Ghoul Preist

Ghast of the catacombs's page

71 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


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Arc Perdu GM bot wrote:

Arc slashes at the last ghast still upright with scarlet-glowing Sanguinelle...1d20+7 but narrowly misses...

He curses under his breath in French, and rapidly shifts northwest to stand just west of and adjacent to the undead monster...

5-foot diagonal step to try to get out of Johann's way...

With superhuman haste, the Scarlet Magus slashes again at the ghast with Sanguinelle...1d20+7 hacking deep into its rotten skull...confirm 1d20+7 not a critical hit...dealing 1d8+4 slashing damage...



With a final groan of agony, the ghast with Sanguinelle still wrenched deep in its maggot-filled skull collapses! The Crusaders have made quick work of this latest pack of ghasts!

6 of 6 destroyed! Well done!

Zagathoth presses forward and cleaved the easternmost ghast in twain with his first, downward slash of Doomcrescent... With his upswing, he opens a gash in the other ghast's chest, but it remains standing!


The Ogon Fox wrote:

The Fox moves after Johann and Zagathoth (to get the last 2 ghasts within 30ft range) and then attempts to pass a shot between his two companions.

[dice=Mystic Bolt (ranged touch)]1d20+5-4
[dice=Electric damage]1d6+1


Fox’s aim is true, and his mystic bolt shocks the easternmost ghast in the back rank!


Forgot about the ghasts’ stench... Johann and Zagathoth should each roll 6 Fortitude saves vs DC 15 to avoid being sickened, please...

Zagathoth wrote:

[dice=Int]1d20-1 lol

Failing to recognize the impact it might have on the large bear's ability to fight effectively, Zagathoth steps up into the hallway and hacks at the next two ghasts...

[dice=attack 1]1d20+8+1, [dice=for]2d4+13
[dice=attack 2 (haste)]1d20+8+1, [dice=for]2d4+13
If attack 1 kills my first target (which, iirc, I think it will), I'll target the one next to with attack 2.

Not to be outdone by the Bear, Zagathoth zips forward over the shredded remains of the first two ghasts, and with a blur of green and shining steel, hacks apart the next two ghasts with Doomcrescent!

Only two of six left!

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

oh! sorry

Johann releases the ghast and bites on it, powerfully.

[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+9; d8+10

With that ghast down, he looks at the one fighting Zag and unleashes fury on it...

another bite thanks to haste

[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+9; d8+10

[dice=Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+9; d6+10

[dice= Claw Attack 2 & damage]d20+8; d6+10

Bear rips the ghast to shreds, not even bothering to grab it and hold it still.

In a swift blur of fur, fangs, and claws, Johann shreds the two ghasts in the front rank to pieces!

Four of six remaining...

The four ghasts behind the two engaged with Johann and Zagathoth clamor impatiently for blood...

The ghast locked in the deadly dance with Zagathoth bites at the orc 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9, who dodges! *SNAP!!*... Claws 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 and misses! Claws again 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 and misses!

The ghast in Johann’s furry paws bites at him 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 but misses! It claws at him 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 to no avail—the Bear blocks! It claws with its other claw 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 but the Bear blocks again!

GGGRRRRRRGGGHH!!! moans the monster in despair...

Zagathoth wrote:

Zagathoth moves around to block the other side of the hallway and swings doomcrescent at the ghast in front of him.

[dice=power attack]1d20+8, [dice=for]2d4+13

The ghast targeted by Zagathoth quickly leans backward as Doomcrescent cuts through empty air in a whistling arc! *WHIIFF!!*

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

"GARRRGGHHHHH!" Johann has certainly learned to hate these creatures. He lumbers around the statue in the center of the room and stands slightly to the side of the corridor opening, in order to leave room for Zag and whoever else may want to close.

When he grabs the ghast with his claw, Johann recalls a certain move Brother Sifu Centipede taught him. He twists his claws in a clockwise direction ninety degrees, bringing more damage to the ghast. Kraken style feat does another 4 damage when I succeed at a grapple roll

[dice=Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+10; d6+6
[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+17
Extra damage: 4

The ghast hisses as the Bear applies bone-cracking torque with powerful claws, twisting the undead monster’s frame nearly to the breaking point! HIIIISSSSS!!

Down to 1 hp left and grappled by Bear!

As the holy water douses the golden idol of Apollo, it briefly shines with a bright golden radiance that clearly hurts the ghasts' eyes! They hiss in discomfort and look away while the idol briefly glows!

