Flying Blade

Giovanni Dal'este's page

63 posts. Alias of karlprosek.


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Venice by Night – Tuesday March 25, 1309

Giovanni Dal’este & Sir Dunstan - Al Ponte Mocenigo

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Bajazet looks around the room again, "What if I told you all of these people here were smuggled in from foreign lands to serve, no quench our thirst? Would that change your opinion Sir Dunstan?"

"To serve who, my lord? The Prince? It seems an unnecessary expense with all the orphans and dispossessed already living in our city."

Venice by Night – Tuesday March 25, 1309

Giovanni Dal’este & Sir Dunstan - Al Ponte Mocenigo

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

He smiles grimly, "Yes, it is no surprise with your past that you would have learned some of the language of my people. Strange is it not? In a different time and different place we would have slain each other on sight. Here and now we may well be allies closer than any others at this Conclave.

You are here to petition on behalf of your Sire I assume?"

Gio nods and smiles at Sir Dunstan. He is a young-looking Venetian in modern fashions, not what one would expect of an Assamite. His Arabic is fluent but more eastern than southern- he sounded like a Turk rather than a native Arab. [b]"I'm new at this, so this might be considered rude. If so, excuse my rudeness. Who is your sire, Sir?"

Venice by Night – Tuesday March 25, 1309
Giovanni Dal’este - Al Ponte Mocenigo

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

You wake in the early evening and step downstairs to the main room of the Inn. Lord Bajazet sits in a chair slowly supping on one of the herd provided as you know know by the Camarilla. The rest of the people at the Inn of which there are few also shuffle about still in a zombie like state.

”Good evening my Childe. The path of Haqim, have you had time to contemplate its differences to what you learned last night?”

Gio nods. "Yes, sire. Their ways are not our ways. The Path of Humanity is quite different from the path of our Clan. Do they expect us to abide by it or do we merely maintain our differences in silence?"

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Waning Hours of the Night


Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Lord Bajazet retrieves you and steps out into the night pushing through the crowd of Cainites but not before he dips a cup into the trough for another sup of blood. "Come Giovanni. Let us leave I believe we can speak with the Nosferatu tomorrow night it is they who need us not we who need them".

Gio nods respectfully to his sire. "Yes, sire. On our way back, I would like to hear about our Clan's Path and how it differs from the Path of Humanity as it was described to the fledglings."

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - The Feast - Vitaliano, Andrew, Xing, Giovanni, Dunstan, Ranerius, and Onfroi

At the Prince's dismissal, Gio turns to Lord Bajazet to wait for his Sire to leave.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - The Feast - Vitaliano, Andrew, Xing, Giovanni, Dunstan, Ranerius, and Onfroi

Gio had withdrawn to a safe distance as soon as it became clear Simon was supporting the religious rebels. In another situation he would have looked on with a drink in his hand and a smirk on his lips. For him and most of his friends, religion was nothing but another career choice for the politically minded.

But this display of the Lord's power- and the Prince's weakness- had him instead making sure he knew where the closest exit was. True faith was a rarity, even- especially- in those who professed the strongest attachment to God. But this was a clear display of some higher power, and one whose strength surpassed that of the most fearsome being in the room.

Courage: 5d10 ⇒ (10, 8, 9, 4, 6) = 37

The young Venetian squinted his eyes against the bright light but did not flee. He considered crossing himself and kneeling to pray as well but figured the God who could do this could easily see the hypocrisy in his heart.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - The Roads - Michele, Vitaliano, Andrew, Xing, Giovanni, Alessandro, Dunstan, Ranerius, and Onfroi

Gio nods to his sire and walks over to Simon and the other Nosferatu, a friendly smile on his face. He gives Simon a respectful nod, almost a small bow, and Petradon the same. "I'm sorry we were interrupted. Do we still have our appointment, Simon?"

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - The Roads - Michele, Vitaliano, Andrew, Xing, Giovanni, Alessandro, Dunstan, Ranerius, and Onfroi

Gio nods at his sire and takes the goblet, drinking deeply of the richly satisfying taste and texture of the blood.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - The Roads - Michele, Vitaliano, Andrew, Xing, Giovanni, Alessandro, Dunstan, Ranerius, and Onfroi

Conscience: 3d10 ⇒ (3, 7, 4) = 14

Gio glanced at Vitaliano and chuckled. "Subtlety, it seems, is not a virtue on the devil's road." The hunger roared up in him as he surveyed the offering. He passed by the dirtiest, those in the cheapest clothes or who clearly hadn't bathed recently, finally settling on an attractive young woman in passably recent fashion and with blood dripping down through her long black hair. He looked up apologetically. "I would have made this more enjoyable for both of us, my sweet, but a gentleman does not refuse the hospitality of his host."

