Stronfeur Uherer

Grunyak's page

414 posts. Organized Play character for Wydroe.

Grand Lodge

THIS IS A CORE CAMPAIGN GAME. This means you need a core registered PFS character and number and your character should follow the core RB and Beastary limitations.

I am looking for a low tier run. Characters of 1st and 2nd level will be very welcome. But if by after November 24, we don't have at least 5 players then I will open up to higher levels.

I would like players that can post/check the thread daily. I would greatly speed things along. I plan to follow this frequency or possibly a little more frequent if possible. If you have an issue after we get going, just let me know in the discussion or in a PM. It is not a problem as real life trumps fantasy.

Please give me the following information please with your post for player consideration. I hopefully will get 6 excited player posts quickly and we can be off and playing. I plan to take the first six.
Player Name (as you want it on the chronicle)
Character Name
Character Number
Character class(es) and level
Day Job and roll
Purchases and/or sales
Anything else you need me to know about this character to properly run this scenario for you.

Grand Lodge

Here is where you can discuss strategy, ask questions, and explain abilities, spells or such. It does not even have to be about this game. Use it as you want or need.

Grand Lodge

Aram Zey is looking for experienced agents in the area to help with the developing situation that is the fighter for control of the Hoa Jin Tapestry. You have been summoned to the lower vaults in the middle of the night. The note said to “dress warmly”.

3-19, The Icebound Outpost, starts in the center of Civilization, Absalom beneath the Grand Lodge, but takes place almost entirely within the pocket demiplane that is accessed through the Hoa Jin tapestry.

This scenario is designed for characters levels 1-5. This will be a core campaign credit game. Looking for low tier level 1-2 core characters but will consider higher tier characters should that be the current demand. I expect participants to be able to check the game posts everyday and to post most days.

Grand Lodge

Please let me know the basics of your character.

Character name, PFS and character number, and your character's faction are nice as well as anything else relevant to the chronicle sheet.

I would also appreciate any game mechanic quirks of your character that I should probably brush up on to help smooth the game along. Any unusual feats or special archetype abilities would fall into this category.

I look forward to running The Rebel's Ransom for you. It was a delight to read/prep and seems very interesting. I hope you find it so as well as we venture through it together.

Grand Lodge

Here is where I would like you to place any purchases and discuss tactics if they are too drawn out for the game play thread.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It is another rescue mission. A group of Pathfinders has disappeared while conducting a sanctioned exploration of a recently uncovered. A caravan trader found it, the Ruby Prince commissioned the society, and now the Pathfinders are not responding to communication efforts. It is your job to go to the site and finish the job.

Grand Lodge

I plan to post an introduction shortly. Please do not post here until after the introductory starting post.

Grand Lodge

I plan to start tomorrow, 29 December assuming I get a table. More to come on that.

Grand Lodge

This will be a 1st Edition Pathfinder Society - Core run of Chapter 2, What Lurks in the Woods. The second Chapter of Gallows of Madness.

I have two reserved slots for two folks that posted on the previous broken thread, but I am still looking for 2-4 more players.

Again this is a Core Mode game.

Here is the information I will need from you all.

Player Name:
Character Name:
Class and Level:
PFS Number and character Number:
Day Job information:

I would like to have at least a post a day pace. And you should expect the same from me. If there is a real issue let me know in the discussion thread if possible and go from there.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello, I created a campaign thread, new campaign thread. The gameplay thread is not posting any of the posts created. Here is the link, gameplay. I think it may be because I deleted the first post in it.

I first posted this in customer service but was told by someone else it might be answered quicker here. I also emailed customer service. My apologies for the duplication.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello, I created a campaign thread new pbp campaign. The gameplay thread is not posting any of the posts created. Here is the link gameplay. I think it may be because I deleted the first post in it.

Grand Lodge

Here is where discussions and out of Character general information should be posted.

Grand Lodge

Please provide the following information.
This is a PFS1 Core game.

Player Name:
Character Name:
Class and Level:
PFS Character #:
Day Job Roll:

I am looking to start 28 December 2020 if I can get a full table by then. I will appreciate a posting rate of once per day. As your GM, you can expect a daily post at least.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

I have not been playing in the Pathfinder Society Campaign all that long. My current desire is to use the wealth of wonderful modules that Paizo produces in Society play. But, without reading every scenario ever written, how can you determine who would be the best PFS point of contact to start the introductions to the missions involved?

Some examples of modules I would want to use are 'Daughters of Fury', 'Ire of the Storm', and 'Gallows of Madness'. All of these would be great but there is no obvious way they would tie in to the PF Society in their area of Golarian. Usually the Scenario you play has a mission brief from someone local. I just don't know how to determine who this person would be and their personality/history.

This same problem came up when I was preparing run Silverhex and to some extent The Phantoms quests. I did find some help with Silverhex on GMPrep.

I could make something/someone up but I would hate to have someone I Gm'd attend a convention and mention a figment of my imagination to a real Golarian historian and get the "who in the world is that?". Or worse yet get a more knowledgeable player at my table who shoots holes in my opening fabrication.

I would be interested in something that would lay out the leaders by regions.