Haldred's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


I had just started slumbering tsar with my group. In the brief 3 months that we played (I had to leave to go to a different school, tech college)

I one shotted one player with the lone paladin rider, that lance can hurt.
Killed the same guy again after he fell into the broodmother pit.
Lost another to the Bender Bros
Almost a TPK on a flashflood, they literally managed to CHANNEL the entire flood and survive. 2 Paladins + Life Oracle. It was an intense amount of number crunching. Only the sorcerer was in danger of fully drowning. Druid finally got to use an aquatic form. (maybe i misread channel but I don't think being tossed around in a flood interferes.)

The managed to Roleplay the druid encounter out and nobody was sacrificed (fairly neutral bunch, offered to deliver "evil" sacrifices, mostly that group of rangers instead of themselves.)

Sadly, we didn't get to far, this was just after running a Kingmaker campaign that ended just short of the last book. They tend to have ADHD, and they felt the story was getting stale. Not a bad group though, certainly entertaining and I look forward running it again sometime. Hopefully can find work back home and rejoin our group (circle of around 10, usually always can get a table to run something 4-6)

Though, after kingmaker they weren't super excited for another sandbox. Maybe Rappan Athuk when I get back? That sexy leatherbound book calls to me. I'll have to look into the Stoneheart(?) adventure path, maybe reintegrate them into the world. I had problems with the deity list, many had never played anything outside of the Paizo pantheon.
I've played some 2nd ed, oodles of 3.5ed (the core group comes from this) and we switched to pathfinder after the great edition schism aka 4th edition. I also have picked up the S&W books and look forward to building a campaign in that.

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Okay....here's a wild idea. Your local game store hosts a pathfinder night. Mine doesn't (I'd like to start but I'm not sure I have a store here(just moved)). Venture captains have a set # of race boons, that are delivered to GM's or at a mini con. (honestly like two tables or something.) You hold a lottery once a month or twice a season or something. Players and GM's enter their numbers in a hat. A drawing is done at the end of the night.

Very similar to Friday Night Magic, where the winner of that nights play gets booster packs or something. Entry to the drawing can be left up to local Venture Captains, can base it on attendance, excellent role-playing, creative character concepts and the like.

I think that is an adequate solution to the problem. 1-2 boons per season or a max 5-6 in a calendar year per area would be neat. Gets everyone in the shop to buy die, minis, modules, ap's etc.

My .02

I would second Tsar. I gm'd 10 or so sessions 5 deaths. Bring back-ups. Bring a back-up for him/her too. Next session...did you make another back up?

It's got everything.

Custom monsters (your players are probably unfamiliar with, good vs. the munchkin-y guys)
Varied CR
HEXCRAWL transitions to massive dungeon (I'm a fine, others aren't)
Cannibalistic Trees
A friggin Tar Dragon
A city that corrupts.
A lich who can't sleep at night, instead of working just sits and waits for morning so as to not disturb his neighbors.

Let me just give the low down.
You're group has been slated by the Church of Light (insert Pathfinder Dieties if you want) to recover a book wrote by a paladin some oh...I think 500? years ago. In the middle of the city of the damned. He was ordered to hold his ground until reinforcements came. There was a massive army, a combination of the lawful evil and good aligned members against an army of Chaos sent by Orcus. Both disappeared. Go forth and conquer.

If you really want some lethality(pick up the Sword and Wizardry ruleset, OD&D at it's finest)

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Ashiel wrote:

You'll be happy to know that Dreamscarred press has a TOB port in playtesting right now for Pathfinder. It is good. :)

when the other three of my party mates get dazed by a failed will save from a necrophidious.
My elf wizard is out of spells to damage (more utility) goes hard in the paint and through a combination of alchemist fire and an enlarge person spell beats it to death, because at level 1, an enlarged wizard is a bad person to mess with. (str 10 woot.)

it's a slog fest if you do it with just two I'd feel like. Three is my bet for a party minimum. 1 cleric, 1 alchemist, and his rogue. (alchemist cause a few swarms) Could benefit from a Barbarian. We played this for PFS so power level was uneven. If you give him the GM bonus of a wand or two he'll be alright. Lot's of poisons, diseases, ambushes, etc. Pretty lengthy to boot. Think it had like 57 rooms total or roundabouts. We've only cleared like 17. That's three level ones(one a pregen npc) and one level 2. The above is all the stuff we've encountered. Bring torches/light. I don't think anything is considered lit so far.

Welp my characters use
Haldrid/Haldred depending on when they were created.
I had a fighter named Faldreth the Bearded.
A wizard named Viagris the Firm.
Necromatic Cleric of Zon-Kuthon named Cialis the Risen.

Usually I use a combination of Fantasy name either from mythology or lore. Sometimes whatever is on T.V. Add descriptive adjective. Done.