HL-Gwydion's page
Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
I'm a HUGE fan of Pathfinder Flip-Mats & Map-Packs and this one is a nice concept. I just wish it was a "Multi-Pack" of NEW maps instead of a single one.
It's a great map for a clan of swamp-dwellers or groups wishing not to be found. The ruined structure on the flip-side is good for random inhabitants as it befits YOUR game.
If you want to see both sides go to Miniature Market:
https://www.miniaturemarket.com/pzo30126.html?utm_source=google&utm_med ium=cpc&adpos=&scid=scplpPZO30126&sc_intid=PZO30126&gclid=E AIaIQobChMItbuKmKHI_AIVVy6tBh2C7APNEAQYAyABEgJxQfD_BwE
It's also a bit less expensive there as well... Just my take on it.
Thanks everyone. Nitro Reader sounds great but alas, I have an iMac... Maybe I should build a PC in the near future. Sorry it took so long to say "Thank You"...Life gets in the way.
Our group has been enjoying several PFAP's and individual Modules over the years. The problem we have is with the {generally beautifully designed & detailed} maps included, it shows EVERYTHING! The traps, secret doors & paths, monster locations, etc. Now while that is necessary for the GM to do his job & follow the story, it is a spoiler as a playable map.
We can't be the only ones that enlarge these maps for play so we would like to request that, maybe at the end of the book/module, a set of clean player maps be included.
Not far in the future, more & more people will be utilizing gaming tables with video interfacing. This will make it even easier to bring up maps from an adventures pdf; rather than the current process of converting to jpeg, enlarging, printing & taping. But again, without clean player maps, the original problem will remain...
I would pay for PFAP sets of clean maps sold separately for each existing set. ESPECIALLY if on a DVD as jpeg's! Maybe this is an opportunity to breath new life into all old stand alone modules & adventure paths.
DON'T BUY the Carrion Crown Map Pack...It's useless. Just a bunch of colored squares laid out differently for each town they represent. No grids, no info, etc.
There's a lot of great maps online as images that can help. -or-
Get the PosteRazor program & make your own maps! You can scan in the maps from the books as jpeg's then make them into any size poster you want. Takes quite a bit of paper & ink {and tape} but greatly improves game-play. I personally have a printer whose ink costs under a dollar a cartridge so I make eveyones maps.{Uses LC75 Cartridges from Amazon.com}
I strongly suggest finding a printer that takes these cartridges for map printing!
Anyway, I have up through book 4 maps already made as pdf posters if you want me to email them to you {it's a LOT of info & emails}.
I also picked up the CARRION HILL module to use between books 3 & 4.
Turns out there's not a lot of chances to sell/buy in the game {as the PC's are constantly chasing & being chased - especially book 4 where they are "on the trail of"}.
With Carrion Hill I just take the Slipper Market part of the module & use it as a place where "The Riders" ransacked the place & left. If the PC's help the shopkeeper he will lead them through a dimension door that opens up into his REAL warehouse of goods. {I have him excuse himself for a moment where he dons rings, bracers & casts some wand of protection & an anti-magic shell on himself as a precaution before opening up to the PC's, just in case} Of course the warehouse is bustling with workers, beasties as guards & the like.
Here I allow them to sell their goods for 50% of retail & purchase at 75% {25% off}. Not everything is available & I caution against Monty Halling as too powerful of items can quickly ruin a campaign. Wands should not be fully charged & limit the (+) factor of everything.
I also allow them to have (1) item they own enhanced up to have any (+1 or +2) bonus added. [I don't allow +3 as SPEED is usually chosen...] It takes a full 8 hours for the enhancement so they might want to shop some more & explore the town. {don't get into the Carrion Hill campaign at this time since the PC's are following the pale riders}.
Let me know if I can help!
Email me: gwydionmaurmatauc@yahoo.com
BigDTBone wrote: Broom of House Cleaning
CL3 2000gp
The Broom of House Cleaning is activated automatically anytime there are no humanoids in the House. The Broom of House Cleaning cleans your house. Dishes and Clothes are washed, dried, and put away. Dust, Dirt, Grime, Trash, and Debris are cleared away. Windows, floors, and bathroom fixtures are washed and sanitized. All items are placed in there proper locations and all incidental items are found easily and readily. Cleaning of the house in this fashion takes 1 minute per room.
