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22 posts. Alias of Bender is great.
1. GM Edwin's Zeitgeist Campaign When the people and King of Risur have internal or external enemies but won't or can't call in the military... They Call in the RHC(Royal Homeland Constabulary) Act 1: The Investigation Begins! Chapter 1: The Island at the Axis of the World Chapter 2: The Dying Skyseer Chapter 3: Digging for Lies Chapter 4: Always on Time Chapter 5: Cauldron Born RHC HQ FLINT CITY Zeigeist World Map Avery Coast Train Lantern Act 2: The Grand Design Chapter 6: Revelations From the Mouth of a Mad Man Ber Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
When the people and King of Risur have internal or external enemies but won't or can't call in the military... They Call in the RHC(Royal Homeland Constabulary)
Act 1: The Investigation Begins! Chapter 1: The Island at the Axis of the World Chapter 2: The Dying Skyseer Chapter 3: Digging for Lies Chapter 4: Always on Time Chapter 5: Cauldron Born RHC HQ FLINT CITY Zeigeist World Map Avery Coast Train Lantern
Act 2: The Grand Design
Chapter 6: Revelations From the Mouth of a Mad Man