
Harlynd of Clan Dorak's page

27 posts. Alias of Balabar.


Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Good work! It seems you share my feeling towards goblins!

Harlynd walks over and pulls his javelin from the hay bale. He is dejected. Someday he will strike back at the goblins who killed his father. If only he could hit them! He felt that his next attack would have hit the goblins for sure.

Help me move the bodies behind the hay bale. If anyone can use this armor, I suggest you put it on, it could save your skin.

After checking the bodies for keys and stashing them away, Harlynd moves to the doors and Listens (11+5+2 (goblins)=18). If he doesn't hear anything he'll try to open the door, using any keys he found if necessary.

Harlynd will move at half speed down whatever corridor is beyond the doors, javelin in hand. Taking 10 Listen, Spot, and Search for 17, 17, and 13.

If the corridor is lit with torches like the entrance room was, he'll motion for the rest of the group to come closer to him.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Harlynd's second round of actions:

If he can charge one of the hobgoblins he will. Waraxe 14+7=21 for 10+4=14 damage.

Harlynd growls in goblin: You've met your doom goblin! How's my axe taste!

If he can't charge he'll move and attack, trying to get a flank without provoking an attack of oppurtunity. He'll use the same attack and damage rolls (-2 to the attack if no flank).

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Harlynd looks back at the rest of the group. He puts a finger to his lips to indicate silence, then makes an evil looking face and points ahead. He them mimes drawing a weapon and slowly walks his fingers. he then turns to peer ahead.

How big is the room? What's in it? Spot 10+5=15.

If there are no goblins, how many exits are there?

If there are goblins--Initiative 19+2=21, then attack the closest one with a javelin 2+3=5 for 5+4=9 damage and draw waraxe.

Harlynd doesn't intend to show goblins any mercy. If only he could hit them!

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Kravell wrote:
Spilling out of the torn sack are dozens of gold coins and a set of heavy black leather gauntlets set with metal studs.

Going back a bit to the treasure we discovered: Are the gauntlets sized for a goblin or a hobgoblin? Does anything happen if Harlynd puts them on?

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Whispered to Rurik: Go slowly. Keep your eyes out for traps!

Assuming that we're in the stealth marching order, Harlynd moves behind Rurik, 10 feet back. he moves at half speed so that he can make skill checks as he goes.

Whispered to the rest of the group: Light a torch and stay behind us. You should be far enough back that you can just make us out. That means the goblins won't be able to see our torch light before Rurik and I can spot them.

He will take 10 on Listen, Spot, and Survival checks for 15 in each, 17 if goblins. He will also be taking 10 on Search checks for stonework traps and unusual features for 13. He will have a javelin ready.

If he sees goblin tracks, he will try to determine how many goblins made them and how old the tracks are.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

To Rurik: Good shot! At least one of us reddened the axes of Clan Dorak.

To Valic: I don't think we should have a fire tonight--it would just let the goblins know where we are. We should leave this area quickly before the corpses attract crows and other scavengers--like blasted goblins. Let's take what we can and move on. We may be able to follow the trail of the dead goblins back to their lair.

Harlynd will go over to the goblins to investigate their corpses.
- How were they equiped?
- Were they carrying anything other than the sack of gold?
- Do they look like Eyepopper goblins?

Harlynd will let the rest of the group count the coins and inspect the gauntlets.

After he's finished with the corpses, he'll look for their tracks, taking 10 on Survival for 17. If the tracks are going in the general direction of the goblin's lair he'll suggest that the group follow them.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Rule Results wrote:
Harlynd--is moving up to flank birdfu and help Rurik unless he changes his mind. He can attack if he charges.

CHARGE!!! Let Borren guide my axe!

Harlynd will charge into a flank with Rurik if he can. Waraxe 2+7=9 (11 if flanking) for 1+2=3 damage. Got to get the low rolls out of the way early.

Blast! This beast is hard to hit!

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

As everyone else is doing it, I might as well join in. Initiative 1+2=3. Off to a srong start!

- If moving and hiding was a surprise round, Harlynd will ready an action to throw a javelin at the creature as soon as it gets within 30 feet. I'm hoping that his Hide check was good enough to catch the creature flat-footed.

