her bedroll and meager possessions from view. It’s been her home for the last five days. She needs to find a new place to live—she has to stay one step ahead of Lamm’s men. As she starts to pack up her stuff, she notices a colourful card that wasn’t there before. It’s a harrow card, the courtesan. She turns it over and sees the note...


Cardon looks around his dormitory room at the Acadamae for the last time. He’s finally done it! He’s passed the graduation exam, summoning a foul imp from the very depth’s of Hell. It’s time to move on—Sivanah calls him to her service. As he turns his back to exit, he spots a card stuck in the edge of the doorframe. He pulls it out to look at it. The Carnival


The back of each of the harrow cards has the same text:

I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

Map showing 3 Lancet Street

Varisian Fortune Teller

Block Initiative
There’s nothing more frustrating than waiting for someone to go when you’re next and they haven’t posted for days. To remedy this situation somewhat, all characters that go before the next enemy to act can post their actions in any order. Characters that don’t post after more than a day of waiting will be NPC’d.

Resolve Your Own Attacks
To speed combat up a little more, I will post the defences and saves of enemies. Roll your attack and damage at the same time and resolve your actions.

Be Descriptive
Play by post moves at a different pace than tabletop gaming. You have time to describe your actions—use it! Write out how your character performs actions, how they react to the unexpected, and what they are thinking.

Fight like a comic book character! Have a witty rejoinder for every punch and blow.

Co-operative Narrative
It is your campaign too. Add details to Korvosa. It’s a big city—there more shops and taverns than are detailed in any source book. All of your characters have spent time in the city. Let me know who you know. You can even provide dialogue for NPCs for routine interactions.

My one quirk in all the games that I DM is that I use the silver standard. This has no impact on game play—it is merely for flavour. What it does is make gold valuable again, reflecting its historic value and rarity. All prices are adjusted according to the table below. Copper and silver coins come in two sizes each.

Normal ____ My Rules ____ Name
1 cp ________ 1 cp ________ Pinch
1 sp _______ 10 cp ________ Plate
1 gp ________ 1 sp ________ Shield
10 gp ______ 10 sp ________ Sail
100 gp ______ 1 gp ________ Crown

Gaedren Lamm must pay for his crimes!

For too long this petty crime-lord has stained the streets of Korvosa. Thievery, drug-dealing, blackmail, kidnapping, murder—his list of crimes is long. The number of people he has victimized is too numerous to calculate and even includes you. He has always been one step ahead of the law and your vengeance. Until now…

I will be running Edge of Anarchy, the first chapter of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path. I am looking for five players who want to take part in a fast-paced, role-play-heavy, investigative swashbuckling adventure in a gritty urban setting. Characters should have backgrounds that connect them to the city of Korvosa and make them want to protect it from the malign forces that threaten it.

Post a short (about three paragraph) summary of your character’s background. You don’t need to post a complete character sheet—race, class, abilities, feats, and traits should be enough for now. I will select five characters from the submissions by November 25.

Character Creation

Rules Pathfinder core: Start at 1st level, 20-point buy for abilities, average starting wealth for class, maximum hp at 1st level, no evil characters.

Classes Core only, archetypes OK.

Races Core plus tieflings. Humans, half-elves, half-orcs, and tieflings should specify their ethnicity. Chelaxians should specify if they are members of the nobility. Varisians should mention if they are Sczarni. Shoanti should specify their Quah.

Traits Two traits, one from The Curse of the Crimson Throne Player’s Guide (Pathfinder conversions here) and one from any other Paizo source.

Background READ the player’s guide! Create a background that not only incorporates a reason to go after Gaedren Lamm but also ties your character to Korvosa. Feel free to invent friends, family, and foes—incorporating connections to other characters is encouraged. If you have access to the Guide to Korvosa, you can use information from it to create your background as well. Just stay out of Chapter 5.

Sovereign Court

It took a long time to get them all in the same place, but I finally managed to take portraits of the Graul family.


Sovereign Court

I have enjoyed all of the pathfinder adventure paths and other materials through the years but am unable to afford them right now. Thanks for the great gaming.

