Arnistolientar Popswicker

Haggin Goodfey's page

178 posts. Alias of RyckyRych.


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Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Please place this campaign as inactive so it will not show up on my campaign tab any longer.


Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Yeah, I had noticed a slow down in play as well. I'd still like to know what the whole concpet was however, I enjoyed trying to see where this was going.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Are we to continue on by boat then? We are bound to find some sort of city or settlement along the water. Along the oceans and rivers are where most people decide to live.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

I wish they'd hurry up. I don't like being split up like this. What if they come back?

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

I'll be attending Space City Con/Winter in Galveston this weekend. The place has wi-fi so I might be able to post each day but I still wanted to give a heads-up while I thought of it.

I assume we are waiting to see if another boat is coming from the ship?

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Maybe you could. I do not believe I could make the swim. You'd have to come back for me.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

So which tracks are we to follow? If we follow the woman's tracks we can check on her and be sure she is safe.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin listens to the impassioned plea of his new friend. I will also aid you on the quest. I'm not sure how much aid I'll be able to provide but whatever I do can do to help I will.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Oh yes, back to the ship. Let's see if we can't find somewhere a bit more friendly.

Turning to Dristen, Keep the wand. You seem much better at using it that I am.

After the uses by Filios it now has 20 charges left.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Just level one.

Haggin welcomes the healing provided. Oh! I didn't make it. I purchased it a while back during my travels. Never knew I'd need it so soon, and so often!

Wand: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Wand: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin will hand Dristen his wand of Cure Light Wounds. Here, use this. I could use a bit of aid as well.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin will move over to Gansukh and try to use his Wand of Cure Light Wounds on him.

Use Magic Item: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
Healing: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin will use the 2nd of his fire breath uses, this one only half as potent as the previous.

Fire!: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin will move into the clearing and belches, producing fire by way of the use of his spell Fire Breath on the two creatures attacking his ally.

Fire Breath Damage (first of three), DC 16 Reflex for half: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 2, 5) = 12

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Deciding to stay well back and hopefully out of range, Bizzle fire a sling bullet at one of the red foes to the east.

Sling: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Bullet: 1d3 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin will cast Entangle so that the creatures coming from the east will hopefully be hindered enough so that the group can deal with the ones from the north. I will center the spell so that allies are not inside the radius of the spell. DC 15 Reflex for partial save

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

OK, even better. I'll stay where I am.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin will run to his new position on the map, not wanting to be out there all alone anymore. Run is 3x your speed, right?

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

Haggin will quickly cast Mage Armor on himself since things look to him like it could get ugly really fast. Haggin will then move back a little, trying to create space between him and the one's coming toward him from the north.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Combat!?! Haggin will hide behind 'Drax and hope she kills them all.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

I really must learn how that girl does this hiding thing!

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin will follow suit, hiding in the trees like the others.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Wait! Don't go! You haven't... awww, why did he leave so soon?

Wisdom: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Wait, do you hear that? Someone's coming down the paths.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Considering the worm was attempting to digest a member of the party and may not count as an animal, I didn't think it was worth the effort, LOL

No, he is telling me about his master. Seems we are on his plane. However, he has yet to give me the name of either. Turning his conversation back to the raven Haggin will say, No offense, good raven, but we are simply travelers who have lost their way and only wish to return home. Who is your master and what, umm, plane are we on? And how does one get here?

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

And where exactly is here, good raven? Haggin asks the well-spoken bird. And who is your master?

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin will cast his ability Speak with Animals (assuming the bird counts as an "animal" and not a bird, avian, whatever the rules are) and ask Why are you watching us?

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

So, if your heart is set on destroying it, move some stones around. Haggin shrugs, not being able to give anything more about it. I suggest we move on before that bird does something.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Well... no. Though I would think moving or destroying the stones would likely do it. I'm sure their positioning is important. Haggin contemplates the question further but doesn't seem to have any more answers.

Unless I can roll another check of some sort.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin looks at the area, trying to detect any clues about the stone structure. If I had to guess, I'd say this has been used recently, maybe a few days ago at the longest. A type of magic field or wall comes up judging by the foliage, or lack of it I should think, and I'd say that it is pretty active too. Haggin casts Detect Magic as he wonders around the stones. Faint auras are here, yes, yes, but I don't think I could use it, at least not from what I see here.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Well, possibly I suppose. I've never seen anything like it until now.

Did my 26 Arcana check give me any such knowledge or is a further check required.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

That could be true. Then again, if we ever learned how to use them for ourselves we might be able to go somewhere that we are familiar to. I'm not sure destroying them is in our best interest.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Arcana: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Do you suppose that the creature we slew last night came thru a portal, like the one that could be here now?

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Alright, if we must. Lets go see where these things came from. Haggin prepares himself for the journey.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin arises and looks around, seeing if anything can be seen now as opposed to when they completed their ambush. So now what? Do we go where those cretins came from?

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Because he can Haggin will cast Detect Magic on all the loot and such and will Appraise: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 the quartz.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Unless someone else can use them Haggin would be able to use the sling bullets. I assume the sling is no better than his own.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Not know what else he can do, Haggin arms his sling and flicks a bullet at the creature.

Sling: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Damage: 1d3 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin sees the party go into action and decides that he needs to try something to help.

Cast Entangle, far enough back so that only the enemies would be affected by the spell (spell has a 40' radius). DC 15 Reflex save.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin gets as low as he can, hoping to not be seen by these foreign creatures.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin will also camp out on one of the huts, preferably one close to where Saladraxis is stationed.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

I won't have you do anything. We owe these people nothing and far all we know they could be trying to take advantage of us somehow. If you folks really feel they are slaves to some demon or devil or whatever, then I suppose we could try and help.

Haggin pauses for a moment, as if to try and get his bearings on the situation. I guess this is one way we can learn more about this place. Its a good a plan as any. Where do you want me?

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

You expect me to get up on the roof of one of these huts? How long do we plan on waiting for whatever it is you expect to show up? Haggin doesn't seem to like the idea of staging an ambush but he will follow along with any plan that is currently being hatched since he doesn't have a better plan.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

I'm not comfortable with this at all! Ambushing something we have no knowledge of? Oh my, I do hope you guys know what you are doing. Haggin looks very troubled by the idea of planning for combat with the unknown.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Is that wise? There might be dozens of these slave masters! Unless, of course, you have no intention of doing as you say. Oh my, I do not like lying to these people but I do not see how we owe them anything either.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

I'm not that comfortable bringing strangers to our boat and then leaving them there. What is to say they would not turn hostile in our absence? If we are to explore further, perhaps we'd bring them to the boat afterwards.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Perhaps these folks can act as our guides. They must have some idea of what is on this island or land. I do not think leading them to the shore and simply leaving them there is what they have in mind.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Haggin moves in a bit closer, trying to see if he can figure out what their mannerisms might be telling him about their intentions or mood.

Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

Before we agree to do anything we need to find out where we are and what exactly is going on here. They do not seem to understand we are strangers in a strange land.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

I would hope not. If it is I won't be able to tell the humans and the demons apart. I was hopeful you might be able to determine one from the other.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (3) HP (16/16)| AC/T/FF 12/12/11|CMD 10|Init +1|Perc +4|Sense +0|F +3|R +2|W +3|

I'm not so sure this is going all that well. Haggin just watches as the scene unfolds.

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