Shiyara the High Mediator

Goddess of Dangerous Knowledge's page

39 posts. Alias of lynora.


*The LJ and GDK fight temporarily crashes into the playful wrestling of the other four, causing a pileup of muddy, naked bodies*

"I'm gonna get you for that! Just as soon as I get out from under these wretched nymphs!"

*Grabs LJ's hair and tries to hold her head under the mud*

*kicks an overbalanced LJ into the mud*

Take that, you goody-two-shoes

S***fette Drone 7-of-9 wrote:

Yes, and we have this large pit of mud here too ...

Beams down a mud wrestling arena.

Well, that's convenient...

*Tackles lynora-Jill into the mud pit and tries to drown her, but only succeeds in pulling out some feather*

Why won't you just die? Slippery little wench...

S***fette Drone 7-of-9 wrote:
lynora wrote:
S***fette Drone 7-of-9 wrote:
lynora wrote:
"Hmmmm.....we could do with a bit more debauchery around here...."

Then you need to bring down your Goddess alter-ego

The good one or the evil one?

Yeah, well, even though you asked nicely....what can I say? I've been bored since my last blow up the universe scheme didn't work out. Oh, come on, you invited her too?!

Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales wrote:
lynora wrote:
Yep, that was one of mine. You kinda have to be little insane to be a cultist of an insane goddess who is trying to blow up the universe just to see what the bang looks like. ;)
Ahh the memories..... [twitch] :)

Oh, you know you miss me, sweetie ;)

The priestess fades from view entirely as the goddess gains control
Ha! Foolish mortals. Did you truly think your puny efforts would be enough to bind me?! Now you will suffer my wrath!

You miserable filth! How dare you try to contain me! *Turns on the others* Why are you helping him? Why are you trying to send me away? Didn't you enjoy my company, and my designs for better weapons? How can you possibly prefer her to me?! She's

I'll say you need help! Trying to control me! Of all the nerve! Silly little mortals, why do you do this thing? I can give much more than you have ever dreamed. Knowledge of secrets long buried by those too ruled by their fears to reach out and embrace them. You could be nigh invincible. Why, with my help you could watch all your enemies tremble at your feet as you ruled over all. Surely you can't possibly choose that vapid little beach bunny over me.

I'm bored. All of the conflicts are simmering down. It's no fun here. I'm leaving. looks at Jack Hammer Unless you'd like to explore some fun uses for adamantine chains before I go?

Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:

But i added useful spell...

*Summon tribble I-VII
*Summon stripper I-IV
*Mystic ho-down
*Tap dancing ninja's
*Summon clown I&II
*Circle of Instantaneous fiery death
*Summon booze elemental I
I even added the Power Ranger mystic force transformation spell

I tell ya you just can't do people favors

Summon Clown? Even for me that's just, just Eeevil. Good work.

Oh, come on. You know you want to. War is fun.

Ooh, I like terrible consequences.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
lynora wrote:
Thanks for the explanations, guys. That helps. Always good to know where the boundaries are.

I shall commune with the Out of Character Chat now.

So, I don't quite understand what's going on. Did a goddess possess Lynora-Jill or something?

No, lynora-Jill is the goddess. She just doesn't know it. When the Goddess of Dangerous Knowledge has ticked off too many people, she goes away for awhile leaving a sort of dummy personality behind. Which is lynora-Jill. The goddess knows everything lynora-Jill does, but lynora-Jill is totally unaware of anything the goddess does. The goddess is chaotic evil, lynora-Jill is neutral good. Basically I set up a sort of Jekyl and Hyde situation.

Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:

Phefff raiding any thief can loot. We are BBQing a whole nation worth of people.

Here have a BBQ elf leg its yummy

No thanks. I'm already full. And wanting a fight. Are you sure you guys don't have any enemies?

Jack Hammer wrote:

Must be thinking with my Hammer again. That's what got me into trouble the 1st time.

So if we were to have hot monkey sex lynora-Jill would be none the wiser? ;P

Ah, yes, now you have grasped the concept.

Jack Hammer wrote:
Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:
Your always welcome in the layer, jacks like to talk big, but when its time to roast a few thousand people. well they just aren't evil enough for the fun stuff
While you and your minions are busy with your BBQ we ransacked the empty nation and looted everything of value. (Especially the booze.) We value battle with enemies, not consuming cattle. Unless of course it's prepared by Hungry Jack.

Raiding is good. Battle is better. But this is at least a step in the right direction.

Jack Hammer wrote:
Goddess of Dangerous Knowledge wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:

I fear she never truly embraced the Way of the Jacks. So she ran off with the first guy that plays with stuffed toys.

Oh well. Acme? How 'bout another round?

Didn't embrace the Way of the Jacks? Haven't I partied consistently since I joined your group? Haven't you told me over and over how Evil the Jacks are? How much they like to fight? And what happens when my Evil side comes out to play? Nothing. There hasn't been one single torture since I got here. *pouts*
Wait... Is this lynora-Jill or GDK?

I told you, we're the same person. Except that I know everything that she does, but she doesn't know anything that I do. Which is why she didn't know where the chains were from. Do try to keep up, dear.

Jack Hammer wrote:

I fear she never truly embraced the Way of the Jacks. So she ran off with the first guy that plays with stuffed toys.

Oh well. Acme? How 'bout another round?