- If the beast is already within 30 feet or attacking a party member, Harlynd will throw the javelin, then try to move into a flanking position, drawing his waraxe as he moves.

Take that beasty! Rurik, let's show this humans what dwarven axes can do!

- If the beast has attacked Harlynd, he will pray that he gets cover from the tree he's hiding behind. Then he will take a five-foot step back (hopefully behind a tree) and throw his javelin. He'll then draw his waraxe and call for help.

Help! A great big blasted beast is attacking me! Telvar, what is this horrible thing!

In all cases, his attack with the javelin: 14+4 (including bless)=18 for 3+2=6 damage.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Harlynd stops in his tracks. Without taking his eyes off the beast tries to stealthly move behind the nearest tree and hide. Move Silently 3+3=6, Hide 15+3=18. Blast! I'm really counting on those distance modifiers for Listen.

If the beast doesn't turn to attack and the rest of the party manages to get to cover, Harlynd will wisper very, very quietly to Telvar:

What is that thing? Any chance we can make it friendly? Remember, I'm not very good with animals.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Lothar Hill wrote:
I will lead the mule from the back. Perhaps we should get more than one, I would think that 3 would be good, I will offer to take the other two out of my share of the payout.

One mule should be enough. We can use it to take back the most valuble items. We can hide the rest and have the Chicane Guild pick them up.

Any more mules are just going to be difficult to control. However, I won't stop you if you really want them.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

To Keal:

I think you've given us enough information for us to get started. We won't need to speak with the teamster.

If we know where the goblins lair, we don't need to hurry to the ambush scene. Like Vandryl, I do my fighting on the ground, so I won't opt to take the warpony as part of my payment.

We will however, purchase the mule from you.

To the rest of the group:

We should still hurry--15 miles is a long walk any day and there might not be a trail to the goblin's hideout. It would be nice if we could get to it before nightfall.

Once the group leaves Sumberton, Harlynd will march along following his standard procedures: Taking 10 on Spot and Listen for 15 and taking 10 on Survival checks to check for any goblin or wild animal tracks for 10. He carries a javelin in his hand.

No marching songs today I'm afraid. Everyone one should keep as quiet as possible.

Add taking 10 on Move Silently at full speed for 8.

Could someone else lead the mule? I'm not good with animals.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Charles Dunwoody wrote:

"The goblins were well armed and armored, perhaps from the Eyepopper clan. We believe around ten hit the caravan and made off with several crates. You may speak with a caravan teamster who escaped if you wish."

"If you would prefer, we could provide each of you with a light warhorse or warpony with saddle and bags now. And another 50 gp when you return."

To Keal:

I think you've given us enough information for us to get started. We won't need to speak with the teamster.

If we know where the goblins lair, we don't need to hurry to the ambush scene. Like Vandryl, I do my fighting on the ground, so I won't opt to take the warpony as part of my payment.

We will however, purchase the mule from you.

To the rest of the group:

We should still hurry--15 miles is a long walk any day and there might not be a trail to the goblin's hideout. It would be nice if we could get to it before nightfall.

Once the group leaves Sumberton, Harlynd will march along following his standard procedures: Taking 10 on Spot and Listen for 15 and taking 10 on Survival checks to check for any goblin or wild animal tracks for 10. He carries a javelin in his hand.

No marching songs today I'm afraid. Everyone one should keep as quiet as possible.

Add taking 10 on Move Silently at full speed for 8.

Could someone else lead the mule? I'm not good with animals.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

At the mention of goblins, Harlynd becomes intensely focused.

My questions are more or less the same as Vandryl's. Do you know how many goblins there were? How were they armed? Do you you know which goblin tribe carried out the attacks? If there was a survivor, we need to speak with them as soon as possible.

I agree that the site of the raid would be the best place to start the search. We need to get there as quickly as possible.You are right Vandryl, tracking the goblins will be more difficult the longer we wait. It's too bad it rained yesterday, that will definately make tracking the goblins more difficult.

With regards to the mule, I think its more important that we get to the ambush site quickly. As the goblins ambushed an entire caravan, I'm not sure a mule would be sufficent anyways.

Harlynd looks directly at Keal Kseo to ask his next question.

As dwarves are not known for their speed, would it be possible for the Chicane Guild to lend us some horses and ponies?

