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Buri wrote: We've told you what's available through the official rules. If you don't like the options we can't help with that. There are some spells that can prevent teleportation effects such as dimensional lock but that's going to be hella-expensive to apply to an entire demiplane unless you plan on keeping it tiny. Plus, that wouldn't even work against astral plane natives or ethereal creatures. I know of nothing that wards an entire area against divination effects. It's essentially impossible to completely have your own block of existence without it being possible for someone else to detect it as well.
Mind blank would work on you but does nothing for your demiplane. An infernal pact may be what you're looking for but that damns your soul to hell.
Buri I didn't mean to sound negative, I know what the demiplane spell does, im more thinking what to layer with it. So far thinking:
In the plane:
Various summoned creatures on patrol
Mage's sanctum, Dimensional lock, Hallow, Forbiddance, Alarm everywhere
Hero's Feast (not sure how that would work)
Invisibility purge all over
Various programmed illusionary "me", Simulacrum with disguise self, and shadow versions of myself walking around
Mages mansion as my residence, secure shelters for humanoids, tiny huts for summons creatures to sleep in. Guards and wards throughout. Clustered near by like a small village.
Apprentices on the grounds to aid is needed
Clone nearby
Wall of force walls (mentions blocking ethereal creatures, maybe astral too?)
On myself (sure i missed some and many overlap but for the cost of a scroll why not when its always on while you're there)
Contingency breath of life if i die
Mind blank
Resist energy
Protection from energy
Protection from Arrows
Protection from Spells
Protection from evil
Greater Spell Immunity
Spell Turning
Moment of Prescience
Mind Blank
Antilife shell
True seeing
Greater Arcane sight
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Detect Undead
Detect Charm
Dect the faithful
See Alignment
See invisibility
Spell gauge
Comprehend languages
Detect thoughts
Seek Thoughts
Discern Lies
Greater invisibility
Hide form undead
Freedom of movement
Spider Climb
Feather fall
False life
Mage Armor
Mirror image
Greater heroism
Paragon Surge
Prismatic sphere (to sleep in)
Entropic shield
Shield of faith
Divine Favor
Find Traps
Delay Pain
Water breathing
Water walk
Wrathful Mantle
Aura of Doom
Blessing of Fervor
Life Bubble
Spell Resistance
Holy Aura
Overwhelming Presence
Any more ideas?

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GM Jeff wrote: Here's an example that's been coming up a lot in my games.
Rogue: I listen at the door.
GM: Make a Perception check.
Rogue: 24.
GM: You hear nothing on the other side.
Everything is fine. Players open the door. But...
Rogue: I listen at the door.
GM: Make a Perception check.
Rogue: Uh-oh... 7.
GM: You hear nothing on the other side.
Monk: Watch out. I listen at the door.
So, the monk listens at the door only when the rogue rolls badly. And if the Monk rolls badly, then the next character steps up and makes a roll. Repeat, until someone gets a good roll or we run out of PCs.
I try to hint at it.
GM: Rogue, you just listened at the door and heard nothing. The Monk doesn't trust you and you are a little bit insulted.
Rogue: Whatever, he's helping me.
GM: He didn't help you before...
This is just one of the many things that happens. A player flubs a roll and another player runs up to try and get a better roll.
I don't know. Maybe this is a minor issue that annoys me a bit and I should just let it go and expect everyone to make a Perception check at every door, every time.
Easiest way to stop this is... <drum roll> Tell players all metagaming info will be considered known to the BBEG's forces as its considered obvious discussion between characters. For example:
Monk: Watch out. I listen at the door. = Monk turns to rogue and says in game "I think you missed something little buddy, let me check". At that time an enemy sentry on the other side hears this and sounds and alarm.
Other issue is reasonable doubt when doing checks. If you think someone rang your doorbell but the girlfriend says she didnt hear anything you might still check but probably not. So when the monk listens hes probably sure theres nothing but he checks anyway at say a -10 penalty.
