Haldred's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Okay....here's a wild idea. Your local game store hosts a pathfinder night. Mine doesn't (I'd like to start but I'm not sure I have a store here(just moved)). Venture captains have a set # of race boons, that are delivered to GM's or at a mini con. (honestly like two tables or something.) You hold a lottery once a month or twice a season or something. Players and GM's enter their numbers in a hat. A drawing is done at the end of the night.

Very similar to Friday Night Magic, where the winner of that nights play gets booster packs or something. Entry to the drawing can be left up to local Venture Captains, can base it on attendance, excellent role-playing, creative character concepts and the like.

I think that is an adequate solution to the problem. 1-2 boons per season or a max 5-6 in a calendar year per area would be neat. Gets everyone in the shop to buy die, minis, modules, ap's etc.

My .02

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Ashiel wrote:

You'll be happy to know that Dreamscarred press has a TOB port in playtesting right now for Pathfinder. It is good. :)