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - The Roads - Michele, Vitaliano, Andrew, Xing, Giovanni, Alessandro, Dunstan, Ranerius, and Onfroi

Gio listened attentively but, heedful of his Sire's words, held his own counsel. He was sure Bajazet would have more pertinent instruction for him when they had their next lesson. Surely he did not need a mentor beyond Bajazet, so he said nothing.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - The Roads - Michele, Vitaliano, Andrew, Xing, Giovanni, Alessandro, Dunstan, Ranerius, and Onfroi

Gio had claimed one of the few seats before the room filled, so he simply watched curiously as the Lasombra fashioned furniture out of shadows. In a different setting he might have made a comment about how useful that might be at a dinner party, but wisely chose to keep it to himself.

He nodded at Vitaliano. "The same for me. The only irresistable urge I have had since turning is my thirst. I have yet to face this Beast you speak of."

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Giovanni, Cantor, Alessandro, Dunstan

Simon frowns, "It looks like our venture to find Petradon will have to wait", he pauses and looks around the room.

Alyssa strides over to your group, "Come Childer, we will discuss something very important to your continued existence. I know that I as a Sire have been remiss in these lessons, it is the Wisdom of Narses to see the value in these sessions for all" She begins to head up the stairs which are now clearing up.

Not knowing this Lady Alyssa woman, Gio glances at his sire on the dias to see what Bajazet suggests he do.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Dais of the Inner Circle - Giovanni, Cantor, Alessandro, Dunstan

Under the watchful eye of his sire, Gio simply listens as the other young vampires stumble through their introductions to Bajazet. He nods at Simon's suggestion to leave and bows to the elder Assamite. "I will have a recommendation for you when I see you next, my lord."

With a smile for the other youngsters he turns and gestures for Simon to lead them out. "We are in your hands, Simon. Lead on."

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Dais of the Inner Circle - Giovanni, Cantor, Alessandro, Dunstan

Storyteller Shadow wrote:


Simon smiles, "You would be better served having me introduce you. The warrens of the Nosferatu are not to be traveled lightly, not even by the dreaded Assamite warriors. I assume he sees me as a rival, I do not share the same view. I know I am the correct choice".

Gio nods at Simon. "I bow to your wisdom on the subject. Thank you for guiding me."

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

All Together

As Simon finishes his statement, three Fledgling approach the dais.

Alessandro Khadaji of Clan Ventrue, Dunstan Fuller of Clan Brujah, and Cantor of Clan Gangrel.

Bajazet speaks a frown forming on his face, "An unusual collection of Fledglings to be sure. Have you come to me in the stead of your Sires?"

Gio turns to look at the three other fledglings but says nothing, instead listening closely to what they have to say.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Dais of the Inner Circle - Giovanni Dal'este

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Put aside my foibles for a moment. I am older and more respected than Petradon among my peers. If you wish for my Clan to participate in this Sect and not operate outside of it, I believe that I am the obvious choice".[/b]

Bajazet is stone faced as he replies, "Giovanni. I would have you met with this Petradon. Between he and Simon, you will inform me which you would choose and why".

Gio gives Bajazet a nod that was nearly a bow. "Yes, my lord." He turns to Simon. "I would not ask for an introduction, Simon, since your relationship with this man seems... fraught, but if you could tell me where to meet him I would appreciate it."

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Dais of the Inner Circle - Giovanni Dal'este

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

"Tell me Simon, are the rumors true, do you claim to be the Apostle Simon?" asks Lord Bajazet.

Simon responds, "I do not claim to be he, I am he. In the flesh. The miracle of my Blood is self evident in the Childe I have borne free of the curse of Absimiliard".

Bajazet turns to you Giovanni, "Tell me my Childe, what do you make of these claims by this Leper?"

