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Personally I see Peter Pan as a Sylph Shadowdancer with the Racial Feats up to the one that gives Fly Speed (su) !

I suggest a Two-Handed Reach Build to take advantage of the Conductive property and Channel Destruction, with the huge Cha he will get with an Headband and the Graveknight he could keep touching with Corruption all day, or at least have the numbers to actually heal himself, go for the big shot of damage against the tough enemy or just spamming it for the Touch AC !

BTW since Touch of Corruption is a Supernatural Touch Attack does it count as a weapon like other Touch Spells ? If it is so Channel Destruction + Touch of Corruption + Channel Smite ( if taken ) on a Touch Attack with a Full-BaB class is a fun alternative, get Lunge and some other magic items that extend the reach of your attacks !

Also I could swear there was an armor special ability that reacted when the alignment of the wearer is scryed upon for effects like Holy Smite/ Smite Evil etc.. Or simply get someone to cast nondetection on you every day ! There are other people in the party who can cast spells no ?

Some other questions :

- What weapons do you use ? 2-handed, Weapon and Shield ? Weapon and free hand for Touch of Corrption ?

- Ask your DM if you can use this feat http://thatboomerkid.tumblr.com/post/96072305116/most-agonizing-of-corrupti on-pathfinder

( The feats for Antipaladins on that site are great ! )

Maybe he will use the creation ritual, so it's much like a quest reward for all the hard work ( ! seriously 13 Aasimar are difficult to find !) so
his transformation will occur at 11th !

Oook !
So after your rise as an Armored Undead Menace you will have :

Str 22
Dex 16
Con -
Int 14
Sag 15
Car 20


Extra Touch of Corruption
Ability Focus ( Touch of Corruption )
Improved Initiative
Mounted Combat
Ride-By Attack

So much potential !

Enchant your weapon(s) of choice with the Conductive ability to get
Touch of Corruption damage on Melee attacks
Look for Channel Smite Feat to add your Channel Energy Damage too.
If you have the open space required to use your phantom mount take
Spirited Charge and buy a Lance.
Maybe if there are a lot of Good Guys with Positive Energy to go
against pick Ability Focus ( Sacrilegious Aura ).
If you can choose the element associated with your death choose fire
so you are immune to the 3 major elements of blasting, leaving only
acid ( buy some resistance to it or get one ally to cast Protection
/ Resist Energy ).

Enchant your Armor to the maximum and don't forget the Impervious quality or anything that makes it harder to destroy, your DM will
try to Sunder it sooner or later ...

P.S. for the Aasimar part of the Character you could take the Angelic Blood ( take it before you get to Undead,after you can't ) Flesh ( Steel ) and Wings for extra ways of dealing with trouble, or the Channel Force feats to get your enemies in bad places !

You mean you have the Dread Vanguard Archetype and you want to add the Grave Knight Template ( http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/graveknight-cr- 2 ) ?
Or you mean add the Knight of the Sepulcher Archetype on top ?

Because those two archetypes replace aura of sin at 14th so it's not possible to take both !

Will need some info about your character, like stats, Feats etc !

Also in the 6 th edition is noted to have the Risposte ability, negate one melee attack, counterattack at the end of the phase .. sounds familiar ? xD

Instead of fighter you could go for Daring Champion ( .. pre errata .. ) then Paladin !

Uhmm re-reading it after a long time on my codex I think it might be a combination of Cavalier/Paladin and Slayer, with some very powerful, almost artifact-like equip.

( NOTE : i got the 7th edition army book for reference )

his stats are very high, and they talk about that even the phoenix king bow to him on warfare, so focus on Str, Des and Cha

his steed is a legendary Elven Steed ( Cavalier's Mount or Paladin Divine Bond )

for the Equip:

- Sunfang is a greatsword forged to fight demons of Chaos. Its runes stores the power of the sun. Sounds like a Holy Flaming Glorious Greatsword, with the power to emit a breath weapon attack 1/day
half fire/half divine

- The Dragon Armor of Aenarion is a special Dragonhide armor that Gives Fire Immunity and DR, maybe some extra ability to improve ST

- The Heart of Avelorn is a Necklace that gives spell resistance, Constant Protection from Evil and Regeneration

Aside from the artifact from his legends I'll go with Paladin( one archetype without spells, maybe in exchange for fighter only feats ) / Slayer ( Vanguard Archetype ), Power Attack, Furious Focus and the rest.