ROFL!!!! No insult taken. It was a point of her wanting something to do so much with such a simple spell that we went all out to cover all bases. But you know how us Muggles are; we don't understand nuthin. And the house cleaning was more of a quip.
We now return you to to less complicated, more fun gameplay.
Need your comments & suggestions please. {posted on General Discussion & should have posted here....}
My wife is researching a "0-Level Clean Spell" she wants badly. Something beyond what prestidigitation offers. Here's the process we figured from; The pricing difference depends upon your game & if you are heavy gold or more reserved.
This also assumes that you have or are able to purchase/find the materials necessary & cast the required spells for its creation. Otherwise additional costs for ‘casting’ will be incurred & are not figured here.
Now we found that there is some conflicts, depending on where you read about spell research in Pathfinder, on utilizing 1,000gp x spell level or 100gp x spell level & what constitutes such. So we decided to not only figure it both ways, but use the CL of spells we would modify & items we would use to help create the new spell as cumulative Spell Levels for calculating. {This may be considered too powerful for a 0-level & might be better considered as a 1st level spell…But that defeats the creators purpose}
The formula:
The Prestidigitation spell is used for perimeters sake of the spells basic design counting as a CL1 for calculation
A Candle of Clean Air is a CL10 object thus costs 10 spell levels; since it’s being utilized to help create the spell & area effects
CL5 for the Permanency Spell to make sure it’s not temporary
CL1 to add Erase in a weaker form to effect non-magical writing, thus getting rid of graffiti
CL1 Decompose Corpse to disintegrate rotting & festering things {but not the insects, maggots, larva or other living creatures that may be attached or hiding within}
~Here's where it gets kinda complicated~
Using the Enlarge & Reach Spells to lengthen its short range and allow this range to increase per caster level adds 23 more spell levels {3x for the enlarge & reach to get it to the desired first caster level minimum of 30' distance, then to raise its range 10'/level to level 20}
Utilizing Enlarge & Reach again to increase the area of effect per caster level costing 23 more spell levels {3x to start at 30 cubic feet for the area of effect & increase 10 cu ft/level to level 20} –AND– to give 3 cu ft as a Touch Spell increasing by 3 cu ft/ Level thereafter.
So, 1+10+5+1+1+23+23 = 64 thus bringing the spell level research cost to 64 levels or 64,000gp
+ the cost of an actual Candle of Clean Air at 7,500gp
+ Universal Solvent for 50gp
Give it a month to research & perfect with 1,000gp for writing costs
Initial costs of 1,000gp x creation spell level puts the grand research costs at 72,550gp & 1 Months time.
-or the simpler, quicker version-
Utilizing the 100gp x spell level for a cost of (6,400gp + 7,500gp + 50gp + 5gp writing cost) = 13,955gp & 1 week (since it’s a 0-level spell)
The end results:
School Transmutation; Level Sorcerer/Wizard 0, Cleric 0, Paladin 0, Druid 0
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a small amount of candle wax, & lye or ammonia)
Range Touch: (single object) or Medium (30 ft. +10 ft / Level)
Area: 3 cubic foot (+3 cu ft / Level) single object or 30 cubic feet (+10 cu ft / Level)
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: no
Inspired by the limited cleaning capabilities of the prestidigitation spell, the clean spell enables a much wider area of effect with a greater range. Using clean as a ‘touch’ spell allows deep cleaning of a single object 3 cubic foot in size (+3 cu ft/L). Used normally it can be cast from up to 30’ away (+10’/L) to effectively clean a 30 cu ft area (+10 cu ft/L) in a single round.
Some areas may take more than a single cleaning {GM's discretion} due to the shear volume or depth of damage - deep rust & corrosion on an object can be cleaned but not polished or restored to new; a room full of mud 3' deep takes more than just a cleaning, and so on.
