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So what feats would people view as must-have, or does that depend on whether or not I'm going melee? I've seen toughness being touted as pretty much essential, as well as point blank shot and precise shot. But if I decide to focus on melee, 2 of those feats seem a bit pointless. I hadn't considered going super siege weapon. That's actually a really tempting option, considering it's a pirate game. With water manipulation, I could stop a ship, then proceed to blast it from a distance... Tempting :P ![]()
Yeah, I'm grabbing swim speed and water breathing from undine, it seemed too useful to pass up! Is melee the favourable option compared to range? And I was considering just staying pure water, but now I look at it, are there any real advantages to doing so? Air does seem quite tempting. Thanks for the replies guys :) ![]()
Hi guys, I'm about to join an ongoing game where the party is a band of pirates; pillaging, plundering and looting from the Queen's Navy and other pirates alike. They currently have a pretty well rounded party, so I decided that since they already function pretty well, a kineticist isn't going to drag them down too much.
A friend of mine was gming for his first time. In a way I think that made it easier for him to deal with this sort of thing, as he wasn't thinking about mechanics at all.
"Adventurers knocking down your door? Out of minions? Fear not! The Kwik Klear service ensures that everything of value, including yourself, will be safely ensconced within another castle within 7 hours and 30 minutes. Speak to our sales rep for our price plans." After a few more instances of this (they got rings of sustenance and then discovered Kwik Klear's premium service) the party stopped trying to nova fights and instead paced themselves. The martial characters in the party appreciated it. ![]()
I remember we had a gm who made a wizard npc who had trapped his mansion with magical traps. The trick was the traps only activated if detect magic was cast within their vicinity (our rogue had it as a spell like ability and used it religiously). This meant there weren't any traps for us to deal with (in this particular section) unless we were actually looking for traps, at which point dealing with the summoned monsters became much harder when we were trying to dodge random explosions. It was an interesting section, but I would use that only as a section, not for a whole game. That would get old fast. ![]()
Thanks guys, this is exactly the sort of thing I was looking for.
Basically the title. I'm playing a level 4 phantom thief rogue in a party with a paladin, a cleric and a wizard. I decided to focus entirely on social and out of combat utility.
Play a bard. With a few good rolls you could create stories at nearby taverns that spread. Name each of the other players in the story with any name of your choosing. Eventually more people will know the characters by names you've chosen than people who know them by their true names. For bonus points see if you can convince the player characters that the names you have given them are their true names. When the other players complain point out that you're doing it to protect their hard-fought anonymity, if they'd wanted their real names used they should have given them to you.
This is all assuming that there is absolutely no way to deal with them outside of leaving the game, which it sounds like you don't want to do. ![]()
"If you're going to go evil, have the other players on board" should be in large red letters across every single evil class/feat/alignment description. Playing evil without the party's knowledge, or doing so when you know that no one else wants an evil person in the party, means you're just setting out to ruin everyone else's fun.
Unless the paladin is playing stupid good ("I detected evil, therefore it must immediately be slain!") then it can work. Lawful evil clerics can actually get along with paladins relatively well, providing you're playing the long con.
As to how to get around his detect evil. My suggestion is don't. It's more dangerous to trick him for a while then have him discover, than being up front about it when you meet. Inform the paladin that, like the paladin himself, you are working as a proxy for your god on this plane. You understand that your gods have their differences, but for the sake of <insert plot hook here> you think it would be advantageous to work together for the greater good. So long as you remain on good terms with him, help him when he needs it, and stress the importance of working together as a party, you can both play the characters you want. ![]()
Asmodean advocate can be hilarious fun. You're a competent face, and the viper becomes an imp at level 8. With a couple of craft feats, and if you've got downtime, you could grab a couple of item crafting feats (craft wands for example) and hand wands to your familiar to use.
i) We had a goblin in a game who went down the dragon disciple route after hearing someone mention "you are what you eat". There was a dragon corpse nearby.
Kurald Galain wrote:
I *think* he means divine interference, which allows you to expend a spell slot as an immediate action to force an enemy to reroll an attack, with a penalty on the reroll equal to the level of the spell slot. ![]()
Euryale wrote:
Why is he wanting to take them there? Is he being offered a reward from the lich for doing so? If it's just to watch the rest of the party be tortured and killed, that's a big red flag. If it's for a reward, you could pull a bait and switch. He leads them to the lair, only to find the place abandoned. The lich is destroyed but the phylactery is missing. Now he's in the awkward spot of trying to locate his master for his reward and find out what happened, the rest of the party are wanting to find the phylactery to ensure the lich is gone forever, and the party's goals are aligned. It could also set up another bad guy for the campaign who's set himself up as the new supreme evil, or it introduces the party to a faction of undead hunters, who send the party out to locate a magical mcguffin to destroy this unique phylactery, while the evil guy is trying to work out how to steal the phylactery and resurrect his slain master.Of course, if he's overconfident and starts to do the classic villain monologue before he realises the place is empty you've created a pretty awesome RP session as Mr Evil will have to do some insanely quick thinking to get out of their with his life. But that's the flip side to playing evil. You can win big, but you can also lose hard. ![]()
Having an evil character in a party is like adding seasoning to a fine steak. It's good if you're careful. But if you're dumb, you end up having a mound of pepper on a plate. And no one likes eating a plate of pepper. So while my lawful evil lawyer might twist arms, sack cities, blackmail innocent baby orphans, or sacrifice countless innocent people, at the end of the day everything that I do is to help the party. From a pragmatic point of view, it's because you shouldn't s+&% where you eat. Pissing off the rogue is likely going to end up with my throat slit and my pockets emptied. Swindling the fighter could mean that he doesn't have good enough armour, dies, and I'm the next guy the monsters turn to. And don't get me started on betraying the druids or rangers. Having birds s!$&ting on you every waking moment isn't conducive to looking like an upstanding, respectable citizen. Playing CE, and to a lesser extent NE, means that at some point you're likely to find your goals don't meet the rest of the party's. At which point as a player it is on you, not them, to work out how to make things work. If the rest of the party isn't evil, I would strongly recommend telling your player to steer clear of those two. And if he knows right now that he is going to end up messing with other players, and is ok with that, point out that he's deciding to ruin everyone else's fun. If he's still ok with that, kick him.
