Gunther-1's page
74 posts. Organized Play character for sniper8314.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
One it is an open forum and if I choose I will post. Two Griff I am very aware of how invisible creatures and objects are to be handled. Your DM did not afford athe appropriate rolls. Let me point out one more thing if everyone was having fun like you say they are then why are some stepping away from the game and others just flat not returning. You allow your friends to much power to the point it makes it no fun. While others are always questioned. Griff if at any time you want to say something please say it to me personally I will fly down that way to have a man to man chat. This is the real world not some makes up fantasy. You will talk big while hiding behind a computer. I have been to real combat and seen real things that would give you nightmares and you think you have anything that will compare. You are sadly mistaken
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
and let us not forget the Ranger is in favored terrain and is probably looking for any sign (a term used for footprints, broken brush, smells, out of place things)and should have been afforded a chance to have seen that. Yet again you lack knowledge or just dont care I am not sure which. If I am at a conference and you are there I will be sure to point you out and ensure you get the proper training you need. Just horrible.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
I will say Erik your ignorance is showing AGAIN! Yes Josh is aware that he is to roll a percentage but he will not be doing it until Erik fixed the way he DMs. It again appears Erik does not know how to read and is letting another rule pass him by. Understand you are wrong.....AGAIN! An invisible creature is hard to detect yes but as the rule book says you are still allotted a DC 20 check. Couldn't even play fair. You allowed for a mental slap!!!! yeah its because he checked his rolls and made up some b#*~*%@! to avoid death. Just overall unimpressed. Learn to play.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Just think somewhere out there is a barbarian sitting at a bar drinking meade.
Anyone else have some input?
I asked this in another thread but I will ask James Jacobs here.....can the eidolon evolution bleed be applied to guns or was it meant for natural weapons of the eidolon?
I agree with Claxson. In real life you're going to bleed regardless of the attack since bleed damage is extra damage is would again only apply to the natural weapons.
If someone sees it differently I would like to hear your view.
I was thinking the same thing it has to be a natural attack.
This question is about the bleed evolution for eidolons. Can it be applied to guns or does it have to be a natural weapon?
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Oh sorry about the public form. I was questioned on the public forum about my build so I figured it was the norm. Since DM has final say I will just stay out of the characters even if they are outside of the rules. I just want it to be fair for everyone playing. Without special privileges.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Ok ZAO while reading over your character sheet I noticed a few problems. I will list them here in no real order.
1) Your hit points seem to be a bit to high. You have 97 out of a possible 108. This puts you only 3 points away from GORO who is a HD above yours. You are a D8 HD same as Griff and yet Griff is substantially lower in hit points than you. Griff's second highest stat is CON and your CON is not near his. You missed only 11 points out of the 9 rolls. That means you were closer to a 7 average dice roll than a 4.5 as is the average roll for your character. So you basically rolled all 7 and 8.
2) Your perception seems to be a bit to high as well. I was only able to come up with 17 for a perception score for you yet you have a 22. Just curious where the other 5 points came from.
3) This last section will be about your eidolons. I play summoner in PFS and have had my builds looked over a bunch when I first started playing so I have grow accustom to seeing where the flaws are so to speak. First off it seems you are a brood master which entitles you to a few cool things. First is two eidolons right off the bat. Downside is they are not as strong as one eidolon. You have your little monkey as your reloader for you with the reload feat. Yet the little monkey does not posses the prerequisites for the reload feat(i.e. Exotic weapon proficiency) Your big monkey already has the only 3 feats you are allotted to have. So you have 1 feat to many for your 8th level eidolons. Remember they can only be the total number of summoner levels you are not your cross class. Your little monkey should have a str of 10 not 8. It took me awhile to see that you went quadruped instead of biped. Your Eidolon hit points appear to be off as well. If Eric allows you the full 10 first points then your big monkey would only have a max hp of 55 beause you are only allowed 6HD for your level and you already used 1HD for your little guy. Also remember you have to roll for HP for eidolons just like a character and you get to add your Con bonus. Your BAB is the same as your hit points. Since the little guy has a BAB +1 then that means your big guy can only have +5. This puts your Melee at +8 and range at +9. How does your Big eidolon have a 26 AC? I only count 20 unless he has armor that has not been posted. As for your evolutions, how do you put bleed on a gun when you are not a level 11 gunslinger yet. I know they have the evolution of bleed but that is meant for natural or edged weapons not guns. If you replace bleed and take claws of your little guy (he already has hands if he has arms) than you would have 2 free evolution points. Last thing how does your monkey fire a Double hackbut and not get knocked prone as the description says? Do you have a tripod or other device to set it on? If the summoner and the monkey both fire their guns one of both of you has to get knocked prone and without a thing to place the guns on you take -4 to your shots. Spend those 2 evolution points on keen scent or an immunity.
If you want help redesigning your Eidolons or character I will be more than happy to help you.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Gunther is finally happy to see the little dwarf making bold moves and heading toward a honorable fight. Gunther falls in behind trap finding little one.
Gunther is looking forward to playing with your sea creature. Nothing is to scary for me. As for the cowardly spell caster, I look forward to seeing my axe covered in the bright red blood of the enemy!