I can tell you from being in the military that if a member of my squad checked something and I wanted to recheck something he MIGHT let it go the first time with words. Next time its a fistfight. Theres no reason to suspect other men of war (and equal or more dubious character) to act any differently. Even brothers fight, why shouldn't characters:
Rogue: "I dont hear anything"
Monk: "I'll check"
Rogue: "Whats that supposed to mean? its kind of my job to detect stuff"
Monk: "Still I'm not so sur.."
Rogue: "What the heck man? Not cool"
Cleric: "Guys calm down.."
Monk and rogue: "Shut it healbot!"
Cleric: "Gesh.."
Monk: "Well everyone misses sometimes.."
Rogue: "Like your stunning blows.."
Monk: "What??"
Rogue: "Nothing, check the door bigshot"
Wizard: "Can I help?"
Rogue: "Great now mr wisdom dump wants to check..sure go ahead!"

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master_marshmallow wrote: Currently playing a campaign where im running 2 characters, both of them are aasimar, and ive got the first one pretty much down
this one however i am looking for some input on
Andros the Wizard
** spoiler omitted **...
I find snowball and EPS overrated later on. Fort saves are so high and the effect if saved is minor. Shocking grasp is the better way to go at that slot because familiar can do the touch for you (i use an owl for example). Intensified MM rods are cheap and makes for a nice low level blast (10d6 for a first level slot is not bad). Electric resist is going to be less common that cold as well and alot of things doesn't have ears.
While i play a conjuration specialist I think the feats for augment summoning line are a waste as the effect on the monsters at high lvl is minor and an extra summoned is not that helpful. I'd prefer to go greater spell focus in my direct attacks schools (enchantment, evo, necro or conjuration), greater spell penetration, as well as great focus ray and line up MM feats for spell perfection. Given this is more an higher level to enjoy the effect but at low to mid the melees take the load, you job is to manage the craziness later on.
Also thinking crafting is overrated. Thats what apprentices and treasure are for. ;)
Might i suggest:
• 1st level feat: Spell focus (your pick)
• 1st level wizard: Scribe scroll (free)
• 3rd level Feat: Piercing spell
• 5th level feat: Heightened spell
• 5th level wizard: Persistent spell
• 7th level feat: Spell penetration
• 9th level feat: Greater Spell penetration
• 10th level wizard: Quicken Spell
• 11th level feat: Opposition research (necromancy)
• 13th level feat: Greater spell focus (your pick)
• 15th level feat: Spell perfection
• 15th level wizard: True Name (Planetar for me)
• 17th level feat: Weapon focus ray
• 19th level feat: Great weapon focus ray
Now you've got a wizard that can Heighten old spells, make whatever persistent when ti needs to stick, Quicken for economy, get past most SR with GSP, but able to add piercing for really tough SR. On Perfection you're now doubling your GSP to +8 SR, focus to +4 to DC and +4 to hit on rays. This makes you a force to be feared by even the most stuborn bosses endgame
Just some thoughts
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I know Treantmonk has a fine guide for all spells but it really doesn't cover other guides and little known spells. In my campaign my DM even allows some 3.5 spells when approved. So with that said lets get into it, add as you see fit, will be added to the top post:
Ear piecing scream - Fort save sucks but dazed is nice
Snowball - Fort save but conjuration so no SR and nice staggered effect
Vanish - 5 rounds make of invis at 1st level slot, yes please!
Create pit - alot of people either dont know about this still or just overlook it. Create way not just to trap people but get under doors, past barriers, etc
Boneshatter - good damage for the level but quicken one followed by another for automatic exhaustion)

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VRMH wrote: Dying and going to Heaven?
Immortality without becoming undead is available to anyone with money though: - Get a ring that'll cast Magic Jar once a day. Better yet: get two.
- Have a Simulacrum made of whatever body you'd like.
- Have the Binding (Minimus Containment) spell cast on you.