Gio looks quite surprised as he turns to consider the Nosferatu claiming to be an apostle. He turns back to his master and shakes his head. "This new life is a world of wonders, my lord, and if monsters can walk among men why not legends among monsters?" He gestures at Simon and gives the Nosferatu an apologetic smile. "But I have seen nothing to say this man walked with the Son of Man. Of course, I have only just met you, my lord Simon. And if my father taught me anything, it is to be skeptical of the claims of strangers."

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Assamite Table

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Simon continues, Arabic"My mistake then. I have given my intent to challenge my clanmate for leadership of the Nosferatu among this august group though I believe it would restrict my wanderings. I fear that his rigidity would not accurately reflect the positions of Clan Nosferatu. Can either of you make introductions for me with Lord Bajazet?"

Gio looks up at the dais, sees Bajazet not too busy, and nods. "I can make an introduction for you." He stands and gestures to Simon to follow, then walks to the base of the dais nearest Bajazet's seat.

Once Bajazet acknowledges him, he gestures at Simon. "My lord, Simon of Clan Nosferatu."

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309
Assamite Table

Gio waits politely for an opportunity to introduce himself to the elder Nosferatu. He nods amiably at the younger Cainite but doesn't speak while Simon is speaking.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Assamite Table

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Vandras grimacs, "I Embraced an Infidel. Very much like your Sire did with you. I assume that he has had permission to do so with you. I did not, I thought that the Clan would see the utility in having Westerners in the Clan. They disagreed and have been hunting me ever since. Well hunting is perhaps too strong a word, no one specifically sought me out. Those who I knew, such as you Sire, warned me from returning East and so did I wander here in the West for many centuries".

Gio nodded, looking sympathetic. In his very limited experience, the Assamites did not seem particularly forgiving of such transgressions. "And your childe? Where is he now?"

Narses Court
Assamite Table

"You have mentioned being on the run, being outcast, several times. May I ask what led you into exile?"

Gio was distracted when the door flew open, though, and his attention was fixed on the disfigured newcomer and its childe.

Per+Alert: 5d10 ⇒ (10, 9, 4, 5, 10) = 38

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court

Giovanni nods appreciatively. "My family does a great deal of business with the Ottomans and further east. I know many a man who makes his living on the waves." He gestures at the dais and the senior Assamite present. "Do you know Bajazet well? You spoke as if you knew each other earlier."

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Assamite Table

Gio nods. "Do you live in Venice, then? You will be staying here?"

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309
Assamite Table

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Vandras nods to you, "I do not think your Sire knew I was here. It is interesting that he has chosen one of your ilk. The Clan has long been against Embracing westerners and in fact, my own choice to do so is what made me a pariah. Certainly I am not the first to Embrace a westerner not even in the past few centuries..."

He shakes his head, "Tell me, what do you know of the luminaries who we share this space with?" states Vandras ignoring the proceedings as they move forward.

"Only what I have seen so far." Gio describes the elders on the dais taking their places, the bickering at some of the other tables, and the argument over vampires branded criminals outside the city. He does not relay Bajazet's order to slip out and kill the vampire who had threatened to leave or share his personal observations of the different personalities and motivations of the participants.

"Do you know many of these people?" By which he meant 'do you know any of these people,' but this way was more polite.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Assamite Table

Gio nods respectfully at Vandras. "Good evening, brother. Bajazet never mentioned others of our Clan in Venice. I am glad to meet another."

Who's the Grandchilde of the Old Man on the Mountain? I can't find what Bajazet is talking about.

Per+Emp, DC 7: 4d10 ⇒ (10, 7, 4, 4) = 25

Giovanni watches the newcomers and those already seated closely, trying to gauge reactions to the events unfolding in front of him.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Assamite Table

Giovanni watches with interest as a problem with the newly introduced stricture immediately appears.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court

Giovanni nods to himself, as though in agreement with something someone at another table said.

