
Gish Fish's page

12 posts. Alias of alleynbard.


Gary Gisher wrote:
Magoo Magish wrote:
Ya-e-es! Goodness, yes!
Oh lordy ... you’re far from fabulous. Stop bothering the beautiful people now.

Even I don't hang out with Magoo Magish.


June Cleaver wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
Whoa. 2,000 posts since I last checked in? No way I'm reading that. Someone needs to summarize for me, plzkthxbye.

We talked it over, and we decided that we're all pretty awesome. Also, people who don't contribute regularly, but just drop in once or twice, are just slightly off of awesome. People who don't like us... well, it's really not polite to say. Beyond that, we decided to have a PbP, to share our awesomeness with folks who close the Off Topic forum. We loved, fought, and made up a little. Did I leave anything out, gang?

Oh yeah: off-color sexual innuendo and jokes. But I don't think there was any farting.


Smells fresh!

Did somebody say "gish"?

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Gish Fish wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Gishsauce smells bad.
But it tastes great on me!
I hate to tell you this... but Gishsauce is made from fermented Gish Fish.

<shocked silence>

<leaves the room with a trail of water behind him>

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Gishsauce smells bad.

But it tastes great on me!

Celestial Healer wrote:
G&%% Fish wrote:
I wonder if Mr. Fishy is the long lost brother my Mommy Fishy refused to talk about.

You don't have a mother.

Damn g~#&...


<tears form in bulbous eyes>

I can't help it if I was created during a time of trouble. I'm a good gish fish now. Not a bad one.

<sloppily runs to the back of the room and cries loudly>

I wonder if Mr. Fishy is the long lost brother my Mommy Fishy refused to talk about.

Sebastian wrote:

Whatever. If you had my godlike understanding of game balance, you would realize that the beholder is the only limit on the powers of the fishmonger. Below is the math, but run it yourself if you don't believe me:

Average damage of the beholder: 3,456.2
Average damage of the fishmonger: 23.45
Flight speed of a sparrow: 34.2 k/hr
Weight of a witch: less than wood

As you can see, the beholder is absolutely necessary for the game to be balanced. Without the beholder, or an equivalent monster, PFRPG is completely unbalanced, ruined, and causes widespread suffering and chlamydia.

Did somebody say fish?

Well then, since you are so well versed, you understand that the extreme, aqua-wonder powers of the gish fish blows the beholder out of the water!


Respect my massive splash!

<Sits with a resounding SQUISH>

Let's hear more about my cousin. I can barely contain my excitement.


<Fixes his disturbingly cold, cloudy eyes on Mairkurion>

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Gish Fish wrote:
Fishy stuff
Clearly, the 2nd best new alias of the week: Have a silver medal.

<Scrambles on stage, pushing Gish Wife out of his way in a torrent of unrestrained excitement>

<Looks proudly at his medal>

<In his best Sally Fields voice>

I can't deny the fact that you like me! You like me!

<Wipes a single tear from a bulbous eye>

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Gish Fish wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

How many gish

Could a giant fish
If a giant fish
*********** Gish?
Also, go ahead and squish people who say we look stupid.



Your wish is the command of the gish fish and his squish wrath.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

How many gish

Could a giant fish
If a giant fish
*********** Gish?