M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
"Ach, that was a close one. Thanks fer yer help Akurna. Right, perhaps we'd best review what little we know and make a plan?" Haltak begins preparing for the day, cleaning up, creating fresh water, and munching some trail rations while talking.
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
Haltak gives somewhere between a sigh and a raspberry. "pphhhh. Gotta clean this and rest then, and hope for the best. I dinnae bring any antiplague, though I have coin were we ta somehow find any fer sale. I've never seen an infection spread this fast. Best take care to make sure none o ya catch it. At least we're in no shortage of clean water, though I'm afraid we'll have to find a priest o' Cayden Cailean if we want plenty o medicinal spirits, heh. Oh and little lad, after what you've seen I might not open my eyes either. We ought to make sure nothing's wrong with them though, they feel fine yeh? I might take a rest. Maybe Akurna you'd be willing to make sure I'm still breathin and nothing eats me should I fall asleep for a wee bit?" Haltak changes into chain pajamas in true dwarven fashion and leans his shield against him. While I can't recall if you can treat disease on your own, I'm sure between Akurna and Haltak some improvement can be made.
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
"T'aint no venom I know of. Well aren't we a merry crew, ring around the bandages aya?" With a rueful chuckle, Haltak begins to bandage Phaust. "I cannae do much more fery ya lad, I used most o' Torag's blessings just gettin the few o' us this far. Oh, all those people... Haltaks hands move by rote but he goes quiet. Over an hour Haltak can treat deadly wounds to at least restore a couple hit points, and provide long term care. He'll also try to make sure nothing is infected or poisoned, not that that's been going great for him so far. He'll take ten for 19 on any of these checks.
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
Akurna Kenezor wrote:
Doesn't seem like the kind of game where we need traditional party balance. Second the opinion, I'm liking it so far.
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
"Eh, there's some kinda mystery here - Ah think she stabbed 'erself ta keep whate'er magic was in that sword secret. Somehow she's dispersed it, or whatever it was that was magickin' her. But somebody must know somethin' aboot what's going on, and maybe where that sword came from is important."
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
"Er, what in the deep was that?"
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
[/b]"Well, then we haven't been properly introduced. Haltak Forgemaster, at yer service. Seems that elf saved yer life then. Good on 'im."[/b]
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
"Hmmm, how did you get this ... shotel is the common name? Nobody makes these around here - and again, why are you trying to attack people who aren't trying to hurt you? Are you sure you aren't angry spirits or something? Something is wrong here. I'm not sure this cave is any more shelter against what lurks."
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
"I'll need to remove my armor to take a look, and I don't want to do that out here. When we can't do anything more to identify the bodies, we should retreat to some kind of shelter. I'd rather not die so soon into my quest."
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
"Well, it sounded just like a raven - maybe warped by dark magic like the hounds? They had two heads and their maws dropped something unnatural, diseased maybe. I might be infected, but I'm not sure. " I wonder if I can either tell if I'm diseased or more about it and/or treat myself heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
"I've been around a few unsavory things in my time..."
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
Same, but I/Haltak really took leave of senses there.
Oi, time to retreat or think aboot a diff'rent strategy... Wen his turn comes up, Haltak casts cure moderate wounds with one of his remaining spell slots. cure: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (6, 5) + 3 = 14
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
I *think* we can act roughly as a block before the beast(s). Ach, great, another beasty. At this rate I'll die from exhaustion. Well, I'll assume yer not as bad as that thing at least, whatever it is. Gives me the heeby jeebies Haltak moves 20 ft and casts ironskin, since he can't charge I'm assuming over the rubble / pcs in the way.
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
Haltak has no visible wounds, but is clearly dirty and looks like he was rolled around in the offal, so maybe it's hard to tell under all the armor and rot. "If that's true lassie, we'll be havin' a right long talk about why ya asked me ta step into it's talons 'stead o warnin' me ta duck. And now what, a man driven mad by tha moon?" Haltak sets his feet again and readies to strike the man if he comes up.
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
fort save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
"Oi, you'll find I'm a tough nut to crack! Lemme help break yer teeth some more!
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
Not bothering to stand up only to be knocked down again, Haltak continues thrashing wildly from prone at one of the remaining beasties.
also note definitely nat 1'd a fort save there.
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
Whelp, standing up is not working then!
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
Oh, right! Er, Haltak attacks the one that knocked him over from prone, hoping to thin the herd before standing up. attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Haltak lashes out as he rolls to his feat, hoping to avoid the worst of the extra bites.
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
initiative: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18
Did standing up, casting protection from evil, or both happen before initiative rolls? Haltak will cast protection from evil on his first turn instead of divine favor if he doesn't have it already. "Aahhh, alright ye fanged beasties, if'n we're doin' this the hard way, I'll knock your teeth in! Both sets! Torag guide me hammer!"
Hearing nothing of the other group, Haltak prepares to do battle to the end, by the light of his hammer alone, as he both feared anticipated.
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
"What in Torag's ... PFt" Haltak shakes his head and sputters, trying to blow the flies from his nose, rolling to his feet, trying to find his footing amongst the carrion and rubble. "Torag bless me hammer an deliver me from evil." With a prayer for protection from evil Haltak nervously looks about. Death and darkness he's faced before, but not under a hostile sky...
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
"F!$+ YOU, YOU TRAIiitttorous ...." Haltak yells, voice fasing away, obviously blaming Akurna for his misfortune. Deciding falling into the trees is probably better than whatever this creature has in store, and certainly not being strong or wriggly enough to just escape it's talons, Haltak begins bashing at its legs wildly.
M Dwarf Cleric (forgemaster) 3 def 12 ff 10 dr 9/magic fort 6 re 1 will 6 perc 3 HP 25/36
Tall, upright - like crops? Or scarecrows or creatures? "oi, the way this darkness be actin' maybe some light would do us good anyway eh? Not like we're sneakin aboot the underdark trying not to draw the eye o' somethin' nasty. Haltak casts light on his shield. He presumably doesn't see anything different, though it's in color now.