Although Apollo is not pleased with the persecution of his pagan worshippers by the Christian Church, he is a good-aligned deity, and hates undead even more than he hates Christians lol... He grants Cardinal Lucius the desired consecration of this area.

Chance of Random Encounter is 1 in 6...1d6 ⇒ 1... D’OH!

As the Crusaders enter the chamber with the glowing golden “sun” orbiting the golden idol of the handsome, athletic young archer, the sound of several creatures approaching on shuffling feet can be heard echoing from the dark corridor on the opposite side of the chamber from the corridor by which the Crusaders entered... Six pairs of ghastly, glowing eyes appear in the dark corridor, and a chorus of inhuman howls that chill the blood erupts from undead throats!

Six ghasts emerge from the eastern archway!

The remaining two ghasts see the quick wrath vented on two-thirds of their number in a matter of seconds by the formidable adventurers, and rue their initial enthusiasm to engage... They try their best to withdraw without provoking rebuke from the heroes, but Johann and Zagathoth show no mercy and give no quarter, ripping and hacking them to shreds of stinking corruption!

Zagathoth wrote:

[dice=Fort (disease)]1d20+5

[dice=Fort (paralysis)]1d20+5

Snarling in anger, Zagathoth raises his falchion again and once again brings it crashing down in concert with his stomach's next convulsion... targeting #6
[dice=power attack (sick, FE)]1d20+7-2+2, [dice=for]2d4+10-2+2
[dice=confirm?]1d20+7, [dice=for another]2d4+10

Zagathoth chops the ghast assaulting him into halves! The two parts twitch in the black blood pool that expands under the ferocious orc!

That leaves only two remaining ghasts!

Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:

FOX!!!" Johann feels a bit of uncertainty; one of his companions was sorely wounded, but it WAS the Fox... but the Fox really isn't THAT bad....

"GRRRARRRRRR!" I'm not sure of his position right now, but Bear will do his best to attack whatever ghast may be threatening Fox, five stepping and full attacking as needed, but maintaining a flanking position most of all.

+2 to hit on all these if I am flanking

[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+5; d6+5 str 3 bab 2 patt -1 amulet+1; str 2 patt 2 amulet+1
[dice=Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+5; d4+5 str 3 bab 2 patt -1 amulet+1; str 2 patt 2 amulet+1
[dice= Claw Attack 2 & damage]d20+5; d4+5 str 3 bab 2 patt -1 amulet+1; str 2 patt 2 amulet+1

Thanks Boga for curing my sickness! And will you look at those damage rolls? CMON!!!!

Suddenly feeling as if he were protecting his little brother Gingerbread against the evil fox that ate him, Johann savages the ghast attacking Ogon Fox, rending limb from limb in an ursine beserker rage!

3 ghasts down in short order!

The four remaining ghasts continue their assault!

#1 paralyzed Arc, and now drags his rigid body 20 feet back to the east into the shadows to feast undisturbed...
#2 bites at OGON FOX 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 confirm 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 dealing 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 damage plus disease DC 15 Fort and paralysis DC 15 Fort for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 rounds...claws at FOX 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 dealing 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 damage plus paralysis DC 15 for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 rounds...and claws again 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 dealing 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 damage plus paralysis DC 15 for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2rounds! OMG, that’s 22 total damage to FOX!!
#3 was destroyed by Johann...
#4 bites at JOHANN 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 missing...claws at JOHANN 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 missing...and claws again 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 missing!
#5 was destroyed by Zagathoth...
#6 bites at ZAGATHOTH 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 missing... claws at him 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 dealing 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 damage plus disease DC 15 Fort and paralysis DC 15 Fort for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 rounds...and again 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 missing!

The ghasts savagely retaliate for their two casualties, nearly dropping Ogon Fox, and dealing a potentially dangerous wound to Zagathoth!

Quinlan Ifrean wrote:
Seeing Arc go stiff Quinlan draws the wand given to him by the pope and points it at the ghast attacking his paralyzed companion. Three distinct whooshing sounds can be heard and almost simultaneously the ghast appears to be barraged by several blunt impacts. [dice=magic missile]3d4+3

AAAARRRRGGG!! shrieks the ghast as Quinlan’s hornet-shaped force missiles fly in and unerringly “sting” it!

Arc Perdu le Rouge wrote:

Arc, stuck in motionless limbo, contemplates his poor life choices that led him here.

Paralyzed for indeterminate amount of time.

Paralyzed 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 rounds.

The Ogon Fox wrote:

The Fox attempts to strike the same ghast at which Lucius aimed his sword.