As a surface-area cleaning spell it will completely remove cobwebs (but not the spiders), dirt, dung (but not the insects, maggots, larva or other living creatures that may be attached or hiding within) & vermin pellets, dust, graffiti, grime, minor food stuffs & liquids, mold, mud, rotting/festering meat or flesh in small amounts (even off bones but this requires touch), scum, stains, fresh non-magical writings/drawings (thus tapestries & old maps/writings/paintings are safe), dead arachnids/insects/etc but not dead vermin or larger, and other materials at the GM’s discretion.
Clean cannot do damage to the living or the undead as it is a surface effecting spell. But it can be used to remove such things as Molds, Oozes & Slimes from a single human sized object (in 2 uses of the touch aspect of the spell at 1st level). It does not kill the substance but rather drops it at ones feet, rendering it immobile for 1d2 rounds, needing then to be stepped over to avoid reattachment.
Unfortunately to remove these living materials, they must be touched which means that the spell caster will take 1 round of damage (resistances and saving throws apply) per round in contact with the substance to clear. This also works for algae & other types of living non-monstrous types of mold, with no damage being taken by the caster for its removal.
Removing mud, scum, stains and the like from people &/or their clothing can be used for everyone standing in the area of effect. Remember that this is a surface-cleaning spell so if you were to cleanse a muddy person, it would not wipe away maps, drawings or other writings they possess; Only if they had them out & open (and were non-magical & fairly fresh in nature) would it clear the parchments surface along with the person’s skin & clothing.
It does not remove tattoos or other permanent markings & cannot restore actual damage (gouges in statues from vandalism & the like).
Moisture removal is up to the GM. You might be able to clean the algae, seaweed, slime, grime & salt from a person fished out of the ocean, but their undergarments would still be soaked.
This spell can be reversed to “SOIL” an area as well. This requires the components of some candle wax & alchemical grease.
I STRONGLY suggest coupling this with an Unseen Servant for maximum house cleaning!
Augmenting the Fly spell, if it is allowed in your campaign, increases it to 120' instead of 60' as below:
The fly speed changes to 120 feet (or 80 feet if the target is wearing medium or heavy armor, or carrying a medium or heavy load) with perfect maneuverability. When the duration expires, the target is protected by feather fall for a number of rounds equal to your caster level.
Augmented (3rd): If you expend two uses of mythic power, the target adds your tier on Reflex saves and as a dodge bonus to AC. It gains these bonuses only while flying.
Personally I would allow an increase for an ENLARGE spell on your character to 80' or 100' as a next size up bonus; but not double.
Beast Shape IV, Monstrous Physique IV, Elemental Body IV, Undead Anatomy IV, Form of the Dragon III allows flight of 120'
You can get to 120' on the back of a Pegasus, a Dragon Horse, a Kirin, or Thunderbird {if you can stand the lightning}
Many dragons fly way faster than 120', but you'll have to tame or befriend one...
There may also be a legendary item or artifact that allows faster air travel.
-That's all I got!-
I have a Chaotic Neutral Half-Orc Barbarian with a low Charisma. He doesn't talk much, but when he does it is direct, to the point, pull no punches, honest to a fault & raw.
Scenerio: In a difficult Campaign with the group trying to figure a way out through diplomacy & bargaining with stronger opponents, attempting to work a deal of "we do something for you, you help us get out" kinda thing. It is near complete when they ask us to kill a group of creatures bothering them for their help. It is a delicate balance of diplomacy as they are considering just killing us, then going after the others themselves. Too much talk-talk goes on so I blurt out:
"why don't you just tell them that we have already killed them all & they need to help us get out?"
It didn't go well....
Low charisma can be played any number of ways. Do you couple a low Charisma with low Comeliness as well? Are they ugly AND socially inept? Then maybe add 1 bonus point to intimidate for every point under 10 in Charisma.
Is it something that can get pity from others & work to your parties advantage?
Maybe a hat of disguise & items that will raise the characters charisma should be a GROUP GOAL.
It's ALL fun, you just need to explore the possibilities!
We tend to do more of the embarrassing than getting embarrassed around here. Here's just one example:
Our family friends & neighbors know we game. One weekend we had a neighborhood cookout & I was a little late to the party so some of them asked where I was. My wife answered, "Oh, probably on one of his porn sites".
