Grehn's page

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Kemuri Kunoichi wrote:

Anime physics are nothing like either Pathfinder physics or real world physics.

The characters in that movie can also make standing leaps a mile into the air, get shot off the top of a skyscraper and stand up with no injuries, and hundreds of other ridiculous things. If you want game play like that, you are playing the wrong game.

Actuallllly: There are a few kineticist elements that get bonuses to jump checks, there's a feat that gives you a bonus to jump checks if you want to play an elemental annihilator for the 2h factor. Yeah.

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Overwhelming soul Kineticists could really use a tightening up in the language of mental prowess: Like when they reduce the burn cost of a wild talent (with it) they count as having taken burn for the purpose of wild talents. Because everyone likes getting their defense talents activating.