[dice=Melee Mystic Bolt (vs Touch AC)]1d20+4
[dice=Electric Damage]1d6

EDIT: Forgot the -2 on each roll, but it was a miss anyway.

Nausea and retching spoil Fox’s aim, and the mystic bolt flies left of target...

Zagathoth wrote:

Geez... I can barely keep track of all those saves, muchless know what order to roll them in, lol.

[dice=vs stink]5d20 failed 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
[dice=vs disease]1d20+5 well, that sucks
[dice=vs paralysis]1d20+5 but I guess it could have been worse

Overcome by the stink, Zagathoth begins dry-heaving. Calling to mind what he learned from the previous fights against these creatures, he raise his falchion and tries to time his downward chop with his next convulsion... move to activate martial flexibility (dedicated adversary), then attack
[dice=power attack (sickened, favored enemy)]1d20+7-2+2
[dice=confirm?]1d20+7, [dice=for another]2d4+10

The ghast is split open by Zagathoth’s mighty convulsive strike, falling at the orc’s feet!

2 of 6 dead!

Oh yeah, everyone except Quinlan is exposed to the stench of at least three ghasts... Johann, Arc and Zagathoth look like they are within ten feet of as many as five...DC 15 Fort saves to resist being sickened for each ghast you're within 10 feet of, please...

Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:

round 1


With a roar, Johann becomes more bear-like! Gaining 2 con for 1 minute

If possible, Johann will take a five foot step to start to try to flank. If not possible, then I will stay still.

[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+5; d6+5 str 3 bab 2 patt -1 amulet+1; str 2 patt 2 amulet+1
[dice=Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+5; d4+5 str 3 bab 2 patt -1 amulet+1; str 2 patt 2 amulet+1
[dice= Claw Attack 2 & damage]d20+5; d4+5 str 3 bab 2 patt -1 amulet+1; str 2 patt 2 amulet+1

Feeling emboldened by his new amulet, Johann tears into the ghasts with tooth and claw!

If my first two attacks end a ghast, my third attack will be directed at a different one.

Johann dispatches the ghast directly east of him with a savage bite and claw, and deals a bloody claw wound to the one southeast of him as well!



1 ghast of 6 destroyed!


Four move into melee with a single move and can still attack; two double move into position...

Out of the dark corners of the cross-shaped chamber's wings come six undead ghasts, ravening for mortal flesh!

#1 bites at ARC 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 dealing 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 damage plus disease DC 15 Fort and paralysis DC 15 Fort
#2 bites at OGON FOX 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 dealing 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 damage plus disease DC 15 Fort and paralysis DC 15 Fort
#3 bites at JOHANN 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 missing
#4 double moves to threaten JOHANN
#5 bites at ZAGATHOTH 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 dealing 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 damage plus disease DC 15 Fort and paralysis DC 15 Fort
#6 double moves to threaten ZAGATHOTH

Quinlan Ifrean wrote:

with a quick incantation and a flick of his wrist Quinlan shoots a blast of light at the closest ghast.

[dice=Disrupt undead (ranged touch)]1d20+4 [dice=Damage]1d6

Quinlan's light missile sears the unclean flesh of the southernmost of the two in the east wing of the chamber!


Squatting in the darkness here are six of the horrible ghasts! They groan with hunger for mortal flesh! An unholy fire burns in their hollow eye sockets...


Zagathoth wrote:
[dice=AoO]1d20+6+2, [dice=for]2d4+10

As the last ghast turns away from Zagathoth to flee, the orc swings a savage stroke of his falchion that lops off the monster’s head! The head sails over Zagathoth and bounces at the feet of Cardinal Lucius, Arc, and Quinlan, before rolling to a stop between Boga’s feet, ugly face turned up, dead eyes fixed on the holy man’s!

The Ogon Fox wrote:

[dice=Melee Mystic Bolt vs normal AC]1d20+1

The Fox swings wildly again as the ghast bulls him over, but can't connect.

As he draws back his right fist, crackling with blue sparks, the Fox is slammed to the corridor floor on his back by the ghast as it plows him over, trampling him in its desperate flight from the righteous blades of Cardinal Lucius and Zagathoth, and the furious fangs and claws of Johann!

Seeming to finally notice its three fellows sprawled out on the corridor floor at its feet, the lone ghast turns to flee, throwing caution to the wind! It turns back toward the chamber it came from and tries to flee recklessly past Zagathoth and the Fox...