She said the shocked looks were priceless as she kept her nonchalant attitude. "Mark," she started, "would you go in & get him please?"
With not just a little bit of trepidation, he came in. I could tell he was trying to get my attention without coming into eye contact with the screen, but his curiosity finally got the better of him.
When he saw what I was doing, he chuckled & said "Your wife said you were looking at porn..."
I answered, "I am!" as I proceeded to show him tabs opened to Paizo, Amazon, eBay, the Pathfinder prd & others.
"I don't understand." Mark expressed.
These are my porn sites; I get on them, spend money & a LOT of time which usually gets me into trouble.
"M I C H A E L !!!" came the wife's voice from the back deck.
My wife is researching a "0-Level Clean Spell" she wants badly. Something beyond what prestidigitation offers. Here's the process we figured from – send me your comments – The pricing difference depends upon your game & if you are heavy gold or more reserved.
This also assumes that you have or are able to purchase/find the materials necessary & cast the required spells for its creation. Otherwise additional costs for ‘casting’ will be incurred & are not figured here.
Now we found that there is some conflicts, depending on where you read about spell research in Pathfinder, on utilizing 1,000gp x spell level or 100gp x spell level & what constitutes such. So we decided to not only figure it both ways, but use the CL of spells we would modify & items we would use to help create the new spell as cumulative Spell Levels for calculating. {This may be considered too powerful for a 0-level & might be better considered as a 1st level spell…But that defeats the creators purpose}
The formula:
The Prestidigitation spell is used for perimeters sake of the spells basic design counting as a CL1 for calculation
A Candle of Clean Air is a CL10 object thus costs 10 spell levels; since it’s being utilized to help create the spell & area effects
CL5 for the Permanency Spell to make sure it’s not temporary
CL1 to add Erase in a weaker form to effect non-magical writing, thus getting rid of graffiti
CL1 Decompose Corpse to disintegrate rotting & festering things {but not the insects, maggots, larva or other living creatures that may be attached or hiding within}
~Here's where it gets kinda complicated~
Using the Enlarge & Reach Spells to lengthen its short range and allow this range to increase per caster level adds 23 more spell levels {3x for the enlarge & reach to get it to the desired first caster level minimum of 30' distance, then to raise its range 10'/level to level 20}
Utilizing Enlarge & Reach again to increase the area of effect per caster level costing 23 more spell levels {3x to start at 30 cubic feet for the area of effect & increase 10 cu ft/level to level 20} –AND– to give 3 cu ft as a Touch Spell increasing by 3 cu ft/ Level thereafter.
So, 1+10+5+1+1+23+23 = 64 thus bringing the spell level research cost to 64 levels or 64,000gp
+ the cost of an actual Candle of Clean Air at 7,500gp
+ Universal Solvent for 50gp
Give it a month to research & perfect with 1,000gp for writing costs
Initial costs of 1,000gp x creation spell level puts the grand research costs at 72,550gp & 1 Months time.
-or the simpler, quicker version-
Utilizing the 100gp x spell level for a cost of (6,400gp + 7,500gp + 50gp + 5gp writing cost) = 13,955gp & 1 week (since it’s a 0-level spell)
The end results:
School Transmutation; Level Sorcerer/Wizard 0, Cleric 0, Paladin 0, Druid 0
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a small amount of candle wax, & lye or ammonia)
Range Touch: (single object) or Medium (30 ft. +10 ft / Level)
Area: 3 cubic foot (+3 cu ft / Level) single object or 30 cubic feet (+10 cu ft / Level)
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: no
Inspired by the limited cleaning capabilities of the prestidigitation spell, the clean spell enables a much wider area of effect with a greater range. Using clean as a ‘touch’ spell allows deep cleaning of a single object 3 cubic foot in size (+3 cu ft/L). Used normally it can be cast from up to 30’ away (+10’/L) to effectively clean a 30 cu ft area (+10 cu ft/L) in a single round.