Stealth: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33 To follow behind little dwarf and not ruin the surprise but ready to surprise any victims that come close with his axe.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Goro, Gunther and who ever joins us hunting, are the green line on the map. It is roughly an hour of travel.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Gunther wakes up as the sun strikes him on the face. He stretches his 6'5" frame to loosen up his muscles and joints. As he is in the process of cracking his neck, he sees Goro gathering up his things and getting ready to head out. Not wanting to be left out of a hunt Gunther quickly grabs his things and catches up to Goro.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Wait do we get to smash things on the island? Gunther is confused one moment little dwarf female wants to fight then does not want to fight but now wants to go to an island. Huh sounds like a typical response from cowardice magic user who prefers to hide then fight. It is ok. Just know you can sleep peaceably in your bed at night only because Barbarians stand ready to do violence on your behalf.
With that, Gunther frustratedly stomps up to Goro.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Ah I like being able to smash harder and I will move faster you say? Moving faster means being able to smash more opponents which means more smashing. Yup I like this idea I'll take them. Thank you Goro!
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Gunther jerks awake and he quickly draws his axe and begins to sneer.
My axe is always ready for battle and I want nothing more than to slay something
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
since everyone is speaking in gibberish and hand motions that look like they are more appropriate in the privacy of a bedroom and not formal discussion Gunther falls asleep.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Gunther looks confused as you use your hand gestures
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Ah a magic user willing to get his hands dirty! I like you!!! Hahaha
Gunther slaps Jyord on the back as a congratulatory gesture. His hand lands heavy on Jyords back as he laughs!
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
If you do heal me be sure to leave a scar
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Gunther looks down at his wound and shrugs
I am not fond of magic. Not much use to me. I do know the difference between filthy cowardice magic users and magic users who help bring Gunther great honor. Plus it will get everyone to stop pestering me about my battle wound. Only one not pestering Gunther about his battle wound is this great warrior.
Gunther pats Francis on the back.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
I ain't got time to bleed! Are we almost there
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18
Gunther keeps an eye peeled for signs of those damn rogues
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
What is a Mik? I hope it is another honorable warrior and not one of those SPELLCASTERS who hides from real combat
Gunther shrugs and follows Goro and Jyord. Gunther rests his hand on Badger as they walk.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Dude no worries there is so much material in this series that it is near impossible to remember or memorize each thing in all the book and errata.
Yes sacred tattoo is listed under traits and it has since be revised to more accurately depict which trait it is.
Racial favored class bonus comes from being HALF Orc. The other half being human. So technically it is under the human favored class but since Paizo ruled that half Orc elves whatever are treated as both they can choose from both racial aspects. It is this
Players Handbook wrote: Barbarian: Add a +1/2 bonus to trap sense or +1/3 to the bonus from the superstitious rage power.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
It says nothing about being close to a god as the only requirement that I saw. Gunther believes in the power of Gunther.
As for pre rage will save. Unless he cast a different spell in the suprise round my first non raging save was 14+8=22 14+9=23. So I think he saved regardless.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
+3 from wisdom base save of +3 misc bonus +2 (sacred tattoo +1 and cloak of resistance +1). Base save total of 8 since he is raging he has superstition +4 with a racial favored class benefit of +3 Bringing a grand total of +15.
Now comes the part you may not like. I only have one trait and it appears that everyone else has two traits. I still need to pick another trait if I am correct. I was about to take the fates favor trait. Which would technically put his will save at +16
So did I save the nasty beasts mind effecting spell and we slayed the mighty beast?
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
will save: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
I dig into my pack and pull out two freshly killed ground hogs and toss them to badger.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Wait a minute I recognize that large furry beast
Gunther shifts his gaze to badger and a smirk crosses his face
I remember you big fella from a while ago when I was brought to smugglers shiv. I remember you being good warrior and friend.
Gunther lowers his axe
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Gunther readies an action to pounce on any creature matching his description.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Gunther comes to a stop at the sound of a familiar voice becoming to him
Where did they go!
you see Gunthers eyes scan over each of the three party members he sees before him as if the thing he is searching for is hidden amongst you
perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Yay Griff checked in. Now we wait for Zao or start without him and just slow play it?
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
both gunther is very much me.....minus the cool axe and rage powers and being half orc and living in saventh yi and not being real
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
The format for such things is in the show button at the bottom. It is generally formatted as such[ b ]write what you want to say [ / b ] for bold but now spaces [ o o c ]for out of character content again no spaces [ / o o c ] and so on. Click the show in How to format your text and it will explain.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Haha yeah he told me. Get boon companion and he will be right up there. Oh and feel free to buff me with bull strength every now and again. Badger and I got the melee on lock down
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Just to let you all know I am very smart ass and sarcastic.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Being a beast......I mean beast totem
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
I am game to start whenever.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
He does take a penalty but his raging AC actually goes up to 27 so we tie with a 25. So he dealt 17 Gunther's DR absorbs 5 total of 12 of the big man.
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
male Half Orc Barbarian/ 10 HP:126 AC: 26, touch 17, Flat Footed 21 Fort: 14 Ref:11 Will: 9 Perception: 16 Initiative +5
Confirm your crit for badger