Sovereign Court

Please cancel my adventure path and chronicles subscriptions. I have enjoyed the material a great deal but need to cut back on expenses right now.

Thanks for all of the great gaming.

Sovereign Court

Are Planet Stories books distributed to any stores in Vancouver, BC?

Sovereign Court


The rules pdf looks very, very nice. However, I have trouble reading documents on my computer screen.

Any chance on creating a plain text version of the rules, suitable for printing out and storing in a binder? It would make play-testing the rules much, much easier.


Sovereign Court


There is an error with this order. I selected the USPS package shipping rate, not the priority mail. Could you change it please?


Sovereign Court

<taps microphone>

Hello... is this thing on?

Is anyone home?

I still haven't received Dungeon 150 - although I did get my replacement Dragon 358 and poster last week.

Any chance of getting a replacement Dungeon 150 sent?


Sovereign Court

25 people marked this as a favorite.

I really, really like the goblin song. The only problem is that there’s only one of them. So I wrote another.

Goblins don’t like writing so they often teach other goblins how to do something by making up a song. This song teaches a goblin how to get one of its favorite meals. The reference to badger stink refers to their practice of using the scent of wild animals to lure guard dogs away.

Post more goblin songs if you’ve got them!

Sneaking Song

Goblins sneak and goblins hide,
Goblins hunt when it’s dark outside,
Out of the forest, through the trees,
Goblins quiet in the leaves.

Goblins sneak and goblins harm,
Goblins find a lonely farm,
Badger stink and poison bone,
Kill the dog away from home.

Goblins sneak and goblins hide,
Goblins know how to get inside,
Down the chimney, up the loo,
Goblins know just what to do.

Goblins sneak and goblins spy,
Goblins listen for baby’s cry,
Find the crib and climb beneath,
Draw the blade and lick your teeth.

Goblins sneak and goblins hide
Goblins climb up inside,
Must be quick with shiny knife,
Never wake-up farmer’s wife.

Goblins sneak and goblins see
Goblins know when to flee,
Stuff the baby into sack,
Run from room, don’t look back.

Goblins sneak and goblins hide,
Goblins hunt when it’s dark outside,
Deep in the forest, out of sight,
Goblins eat tasty baby tonight.

Sovereign Court

Character Background for Herkladd ‘Honour Blade’ Pinegaer Nebin Lenel Faerlenavan Varraer

Rumors around Diamond Lake speak of a trio of adventurers from the nearby City of Greyhawk, metropolis of wizards and thieves. They’ve been spending a lot of time in the village’s watering holes, proclaiming to all their intention to explore an ancient tomb on the lake’s northeast shore called the Stirgenest Cairn. You know that their plan will fail, since you’ve been to the Stirgenest Cairn and found it raped of its treasures centuries ago, just like all of the other empty tombs in the Cairn Hills.

But it got you thinking. What if the hills outside Diamond Lake hold other unexplored cairns, still laden with treasure? On one of your visits to the Spinning Giant, you met a talented young singer named Lyria Cicaeda, the daugter of the chief cartographer in Diamond Lake’s imposing garrison. You contacted her a few days ago with your idea, and asked her to look through the garrison’s old maps for reference to any cairns that aren’t well known (and hence well explored) by the local populace. She hit paydirt almost immediately and claims to have a map that reveals just such a location near a mine that went dry several decades ago. She doesn’t even think any of the powerful mine managers in town lay claim to the spot, so it’s been mostly forgotten.

You asked her to help you assemble of group of acquaintances who might be interested in joining you on the mission. You managed to convince a gullible looking foreigner named Mohagin to accompany you. If the cairn’s filled with treasure, someone’s got to carry it out and it certainly isn’t going to be you. The group is due to meet at noon at an abandoned mining building not far from the mysterious cairn, to discuss the operation and to set off immediately for the cairn and a new life filled with adventure and excitement.

(Herkladd is a gnome swashbuckler with the arcane conundrum flaw from Dragon 328, page 42. He plans to multiclass with rogue, with the eventual goal of the blade bravo prestige class from Complete Warrior. Herkladd’s background is heavily plagiarized from the background Eric Mona wrote for Tyralandi Scrimm, but my players don’t know that.)