Jakaw Razorbeak

Girzog's page

281 posts. Organized Play character for Andrew L Klein.

Sovereign Court

Been away since around the release of Wrath, and finally got around to cracking my Core and Curse boxes. I have to say, I'm getting the same feeling I did with the Adventure Chest - that I can't believe this design was approved. Unfortunately, the physical quality of the box and inside seem to match that. While I know some people have made printable dividers, etc, does anybody know if there is something similar to Broken Token products that just replaces the entire insides of these boxes with better quality and organization options? This was a big shock considering how good every PACG Adventure Pathbefore was as storage.

Sovereign Court


I'd like to cancel the following subscriptions

Pathfinder Adventure Path
Pathfinder Companion
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Pathfinder Society Scenarios

The following should be what is left

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game
Pathfinder ACG Class Deck
Pathfinder Legends

Thank you very much

Sovereign Court

I'd like to cancel my Deluxe Comics subscription.

Thank you,

Sovereign Court

Just got kind of a catch up subscription order that had a couple months worth inside. Everything was good, except it looks like there was a mixup with the comic subscription. I got Worldscape #1 and #2, but #1 only had the paizo.com exclusive. #2 had all 4 as expected, with a second copy of the 3 different "Standard Cover" art covers.

Sovereign Court

I got my monthly package on September 17, and it seems to have been missing the Warpriest Class Deck for the Adventure Card Game. Everything else from my subscriptions was included, and I figured I'd wait a week or so just in case it was in a separate box for some reason. Unfortunately, it has not arrived, and I believe there was just a mistake somewhere along the line and it didn't get packaged. Would someone please be able to check on this for me? The packing slip inside the box does list it as being part of the order, just no actual deck included.

Thank you!

Sovereign Court

Please cancel my Adventure Card Game subscription, unless there is now a way to skip the base set and start with the addon deck without cancelling and restarting.


Sovereign Court

Hopefully everyone is back to business immediately after GenCon, surely nobody needs to rest or catch up after 4 days of awesome gaming right? Right.

I put a couple of my subscriptions on hold last month, and I'd like to get them restarted

Adventure Path - Starting with #108
Roleplaying Game - Starting with Horror Adventures

Thank you

Sovereign Court

Please cancel pending order 4025540. I was replacing some broken minis and ended up being gifted them.

Sovereign Court

I placed an order for the Desert Ruins flipmat this afternoon, and had it sidecarted to pickup at GenCon. I realized after the order that GC pickup is subscriptions only. Would it be possible to have it moved to a regular order, instead of the sidecart, to be shipped on it's own so that I might get it in time to bring it?

Order number is 4011187

Thanks for any help

Sovereign Court

Would it be possible to put a hold on my RPG and Adventure Path subscriptions until August, and have the July items ship with August's shipments? I'd like to keep my ACG Class Deck subscription active for the month, but those two moved back a month. If this removes my discount for July from the Adventure Path subscription that's fine.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Alright, so I'm hitting my first GenCon this year, and am GMing for a few different scenarios. I just want to check so I can get everything needed, what is provided by the GM? I assume everything, but I don't want to by flip maps and then find they either would be provided or that there would be generic grids I could draw the maps on, etc. Minis or pawns I assume I provide, etc.

I couldn't find the exact information anywhere, but I want to make sure I bring everything needed, without buying something that's going to be provided anyways.

Sovereign Court

Please cancel my subscription for the Pathfinder Pawns line, thanks!

Dark Archive

I currently have a Play By Post campaign for Iron Gods

Campaign Page

Due to losing a player, I opened up a new recruitment here

New Recruitment

I can't figure out how to link that recruitment to the campaign, and in fact it seems to have created its own campaign.

Dark Archive

Our group recently lost our fourth player in our Iron Gods campaign, and we'd like to open up for a fourth player to join in. We are currently in the first adventure, Fires of Creation, and are in Part 2 of 5, so not very far in. The party currently consists of

Lashunta Arcanist
Android Wizard
Ratfolk Cleric

Everyone will receive a standard, non-Core, Pathfinder Society chronicle sheet as we proceed through the campaign.

Character creation:
Class: Any
Race: Any, no race creator
Alignment: No evil
Ability Scores: 25 Point Buy
Traits: 3, one must be from the IG Player Guide, no drawbacks for extra
Starting Gold: Max for your class
Hit Points: Max at first, roll each level after. One reroll each level if you roll below average
Misc: No Leadership for simplicity's sake. VMC is allowed. It's PbP, so you have the time to use Sacred Geometry if you want to use it

No other alternate or sub character options, such as Words of Power.