Some areas may take more than a single cleaning {GM's discretion} due to the shear volume or depth of damage - deep rust & corrosion on an object can be cleaned but not polished or restored to new; a room full of mud 3' deep takes more than just a cleaning, and so on.
As a surface-area cleaning spell it will completely remove cobwebs (but not the spiders), dirt, dung (but not the insects, maggots, larva or other living creatures that may be attached or hiding within) & vermin pellets, dust, graffiti, grime, minor food stuffs & liquids, mold, mud, rotting/festering meat or flesh in small amounts (even off bones but this requires touch), scum, stains, fresh non-magical writings/drawings (thus tapestries & old maps/writings/paintings are safe), dead arachnids/insects/etc but not dead vermin or larger, and other materials at the GM’s discretion.
Clean cannot do damage to the living or the undead as it is a surface effecting spell. But it can be used to remove such things as Molds, Oozes & Slimes from a single human sized object (in 2 uses of the touch aspect of the spell at 1st level). It does not kill the substance but rather drops it at ones feet, rendering it immobile for 1d2 rounds, needing then to be stepped over to avoid reattachment.
Unfortunately to remove these living materials, they must be touched which means that the spell caster will take 1 round of damage (resistances and saving throws apply) per round in contact with the substance to clear. This also works for algae & other types of living non-monstrous types of mold, with no damage being taken by the caster for its removal.
Removing mud, scum, stains and the like from people &/or their clothing can be used for everyone standing in the area of effect. Remember that this is a surface-cleaning spell so if you were to cleanse a muddy person, it would not wipe away maps, drawings or other writings they possess; Only if they had them out & open (and were non-magical & fairly fresh in nature) would it clear the parchments surface along with the person’s skin & clothing.
It does not remove tattoos or other permanent markings & cannot restore actual damage (gouges in statues from vandalism & the like).
Moisture removal is up to the GM. You might be able to clean the algae, seaweed, slime, grime & salt from a person fished out of the ocean, but their undergarments would still be soaked.
This spell can be reversed to “SOIL” an area as well. This requires the components of some candle wax & alchemical grease.
I STRONGLY suggest coupling this with an Unseen Servant for maximum house cleaning!
I actually had the characters visit the local tavern a few times to have the locals "warm up" to them.
Dares of ordering a "random specialty drink" {I have a list of 100} with results like:
The drink is mint green with dark swirls and a slice of a strange fruit on the edge of the glass. The drink smells like a tangerine and tastes spicy. It causes the drinker to temporarily levitate.
Along with games & gambling with the locals will result in gaining rumors, information & possibly trust points.
The GM can place postings in the town square that will provide hints or introductions to important people in upcoming campaigns or this one, including NPC's you need to meet offering services or products, etc.
In other campaigns I have had to add hunting parties the PC's can join, people needing help as a small side quest for money, objects or information and an outside surprise town attack that puts the PC's helping the entire town to help the game proceed.
Just an FYI, I am currently running the CC Campaign beginning book 3 in another month.
I have A LOT of maps I made for the 1st book {scanned them, worked with them a bit in jpeg, then used PosteRazor to turn them into table sized playing maps}.
There are SEVERAL files including the town of Ravengro, Harrowstone exterior & all levels. As well as some cool Fire Tiles that you can print out on card stock & place in 5'squares as it spreads.
It will take a few emails but I am more than willing to share.
"Someday" I will start a Facebook page....
Feel free to email me privately
An 8th Level Magus would have 8 Rounds of Fire Breath.
What's the significance?
Is it how long the spell can be held before activating or having it involuntarily dissipate?
Justin Riddler at Paizo Customer Service found the answer!
The editing page can occasionally time-out.
Try creating the character and just typing in their name before saving. You can edit the profile as many times as you wish and enter as much detail as you would like.
This worked! Thanks Justin, Curaigh & Scott for the help.
-Gwydion the grateful
A Sarenrae "Dawnflower" gets Fire bolt as an additional casting power several times a day.
Also, make sure the Dexterity is 15 so you can take the Two-Weapon Feat!
It might bode well for the 2nd Level to be added as a ROGUE to allow a LOT of Skill Points & the added Sneak Attacks; especially if you can get flanking position in battles.
