
Goldcape's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


You make a character like my dad where when they level up you role randomly and that determines what class you pick. He played the build in numerous pfs module including bonekeep and it’s gone really well for him.

As a relatively youngling myself the beginner box is perfect for new and young player

Sounds good and just use the standard rogue strategy. If you don’t know any well try to flank at every opportunity.

Gladius are treated as short swords

Great job


Flying archer and or spell caster with a good AC

Well until you hit level 4 you could try a scythe on a normal hit you deal 2d4 and on a critical hit you deal 8d4. you could combine this with the intimidate skill to demoralise enemy.Add on some Druid spells like entangle and you should be fine. Make sure to wear the best armour possible. I will say this is advice come from a multitude of different Druids using these against me.


For more flavor wise a axe would have additional uses in day to day fantasy life such chopping wood and its more likely a random ciziten would
have a use a use a for a axe but its depending on the knights backstory eg if they were a woodsmen before becoming a knight having a axe for survival purposes and emergency combat would be easier than having to lug a heavy sword around with them.