We use fractional bonuses for BAB and Saves, and leveling by milestone instead of experience.

I'll leave recruitment open until 7AM GMT, April 18th, and plan to begin again on April 19th/20th.

Sovereign Court

I recently saw the following thread

Pathfinder Card Guild Season of the Shackles scenarios missing

Regarding a recent cleanup where users with each individual Season of the Shackles PACG scenario had those removed and condensed into being downloadable as a full adventure. Unfortunately, my scenarios were removed, but the adventures weren't replaced. From that thread it looks like I'm not the only one and it seems to be a simple fix. I just wanted to chime in and say I needed that fix applied so I can download the adventures.

Thanks all!

Sovereign Court

With Season of the Runelords coming soon and bringing that path back to current play, I was looking at getting the second printing of everything to have updated erratas and such. I figure I'll sell my first printing packs to people who are mix and match that want one print run all the way through.

The problem comes from promos. I know my promos from RotR all match my Chinese first printing, was this the only printer that did promos? Or are there second print versions of all the Runelords promos floating around out there that I can get? I'd like to have everything the same, but of course if I have to have a 2nd run path with 1st run promos, it isn't exactly the end of the world (as far as I know...)

Dark Archive

Science Deck

Discussion thread for the Iron Gods campaign.

Everyone, congratulations!

Dark Archive

Science Deck

Congratulations to everyone accepted! I'll post the intro tomorrow, and you can all start to post your own intros then.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's finally here, the Iron Gods sanctioning for Pathfinder Society. So, what do we do? Well now we play!

Who doesn't love mixing SciFi and fantasy into one mish mash of gaming fun? OK, not a small number, but we don't care about them, because we do love it!

I'm going to be running the Iron Gods adventure path in Play-By-Post Campaign mode, granting chronicle sheets as we reach the appropriate points in the story. The chronicles will be for standard, non-core, PFS play.

I will be using Google Docs for encounters and maps.

I will leave submissions open until 11:59PM GMT -7, January 31st. Obviously since this is PbP, there isn't a strict start time, but I will notify everyone chosen by midnight the night of February 3rd, and will post the intro after I have notified you all.

Now, let's get to the crunch!

Character Creation:

First off, Paizo only. No 3pp

Class: Any
Race: Any, no race creator
Alignment: No evil
Ability Scores: 25 Point Buy
Traits: 3, one must be from the IG Player Guide, no drawbacks for extra
Starting Gold: Max for your class
Hit Points: Max at first, roll each level after. One reroll each level if you roll below average
Misc: No Leadership for simplicity's sake. VMC is allowed. It's PbP, so you have the time to use Sacred Geometry if you want to use it

No other alternate or sub character options, such as Words of Power.

We will be using fractional bonuses for BAB and Saves, and leveling by milestone instead of experience.

Backgrounds aren't necessary, but would be good. If some of you know each other beforehand, then awesome!

This is by no means my first time GMing, nor my first PbP. However, it is my first time GMing PbP. I will hold myself to a minimum of one post per day (exception for encounters when players are up, even then I'll almost always chime in), and will probably do more. I do ask that, with the exception of weekends where we all know things come up, you try to post minimum once per day. I'm always willing to adjust to whatever pace the party seems to be going at.

How combat will work:

I'll roll initiative for everyone, and put everyone into order. Consecutive player turns will be grouped together, as will consecutive enemy turns. Everyone in a block can act in any order, whoever posts first, acts first. During combat, I am more strict with posting frequency. I'm fine if people take time to post, but if it's been a long time waiting for you to take a turn (no exact time, but always at least 24 hours), I may bot you based on what it seems your plan has been so far. I will never delay your turn, and penalize the party because of unforeseen circumstances.

If I missed anything, or you have any questions or issues, let me know and I'll answer ASAP

Now, power on your androids, rev up your chainsaws, and let's play some Iron Gods!

Sovereign Court

It's finally here, the Iron Gods sanctioning for Pathfinder Society. So, what do we do? Well now we play!

Who doesn't love mixing SciFi and fantasy into one mish mash of gaming fun? OK, not a small number, but we don't care about them, because we do love it!

