Goblin Stickylord

Goblin Berserker's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts (20 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.

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Quick question. It says "A hunter may begin play with any of the animals listed in Animal Choices (Core Rulebook 53)." I know the answer is right in front of me, but I just want reassurance. Does it mean that the Hunter cannot choose any other animal companion form any other resource?


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Sorry if it's been covered as it's hard to filter "death" in the search, lol. I'm still pretty new and planning on running this AP so I figured I would ask here.

I see a lot of threads mentioning the amount of character deaths and such and it makes me a little worried for my newbie group. How does most everyone handle PC death as far as re-rolling? Is it a brand new lvl 1 character, or the same level as the dead PC? If it's lvl 1 how is that handled? Does the fresh new PC find goblin camps to grind XP or just keep going as is. That sounds pretty difficult if that's the case.

Well I rambled enough. In short, what exactly do you do when a PC dies in the AP?