If your DM will throw an aboleth on you in plain sight of your Grappling Machine then you just have to cast Protection from Evil on the Brawler a minute before fighting xD !
No Mental Control chance for him !

Uhm in a way There is a Chain of Command !

Necromancer Creates Wights, Wights create Spawns under their control. Necromancer tell Alpha Wights to order the Spawns to Not Attack him or his allies.

In short :

Necromancer -> Alpha Wights -> Wights Spawn !

P.S. Alpha Wights have a HD Total of controllable Spawn, wich is separated from the Controlling Bucket of the Necro !

I once did a solo adventure bringing a Kensai, with Spell Blending I got Mage Armor and Windy Escape, got Shield active and Canny Defense !
Insane AC and Panic Button DR and Fortification !

The Flamboyant is a good choice, maybe go for the Int to Intimidate Trait and get Antagonize, to get the enemies attack you !

Yeah I got that one, so I create a normal PC with race and feats and then apply the effect of having the Raijin around ? Cool !
And many thanks to the Design Team !

Bought the Apocalypse Bundle, and I have to say that this edition is epic ! The Settings are all very inspiring and the racial traits for the New Races of Abaddon are cool !

One quick question about the new Raijin : the race is now a Template that you slap on a normal PC, correct ? Or I create a generic Pc and then the Raijin comes online with only their racial traits ?
And what about the possibility of other incorporeal possessions ? How do they work on the Raijin ?

So for example Feats that requires X level in a Class ? Or Feats that work differently ( like Stunning Fist ) ?

Ellioti wrote:
can a Fighter / VMC Wizard use wands and scrolls?

This for example, Monk's robe and the robes for Sorcerers are on my priority. I start Tinkering more xD

Hello good people of the Forum !
After reading of the Variant Multiclassing I got this doubt.
You are considered a member of the Secondary class for the purpose of items / spells and effects / Feats that only works with the class ( like Monk's Robe ecc ) ? Maybe I didn't read it well but I can't find an answer ! Thanks in advance !

Kobold .. that archetype is awesome xD ! Now I have to roll Diplomacy on my DM
Unfortunately I recently finished a game with my drunken martial artist XD

Side Question : If i get a race that has a natural Bite Attack and then i get a bite attack from the Cannibal it stacks ? Like bigger bite dice ?

An apathic miracle-worker that stays out of everything unless pushed very hard to do something ? I could ask or the Shard of Sloth from shattered star ( if I recall if you ever try to do a full round of actions you get sickened xD ) ? I like it, there is a way to set contingency-like healing spells for others ?

Oh dear that Raging Cannibal, now i only have to get Swallow Swhole and a Weapon-Proof Stomach !

What Kind of Undead o Other Templated Creature is more appropriate for Gluttony ? Vampire or Ghoul with the Bloatmage will be scary and absolutely obscene to see, but maybe there's something out there that is far worse !

So in an upcoming campaign our DM told us that we are going to be an evil group of dangerous criminals, and also each one of us have to represent one of the 7 Sins. I got Gluttony, and I can swap with Sloth if I want ..
I need some help with the concept, after the idea he will tell us about the stat generation, because is something different.
What do you think ? I feel a character with the Swallow Whole ability could be tematic, but i don't know .. and for someone who has to represent Sloth ? Need Toughts and Ideas !

P.S. I heard that we also can use a Template ( +0 / +1 ) and all classes are available !

Quick question : the VMC Monk gives a Ki Pool ?

So if for example i take a Mwk Quaterstaff and I craft it to a Staff with charges is considered enchanted ?

Hello Good Folks of the forum !
In short :
I know that the Spell don't work with a Magical Quaterstaff ( +1/+1 ecc ) but I'm not sure about using it with a Staff like a Staff of Fire or another staff that specifically is not enchanted for combat !
What do you think ? Just overthinking ?

uhm definetely a Bloodrager for Luffy ( Aberrant + Long Arm + Lunge should do the trick i think ) !

