Goblin Stickylord

Goblin Berserker's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts (20 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


I plan on running Crypt of the Everflame soon for society. I was wondering if there is a set way to start the adventure, or if I need to edit a few things just to have the Pathfinder Society in it from the get go.

You could also share what you've done or encountered to start this adventure off, I'd love to hear it.

If I am a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer of a Black Dragon, do spells that affect yourself and cause damage when you are hit get the bonus?

Example: Eruptive Pustules. If I am under the affects of this spell and get hit will the attacker take 1d6+1 damage? (The +1 from the Bloodline Arcana)

Thanks in advance.

Have a quick question. What is the DC for Dispel Magic as a counterspell? I did a search for this and I found one person saying: "If you do not know/recognize the spell (via spellcraft), you make a dispel check as usual against the spell's caster. So this check would be 11+spell's caster's caster level. Example: 10th level wizard casts fireball, then the DC is 11+10=21. If your own caster level is 5, you have to roll a 16 to successfully counter it."

I just wanted some validation because I can't find that in the core book and to me it just feels like the spell level should be in the DC...

As I'm writing this it just pops into my head, if you don't need to identify the spell for dispel then I guess you wouldn't know the level, ha. Still is that correct? Dispel check (1d20 + your caster level) vs 11 + caster’s level?

Oh and if so, where do you find that info, the 11 + caster level?

Thanks guys, you all are great help on these forums and your knowledge is invaluable.

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Sorry if it's been covered as it's hard to filter "death" in the search, lol. I'm still pretty new and planning on running this AP so I figured I would ask here.

I see a lot of threads mentioning the amount of character deaths and such and it makes me a little worried for my newbie group. How does most everyone handle PC death as far as re-rolling? Is it a brand new lvl 1 character, or the same level as the dead PC? If it's lvl 1 how is that handled? Does the fresh new PC find goblin camps to grind XP or just keep going as is. That sounds pretty difficult if that's the case.

Well I rambled enough. In short, what exactly do you do when a PC dies in the AP?


So I finished the BB and did a little home brewing. Now I wanna see how it's done so I picked up the Rise of the Runelords anniversary book from my comic shop. I would like some advise from the experienced GM's out there. Any old advise will do, but I also would like to know how to start this thing. Keep in mind my players are noobs too.

I'm reading up on part one. How do you go about starting this thing, lol? You know, like presenting the speeches and the fun and games. What I've ran so far has been minimal on the roleplaying aspect, mainly just quest givers, so I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to present everything.

Any advise is appreciated. This game is awesome. I just want to be better at running it.

I am creating an insectfolk race based on your common grasshopper or locust even. I would like to know how the rules work or how it plays out for 2 movement racial traits. Right now I have a base speed of 20 ft, but if the race had the Jumper and the Vestigial Wings or Gliding Wings how would that work? I might be pushing it trying to use Jumper with acrobatics and wings, idk.

If anyone could tell me how this works, or if it is overpower, or not even feasible I'd appreciate it.

Ok, on skills. The finishing touches section says to put your ability mod in section D and so on. Then later it says if you don’t have a rank in a skill listed in section D put a 0 in the rank box. Then later it says to add it all up.

So the next day I’m comparing my players character sheets with the premade ones. My players had skill point totals in all the skills from the ability mods, but the premade ones didn’t have ability mods in all the skills, nor totals for all the skills.

I think the finishing touches section might have thrown the players off (me too), but I need some clarification on the issue. I just assumed from the book and the premade character sheets that only the skills that don’t require training get the ability mods and get added to the total section. It is quite confusing because say a wizard is trained in a bunch of skills but he doesn’t get to put 0 in the rank and put his ability mod into that box and add the totals.

Hope my wording isn’t too confusing, because I am, haha.