
Gijs's page

Organized Play Member. 36 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Silver Crusade

I was very happy to both receive my Pathfinder 20 and 21 very quickly indeed!
But alas the first installment of the new Adventure Path has eluded my mail box still!

Silver Crusade

Hi there, Cosmo?
Since for some reason I just cant seem to get an e-mail send to your customer service. I thought I posted it here.
Pathfinder #2 never made it to my home.
And I am not sure of #3, maybe its just stuck somewhere but since I got #1 in a week's time, I got kind of worried.
Also how long should we International subscribers wait to ring the bell of a Pathfinder not arriving? 3 weeks?
Thanks in advance!

Silver Crusade

Is it possible to review the available Shipping options for your Pathfinder's and change from Standardshipping to Priority or to SuperMegasShipping or the like?

Silver Crusade

While i just received word that Pathfinder 3 is out (yay!) I did not as of yet receive my copy of Pathfinder 2.
I live in Holland but Pathfinder 1 took a lot less time getting here..
should I just be patient a little longer?

Silver Crusade

Anyone has got any idea of what the Greyhawk City Militia usually carries around in the form of weapons and gear?
Are they chain shirt wearing Halberd wielding?
Or what?

In before: do it yourself.
I am looking for official or semi-official sources here!