As a general rule, alignment is how you should act to the world the gm makes. But to the party? You should just try to be nice :P ![]()
A gnome hoaxer bard with power of suggestion and babble peddler. Act like a used car salesman towards the enemies.
A half elf medium who has absolutely no clue what he wants to do with his life. Pretend each day you've decided to be something else ("I've decided I'm going to be a wizard today!"), take improvisation, improved improvisation, the racial trait improvisation, and be able to turn your hand at pretty much anything. ![]()
Hi guys, I've had an idea kicking around in the back of my head for a while, and I was wondering if anyone else has tried to make something like this before.
Many thanks! ![]()
In a game I was in we had a goblin "cleric" (read: alchemist) who worshipped the great god K'Boom. The guy was awesome to play with, as he fleshed out pantheon to contain K'Boom's brother, K'Blam, and his son, K'Blooie. The universe was started when K'Boom and K'Blam came together and created the first bomb, resulting in the Big Bang. K'Boom is the god of things that violently explode, and K'Blam is the god of the things that explode violently.
Damn, I thought it was the first one, but I really hoped I was mistaken ^^ How would you price specific cursed items? For example, creating dust of sneezing and choking can be made from dust of tracelessness, which is 125gp to make. The problem is I think only having to pay 125gp for crafting an item which has the potential to deal 3d6 con damage on a failed save to enemies within 20ft, and stunning them for 5d4 rounds even if they succeed, is a little bit too cheap :P ![]()
Hi guys, I was just looking to see if any new archetypes had come out recently, when I ran across the hoaxer.
2: Curse Crafter- So the hoaxer gets some crafting feats, but only to craft cursed items. The problem is, I can't seem to find rules for deliberately making cursed items, and most of the specific cursed items I can find have a high caster level (12+) meaning the feats are pretty useless until 12, if they can be used at all. So am I able to just make inverted magic items (ring of -4 str etc.) or is there a page that I'm missing? Sorry for the wall of text, this is the first time I've seen a bard archetype that interests me in a while :) ![]()
I'm playing a character in a large online game who specialises in making "accurate replicas" for collectors. I've given other players such items for minimal cost, in return for first bidding rights on items they may procure via using said replicas. This gets me access to valuables that I might not otherwise receive, as well as giving me potential blackmail if the players end up in a position of power.
Thanks for the replies guys! If I'm being completely unbiased they really shouldn't stack, as they would make me a bard with 9th level spells. I just wanted to try to make a good (well lawful evil) support character, and being able to buff my allies whilst lawyering my enemies sounded like a lot of fun ^^
Hi guys, I'm about to start playing in a new game, and decided on playing a cleric. After a bit of consideration I'm leaning towards taking the asmodean advocate because it gives me the potential to deal with social situations, whilst still having the full cleric capabilities.
Many thanks! ![]()
Muddman72 wrote:
For a crime, 2 things are required. The act itself (actus reus) and the intent (mens rea). While the young king may have failed in the act, the intent was certainly there, meaning he SHOULD flag up evil. If he doesn't, then maybe the queen isn't as nice as she appears? This is compounded by the fact that she is trying to subvert the legal system to her own ends, something a paladin should not be a part in. Before outright refusing, point out to the Queen that by doing this she is weakening the laws of the land, casting her brother as a martyr and painting herself in a very poor light. If that fails, point out that your god is against murdering an innocent (until proven guilty) man, and you will be cast down for perpetrating such an act.If all else fails, pray to your god. Ask him (or her) for guidance in this trying time, as you are trying to walk the straight and narrow (there's the good intention) but you are being tested by the rightful ruler. If the GM doesn't offer you any help after this, do what you feel is best, but point out you have done absolutely everything within your power to bring good out of this murky situation, which is really what a paladin is supposed to do. ![]()
I was just wondering how channel energy would work with a Hex Channeler/Witch Doctor Shaman with Life Spirit/Envoy of Balance. Hex channeler gives you 1 pool of channel energy, with the option of increasing it by using up a hex slot. I'm assuming that the feat "Extra Hex" allows you to boost it faster. You can use it 3+cha times per day. Witch Doctor gives you a channel positive energy pool which treats your cleric level as your shaman level -3 for 3+cha times per day. The life spirit gives you channel positive energy with your shaman level being treated as your cleric level, but only 1+cha times per day. Envoy of balance then advances your channels, and stacks with levels granting channel energy before it. My question is, how do they each interact? Can the hex be taken to bolster another pool? Do feats such as improved channel apply to them all? Which one would envoy of balance raise? I've been trying to get a channel build to work before, and with bless equipment etc and the plethora of channels I'd have, I think this might be it. Much appreciated :) ![]()
If you have a friendly wizard with you take him aside and inform him that you think someone is stealing from you, and that it may affect your ability to protect him (I'm assuming you're not high level?).