For the 3rd sword of Zoro, maybe we can ask our GM to let him get 1 extra attack with the sword like a Bite attack ?

Some love for Nico Robin ? Maybe some weird synthetist combination ?

Soo for our next adventure we will be pirates ! We tought it could be fun to translate ( at least partially ) the crew of Luffy & Co in PC..
Rules are :

20 pts buy
All Paizo
1 Trait ( because the other one is one of the Campaign traits )

How you would create each member of the cast ? We need your help XD

In the Undead Revisited Book there is a Sidebar about someone else donning the Graveknight Armor. Basically with each day the Graveknight starts to rejuvenate on top of the body of the wearer.
In game Terms his companions ( the poor victim is totally screwed ) can try a Perception check CD 25 to notice that "Something is not right with him". After 1d10 Days ( the Rejuvenation time ) the wearer must make a Will Save ( CD 10 + 1/2 DV of the Graveknight + his Cha ) each day or be istantly consumed and the Graveknight fully resurrects.

If noone made the check about the Graveknight, well ...

"Surprise ! I'm Back !"

P.S. if the party notice that something is not right make them go for another Religion Check ( as usual 15+CR of the Graveknight ). If they discover the truth, to get rid of the armor now bonded to the fighter they must Cast on it, in rapid succession, Break Enchantment, Holy Word and a third spell that is linked to the creation of that particular Graveknight !

So far as a GM i got :

-Forgotten Realms
1 Death, for mocking the baldness of a Red Wizard in the presence of his Thayan Knight Bodyguard

- Homebrew Setting ( Ravnica-Style )
3 Deaths
(2 for splitting the party in a Selesnya-like enclave and a Hydra Encounter, 1 killed by Hobgoblin Bikers with chains in an ambush )

- Kingmaker ( 1st take, stopped at the 3rd Chapter )
1st Chapter : 3 Deaths ( always the same PC, Trolls, a Shambling Mound and he broke an oath of non aggression with a Vampire during a Parley )

2nd Chapter : 5 Deaths on a party of Six ( Fireball, what else ? )

- Way of the Wicked
1st Chapter : 1 Death ( a fall from a Tower, other PC tried to save him, but the falling PC was invisible, so I denied him help )

2nd Chapter : 1 Death ( one lucky arrow from an Elf Archer )

- Kingmaker ( 2nd take, currently on the 2nd Chapter )
1st Chapter : 3 Deaths ( 2 from Tartuk, 1 from a cursed item )

On Curse of the Crimson Throne there is a whole Mansion with spying devices cleverly hidden, and the House Lord can shift his vision on each of it ! Since it was for creepiness only ( at least initially ) I made my party go full paranoia with the butler, that seemed to "pop up" every time they talked about doing something xD .. After that there is a Dungeon with fully mobile rooms and an owner who knows every turn, lever and trap !

Curse #3 "Escape from Old Korvosa"

If 3.5 is permitted go Disciple of Dispater XD then Crit with a
15-20/x4 Schyte. I doubt that he can resist a Full Attack !

My tought on Intense Spell is because the damage is applied "once per spell and not once per ray or missile" other than that nothing, but the damage of the Acid Arrrow is 2d4, that repeats itself like an echo, so maybe you can apply it !

Uhmm If you go Sorcerer 1 Wizard 2+ at 6 you can get Dazing with your
3rd level slots ... Or you can go Wizard 5 and the 6th will be
Sorcerer !

I would prefer the damage early game, so Sorcerer as 1st, and because
on a side note is easier to explain ( at least to me ) why I choose to multiclass Wizard ( Fluff thing ) than suddenly gain a Crossblooded
Bloodline ( But again, is more Fluff )

Uhm well a Sunder Build with 2 Handed Fighter is a good alternative.
Just wait for him to approach you ( Remember the Area of Silence, that will negate his buffs from the Skald Class ) with a Readied action to Sunder his Weapon, get a potion of Haste and an Adamantine Lucerne Hammer for more attacks ( you can Sunder in place of a Melee Attack )and destroy his precious weapon, no Broken Condition, Destroyed !