Perc+Emp DC 8: 4d10 ⇒ (3, 4, 7, 6) = 20

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court

Giovanni quietly watches the suddenly exciting proceedings, sitting alone at his table.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court

Given the importance the court had so far placed on proper deference to one's elders, Gio is surprised when Ranerius raises his voice to address the Prince directly. He watches closely to see how the vampires on the dais react to the bold youngster.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Assamite Table

Giovanni sits alone at his table as his sire takes his place on the dais, quietly observing the other vampires bicker until the eruption over the Brujah draws his attention back to the dais.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Narses Court - Assamite Table

Gio glances over at the Ventrue table, much more crowded than their own. <"Khadaji? Of course I will do as you say, sire, but why? He does not seem to be of the most interest to the other elders here tonight.">

<> = spoken in Turkish

Perception+Empathy: 4d10 ⇒ (6, 10, 1, 3) = 20
Intelligence+Politics: 3d10 ⇒ (5, 1, 9) = 15

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Players (1) Ranerius Bernerius, (2) Sir Dunstan Füller, (3) Cantor, (4) Vitaliano da Riva, (5) Alessandro Khadaji, (6) Lorenzo Cappelli, (7) Andrew the Hardy, (8) Michele Querini, (9) Giovanni Dal’este, and (10) Xing Shi.

Non-Players Several Dozen Assembled Cainites.

Gio waits until Xing is done before nodding at Bajazet and stepping forward. He gives Prince Narses a low, practiced bow; that and his expensive clothes show he is no stranger to high society. "Giovanni dal'Este of Venice, Prince, childe of Bajazet of Clan Assamite. I am honored to be allowed this opportunity to present myself to you and this court."

He's not really trying to do anything but be very polite and cultured to make a good impression; I'll go ahead and roll Etiquette to see how well he does.
Cha+Etiquette: 7d10 ⇒ (7, 4, 7, 8, 9, 9, 5) = 49 Not bad. :)

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Giovanni dal'Este

Since Bajazet had not stepped forward along with the many others who were already present in the hall, Gio waits patiently for Bajazet to introduce himself before stepping forward to declare himself and proclaim his Clan and sire.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Players. (1) Ranerius Bernerius, (2) Sir Dunstan Füller, (3) Cantor, (4) Vitaliano da Riva, (5) Alessandro Khadaji, (6) Lorenzo Cappelli, (7) Andrew the Hardy, (8) Michele Querini, (9) Giovanni Dal’este, and (10) Xing Shi.

Non-Players. Rafael de Corazon, Francois Villon, Bassanio Strozzi, Lady Meridie, Lord Benne, Brian Stack, Alyssa Gilbert, Lord Bajazet, Sadir, and Khadijah.

With nothing to add, Gio follows Bajazet and his fellows into the Conclave.

Players. (1) Ranerius Bernerius, (2) Sir Dunstan Füller, (3) Cantor, (4) Vitaliano da Riva, (5) Alessandro Khadaji, (6) Lorenzo Cappelli, (7) Andrew the Hardy, (8) Michele Querini, (9) Giovanni Dal’este, and (10) Xing Shi.
Non-Players. Rafael de Corazon, Francois Villon, Bassanio Strozzi, Lady Meridie, Lord Benne, Brian Stack, Alyssa Gilbert, Lord Bajazet, Sadir, and an Unnamed Muslim Cainite (Khadijah).

Giovanni has been distracted from his conversation with Ranerius by the argument between the knight and the man with the funny accent. He chuckles softly and glances back at Ranerius. "I imagine compromise may not be a word in his lexicon, signore. I've met a few knights who have come home from the wars, and they tend toward extremes of opinion. Many are hawks, but there are also many come home doves, finished with war after all the horrors they have seen." He shakes his head. "It makes me glad I was too young to be our family's representative in the war."

Players. (1) Ranerius Bernerius, (2) Sir Dunstan Füller, (3) Cantor, (4) Vitaliano da Riva, (5) Alessandro Khadaji, (6) Lorenzo Cappelli, (7) Andrew the Hardy, (8) Michele Querini, (9) Giovanni Dal’este, and (10) Xing Shi.

Non-Players. Rafael de Corazon, Francois Villon, Bassanio Strozzi, Lady Meridie, Lord Benne, Brian Stack, Alyssa Gilbert, Lord Bajazet, Sadir, and an Unnamed Muslim Cainite (Khadijah).

Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
"Ha," Says the older looking man as Giovanni brings certain memories to light, "I am very proud of it, thank you. Now that you refresh my mindseye, I recall now a group of young men who have come in now and never fail to make things lively, I will give you that. Sometimes a bit too lively, but such is youth. I did appreciate the time your fellows and that other group of young lads took their dispute outside. Though, of course, half the crowd I had thought were there to listen to my musicians instead followed out for entertainment of another sort."

