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![]() I wanted to start up a thread to post some different issues I've encountered while running Pathfinder RPG since Beta was released. This post will focus on my groups experience with Grapple and CMB DC 15 vs. DC 12 When my group first started playing, I had them use the DC for Combat Maneuvers at 15. We found that this made maneuvers much harder to accomplish, even at low levels against weaker opponents. For example, at DC 15 our level 2 Fighter (CMB6: +2 BAB, +4 Str) had to beat a DC 21 against a CR2 Choker (CMB6: +2 BAB, +3 Str, -1 Small, +2 Natural Bonus), which had a 25% chance to succeed. Players see these odds and are discouraged, effectively removing the point of special combat attacks to begin with. Unfortunately DC 12 still runs into some difficulties as well. For example when our level 4 Monk went up against a CR4 Giant Crocodile (CMB15: +5 BAB, +2 Size, +8 Str). The Monk (CMB7: +3 BAB, +4 Str) had to beat a DC 27 to escape the Crocodiles grapple, which had a 5% chance to succeed, while the Croc had to beat a DC 19 against him, which had a 80% chance to succeed. With a creature that can do 2d8+12 a round in a grapple such odds come off as a grossly unfair to players. Of note as well: The Croc in this example was fighting the most CMB oriented character in the group. If it had been the sorcerer, the Croc would have automatically succeeded and the sorcerer would need a 20, or 5% chance to escape. What I'm really hoping to see is Jason develop some of the suggestions of allowing all attack mods to be added against a CMB AC. If I could find a comprehensible write-up on this I would try it out. Escaping Grapple I was wondering if there was a reason why Escape Artist (which is an untrained skill) has a lower DC to escape a grapple then making a grapple check in general? Grapple, as we have it in our game, is DC 12 + CMB (normally DC 15 + CMB). Escape Artist, normally DC 10 + CMB, we ruled as DC 8 + CMB. My thoughts on this is: What I end up seeing is players with any Dex Mod at all (regardless of having Escape Artist as a trained skill) rolling the lower number. Maybe instead a bonus should be given to CMB if a player has Escape Artist trained? Or, just allow a player to use their Dex Mod in CMB rather than Str, because basically that is what a dex-based, untrained skill allows a player to do. ![]()
![]() In the section Additional Rules, under Dungeons/Doors it states: "Often the easiest way to overcome a
Then, under Dungeons/Hinges it states: "The break DC for
You might want to consider using the "smash" to mean "chop apart with weapon" and the word "break" to mean "force open with strength." Because right now the word seems to mean both. ![]()
![]() I run a homebrew Pathfinder RPG game set in a dense urban setting. The game boarders on a evil campaign, where the players are mostly LE/NE/CN. This makes it pretty hard to lift from published materials as 1) most material I've found is written from a LG/NG perspective and 2) most material isn't set in an urban setting, or is only briefly. Here's the problem: I have a pretty well developed setting for the campaign, but I'm lacking the inspiration for actual adventures. Unfortunately my players aren't really into the "intrigue/mystery" games, or at least I've had a hard time pitching it to them. Any suggestions on books, movies, tv shows, songs, comics, etc. that might inspire adventures, would be great appreciated! ![]()
![]() Hey guys, Just saw that the folks over at mydndgame.com added Pathfinder RPG character sheets! What's great is they they update automatically with the skill point math, etc. and can be stored online. Spread the word! ![]()
![]() Read Magic states:
Linguistics states:
So I'm guessing that with read magic, one can read cryptic, unintelligible, magical writings, but not ancient, or unknown languages? Can we just remove read magic or just have it function like linguistics? I mean, the point of read magic is what? To make it so only arcane and divine casters can read or figure out what a scroll or activation word is? And it's a lvl-0 spell, meaning it can be cast at anytime, at any moment for free? Can we just make it a class feature? ![]()
![]() Hey, I just picked up a copy of the Pathfinder Gazetteer and was reading through the alternate class abilities -- all of which I really like. I know that this was touched on before here, but it doesn't seem like much of an answer. So my questions: does anyone see any problems with offering players the alternate class abilities for PRPG characters? Specifically, why would the cleric one (as mentioned in the thread above) be an issue? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Just needed to change one thing, and ask a question about another. 1) Please change "frnt" to "floor" in the 2nd address line. 2) I ordered the Critical Hit Deck as well, but it said it was in back order. Do I get charged for that now? Will I get charged for S&H when it ships, or before, or is it included? Oh, and when will they be back in? :) Thanks! ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, So my long time forgotten realms homebrew game, which has focused on a single homebrewed city, is going to make the big switch to Pathfinder -- and it needs a home! The city itself is an island, currently located off the Sword Coast in forgotten realms. It's over run by double dealings and corruption - rogues, cults and repression. It's LE/LN city focused on trade and stands as a way point to other cities along the coast. I recently got the Campaign setting from my FLGS and have started looking through it. Does anyone have any suggestions on where my little island city could go and fit in Pathfinders world? ![]()
![]() It would be great if the shopping cart had a "add to wishlist section" as well. I find myself often adding material that I find on the site that I really like and don't want to loose track of, which creates a sort of fake wishlist out of the shopping cart. When I go to buy select items out of the shopping cart though, I have to remove the items I can't get yet, and then go back and add them again. Just a thought. ![]()
![]() Gnome-Eater wrote:
I think this was eaten by some unknown forum monster... ![]()
![]() Hey, Thought I would notify the powers that be: On the equipment spread PDF there is an error. Under the description for locks it lists: Simple, Average, Good and Superior. Under the table on the next page it lists the locks as: Very Simple, Average, Good and Amazing. Its seems as if there were some disagreements on if the locks were superior or AMAZING. :) Cheers! ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, I'm new around these parts. I use to use the WoTC "What's a DM to do Boards?" But unfortunately, recently it's just not the same type of... uh... advice there. So here I am! What's the problem? I run a dark and dirty campaign out of a home-brew metropolis island, loosely based in Forgotten Realms (same gods and land masses; think Freeport/Homebrew/Forgotten Realms). The group recently killed a prominent political figure, went underground in search his ally, were kidnapped by drow and will soon return to the surface to find themselves being hunted by the law. Since they are in a tight spot and in need of a "safe house" and a base for future operations, I want to offer them a deal from an NPC: "I know a place to hide you, but it might be dangerous..." After they clear the apartment of it's evil/demonic/undead residents, it's theirs. So what's the issue? For some reason I'm just at a real lose for ideas for what is so wrong with the apartment building. My only requirements are that I want to throw something 1) new and 2) creepy at them. They have mostly encountered humaniods, undead, undead, undead, evil clerics and drow. Its a "mature game" so mature themes are welcome. Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() I'm not sure what other people think about the 4e skill challenge system (my personal opinion is that it's a cool idea, but a little broke in 4e). I was wondering if there had been, or if anyone else had thought of, rules for skill challenges for 3.5/Pathfinder RPG? I'm no good at the probability/math rules, so I default to others. Cheers! ![]()
![]() I have a funny suspicion this was already found, posted, and discussed, but for those that haven't heard it, I think Erik Mona does a really great job (along with the others) of having a level-headed discussion about the merits and flaws of 4e, 3rd Party Publishing, and living in the Post-World of Warcraft Era. If you don't have the time for the whole 98 minute discussion, at least check out from 50:00 to about 65:00. The discussion about the open-ended quality of table-top RPGs, encouraging creativity, versus a computer game (or a table-top game emulating a computer game) stiflingly, or having canned, creativity is spot on. Hope this doesn't spawn a flame-war. (Casts endure elements just in case.) Three cheers to Erik. http://greenronin.com/2008/05/green_ronin_publishing_podcast_4.php ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, I'm new to Pathfinder (as in I don't have any books yet) but I've been around the boards since the release of Alpha 2 of the Pathfinder RPG. I'm planning on making the switch when Beta comes out. One question I had is what roll, if any, does clockwork inventions play in pathfinder? Is there any books that people would recommend? Thanks! ![]()
![]() I have to say I'm dieing to see more. As others have mentioned, this is probably the first D&D book I've been excited about it a long time! So...
Jason B. wrote:
What do you guys think he means by "you now choose your bonus spells for arcane schools?" ![]()
![]() After searching the forums, I was a little surprised to find very few post that mention how dangerous 8HD/per lvl can be for specialized necromancers. Now, granted, many of these scenarios presume a small amount of power-gaming, but as far as I can tell, they are all possible: 1) At lvl 1: An undead magically flying skeletal nightmare
The only limit I can see to these is limited access to animate undead scrolls at lvl 1. Is no one else concerned about this? ![]()
![]() Question: In the Alpha 3, under the Sorcerer's Draconic Bloodline (Alpha 3, PG46) it states "Claws (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you can make two claw attacks as a full-attack action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, meaning that you are always considered armed and you do not gain additional attacks for a high base attack bonus." Now, what if a player who is playing a monstrous race (e.g. Lizardfolk) that already has claws takes this bloodline? Do they have to choose which claws they really have? Do they gain the benefits of both BAB multi-attack, etc? Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Hey eveyone, I'm new to the boards here and just beginning to look into 3P as an alternative to 4e (i'm really glad paizo is carrying the dnd torch through these dark times!) One thing that was a clever (but simple) change that 4e did, was removing the free 5ft-step in combat and replacing it with the 5ft-shift or a move action with an AoO. The reason why I though this was so clever was because it removes the wandering battle phenomena (e.g. round by round, step by step, the battle wanders by 5ft-increments through the forest, down the hill, across the river...). It also makes combat harder to escape from when two opponents are toe to toe. I'm not sure if this has been discussed already, if so, please point me in the right direction, if not, I wonder what other people think about the rule change? On the side: are there plans to spell out a combat round explicitly in the rules (e.g. Standard, Move, Free, Immediate, etc.)? On reach: from what I can tell, 4e is still trying to figure out how reach will exactly work. I'm glad that it was removed from certain martial weapons, but now they seem to be struggling to give it back to larger creatures (i.e. dragons, etc). I can already smell the errata... In any case I was wondering if there were plans to revise the reach rules in 3P? Perhaps making it a combat maneuver with certain conditions? Perhaps even just qualifying it (e.g. in order to qualify for reach, two combatants must be two or more sizes apart)? Once again, I'm interested in what others think about this. Thanks! Organized Play Characters