You could send a rider with us to take the horses back as soon as we get to the trailhead. We can walk back once we have defeated the goblins. If we had a way of sending a mesage to you, such as a pigeon, you could send a caravan for your goods.

Knowing that he isn't always great with words, Harlynd won't try a Diplomacy check to try to convince Keal. He will however try to assist anyone else's attempt. Diplomacy 5-1=4 No good.

No mater what Keal's response is, Harlynd will want to head out as soon as possible. He dosen't need buy anything (he doesn't have much money left). If Keal doesn't offer to loan the horses, Harlynd will chip in for a mule and sadlebags.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Is everyone OK with these marching orders?

Scouting - Rurik, Harlynd, Vandryl, Telvar, Valic
Combat - Vandryl, Rurik, Harlynd, Telvar, Valic

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Telvar Quartermain wrote:

If it's early enough Telvar would like to explore a bit and familiarize himself with the town as well as see what information centers (libraries, wizard's schools, large temples, etc) there may be. As always, he is looking to broaden his knowledge as much as possible.

Note: He will only do this if one of the others is kind enough to accompany him.

I wish I had known you wanted to explore the city. I would have accompanied you.

Damn post lag! I missed your post. Harlynd's a much better guard than he is an information gatherer.

Telvar Quartermain wrote:
"What do we know about those we are supposed to meet? We should share this information with each other so as to be better prepared for all eventualities."

You could try asking around the inn. Good luck and you'll need it. They're a tight-lipped bunch.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Thank you for the fine meal Valic. You are a credit to the clan.

Harlynd hopes that the meal is better than the last one. If the ale is any good at the Sly Wink, he will buy a round for whoever wants it. The ale doesn't have to be up to the standards of Spring Stout, just better than the swill at the Do Stump Inn.

Harlynd hands Vandryl an ale. Thanks for backing us up back there with the guards. If you were a little shorter and had a good full beard, you could almost pass for a dwarf.

You still haven't told me if you're good with an axe. What style of warrior are you?

After Harlynd's conversation with Vandryl, he tries to learn a little bit about Keal Kseo and the Chicane Guild. Gather Info 7-1=6. Discouraged, Harlynd heads to bed.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Telvar Quartermain wrote:
If he senses they are trustworthy, he will suggest quietly to the group that he thinks it might be a good idea to accept their offer, but not at those prices and offers to speak with the guards. If the group agrees, he will do so in an attempt both to lower the price and find out more specifically what's going on. Intimidate 15+5=20

If it comes to this, Harlynd will try to assist Telvar's Intimidate check, glowering at the guards in a menacing manner. Intimidate 18-1=17. A sucessful aid another!. If these negotiations are sucessful, Harlynd will grudgingly pay his share only when the guards have delivered them to the Sly Wink.

In any event, whether escorted by the guards or not, Harlynd will be just as cautious travelling through the city as he was on the road, taking 10 on his Listen and Spot checks (for 15) and having his javelin ready in one hand.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Quietly to Valic: I do not think we need a guide. We have just walked through dragon-infested woods. What dangers could a city hold? It's a fine night for a walk. If we can't find the Sly Wink, we can always stay at another inn.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Rule Results wrote:
You notice farmers to the east, staying well away from the elven woods. Several small groups of deer are also seen heading east. About halfway through the day you see something that almost makes your heart stop.

Harlynd stops suddenly and picks up something from the groud. He crumbles it between his fingers and sniffs it. Survival check 11+5 for 16. How fresh is it?

All the color drains from Harlynd's face. He scans the horizon furitively (Spot 19+5=24) and assuming he doesn't see anything hurries back towards the group.

In a hushed voice: Everyone! Be very careful! Dragons have been by here recently--two small green ones by their droppings. Everyone pick a section of the sky and keep your eyes peeled for anything flying. We should space out a bit so the dragons can't catch us all together.

Keep moving, the sooner we're away from these blasted woods the better!

Harlynd scurries back to his spot in the front of the group, javelin in hand, worriedly watching the sky in front of the group. Spot 15+5=20.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Telvar Quartermain wrote:
At the first rest or lunch break, he will pull out a beautiful reed flute and play a hauntingly beautiful melody which seems to be calming to him. (Perform check 14+4=18) He says it is a song his mother taught him when he was young. When he is done, he carefully puts the flute away.