Gio grins. "Ah, well, my friends and I tend to argue loudly, eh? But at least we always come back to drink again later!" He laughs. "But now we are friends, I will try to keep my boys from being so rowdy, out of respect. But still spending money, eh?" The young man laughs again, the grin lighting up his too-pale face.

Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Hope I'm not taking too many liberties

Nope, that's exactly the kind of thing Gio and his peers would do.

Players. (1) Ranerius Bernerius, (2) Sir Dunstan Füller, (3) Cantor, (4) Vitaliano da Riva, (5) Alessandro Khadaji, (6) Lorenzo Cappelli, (7) Andrew the Hardy, (8) Michele Querini, (9) Giovanni Dal’este, and (10) Xing Shi.

Non-Players. Rafael de Corazon, Francois Villon, Bassanio Strozzi, Lady Meridie, Lord Benne, Brian Stack, Alyssa Gilbert, Lord Bajazet, Sadir, and an Unnamed Muslim Cainite (Khadijah).

Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
"Dal'Este?" Ranerius says pleasantly surprised to see a member of that family here, "In truth, signore, some of the merchants I spoke of work for your family," He moves forward to take the hand, his own grip surprisingly warm for a kindred "Ranerius Bernerius, now honored by the blood of the Toreador Clan since this seems to be the place for such declarations, also Owner and proprietor of La Serenata Notturna."

The young man- and he is quite young, no doubt a younger son of dal'Este the trader- looks impressed. "La Serenata Notturna, signore? I've spent many a night there." Gio ran with a pack of wild, rich young men who were known more for carousing and chasing women than contributing in any meaningful way to society or business or the Church. That's what happened when one's brothers took up all the available respectable vocations. He grins at Ranerius. "I would shake your hand again, signore Bernerius, just for owning sucn an excellent establishment."

He's got a background very similar to Romeo- lots of partying with his friends, falling in and out of love, and fighting with other gangs of rich youngsters.On the one hand, an tavern keeper might love them for all the money they throw around. On the other hand, they tend to break things and that's always annoying even if they pay for them afterward.

Players. (1) Ranerius Bernerius, (2) Sir Dunstan Füller, (3) Cantor, (4) Vitaliano da Riva, (5) Alessandro Khadaji, (6) Lorenzo Cappelli, (7) Andrew the Hardy, (8) Michele Querini, (9) Giovanni Dal’este, and (10) Xing Shi.

Non-Players. Rafael de Corazon, Francois Villon, Bassanio Strozzi, Lady Meridie, Lord Benne, Brian Stack, Alyssa Gilbert, Lord Bajazet, Sadir, and an Unnamed Muslim Cainite (Khadijah).

Ranerius Bernerius wrote:

As his sire and his peers speak of the East, Ranerius seems lost in thought for a moment, and then speaks, "Forgive if I speak out of turn, but limited though my experience has been, I have seen merchants bring items of much beauty from the orient. And I suspect, somewhere in those lands, our treasures seem as exotic to them in return. I understand holding to our ideals and what is best in us, but a certain amount of cooperation in trade and the arts enriches us all. Or so I have come to believe."

Gio looks away from his sire and Sadir and Rafael's sparring when someone speaks some good common sense. He smiles at the man and holds out a hand to shake. "I'm glad to hear that not everyone thinks compromise is a curse word. Giovanni dal'Este." The dal'Este family was very rich, with interests stretching from Venice to Karakorum.

Per+Emp, DC 7: 4d10 ⇒ (9, 6, 1, 3) = 19

Gio gives Bazajet and Lord Benne both a respectful nod at their further instruction. He, of course, leans toward his sire's inclination of not announcing one's clan. Just because he disagreed with Lord Benne is no reason to be disagreeable in public, though. "With so many of us here I can see how common traditions built up over the years would be to the benefit of us all."

He only barely manages not to sneer at Rafael as the other vampire he'd met on the night he was inducted into the ranks of the undead approached. In spite of all the warnings he'd received about the Setites, it seems to him that if Rafael didn't like Sadir, Sadir might be a good person to know.