Overrun attempt vs Fox since Fox and Zag are blocking its escape route now...CMB 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 succeeds in overrunning Fox, who is CMD 12... The ghast provokes an AoO from Fox, Zagathoth, Johann, and Cardinal Lucius as it begins to overrun Fox...

Zagathoth wrote:

lol- autokill isn't RAW, and in the games I've been in that use it you usually need to nat 20 all 3 rolls (plus, its in our best interest not to use it because, statistically, it's more likely to screw us than save us).

hmm... bearman looks like a good fighter but he mostly distracts things... this priest does not hit very much but now that he did, he hit as hard as me...

Hoping not to be outdone by the cardinal, Zagathoth chops at the ghoul between him and Johann.
[dice=power attack, flank]1d20+6+2, [dice=for]2d4+10

Reeling from the stench of the final ghast, Zagathoth is sickened and swings wildly, his falchion blade whistling harmlessly over the ghast’s head!

Cardinal Lucius d'Borja wrote:

Recovering somewhat the Cardinal straightens up and attempts to make his way into longsword range.

[dice=Attack]d20+3 [dice=Damage]d8+2
[dice=Crit?]d20+3 [dice=Crit Damage]d8+2

Do I get to roll again for autokill? :)

Even though he is sickened by the ghasts’ foul stench, The Lord guides the cardinal’s vengeful sword stroke, and the final ghast is dealt a mighty gash in its side! It moans in agony and stages, nearly done in by Lucius’ single strike!


The last ghast looks over its shoulder, back the way it came, as if considering retreat...

As this is a new ghast, Johann, Zagathoth, and Ogon Fox should all roll new Fort saves vs stench, DC 15...

Fox is within the stench radius now... Fort save vs DC 15 or sickened...

Zagathoth wrote:

Seeing an opportunity to split the smelly thing’s attention, Zagathoth shifts to the opposite side of it from Johann. The advantage gained, he hacks at the creature with his heavy sword again...

[dice=power attack, flank, aid]1d20+6+2+2, [dice=for]2d4+10

edit: lol- thanks, Fox, I think I just hit thanks to your bonus!

Zagathoth rends the ghast apart with a mighty blow of his falchion! The monster topples over, motionless...

The final ghast snaps out of the trance as St Cecilia vanishes... It snarls and stalks toward the adventurers!

On the ghast's turn at the end of round 4, the 4th ghast double moves to take up a position where the other 3 ghasts have fallen.,.

The Ogon Fox wrote:

Round 4

The Fox tries to move into a position from which he can strike the ghast up close.
Moving 15ft (3 squares) west and attempting an acrobatics check to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity from the ghast as I go through its threatened squares (the ones occupied by Zagathoth and Lucius). That means I move at half speed, which is just enough to move the 15ft.
[dice=Acrobatics, DC is the ghast's CMD]d20+2

From his new position, the Fox swings a lightning covered fist at the ghast to distract it...
[dice=Melee Mystic Bolt vs AC 10 to aid Zagathoth's next attack roll]d20+1+2
+1 BAB +0 STR +2 trait

Sweet! I think that's high enough on the Acrobatics to not provoke an attack. Now I think Zag, Lucius, and Arc could each take a 5ft step (southwest for Zag, west for Lucius, and northwest for Arc) and we'd all be adjacent to the ghast, with Zag and Johann being in flanking positions.

The agile Fox tumbles swiftly past his allies and positions himself near the ghast, but his lightning-shrouded jab falls short of connecting with the undead monster...

Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:

Round 4


Johann tries to take this ghast down! But good intentions don't equal martial prowess!

[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+4+2; d6+2 str 2 bab 2 blessing 2; str 2
[dice=Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+4+2; d4+2 str 2 bab 2 blessing 2; str 2
[dice= Claw Attack 2 & damage]d20+4+2; d4+2 str 2 bab 2 blessing 2; str 2

The ghast ducks, dodges and weaves, staying clear of Johann's furious flailing claws and chomping jaws...

Quinlan Ifrean wrote:


Quinlan draws his crossbow and fires at the undazed ghast.
[dice=Crossbow]1d20+4 [dice=Damage]1d8

Ha, I forget how unhelpful a low-level wizard can be, especially one with color spray and sleep prepared against undead.

Quinlan has little window to aim through with allies in the way, and narrowly misses with his bolt...

Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:

AoO attempt


[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+4; d6+2 str 2 bab 2; str 2

Holding his breath, Johann tries to bite down on the ghast!

The nimble ghast narrowly dodges Johann’s bite!

