Goblin13's page

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Hello good people of the Forum !
After reading of the Variant Multiclassing I got this doubt.
You are considered a member of the Secondary class for the purpose of items / spells and effects / Feats that only works with the class ( like Monk's Robe ecc ) ? Maybe I didn't read it well but I can't find an answer ! Thanks in advance !

So in an upcoming campaign our DM told us that we are going to be an evil group of dangerous criminals, and also each one of us have to represent one of the 7 Sins. I got Gluttony, and I can swap with Sloth if I want ..
I need some help with the concept, after the idea he will tell us about the stat generation, because is something different.
What do you think ? I feel a character with the Swallow Whole ability could be tematic, but i don't know .. and for someone who has to represent Sloth ? Need Toughts and Ideas !

P.S. I heard that we also can use a Template ( +0 / +1 ) and all classes are available !

Hello Good Folks of the forum !
In short :
I know that the Spell don't work with a Magical Quaterstaff ( +1/+1 ecc ) but I'm not sure about using it with a Staff like a Staff of Fire or another staff that specifically is not enchanted for combat !
What do you think ? Just overthinking ?

Soo for our next adventure we will be pirates ! We tought it could be fun to translate ( at least partially ) the crew of Luffy & Co in PC..
Rules are :

20 pts buy
All Paizo
1 Trait ( because the other one is one of the Campaign traits )

How you would create each member of the cast ? We need your help XD

Hi all !
So this question came to me last session when our Paladin got his Aura of Courage. Basically is more a Roleplay question but still ..

" Now that I am immune to fear ( Magical or Otherwise ) how I roleplay it ? I no longer have that kind of emotion in me ? How I relate to events ? No more Fight or Flight, only Fight ? "

Your toughts ?

Hii ! So my 6 players party have just completed the 1st chapter. I used the conversion found on the forum but with some custom changes. I know that 6 players with 20pts-buy are strong, but they are new players so it evens out ...

The last encounter of the Chapter was made to test and push them to the limit : a 9th level Slayer Stag Lord with a huge boost to stats
( 20 / 20 / 20 / 14 / 12 / 14 ), thanks to the influence o the First World. They used everything but in the end in 7 Rounds they managed to kill him.

The Party ( they were level 3 for this fight ):

Aasimar Paladin ( 16 in Str and Cha, Two-handed Sword )
Human Bard ( Arcane Healer )
Elf Cavalier ( Beast Rider, no mount in this fight, but with 20+ CA )
Skinwalker Ranger ( with wolf companion, archer build )
Human Wizard ( Transmuter, Enlarge Person and Battlefield Control )
Human Sorcerer ( Crossblooded for damage )

Now they will get to the second chapter, and soon some magic items will fall in their hands .. I don't know if I should balance encounters to be much more challenging or observe them carefully and improvise. Sometimes they managed to win encounters quickly ( be it combat or social ), sometimes they did something "stupid" and the conseguences were harsh ( got 3 deaths so far, and they used a boon to get 2 Reincarnations by Bokken ) ..I've got plans for this chapters, but I don't know wht to do ! Toughts ?

Hi everybody, I need some cool rhyme to foreshadow a sub-plot.

My players have found some strange link between the strange Hermit
Bokken ( a Druid ) and a legend about an old druidic circle that
went silent many years ago ( the temple of the Elk ). The fey told them that Bokken was a member of that circle, but one day they found him alone in the glade in catatonic state, and then two people ( a man and a woman ) carried him away. They suspect ( and it's true ) that the couple were Oleg and Svetlana. When they will get to discover the location of the temple they will found strange trees just under the big rocky stag head, and then the guardian ( a fearsome monstrosity that only vaguely resembles an animal ) will attack them. After the battle the trees will come partially alive ( they are the old druids ) and then they will sing about the curse that transformed them in trees and created that guardian ) ... Now the story :

Oleg was a monster hunter. His last job was to kill a white werewolf that menaced a druid friend of him ( Bokken ). He managed to capture and knock-out the beast, but then he discovered the body of a young girl ( Svetlana ). Unable to kill her, he asked his friend to try to save her from the curse. Bokken refused, because was a serious crime
to bring a woman ( and a cursed one ) into their sacred circle. Oleg
begged and begged until Bokken accepted, out of pity. He convinced his fellows to try to save the girl, accepting exile for the sake of his friends. When they brought the unconscious body of Svetlana in the sacred pool they discovered that the girl was not an afflicted Werefolf, but one of the daughter of a powerful Fey Creature ( something like the Big Bad Wolf ). The primal forces inside her reacted with the pool and the ritual, rending her wolf aspect from the human one, and unleashing a backlash on the circle druids, transforming them in trees. The animal spirit of Svetlana became the Guardian of the forgotten Circle, and Oleg took care of Bokken and the girl since now ..

Sooooo can i get help ? Thanks in advance !

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At my upcoming gaming table one player will have a Paladin of Apsu ( the good dragon god ) and after reading Inner Sea Gods she asked "You know what will be fun ? Deific Obedience for Apsu and some Boons !" .. I like the challenge, but alone I'll probably make a mess with balancing things, so what are your toughts ?

Apsu is a LG deity with the Creation,Good,Earth, Law and Travel Domains.

Portfolio is Dragons, Glory, Leadership and Peace
Favored Weapon : Quaterstaff and Breath Weapon

Obedience : No idea for now, maybe something related to build something ( he is the Maker of all the multiverse according to Dragon lore ) ?

Boons :

1st - 3 SLA, 1°Level 3/day, 2° Level 2/day, 3° Level 1/day
1° = Longstrider for the "Waybringer" part of the Deity ?
2° = Fire Breath, because Dragons ?
3° = ???

2nd - No idea

3rd - Something like Form of the Dragon but, only good dragons and maybe with some extras.

Any suggestion ?

Hi everybody !
Not sure if it's the right corner of this forum for this but here's the topic :

For an upcoming adventure we will play a Pirate-Themed Adventure Path and after some discussion with my fellow players I'll be our other melee on board ( my pals will be a Barbarian, an Alchemist, a Bard and an Oracle )

After reading of ship to ship combat I would like to play a Monk, so I will be able to High ( or better Far ) Jump to reaching the enemy with a Flying Kick of Badassitude !

So ... How I should build it ?

So this one came out during a dinner, we all started laughing but then there was an embarassed silence ..

In one of the books there's a female Nalfeshnee, very grotesque, and we all know there are Succubus and their male counterpart, the Incubus, but
there are, or can exist, female Balors ? If so how you describe her ?