Just some thoughts.
Galnörag wrote: Yeah Hero Lab + PFS can make my brain boil some days. I want an easier way to a) enter a chronicle as one entry in the journal not two b) track in the journal purchases and sales. Basically so I can generate a report to line up with my Chronicles and see that everything is kosher. I'm seeing that there's going to be a LOT of journals I'll have to enter to keep track of everything. Like you said, it will probably take two entries per session to keep everything straight.
Eric Clingenpeel wrote: If you look on your Journal Page at the top, if you've added your PP, then it will list what your faction fame is and your PP.
Lantern Lodge Fame: 2, PP: 2
This faction will provide goods for sale valued up to 0gp.
GOT IT! Added the (2) points from the scenario completion & it added the Fame & PP. {Duh...}
Pointing & laughing is encouraged. Back to looking at stuff to purchase!
Alex Greenshields wrote: Hi Gwydion, and welcome to Pathfinder Society OP!
If you take a look at page 26 of the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play (download it HERE if you haven't already). You'll find the following:
** spoiler omitted **
This means that by adding your Prestige Points, you've already added your fame. The two numbers will be the same until you decide to spend some prestige (a 2PP purchase of a wand of cure light wounds is highly recommended!)
I agree wholeheartedly with the first purchase, especially for a Cleric, needing to be a Wand of Cure Light Wounds. And again, thanks for the clarifications.
Mike Mistele wrote: Your Fame score is, effectively, "lifetime Prestige Points earned", and, thus, it's derived from your earned Prestige. You can spend Prestige Points; you can't spend Fame. THANK YOU EVERYONE! Sooooooo appreciated.
Now to see when the next gathering is.
What am I doing wrong???? I have entered my PFSOP Character three times over the past few weeks in the REGISTER A NEW CHARACTER & it still shows "You have no Pathfinder Society characters."
What's the 'nube' doing wrong?
New to PFSOP,
I earned (2) "Fame" Points. How do I put them in Hero Labs? It was easy enough to add Prestige Points, but there's no place to add Fame.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Great question! Although our group wants ALL maps & ends up making many too boot. Don't forget about MAP PACKS as well. Some are designed to go WITH a flip map, like the "Shops" map pack showing the interior of the "City Streets" Flip Map.
Personal opinion here, but "Travel Type" maps {Forest & Deep Forest are a great pair} add to play as much as "Destination" maps {Pathfinder Lodge, Cathedral, etc}
We've used the Waterfront Tavern, Pub Crawl, the aforementioned pairings of maps & the Town Square numerous times.
You also may not need these if your adventure includes information & maps. But we have found these add to game play & are more fun than a grid & colored markers.
BTW, Lowes has nice sizes of clear plexiglass that aren't that expensive {they will also cut them for you}. If you have one of these large enough to fit over your maps on your table(s), it will be a perfect flat surface for your miniatures!
Flip Maps:
paizo.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Store.woa/wa/search?q=flip+maps&what=produ cts
Map Packs:
http://paizo.com/search?q=map+pack&x.x=0&x.y=0&includeUnrated=t rue&includeUnavailable=true&what=products
We REALLY like the map packs! Lots of mini-uses for any campaign. Caravans, campsites, boats & ships & the dreaded SWALLOWED WHOLE!!!
Hope I helped!
Hey everyone,
Currently I'm having some fun with a 1/2-Orc Barbarian w/ the "Hurl" Rage Power. NOW that I've come into some GP's, I am considering filling a pouch with Magical Sling Bullets to Hurl {Especially with Hurling Charge!}
We consider them as "Tiny or Smaller" with regard to size doing (1d6) damage. Plus maybe some magical damage as well.
Here's the real question:
I consider the small leather pouch holding 10 sling bullets too small for convenience so choose to put them in a "Belt Pouch". Would you limit the number of bullets in a "Belt Pouch" to 100?
Would you allow (2d4) of these items to be drawn from a belt pouch & hurled for damage at a target? I say it's like having a bag of marbles on your belt to grab out of & toss. Would you rather (1d4) to better balance accuracy & damage in the game?