I'm going to be running the Iron Gods adventure path in Play-By-Post Campaign mode, granting chronicle sheets as we reach the appropriate points in the story. The chronicles will be for standard, non-core, PFS play.

I will be using Google Docs for encounters and maps.

I will leave submissions open until 11:59PM GMT -7, January 31st. Obviously since this is PbP, there isn't a strict start time, but I will notify everyone chosen by midnight the night of February 3rd, and will post the intro after I have notified you all.

Now, let's get to the crunch!

Character Creation:

First off, Paizo only. No 3pp

Class: Any
Race: Any, no race creator
Alignment: No evil
Ability Scores: 25 Point Buy
Traits: 3, one must be from the IG Player Guide, no drawbacks for extra
Starting Gold: Max for your class
Hit Points: Max at first, roll each level after. One reroll each level if you roll below average
Misc: No Leadership for simplicity's sake. VMC is allowed. It's PbP, so you have the time to use Sacred Geometry if you want to use it

No other alternate or sub character options, such as Words of Power.

We will be using fractional bonuses for BAB and Saves, and leveling by milestone instead of experience.

Backgrounds aren't necessary, but would be good. If some of you know each other beforehand, then awesome!

This is by no means my first time GMing, nor my first PbP. However, it is my first time GMing PbP. I will hold myself to a minimum of one post per day (exception for encounters when players are up, even then I'll almost always chime in), and will probably do more. I do ask that, with the exception of weekends where we all know things come up, you try to post minimum once per day. I'm always willing to adjust to whatever pace the party seems to be going at.

How combat will work:

I'll roll initiative for everyone, and put everyone into order. Consecutive player turns will be grouped together, as will consecutive enemy turns. Everyone in a block can act in any order, whoever posts first, acts first. During combat, I am more strict with posting frequency. I'm fine if people take time to post, but if it's been a long time waiting for you to take a turn (no exact time, but always at least 24 hours), I may bot you based on what it seems your plan has been so far. I will never delay your turn, and penalize the party because of unforeseen circumstances.

If I missed anything, or you have any questions or issues, let me know and I'll answer ASAP

Now, power on your androids, rev up your chainsaws, and let's play some Iron Gods!

Sovereign Court

I was wondering if I could put a temporarily hold on my subscriptions this month. I might be moving in a week or two and would rather prevent any problems from having the wrong address. I would just contact customer service when I know my address.

I know it's a day before authorizations go through so I hope it isn't a problem.

Sovereign Court

I'm looking at subscribing to the Adventure Path line, and I see it gives the 15% Pathfinder Advantage discount on my other purchases. If the same shopping card that has my subscription setup also has items applicable for the discount, will they get the discount as well? Or do I need to set up the subscription on its own order, wait to be charged and shipped, and then place my other orders to be able to get the discount?

Sovereign Court

So, I'm building a PFS Tengu natural attack build. My attacks are coming from race (Claw, claw, beak), class (1 level dip White Haired Witch for Hair + Enlarge Person), and later on the Helm of the Mammoth Lord (Gore).

Because none of these attacks are that great on damage, my main levels will be in Warpriest of Apsu for Sacred Weapon. Bite gets the benefit from my deity, claw from free Weapon Focus, and probably hair from 1st level Weapon Focus feat (Power Attack comes in at 3rd).

The problem is, I love the Halfling FCB for Warpriest

Add ¼ to the warpriest’s effective level when determining the damage of his sacred weapon.

I know half-X races can take FCBs from their half races, and humans can take Racial Heritage. The problem is, the character is Tengu. For both theme and crunch reasons, that's not changing. Is there any way that, as a Tengu, I can take the Halfling's Warpriest FCB? Traits, feats, anything? Even if it's convoluted, I want to hear (read?) it.

Sovereign Court

Hey all,

I placed an order recently for a copy of Save Doctor Lucky, and the first 3 Iconic Heroes minis packs. I put them in my sidecart because at the time, I was expecting a November subscription shipment with my PACG Druid Class Deck. Unfortunately that deck got moved to December, and my sidecart is no longer set to ship this month. I'd like to have the game and minis moved into a regularly to ship out as soon as they can, instead of waiting a month.