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Alessandro Khadaji, Lorenzo Cappelli, Andrew the Hardy, Michele Querini, Giovanni Dal’este, Vitaliano da Riva, and Xing Shi

Michele Querini wrote:

Alessandro Khadaji, Lorenzo Cappelli, Andrew the Hardy, Michele Querini, Giovanni Dal’este, and Xing Shi

"I see. Well now we are formally introduced and I am sure we will be seeing each other. I am Michele Quereni of clan Setite. "

Gio glances at Bajazet, the apparent leader among the Muslims present, briefly before nodding at Michele with a smile. "And now we will be able to greet each other at parties. I am supposed to introduce myself by clan now when I meet someone new, am I?" The young man- and younger vampire- smirked. "So many new rules to learn. In any case, I am of Clan Assamite."

Given his clear Italian heritage, this is a rather surprising statement. The Assamites are not known for Embracing westerners.

When the newcomer greets Xing Shi on first arriving, Gio smiles and takes a step toward the two of them. "My lady, it seems you are well known among my new friends here. I, unfortunately, am embarrassed to say I haven't had the pleasure. Please, would you introduce yourself so I won't face the shame any longer?"

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Alessandro Khadaji, Lorenzo Cappelli, Andrew the Hardy, Michele Querini, Giovanni Dal’este, and Xing Shi

Michele Querini wrote:
"I am trying to place where we have met but I can't. I apologize for that."

Gio smiles at Michele and shakes his head to indicate he takes no offense. "No one place in particular. Parties, church, all around the city. I don't think we've been formally introduced, we just have a few friends in common."

I think ST said it was church but can't find the post now; ST, where does Gio know Michele from?

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Alessandro Khadaji, Lorenzo Cappelli, Andrew the Hardy, Michele Querini, Giovanni Dal’este, and Xing Shi

Though he had arrived with the Saracens, the young man in the local- and rather expensive- fashions is clearly Italian. He nods a greeting to Michele, the only one here with whom he is already acquainted. "Querini."

He looks around the group appraisingly, an easy smile on his face. This young man is clearly someone comfortable with large groups and meeting new people. "Good evening. Giovanni Del'este. Always a pleasure to make new friends."

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Giovanni Dal’este

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Khadijah shifts to Ottoman Turk as well, "I apologize for my rudeness Giovanni. I did not expect Lord Bajazet to Embrace an Infidel.

We are comrades in faith though not comrades in blood. I am Khadijah Saadeh of Clan Lasombra. The same blood as Prince Narses but not of the same lineage.

Tell me Giovanni, what are your views on the clash between the east, Islam, and west, Catholicism? This will be the great struggle that your Clan will face in this gathering of so many Western powers."

Giovanni nods to show he is giving the question consideration but eventually glances at Bazajet and back at Khadijah. "Though I welcome a conversation sharing ideas about the intersection of east and west, for me I think tonight my focus will be on honoring my sire by not embarrassing myself in front of the court. If you would forgive my forwardness, I would be happy to host you another night to talk more about your thoughts."

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Giovanni Dal’este

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

"Wa-Alaikum-Salaam", replies Bajazet. "Khadijah, this is my Childe Giovanni Dal’este".

Khadijah does a double take as he looks at you twice both times as if for the first time.

Gio, dressed in his usual Venetian fashion, nods respectfully to the other man. Bajazet had not taught him Arabic but Gio spoke Ottoman Turkish fluently, which to his Venetian ear sounded very similar, so he addressed the man in Turkish.

<"Good evening, brother. I am honored to meet my first of Bajazet's comrades and hope to bring honor to the clan.">

Venice by Night – Monday March 24, 1309

Giovanni Dal’este

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Lord Bajazet waits on you in the taproom of the Al Ponte Mocenigo as you rise late again. He grins at your grogginess. ”Take your time my Childe. The last to arrive is the one to gain the most attention, we shall do just that tonight when I reveal that you are my right hand. It shall be a shock for all to see”.

Gio gives Bajazet a seated bow from his resting place before starting to rise. "Where are we going tonight, my lord?"

Giovanni dal'Este:

Gio studies hard over the next few nights and does as he is told, binding his rich and influential family to himself through the blood bond. Given his connections and the Clan's lack of influence in Venice, he expects to put his family and money to use in service to Alamut.

Okay, cool. Thanks.

Venice by Night – Tuesday March 11, 1309

Giovanni Dal'este

Gio hesitates for a moment before following Bajazet, cleaning off his sword with a cloth before sheathing his sword. He quickly catches up to the walking man. "You say the sun will kill me, now that you have done what you did. Is that where you got your power, your speed? A pact with the devil?"

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