Gomezaddams51's page

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VoodistMonk wrote:

What's your Dex?

Sunsilk Ceremonial Armor has 0 ACP and 0 ASF chance... gives you +1 armor with no Dex limit... and DR2/bludgeoning... without needing proficiency.

I guess I should have mentioned stats in original post.

Str: 10
Dex: 16
Con: 14
INT: 20
WIS: 8
CHA: 7

I do know one thing I really messed up on when I made my witch. I should have taken Elemental instead of Insanity. With Elemental I could have gotten fireball as a spell. Oh well that will be my next witch. I have learned to love them LOL

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Awesome suggestions. I am going to copy them and talk to the DM and tell him I have some great ideas I got from you all. Thanks for all the suggestions and help.

Now just got to survive this dungeon to do it all LOL

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I found the name of the spell I was trying to remember. Retaliatory Missile. It gives me 10 damage reduction and then sends a magic missile spell at whomever shot me. That 10 damage reduction had helped but when they are doing up to 20 points damage it still hurts.

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The Corset of Dire Witchcraft gives a +4 AC bonus, so it would cancel out the Mage Armor spell, before I got the corset, I was using Mage Armor. The corset replaced that. I like the corset because it gives me a Hex benefit. I also have a Cackle Overblouse.
I also have Careful Combatant. The problem is, once I dimension door'd the golems pummeled the heck out of me with their rifles before it was my turn to do anything again like get the heck out of Dodge. I will have to check out the Ioun Stone and use that. The DM found a thing where you can have Ioun stones implanted inside you so they are not flying around your head.

Here is a question, Sunsilk Ceremonial Armor, if I am wearing the Corset, does that mess up wearing the Sunsilk Armor since the Corset has a higher AC. And I will have to get a buckler. Unfortunately, that and other spells are going to have to wait until I can get where I can get them. Right now we are in a dungeon, neck deep in Golems.

I will have to check out the other ideas you all gave me. Thanks

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Our gaming group is comprised of a female Tiefling rogue/Sorcerer, a male Asimar Battle Cleric, a Half elf fighter and my character a female witch. (We also have an occasional female halfing bard player when the 10 year old niece comes with her Uncle when school is out). We are all 10th level, but the Tiefling Sorcerer is split level so lower level.

What I need to know is how to improve the AC of my witch. Hexela has the Corset of Dire witchcraft for armor. Also, a ring of protection +2 and an amulet of natural armor +3. I know witches are normally not combat monsters and are supposed to be back behind as a support character, but with the party the way it is, I have found that I have ended up in combat way more than I like. Her modus operandi is to grab the Fighter and dimension door behind the enemies and sick the half elf on them. The Half elf is a combat monster and does awesome damage when she is in hand to hand. Since my witch is suddenly there beside her, things can get ugly for her real quick. Recently we have been fighting Golems which are not affected by most hex's so she has to use her lightning bolt spell and she is awesome with it dealing on average 25 to 30 points each spell (or more - 10d6) but that makes her a target for them. I have far healing and I also have the healing hex so I go around healing the party. She has saved the party many times with her misfortune and other hexes. The golems we are fighting use primitive guns and they shoot the crap out of her even with the spell that gives her a +10 protection from missiles and sends a magic missile spell back at the shooter (I forget what it is called).

Is there a spell like protection from normal missiles or something? She makes potions of healing for the party and scrolls which tend to eat up her money quite quickly so affording higher level amulets and rings is a problem.
Any suggestions, the mage armor does not work with the corset since both are armor and +4.

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Cool thanks for the suggestions. We are on break now till this virus crap gets over. Finally decided to be safe than sorry.. It gives me lots of time to study up on witches...