If it helps, the four items in my sidecart were part of Order #3759066

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok, I was just reading the Guide section on determining subtiers for another thread and found a discrepancy. I couldn't find anything searching on the forums, so maybe someone can help. The Determining Subtiers section of the PFS Guide says

Determining Subtiers, pg. 33 wrote:

In order to determine which subtier a mixed-level group of PCs must play in, calculate the group’s average party level (APL). Divide the total number of character levels by the number of characters in the party. You should always round to the nearest whole number. If you are exactly at 0.5, let the group decide which subtier they wish to play.

Starting with Season 4, scenarios are designed for six characters and contain instructions on how to adjust the scenario for four-character parties. When the APL of a table is between two subtiers (like APL 3 for a Tier 1–5 scenario), a party of four characters must play the lower tier without any adjustments for party size. A party of five to seven characters whose APL is between two subtiers must play the higher tier with the four-character adjustment.

For scenarios written in Seasons 0 to 3, when the APL is in between subtiers, a party of six or seven characters must play the higher subtier. Parties with four or five characters must play the lower subtier. In the fringe case where there are no players that are high enough to have reached the subtier level (such as a party of six 3rd level characters), the group may decide to play down to the lower subtier.

The bolded sections are confusing me. The first paragraph tells you the players can choose the subtier if they are at 0.5 (I don't know what that actually means. APL 3 in a 1-5 or 5 in a 3-7?). The second then tells you how groups must play between Subtiers in Season 4+, and the third tells you how in Seasons 0-3. Where exactly is the player choice the first indicates?

Sovereign Court

I've been toying around with the idea of a Battle Host Occultist, who uses Fortified Armor Training to add the broken condition to his immune-to-effects-of-broken Fullplate to prevent crits, and then uses make whole to repair it after the fight.

Make whole references mending for how it works, so to determine whether I can repair broken Magic gear with it

Mending wrote:
Magic items can be repaired by this spell, but you must have a caster level equal to or higher than that of the object.

The problem is, I don't know how to determine the Caster Level of a magical weapon or armor. I need some help on this.

Say I have a +2 Calming Deathless Full Plate. Breaking up each piece, it has the following

Calming (Cost: +1 bonus, CL: 5th)
Deathless (Cost: +1 bonus, CL: 7th)
Full plate

I see a few different ways the game might calculate the CL, but for all I know none of them are right.

CL4 (Total bonus)
CL12 (CL of both enchantments, stacked)
CL7 (CL of highest enchantment, no stack)
CL16 (CL of enchantments, plus the +2)

Are any of these right? Could someone please tell me what the CL of the above piece of armor is, and tell me how that number was calculated so I know how to find the CL of other gear?

Thanks for reading my novel, and all help is much appreciated.

Sovereign Court

I'm currently subscribed to both the ACG adventure decks and class decks, and received my Wrath Deck 5 in the mail yesterday. I was concerned because there were no promo cards included.

I checked my email, and saw that when my adventure and class decks were split (still not sure how $10 is less than a $5 flat rate), the promo cards were bundled with the class deck. So now I have my Adventure Deck 5 but no promo cards.

Is there a way to make sure my future promos get shipped with the Adventure Deck, instead of the Class Deck?

Sovereign Court

The Occultist is only allowed to learn certain Occultist spells, limited to those spells of each school he has learned as an implement schools. Are Occultist spells of the schools I have not taken as my implement still considered on my spell list, for purposes like scrolls, wands, or page of spell knowledge?

For example, if I choose the Conjuration and Evocation schools at level 1, is Detect Magic (Divination) still considered on my spell list, even if I can't learn it based on my current implement schools?

Sovereign Court

Can you use the Prestige Purchase options (150gp value for 1PP, or 750gp value for 2PP) on items granted by chronicle sheets? For example, I am granted a 20 charge wand purchase with a limit 1 from a chronicle for 300gp. Can I spend 2PP to buy it? Or is the Prestige Purchase option only for Always Available items?

Sovereign Court

So, I just got home with my new Wrath set, and man is it awesome!!

One thing is stumping me though,

I can't find out what you do with Khorramzadeh

He's the 50 Then 50 villain that instantly kills you if you fail one of the checks. I've read every card in the Base Set, read the rulebook, everything, he isn't mentioned anywhere that I can. He is a B card, so he should be involved in B set cards, shouldn't he? I haven't opened Deck 1, but as a B card I'm pretty sure he's not supposed to only be involved with cards outside of B. He definitely isn't involved in the Character Add On Deck, I've checked.

