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James Jacobs wrote: Although Unspeakable Futures (which is the name of this unpublished, long in design game by me) is where the first draft of the gunslinger class came from... the gunslinger touch AC issue that causes problems in Pathfinder doesn't cause problems in Unspeakable Futures, because guns work a little differently, and because the game is built from the ground up with the assumption that most PCs will be using ranged weapons, not melee weapons. It's sort of a reverse of the general expectation of D&D/Pathfinder in that regard. and! James Jacobs wrote:
Not certain this is the correct section. But thought the discussion should continue. Greg
So, I just saw the first season of the anime. I really liked the story line, and did a wiki search to see what more was out there. Found out it was based on a series of novels (130!!!) by the same author. Talk about epic storyline! Has anyone read any of the English translations? Has anyone read the Japanese novels? Comments and thoughts appreciated. Greg
So I am watching HULU and this teaser keeps popping up for Droid Bionic. Some people call her ninja chick..some call her elf... I keep seeing Street Samurai and really starting to get a bug to put together a Shadowrun. Just curious if others thought Shadowrun while watching it. Greg EDIT: not certain if post belongs in TV, Tech, or GamerTalk..guess it depends on responces.
Not certain if I can do the write up of the Thassilonian Magic varriant from the ISM, but basically choosing a Thassilonian specialist blocks two schools from your spell list entirely. They don't exist to you anymore. Nor can you ever learn from those two schools. Nor can you choose the two schools. They are automatically chosen based upon the speciality. My gut says, "no". But I am uncertain. In the description of Thassilonian Specialist, it doesn't even state the caster must be a specialist wizzie or even that a specialist wizzie of one type of magic couldn't also pick Thassilonian specialist of a different caster type. Greg
Tenra Bansho Zero place holder site with link to Blog Have any of you been following this game? Stumbled across it from a link to the Maid RPG. Maid doesn't seem to be made for me, however TBZero looks really interesting. Was curious if any have played the original version, or just know more about it Greg
Okay, here goes. I have been asked to play a Paladin for the Carrion Crown Adventure Path. ( CCAP? ) Though, I have loved Paladins since AD&D, I haven't played one since 2ed. My group will consist of the following: 1/2 orc INQUISITOR (pharasma worshiper/melee build)
Searching the boards, I tried to find something different ( we are all trying something out of our comfort zones :P ) Two things I immeadiately found. In the CCAP threads, a person discussed making a Dhampir Paladin. The idea was lots of fun, and my DM would go all goooey if I did this. Also, I see where KaeYoss had lots of fun with a Paladin/duelist build. (no clue on how numbers were crunched :P ) And the idea of an intelligent and dextrous Pally just made me very happy. So, how would you builders of excellent builds, do the above combination? Or is it a pipe dream? Or is there some other fun and unique build that you could share for inspiration or pure gloating :P The Game rules. Twenty point build. Any Paizo Pathfinder product for traits and feats. I can get two feats, one..and only one, MUST be selected from the Carrion Crown Adventure Path Players Guide. Any Paizo product currently in print for classes and PRC's. MAGUS is NOT allowed. I have thirty days from 3/3/2011 to get er dun. So any and all help appreciated :P Greg EDIT: If possible, show from 1-16, or at least major points up to 16 :P Additional EDIT: Gods of choice, Iomedae, Sarenrae, Shelyn..I don't think Torag would be a good choice for this particular setting and Abadar, well I never personally liked this one. Erastil, though a favorite, plays prominently in a Kingmaker campaign I am in, so ready for a change :p
Question occured in another thread. Reposted here so as not to threadjack original post. I have always had player roll for HP on animal companions. It was posted that companions are to have thier average on hitpoint totals. I understand this IS the rule for society play. But is it the core rule? Quoting opposing argument. seekerofshadowlight wrote:
EDIT I also am not concerned about companions getting MAX hp at first level. I never have thought that was an option. And the rules in the core book I "thought" covered that well. I do admit to being wary of a rule from bestiary taking precedence over a core rule book class feature. My other title idea was " To Average or not to Average, that is the question. "
psrd wrote:
So I was playing in a game last night with some new folk at the table. They played as if the message spell were a throat mike and could be used infinetly during the duration. Well, this was discussed and the bolded part was pointed out that that the noncaster could not initiate the message, it had to be initiated by the caster and the recipient could send back one reply. This brings up the question part. Suppose this were the scenario. Katie Caster: " Sam Stealth, dont reply until you need to contact me." Sam Stealth: does not reply for five mins Sam Stealth (five mins later): "Alright, I have made it to the top of the tower unseen." Katie Caster: " I will let the others know, don't forget to not respond until you have new information." and so on until the spell expired. Is there a limit on how long one may wait before sending back one's reply? Or can one wait out until just before the duration expires? If I were running it, I would say the reply had to be immeadiate, But I do not see that here. Thanks for help, Greg
According to rules, can a wizard change his bonded item from a ring to an amulet, as long as he pays the required costs? Or must he maintain the same "type" item. For example, at first level he chose a longbow as his bonded item, but at third level he wishes to make it a wand. From the rules wrote:
My confusion comes from the bolded line. I am unsure if it refers to the choice of familiar/item only. OR if it also is including item cannot be changed as well. After reading it, my gut is saying to allow the wizzie to switch up the item if he is spending the cash to change it. I do not see it as a gamebreaker. BUT I like to know what RAW actually is. EDIT: Also the fact a wizzie can change his familiar type makes me lean towards the bonded object may be any type. Thanks for any input, Greg
Hi, Currently my group has been made using the 15pt build. The characters have been doing quite well and are about 7th level overall. Most characters have no negative stats and those that do have high end stats over 18 currently. I DID give them max hp for the first 3 levels and strict die rolls in my presence for every level thereafter. I do not let them "pre-craft" equipment. ( my take is starting gold reflects this if they want to say they "made" it. ) I have noticed reading the boards that most the questions seem geared for 25pt builds. My group has done REALLY well, without dedicated healing and with some restrictions on potions at 15point level. I feel trepidation about increasing to a higher point build. My questions What is the reccomended point build for golarion mods and paths? Do others even use the low end point values? Do any DM's experience ubbermen characters with 25pt builds? Also, any advice or criticisms are appreciated. PS: oh, and we only use main book, when other Paizo books come along, we will use those. No former 3.5 books. Thanks,