Your real body will be inside a bottle and does not require any food or air, nor does it age. You can Magic Jar into your Simulacrum for hours on end, since the spell doesn't require any Line of Effect and the creature cannot disobey an order never to resist.
Immortality is no longer the point, heck thats an arcane discovery now. I don't want to go down the old school path of "heh im epic now, lets go topple a lesser god and take his domains". Even if that was an option (much easier then than now) its lame and frankly not a good act. I kind of thought about settling into an elminster type role but my character will still be early 20s by the time he's epic (started at age 14).
Surely there has to be a better endgame role to settle to. My character's party is most of the way into saving his prime from slow destruction albiet it very few know. He's also a chosen of his god (of magic) so he's not just an arcanist but truly hungry for more magical knowledge and power. A lich would be the natural fit for that "I want to live forever and be superpowerful" theme, however they're evil (he's CG).
Even if he did become incredibly powerful it would be purely to be a defender against future issues and to open an academy for others to enjoy. However I like the idea of coming back as an angelic outsider, even if in some other form.
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Trying to justify uses for silent image as a combat spell to aid my group. What uses does silent image in combat other than simulating walls for escapes and over pits as traps? Also bonus point for best use of silent image for believable scary "allies".
I was thinking summon monster of something fairly decent then silent image a boatload of the same thing behind it to make it looks like an army size portion. Sure one dire wolf is meh but 40 to 50 dire wolves....
12 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.
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So feats says:
In addition, if you have other feats which allow you to apply a set numerical bonus to any aspect of this spell (such as Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus [ray], and so on), double the bonus granted by that feat when applied to this spell.
However on Piercing spell Benefit: When you cast a piercing spell against a target with spell resistance, it treats the spell resistance of the target as 5 lower than its actual SR.
So with that said would this not treat the benefit as double?
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Timothy Hanson wrote: I give up, what am I missing? Why is Paragon Surge so awesome? Seriously?? Any feat as needed, without commitment. One example is spell perfection (name your spell that fight).
"Best"*. Spell. Ever.
*= Void where prohibited. See your local DM dealer for details. Pre-approval for well-qualified buyers, not all half-elves may qualify. Not valid in California, Forgotten Realms, or 9 Hells (we cant afford the lawyers).

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Gerald wrote: As I say every time someone mentions a MT, look at playing a Witch instead. To me, the Witch is what the MT should have been, plus hexes.
Witch is an awful class. Vs MT you give up full arcane and cleric list, dual spells bonuses, the ability to switch slots between classes, and perhaps the most overpowered lvl 10 power of a prestige class by breaking the action economy. On MT all you give up is a spell level behind pure arcane/divine which can easily be offset with MM rods. Sure if you are trying to out damage the two handed fighter in your group thats not going to happen but your utility/buff/debuff/summon options are astronomical and enough slots to do them all. The fact you can get specialist and two cleric domains while increasing both classes is very nice.
But go Witch instead? For what, a few low DC hexes and a piss-poor spell list (no Heal, Harm, Time stop, Wish, etc etc etc)? No cleric domains or specialist options? Are you serious? Witch is one of the most overrated, one dimensional classes of all time and bad flavor to boot.
Worst. Advice. Ever.
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cartmanbeck wrote: ciretose wrote: Now I want to make a huge barbarian with leadership and put a tiny cleric in his pocket to cure and buff him all day :) OMG YES "Is that a Divine Assessor in your pocket or you just happy to see me?" ;)
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Lead in real life is about a fourth of the price of copper. Its a byproduct of silver and gold mining so its basically free to miners, even in those times. Crafting things out of lead is also much, much easier than say steel, gold, or silver as the melting put is very very low (about 600 degrees vs 2000+ for the others). Problem is it is very very soft, about as hard as most woods and as flexible/fragile in thin uses (even a modest 8 str can tear a 1/4" sheet of lead like its clay). I would think a sheath made of it would be torn up in days.
Now modern lead (an alloy of lead, tin, antimony, and arsenic) is much harder. When water cooled it can be as hard as brass.