So, the question is - what the heck is the purpose of this card? Unless I missed something, he's mentioned on no scenario, boon, bands, adventure / AP, support, character, absolutely nothing.

Liberty's Edge

So, I just finished my first session of Pathfinder Society (played Core), and I had a blast! I'm looking at potential purchases, and like the Composite Longbow. However, I'm a little confused. I see the following quote in the Guide to PFS

Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play wrote:


can nonmagical aspects of equipment be upgraded (such
as the strength rating on a composite bow).

Obviously I can't upgrade a composite longbow I own. Is buying a composite longbow with increased strength rating considered an upgrade? Or is it only upgrading if I already own the longbow? Can I buy a brand new composite longbow with, say, a +2 STR rating for 300gp?

I looked around the forums for this and couldn't find anything.

Sovereign Court

So, I just walked out of Staples with my coil bound copy of the first Season 0 adventure. I had the adventure path, adventure and all scenarios printed on good qulaity paper with a vinyl front and back cover. I also included the On the Horizon introductory scenario, a chronicle sheet for the adventure, the minichronicle sheet, and the sheet with my 10 reserved Paizo IDs for new players. I'm very happy with the outcome. I'm curious, how many other people did more than just print a piece of paper and run off of that?

Here's the inside cover page I made for the booklet

Internal Cover Page

Sovereign Court

Our group just finished the final scenario last night, and I must say it was a great ending to a great game. Our group even got to the point of comparing averages to see who had the best chance of beating Karzoug's second check just so Valeros could go all out on the first. We ended up beating both checks on dice alone, no bonuses added.

Thank you for such a fantastic game. Most of our group says it was one of the best games we've played (including some who have been gaming longer than I've been alive). I only know some of the RotRL story, but from what I've seen this game did a fantastic job of taking that story as an RPG, and expanding on it in a completely different format. Up until the fifth adventure, when we just didn't have the time, we completed every adventure the night it arrived -- even when it once ran us until three in the morning with all of us working that next morning. Not our brightest idea I'm sure, but it was worth it!!

I look forward to playing Skull & Shackles, and can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us after that.

Sovereign Court

Let me start by saying, I have never played the Pathfinder RPG. This is based on a Dragonborn Fighter I played for some time in D&D4E. He is a very up close and personal fighter, specializing in dual wielding weapons. I tried to find ways to set him apart from other characters, without overdoing it.

I want to add that, I know this character is kind of overpowered. At least, it looks that way to me on paper. I'd like to get your input on how to make it more fair, but still keep it in the spirit of the character. A dual-wielding, breath-slinging Dragonborn who loves nothing more than to break anyone and anything in his path to power. I wrote up the character somewhat quickly, and I'd love to get the community's thoughts on how to fine-tune him (and really, un-break him if I'm not the only one who feels this way).

His Strength skill is upgraded in a very different way. Since he is a dual-wielding character, that adds one more weapon to focus on in battle. Therefore, his training doesn't quite have as much of an effect as someone who simply needs to focus on hitting harder with a single object. Instead of a D8+1, he gets a D10-1. Same maximum, but the possibility of not doing any damage if he isn't careful.
However, as he trains more, he learns to be more effective than someone who wields only a single blade (with 2 skill feats giving him D12-1 -instead of D8+2- and 4 feats giving him D12+1 -instead of D8+4). Due to the required focus of using multiple weapons, it isn't as easy to pull off a successful attack. However, when successful -- he will hit harder than a single heavy blade or blunt object.

For those that may ask why a dual-wielder is using Strength over Dexterity - that's just the personality of the character. He isn't as concerned with hitting his target, as he is with inflicting maximum pain when he does. Hence the possibility at two points in his Strength feats of missing entirely.

Also, he has two skill feats specifically for Melee and Fortitude, instead of just the 6 skills that are trained by everyone.

His base powers focus on two things -- dual-wield combat, and his elemental dragon breath. He can wield two weapons in combat, but obviously the weight of 2-handed weapons is too much for that. By default, he breaths fire, but can eventually breath an icy breath if he so chooses.

Roles -- The Elemental Fighter. This role allows the Dragon to inflict different types of pain on the enemy through his breath, as well as to inflict more pain. After spending time training in the elements, the fighter can now instill his fire-breathing into his weapons, and even becomes resistant to burning and corrosive attacks.

