Lucky Graul

Ghost of Formoch's page

3 posts. Alias of andreww.


5/5 *****

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Penalty Charge Notice
Charge 12billion GP
Registered Owner Aslynn the Night Hag

Dear Ms Hag,

I am required to give you formal notice that a vehicle registered in your name was observed exceeding the speed limit in the skies above Ustalav. I understand you are the registered keeper of a flying vehicle named the Gale's Claw.

Our records show this vehicle was recorded exceeding the speed limit on its approach to the Ardis Scholar's Manor House. If you were not driving the vehicle at the time please let us know who was. Please note we will require evidence as to who the driver at the time was. Mere claims not to have been present are unacceptable.

If you wish to pay your fine you may do so using the forms enclosed. If you make payment within 14 days the fine will be reduced to £6billion GP. Please do not ignore this correspondence. If you do not pay your fine we may well take enforcement action. This may affect your credit rating and result in bailiffs attending at your Electric Castle to seize goods to the value of the fine.

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I have no idea what you are talking about!

5/5 *****

Sierra Heartward wrote:
The King of the Storval Stairs has fallen, and though I briefly consulted with my Lady of Graves before returning to the fight, I have managed to keep the name unsullied. All have returned safely, and I will stand by in Absalom to negotiate the return of Agents from the Boneyard as needed.

Formoch squished you good! Should have ignored puny archer girl and made sure you stayed dead!