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So in an upcoming campaign our DM told us that we are going to be an evil group of dangerous criminals, and also each one of us have to represent one of the 7 Sins. I got Gluttony, and I can swap with Sloth if I want ..
P.S. I heard that we also can use a Template ( +0 / +1 ) and all classes are available ! ![]()
Soo for our next adventure we will be pirates ! We tought it could be fun to translate ( at least partially ) the crew of Luffy & Co in PC..
20 pts buy
How you would create each member of the cast ? We need your help XD ![]()
Hi all !
" Now that I am immune to fear ( Magical or Otherwise ) how I roleplay it ? I no longer have that kind of emotion in me ? How I relate to events ? No more Fight or Flight, only Fight ? " Your toughts ? ![]()
Hii ! So my 6 players party have just completed the 1st chapter. I used the conversion found on the forum but with some custom changes. I know that 6 players with 20pts-buy are strong, but they are new players so it evens out ... The last encounter of the Chapter was made to test and push them to the limit : a 9th level Slayer Stag Lord with a huge boost to stats
The Party ( they were level 3 for this fight ): Aasimar Paladin ( 16 in Str and Cha, Two-handed Sword )
Now they will get to the second chapter, and soon some magic items will fall in their hands .. I don't know if I should balance encounters to be much more challenging or observe them carefully and improvise. Sometimes they managed to win encounters quickly ( be it combat or social ), sometimes they did something "stupid" and the conseguences were harsh ( got 3 deaths so far, and they used a boon to get 2 Reincarnations by Bokken ) ..I've got plans for this chapters, but I don't know wht to do ! Toughts ? ![]()
Hi everybody, I need some cool rhyme to foreshadow a sub-plot. My players have found some strange link between the strange Hermit
Oleg was a monster hunter. His last job was to kill a white werewolf that menaced a druid friend of him ( Bokken ). He managed to capture and knock-out the beast, but then he discovered the body of a young girl ( Svetlana ). Unable to kill her, he asked his friend to try to save her from the curse. Bokken refused, because was a serious crime
Sooooo can i get help ? Thanks in advance ! ![]()
At my upcoming gaming table one player will have a Paladin of Apsu ( the good dragon god ) and after reading Inner Sea Gods she asked "You know what will be fun ? Deific Obedience for Apsu and some Boons !" .. I like the challenge, but alone I'll probably make a mess with balancing things, so what are your toughts ? Apsu is a LG deity with the Creation,Good,Earth, Law and Travel Domains. Portfolio is Dragons, Glory, Leadership and Peace
Obedience : No idea for now, maybe something related to build something ( he is the Maker of all the multiverse according to Dragon lore ) ? Boons : 1st - 3 SLA, 1°Level 3/day, 2° Level 2/day, 3° Level 1/day
2nd - No idea 3rd - Something like Form of the Dragon but, only good dragons and maybe with some extras. Any suggestion ? ![]()
Hi everybody !
For an upcoming adventure we will play a Pirate-Themed Adventure Path and after some discussion with my fellow players I'll be our other melee on board ( my pals will be a Barbarian, an Alchemist, a Bard and an Oracle ) After reading of ship to ship combat I would like to play a Monk, so I will be able to High ( or better Far ) Jump to reaching the enemy with a Flying Kick of Badassitude ! So ... How I should build it ? ![]()
So this one came out during a dinner, we all started laughing but then there was an embarassed silence .. In one of the books there's a female Nalfeshnee, very grotesque, and we all know there are Succubus and their male counterpart, the Incubus, but