Didn't embrace the Way of the Jacks? Haven't I partied consistently since I joined your group? Haven't you told me over and over how Evil the Jacks are? How much they like to fight? And what happens when my Evil side comes out to play? Nothing. There hasn't been one single torture since I got here. *pouts*

She IS me. After I've swept into a place and fomented conflict and all that, there's usually plenty of folks who wish me harm. So I have her. Nobody wants to harm someone so sweet and good and pure...glances sidelong at Jack Hammer...well, maybe not so pure. It's *smirk* safer that way. After I've gone she won't remember a thing about what I did here. I'm very careful never to tell myself anything.

Emperor7 wrote:

As dust swirls in the winds a voice is heard

Sleep, the children play. They prepare offerings for the Earth and the Sky. Flesh and bones, warm fires and much talking. Seeds have been planted. Seeds which they will nourish.

And with this the god-modding endeth

Slow creeping doom? Niiiice.

could someone please explain to me what god modding is and why it bothers people so much? I'm kind of new at this.

Callous Jack wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
They will go straight to your thighs.
And then before you know it, you're wearing the stretchiest pair of sweatpants you can find in the celestial department store.

One of the benefits of being a goddess is never getting fat. After all, I can cram a thousand years worth of exercise into a one hour workout. ;)

Picks up a barrister, a half dozen politicians, four generals, and twenty innocent victims.
Mmm, delicious. You really know how to cook them down here.

Jack Hammer wrote:
Cultist of Jack wrote:
You know, I leave for a few minutes to deal with real life and the whole place goes to hell in a handbasket. What the frakk?

I think lynora-Jill went Sybil on us. But I kinda like her alter ego. At least she encourages our 'more aggressive' tendencies.

Sad thing is that she's associating with the tribble dude. That's pretty desperate.

Just start a nice war for me and I'll be back, honey. The tribble dude is at least giving me all the souls I can eat.

I'm here for the feast. Oh my, so many tasty souls to choose from.

Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:

I think they think they can take my toy away. Oh I sent for a few thousand for the BBQ will that suffice?

Yes, that sounds like a suitable sacrifice. I look forward to it. I may still encourage this little field trip of theirs, though. No hard feelings. It's just that I soooo enjoy conflict.

Emperor7 wrote:
Alderyk, King of the Fallarin wrote:

Rawk! The Winds hear their sister's cry! We will not fight at the Place of the Winds, which can only be reached by suppliants (while all unwelcome parties are shifted into an identical, illusory dimensional trap), but we will send the Winds to battle these forces abroad, if that is the decision of the council.

Brothers, let us take counsel!
With the power of the winds the curse shall be complete!

Oooh, who are you cursing? Can I help? Will it cause conflict?

*Hands the Acme Robot a bottle of Tequila of Sobriety.* Give him some of this.

Jack Hammer wrote:

That form wasn't so dormant yesterday. *wink*

Your infatuation with my lesser form amuses me.

Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:

pops head back in You really should stop by goddess will roast a village of elves in you honor

POps out

Frowns slightly Only ONE village? Standards in the abyss have obviously slipped since I last visited.

Malice Jack wrote:

Sits up, dislodging many empties

Anyone wanna tell me what the fnck just happened?

A disappointingly short invasion. I require more chaos. And bloodshed.

CourtFool wrote:
Attacks the gazebo

Is hit with a host of protective spells. First confined to an adamantine cage, then injected with experimental serum designed to cause unspecified genetic modifications, then hit with a confusion spell, then released.

Jackin' Ape wrote:

Sees the Hot Dangerous Goddess, skates to her side, kicks off the used, lifeless monkey skates, seizes the goddess in his paw, scales the highest tower of the Jack estate as he sizes up, grips the top of the tower, drapes the goddess over the top sexily, and commences deafening roars, chest-beating, and knocking down of any flying enemies.


Sigh. Really, this might have worked on my dormant form. But I do not put up with such nonsense.

*Summons adamantine chains to tie the Ape to the tower. Glides down.*

Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:
Ya know I should point out as outsider, you really don't kill em just send em away for a while

I could arrange for a more permanent death. But that might foment peace, so I won't. Really, flying monkeys? I give you all this knowledge and the best you can come up with to create a conflict is flying monkeys? You'd better come up with something to impress me quickly Tribble.

Callous Jack wrote:
I think it's time to kill some monkeys... well, except for Jackin' Ape. Summon the minions!

*Looks around at fighting monkeys* This requires minions? Pathetic.

Jack Hammer wrote:

Speaking of fun. How you doin'?

There is not nearly enough death and destruction yet to be considered fun.

Jack Hammer wrote:
Goddess of Dangerous Knowledge wrote:

As the flames disappear you see the priestess standing on the altar. She seems changed somehow, not at all like the woman you know. She steps down, looks around, and smiles cruelly.

Ah, what a lovely playground. So, who feels like making trouble today?

There's some angry evil monkey dude hassling our thread...

Casually hands over plans for a weapon that will almost certainly kill the monkey, but will also probably cause great collateral damage.

Have fun with that.

You! she says, smiling at the Demon Lord of Tribbles. You are the one who has been using my gifts to craft a dangerous artifact. I do so appreciate such diabolic creativity.

As the flames disappear you see the priestess standing on the altar. She seems changed somehow, not at all like the woman you know. She steps down, looks around, and smiles cruelly.

Ah, what a lovely playground. So, who feels like making trouble today?