Harlynd looks away and wipes some 'dirt' from his eye. He then looks back at Telvar and speaks to him in a softer than normal voice:

Well played human. Your tune reminded me of my own mother and a time when I was younger...

Harlynd's voice trails off then abrubtly changes tone.

Well, we better get moving again if we're going to get to Sumberton before nightfall.

Harlynd resumes his place slightly ahead of the group.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Valic of Clan Dorak wrote:

Valic Spends 20 minutes in the pre dawn hours spending 2 turn undead attempts to create divine wards with both his cousins.

Come my cousins, let us prepare for the journey with the blessings of our god.

Thank you for Borren's blessing, honored cousin. I shall strive to make myself worthy in his eyes.

Could you remind me what Divine Ward does?

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Harlynd wakes three hours before dawn and starts to get ready for the day's journey. Five minutes later, he has finished his preparations. He spends the next two hours and fifty-five minutes impatiently waiting.

Once everyone else has gathered to leave, Harlynd says a quick prayer to Borren with Valic and then heads off down the road. Having exhausted his meager supply of small-talk the night before, he travels slightly ahead of the group, scanning the horizon for any sign of elves or goblins. He carries his heavy shield in one hand and a javelin in the other.

He takes 10 on his Spot and Listen checks for 15 in each. He also takes 10 on Survival checks to check for any elf, goblin, or wild animal tracks by the side of the road. With the -5 for moving at full speed, his result is 10.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

I had forgotten that humans could not see in the dark. I had merely wanted to avoid walking for hours in the blasted sunshine.

Harlynd looks glum.

Dawn it is then...

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

This conversation can be inserted into the dinner that night.

Harlynd is impressed by Vandryl’s knowledge and his shared distaste for elves.

Then it’s agreed--we rise three hours before dawn and start on our trek early! We can make our offerings to Borren at dawn by the side of the road and continue on our way. If we see any elves, we’re to keep our distance--unless they provoke us.

Harlynd knows full well that not everyone agreed to this plan, but he’s decided to try to be decisive. As the meal progresses, Harlynd slowly warms towards Vandryl.

So, you look like a fighting man. Are you any good with an axe? Have you fought goblins? They’re vicious brutes, not to be shown any mercy. I almost hope some of them try to waylay us on our journey, just so I could teach them a thing or two about dwarven axe fighting.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Thank you for the hospitality, human. The ale may not be Spring Stout but at least it replaces the sweat we have lost trudging through this blasted sunshine!

Harlynd takes a sip of his ale.

Blast! It tastes like the sweat we lost.

Harlynd puts down the ale and never touches it again. He looks Vandryl in the eye.

The merriment can wait until we have completed our task. We should have a good meal, if that’s possible, and then get early to bed. I want to be up early and traveling for a few hours before the sun starts baking our blasted brains again.

Harlynd turns his attention to the rest of the group.

It would also be good to get moving early to avoid the elves we’ve seen skulking about. You don’t happen to know what’s got them all riled up do you? Have they been causing trouble?

After eating the meal with the two humans, Harlynd will try to Gather Information with the locals in the inn. he wants to know if the elves have been interfering with travellers on the roads. He doesn't particularily care for elves. He rolls a 10 on his Gather Information check for 9 total.

If there are no other events that evening, Harlynd will go to bed early.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Harlynd is more than happy to welcome you to Clan Dorak. Actually he's glum and resentful, but I'm happy.

Both Rurik and Valic are cousins of his (and of each other). Rurik is the third son of Harlynd's uncle Ulfgar, who is the clan head. Valic is the first son of Brottor, a cleric of Moradin and the clan's spiritual leader. Harlynd's father is Barendd, who died when goblins raided the lower reaches of one of the clan's iron mines.

These are just sugestions. Feel free to change names and details if you want to.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Thanks for the increase in skill points! Here's Harlynd revised skill modifiers.

Skills (-3 armor check penalty): Appraise +1 (+3 stone or metal), Climb +3, Craft +1 (+3 with stone), Hide +3, Jump -3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Listen +5, Move Silently +3, Spot +5, Survival +5, Swim +0, Tumble +1