Zagathoth wrote:

still round 3

Zagathoth furrows his brow as the ghoul tries to push past bearman. Seeing an opening in its defenses, he slashes at it.
[dice=AoO]1d20+6, [dice=for]2d4+10

The nimble monster side-steps Zagathoth’s falchion stroke...

Boga wrote:

Seeing that he is the target of the ghast's attack, Boga presents the relic, his halo growing bright, and says, "Foul creature, your days as a servant of evil are over. Take your place with your friends!"

Just free action talking...

The monster hisses with vile hatred at the sight of the holy relic...


Free action hissing lol

The ghast sees Boga in the rear, and senses the sacred hand of Jan Hus on a cord around the ecclesitheurge’s neck... Madly, it snarls, and tries to overrun Johann to get to the holy man in the back... CMB to overrun Johann 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 fails! The ghast also provoked AoOs from Johann and Zagathoth...

It is frustrated in its attempt to burst through the front line of Johann and Zagathoth...

The Ogon Fox wrote:
Ghast of the catacombs wrote:
Assuming mystic bolt is against touch AC...
It's actually not...not until 3rd level.

In that case, the second ghast is not felled by Fox’s mystic bolt, but by Johann’s defacing bite...

Johann bites the face off the second ghast! It shrieks and collapses...

A third ghast breaks the spell of St Cecilia’s harping and charges up in round 3...

Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:

round 3

Johann is frustrated that he has yet to sink his teeth in any evil-doers. He roars,"GARRRHHHHHHHHGHHHH!"

And he attacks with claws and bite in a furious flurry!

A massive bite deals 15 damage!

The Bear’s savage bite leaves the ghast with a bloody skull instead of a face! It moans in agony!

The Ogon Fox wrote:

Round 3

The Fox throws another electric bolt at the ghast, but his window still is very small.

[dice=Ranged Mystic Bolt]d20+1+2-2-4
+1 BAB +2 DEX -2 soft cover -4 shooting into melee
[dice=Electricity Damage]d6

Assuming mystic bolt is against touch AC...

The Fox’s mystic bolt lances into the ghast, felling it!

As soon as the second ghast has fallen, a third seems to snap out of the stupor caused by St Cecilia’s harping and charges down the corridor to take position over its fallen fellows...

Cardinal Lucius d'Borja wrote:

Lucius strikes again, working now in grim silence.

[dice=Attack]d20+3 [dice=Damage]d8+2

The wounded ghast desperately backpedals, avoiding the inquisitor’s blade...

Zagathoth wrote:

As the ghast rushes forward, Zagathoth raises his (now enchanted) falchion above his head once more. When the creature reaches him, he attempts to cleave it as he had its friend...

[dice=power attack]1d20+6, [dice=for]2d4+10
I'm assuming that doesn't confirm... gotta love rolling minimum damage on a nat 20 swing, lol.

The ghast screeches in protest as Zagathoth shears away a chunk of its shoulder!


Cardinal Lucius d'Borja wrote:

Lucius waits until the ghoul is engaged by the more martial members of the party before stepping up to deliver a careful blow with his longsword.

[dice=Attack]d20+3 [dice=Damage]d8+2

The ghast dodges the cardinal’s slash..,

The other two ghasts in the chamber ahead continue to squat in the darkness, hypnotized by the trance-inducing notes of the ghost harp of St Cecilia...

Quinlan Ifrean wrote:

round 1

As he curses his morning spell choices Quinlan retrieves another flask of holy water and hurls it at a ghast. [dice=Holy water]1d20+4 [dice=miss]1d8 but it splashes across the floor wide left of his target.

round 2
retrieving yet another vial with his tail Quinlan tries again.
[dice=Holy water]1d20+4 [dice=Damage]2d4

Quinlan's second flask shatters against the ghast, and it hisses in torment! HIISSSS!!

Arc Perdu le Rouge wrote:

Arc immediately targets the incoming ghast with a spell, hoping to hinder its advances.

[dice=Disrupt Undead]d20+3 against Touch AC

Spell has range of 30ft right now, so Arc would hold it until the enemy came within range rather than close the distance himself.

The ghast is within range...

A thin bolt of positive energy lances forth from Arc’s outstretched hand, searing the ghast’s unholy hide!


The ghast collapses in a twitching heap!

One down, three left...

As soon as the near ghast falls, a second ghast seems to break the daze spell of St Cecilia’s harping and rushes east down the corridor to challenge the adventurers...

On the ghasts’ turn in round 2...

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