One level Sorcerer Crossblooded for the extra damage on dices, Admixture Wizard the Rest ! so you get +2 Damage per Dice of the Spell, Intense Spell from the Evocation applies in full to Acid Arrow, and generally with a Ring of Wizardry II, Pearls of Power and Spell Perfection you can't run out of acid xD

A Swashbuckler ( Maybe Inspired Blade ) with an Area of Silence on an item around to counter the Skald Songs and Spells, Blue Scarf to counter his charge and opportune parry for the rest !
Maybe add Duelist and watch him getting mad at being parrried !

Apart from the usual 2 traits for the -2 Metamagic Level, maybe Extend spell ? Double Duration is more DoT ( side question the duration is 1 Round + 1 Round / 3 CL, with the double Duration is now 2 Rounds + 2 / 3 CL or 2 Rounds + 1 / 3 CL ? ).

Then Empower, Dazing and another Metamagic for +1 Level, Spell Perfection at 15, and a Lesser Rod of Maximize

Go Admixture Wizard for the Free Elemental Swap Evocation School Ability and watch them slowly melt, or burn, or freeze !

Since almost all my friends at the table keeps saying it I will be a Snake, probably a Rattlesnake ( i like hot and dry sunny days ) with a Giant version as a Companion !

Very nice Build !
You played it all the way from Zero to Hero or directly at 20 ?

P.S. Ma a parte Divine Luck lo Spherewalker lo hai messo per figaggine tipo Sciame di Farfalle Folgoranti xD ?

Happy to hear that, didn't want to have the Paladin go full Leeeroy Jenkins! on everything because "i'm not supposed to feel threatened or afraid of that !

It was that 'Otherwise' that pointed the paladin to asked the question,
maybe it's related to non magical fear effects like Intimidate and Frightful Presence ?

Hi all !
So this question came to me last session when our Paladin got his Aura of Courage. Basically is more a Roleplay question but still ..

" Now that I am immune to fear ( Magical or Otherwise ) how I roleplay it ? I no longer have that kind of emotion in me ? How I relate to events ? No more Fight or Flight, only Fight ? "

Your toughts ?

Arthas was a Human Paladin of the Holy Light, got an Intelligent and Cursed LE Bastard Sword + X Frost Unholy that Traps the Soul of the slain, and finally don the Armor of a powerful undead Lich, fusing their wills.

Go Human, Str, Cos and Cha are your primary stats, lowish Wisdom and Int ( Arthas was a bit reckless and sometimes didn't thinks on the
situation )
Antipaladin is a perfect choice ( but ask if you can be LE ), they get armor and martial prowess and Animate Dead is on their Spell List.
Knight of the Sepulcher is a good archetype. Or instead ask if you can later become a Graveknight ( and undead warrior with ties on a specific element and a rejuvenate ability on his armor, this fits the theme of the eternal will of the Lich King ) so you can be a straight antipaladin.


Ask your GM if you can Convert some archetypes of the Paladin in their antipaladin version, go for Sacred Servant, choose Death ( Undead ) Domain, for the Divine Bond with the Holy Symbol there is a way to get your sword as a holy symbol i think. Call Celestial Ally is replaced with undead summoning / creating / animating and there you go.

Remember to get an Intelligent LE +X Frost Unholy Bastard Sword/Greatsword with Soul Binding as a Spell-like Ability !

Graveknight is amazing at recreating the vibe of the Lich King, imposing undead warrior in fullplate that can control undead and
use elemental power ( Ice in our case ) in Cone-shaped burst and
in their melee attacks. They don't die easily and can cut off
healing around them.

There is the Agent of the Grave Prestige Class that gives you at Level 5 all the Knowledge to become an undead, and a bonus on all checks related, so you can become a Graveknight even if your GM says otherwise !

Yeah, my point was that maybe that "harem" is made of consensual partners .. So is not a Evil or Neutral thing .. I mean the whole point is that charme itself doesn't force anything, like you said !

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If Charme says "You can try to give the subject orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do" then maybe, just maybe, the people in that "harem" want to stay there ... Even if the Dryad keeps them for plesaure for them is not a so bad deal xD !