We would roll EACH bullet to hit of course...
Remember, anything you approve for Players is potential for GM's from your Opponents!
Thanks all!
Thanks, I just missed it when reading....
Have a great week & thanks again gang for helping our play.
Where do you find the information that the Ring of Protection is a "Deflection" type of bonus?
Good day all,
Going from AD&D 2.5 to PF has been a challenge but welcome. There are 6 of us gaming & learning as we go so thanks for all the posts. Here's some of our confusion:
Magical Armor +2 & a Ring of Protection +3 - The RING would over power the ARMOR's magical effect so the AC bonus to your character would be +3 NOT +5 {correct?}.
An Amulet of Natural Armor +2 worn by a character wearing Magical Armor +2 would gain an AC Bonus of +4 since Natural Armor is what is UNDER the armor & will need to be 'cut through' once the Magical Armor itself is breached {Also correct?}
The same would be said for wearing an Amulet of Natural Armor & Magical Bracers of Armor +2 {Correct again for stacking?}
Bracers of Armor +2 & a Ring of Protection +3 will grant an AC bonus of only +3 since the Rings magical aura is greater than the Bracers {Are we getting this right?}
The higher of Magical Armor & Bracers of Armor would be taken as they do NOT stack either {Yes?}
That's enough for now, there will probably be more later. Thanks everyone! We each are running a different 6-Book Pathfinder Adventure Path so your answers will help us all.
Also, checkout PosteRazor online { http://posterazor.sourceforge.net/} as a free tool to turn your jpeg's into huge playable maps! You might need a pdf to jpeg converter which can be found online as well. We have found this to be a great asset to PF playability, especially when you buy the pdf along with any campaign book.
Sorry everyone, been out of it for some ugly back surgery - will get some picts for you this week! Also a great online place I picked up an 8' "fold in the middle" polymer table with a handle for only $79 with shipping included!!!! {I'll get you the code for the shipping & pricing if they are still good}.
The smaller tab le can be found at any wal-mart/lowes or online, just look for a sale and maybe a coupon.
Thanks for all YOUR help & comments making our gaming better & better!
A MUST have for anyone who plays "outside the box". Having a place to have your captured evils auctioned off, a spot that has various evils for adventurers to fight for everyone else's entertainment & your added experience points, a place for tournaments, solving grievances & for the local hierarchy's executions along with anything else your twisted mind can conjure. Oh, almost forgot - Mage battles!
More fun than finding an Orc encampment at the bottom of a rocky ravine.
Go to Lowe's or similar store & purchase a large piece of plexiglass {make sure it fits your table size as well or the edges will break off. It CAN be cut down to size if needed so take measurements to the store when you go. {We use one 8' & one 6' table**} This fits over the maps & allows figures to roam without fear of folds, figures dropping over or marking your maps!
Also, get a rolling hex or square mat depending upon your play habits {these are generally NOT plastic}, usually from a gaming or hobby/art store to go under it all with some dry erase markers for the plexiglass. When a map is not used it makes it easy for quick rough terrain, draw as you go dungeons or linking tiles, etc.
Download PosteRazor, or similar, to turn many formats of picts into custom sized printouts! I took the town of Ravengro {Carrion Crown Adventure Path} & made it into a HUGE 4'x4' playing map where I simply trimmed the individual page edges & taped them together. The program has customizable overlay printing for proper fitting! The map rolls up nicely & has been invaluable in the campaign. Did the same with the town square, just not quite as large.
With PosteRazor JPEG's work best, so you might need to save a pdf or portion of the file as a jpeg for this program to work right. You can also do poster printing from MSWORD. There's instructions online for that.
Crosspost this where anyone sees fit!
Good gaming all! The 5 players {including my wife} begin exploring the Harrowstone Prison tomorrow! At 4th level, they MIGHT actually survive....
**= The 8' & 6' tables are butted side by side with one end straight leaving one end with a "cut-out". Two at the straight side, 3 along the front & one in the "niche" with the GM on the back-side of the 8' table. There's also a 3' x 3' card table to each side of the GM giving plenty of space for info, figures, maps, books & snacks!!!!!