Roles -- The Adrenaline Fighter. This role focuses on Kaldorn's physical combat. Battle after battle, he has trained and fought to the point that he can now lift weapons in one hand, that would require two for the average being. He hasn't mastered this art to use them as efficiently as someone could in two hands, but he is still as deadly a foe as ever. He brings his physical, non-combat training to his battles as well, allowing him to use the usually non-combat bonus of Torag in combat.

Kaldorn - Dragonborn Fighter

Strength - d8 [ ]d10-1 [ ]d12-1 [ ]d10+1 [ ]d12+1
Melee - Strength +2 [ ]+3
Dexterity - d6 [ ]+1
Constitution - d10 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Fortitude - Constitution +1 [ ]+2
Intelligence - d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Wisdom - d6 [ ]+1
Charisma - d8 [ ]+1

Hand Size :: 5 [ ]6

Proficiency :: [X] Light Armor [ ] Heavy Armor [X] Weapons

Dual-Weapon Fighter :: You are not considered proficient with weapons when using a weapon with the 2-Handed trait.
Dual-Wielding Combat :: You may use two weapons without the 2-Handed trait for your combat check. Reduce the size of each die rolled for the check by one, subtracting 1 from each d4 rolled instead of reducing die size. Your melee bonus and skill feat bonuses are only applied once.
Dragon Breath :: For your combat check, you may reveal a card to roll your Charisma die + 1d6 ([ ]+1) with the Attack, Magic, and Fire ([ ] or Cold) traits. After the combat check, display the card next to this location deck. The next combat check at this location before the end of your next turn gains the above traits, then discard the displayed card after the check.
Short-sighted :: You may not use weapons with the Ranged trait.

Card List
Weapon :: 5 [ ]6 [ ]7 [ ]8
Spell :: ---
Armor :: 3 [ ]4 [ ]5
Item :: 2 [ ]3 [ ]4 [ ]5
Ally :: 3 [ ]4
Blessing :: 2 [ ]3

ROLE - Elemental Fighter
Hand Size :: 5 [ ]6 [ ]7
Proficiency :: [X] Light Armor [ ] Heavy Armor [X] Weapons
Dual-Weapon Fighter :: You are not considered proficient with weapons when using a weapon with the 2-Handed trait.
Dual-Wielding Combat :: You may use two weapons without the 2-Handed trait for your combat check. Reduce the size of each die rolled for the check by one (subtract 1 from each d4 rolled instead of reducing die size). Your melee bonus and skill feat bonuses are only applied once.
Dragon Breath :: For your combat check, you may reveal a card to roll your Charisma die + 1d6 ([ ]+1) ([ ]+2) ([ ]+3) ([ ]+4) with the Attack, Magic, and Fire ([ ] or Cold) ([ ] or Acid) traits. After the combat check, display the card next to this location deck. The next combat check at this location before the end of your next turn gains the above traits, then discard ([ ] or recharge) the displayed card after the check.
Short-sighted :: You may not use weapons with the Ranged trait.
[ ] All of your combat checks using a weapon gain the Fire trait.
[ ] When you are dealt Fire or Acid damage, you may recharge one card instead of discarding it.

ROLE - Adrenaline Fighter
Hand Size :: 5 [ ]6
Proficiency :: [X] Light Armor [ ] Heavy Armor [X] Weapons
Dual-Weapon Fighter :: You are not considered proficient with weapons when using a weapon with the 2-Handed trait.
Dual-Wielding Combat :: You may use two weapons ([ ] with or) without the 2-Handed trait for your combat check ([ ]+1) ([ ] and you may recharge one weapon instead of discarding it). Reduce the size of each die rolled for the check by one, subtracting 1 from each d4 rolled instead of reducing die size ([ ] do not take any penalty to any d4 you roll). Your melee bonus and skill feat bonuses are only applied once.
Dragon Breath :: For your combat check, you may reveal a card to roll your Charisma die + 1d6 ([ ]+1) ([ ]+2) with the Attack, Magic, and Fire ([ ] or Cold) traits. After the combat check, display the card next to this location deck. The next combat check at this location before the end of your next turn gains the above traits, then discard the displayed card after the check.
Short-sighted :: You may not use weapons with the Ranged trait.
[ ] Whenever you roll at least one d10 or d12 on a check, add 1 ([ ]2) to the result.
[ ] You may play Blessing of Torag to add 2 dice to a Strength-based combat check.