D "You my new friend will stay here with me, help me protect this glade and since you're so manly ( not like my satyr consort over there ) i want you to pleasure me from time to time ! Also you've got some friends so yoou don't get lonely when i'm away with Fey Business ! Enjoy !"

Her romantic, passionate history, told like it was a song by Barry White i think !

A love that wants to be again together with a heart, because one day something tore it apart, leaving it in a cold shell .. The Love can feel that her heart is broken, her soul shattered and only when it will be with her again they shall find true peace !

It has 16 in Cha and forged from the Love of a Nymph .. Personally I would roleplay an emotional and passionate companion, and if asked about the First World probably will share things ..

About Thousand Breaths i'm afraid that Briar itself never saw the place or its inhabitants so they'll have to get the infos from somewhere else..

I'll try to balance, for some encounters more mobs, for others more HD.

Lizards will stay in the middle, a little more of them, with more HD ( after reading the Monster Codex I really hope for a Diplomatic Solution, so i will heavily upgrade the tribe xD )

Yeah I meant the Shaman, the de facto leader until they crashed in xD !
Upgraded him with Kobold Spells ( like Create Pit ) and his wand of magic missiles caused 1 Round of Fright on a failed save ( because of a sub-quest I created that links to Candlemere in this Chapter ).

Adding some spellcasting to the Lizards is on my list, maybe an oracle.
For the trolls aside from the Necklace of Player's Doom ... well my plan was to turn Hargulka in a Bloodrager xD !
( the Party got a prophecy speaking of a Warlord that enslave giants with chains of fire, so the troll leader will fight with a Scorching Spiked Chain, and probably Whirlwinding it )

[ Mites and Bandits of the River were the easiest part, the Kobold Leader managed to kill 2 members of the party, they were terrified ( probably just unlucky dice rolls but who knows? Kobolds are scaryyyy ^_^ ) ! ]

Ah well i'm not afraid of their ranged combat, the ranger is happy with his usually -6 to hit with Rapid Shot. The Sorcerer is a bit more lucky with touch attacks but melee fights are over-crowded because of the Cavalier with a elk, a Paladin and a large Wolf xD ! But sure I have great plans and reading the assault of your party sounds really epic !

More minions, got it !

The conversion worked fine in some points, in others was still too easy and in a rare case too difficult. I will use the second chapter conversion, but will probably use Doomed suggestion aboout the important fights !

In your opinion giving Mythic Templates is unfair in this case ?
Like the one to get double initiative in a turn ...

Hii ! So my 6 players party have just completed the 1st chapter. I used the conversion found on the forum but with some custom changes. I know that 6 players with 20pts-buy are strong, but they are new players so it evens out ...

The last encounter of the Chapter was made to test and push them to the limit : a 9th level Slayer Stag Lord with a huge boost to stats
( 20 / 20 / 20 / 14 / 12 / 14 ), thanks to the influence o the First World. They used everything but in the end in 7 Rounds they managed to kill him.

The Party ( they were level 3 for this fight ):

Aasimar Paladin ( 16 in Str and Cha, Two-handed Sword )
Human Bard ( Arcane Healer )
Elf Cavalier ( Beast Rider, no mount in this fight, but with 20+ CA )
Skinwalker Ranger ( with wolf companion, archer build )
Human Wizard ( Transmuter, Enlarge Person and Battlefield Control )
Human Sorcerer ( Crossblooded for damage )

Now they will get to the second chapter, and soon some magic items will fall in their hands .. I don't know if I should balance encounters to be much more challenging or observe them carefully and improvise. Sometimes they managed to win encounters quickly ( be it combat or social ), sometimes they did something "stupid" and the conseguences were harsh ( got 3 deaths so far, and they used a boon to get 2 Reincarnations by Bokken ) ..I've got plans for this chapters, but I don't know wht to do ! Toughts ?

Uhm the Prayer Attack of the Mantis assassin isn't actually a beheading ? In one of the books there was a description if i remember correctly .. So nonlethal CdG is like a hard hit in the neck, even if the damage was not enough the target will be unconscious for sure !

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