Gethsemane's page
Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

I am happy with all those purchases
Clearing his throat, Yuln closes his eyes for a moment as if summoning up some long forgotten memory.
"At first we thought they were just bandits, they hide in the bushes like wolves, striking out at us from the shadows... They were no match for us, my brethren and I fought them, pushed them back but... but... but that's when the cold Fey appeared amongst us and the battle turned to their favour. We call them Winter-Touched, their stories are common in my native land but I would never expect to see them this far south." He looked away from the group, his eyes downcast, "When the battled turned my courage faltered, I took refuge by the roadside. When they took the Lady, I followed for as long as a could but it was cold and my strength failed me. Eventually I had to turn back, when I got here my body gave in."
With the story of his cowardice told he looks back up. "The Winter-Touched are Fey, sworn to the White Witches of Irrisen, they fought my people in the Winter Wars... They say they have a small sliver of ice pierced through their hearts and that their touch brings the harshest, coldest bite of winter."
Right, posting today to get the game off and running :)
It is safe to assume this game is on hold until Monday. I promise to post then to get it going once more.
Just a quick update, I have not forgotten you but over Easter holidays my posting is limited. I hope to post today back I make no promises.

Once it is certain there are no more volunteers, the Councillor directs the would-be do-gooders toward the inn, asking them to wait until the unconscious Ulfen awakens.
Once the party have sat in the inn for the better part of three hours a young boy, known as Berth, explodes through the door, particularly falling over his own feet. "The Councillor requests that you come quickly, the guard has roused and she believes he may be of some use." Before waiting for your reply Berth flies back out the door toward the house of the Soothsayer.
The door of the house has been left ajar and the sound of voices drifting through the midday air. Pushing the door open reveals a small group of people huddled around a makeshift bed with a large, beaten Ulfen sitting up talking to those around him.
Ionnia turns to you as you enter, a smile on her face. "This man here is named Yuln Oerstalg, the only survivor of the attack.
"I hope I can be helpful, if you have any questions, I will try to answer them. His words are laboured and breathless, his nose blackened with frostbite, and his fingers seemed to fared no better. It is clear that Yuln will not be going anywhere quickly.

As the crowd continues to gather Councilor Ionnia Teppen was taking up position front of the crowds trying to calm them down and talk to them individually, a task she was woefully failing.
The moment the paladin hammers his axe against his shield the crowd falls silent granting the poor Councilor a moment to breath. As soon as the paladin calls for volunteers the Councilor looks relieved, the church of Erastil is the only religion that could be called active in Heldren and it is clear that she harbored some hope that it would be they who stepped up.
"We don't have much to offer in way of a reward..." The Councilor says once the paladin has finished his call for volunteers, "But you live here, you know how hard it will be in the winter if this cold summer is left to destroy our lively hoods." She parts the crowds and pulls Ragnor to the front, "This man is willing to do what's right, I beg than every able man and woman does their part." The crowd is awkwardly silent, the majority of the crowd cast their eyes to the ground, nobody knows what lies in wait in Border Wood and no one is too keen to find out.
Hey guys, sorry for the delay, it is worth mentioning that my posting ability on Wednesdays varies from limited to non-existent so some Wednesdays you won't hear from me.
I am happy for characters to quickly change their languages and also to use Blade of Mercy.
Okay our final character is selected but I won't be able to post in the Gameplay thread until tomorrow.
Feel free to make a post their now, the whole village is kind of gathering in the village centre as things are getting a little too weird.
Okay the final place goes to:
Ragnor Yver - Human Paladin of Erastil
Thank you all for your applications, I have enjoyed reading them all, but alas, there are only so many places in a game.
Azana wrote: Ah, but only one makes it fun.
Also, Drelsh, I may be wrong but I think the points for your character are off. I'm adding them up to 27 points, assuming the +2 for being human went to Wisdom.
That or I've got something horribly, horribly wrong myself...
Well caught, it does equal 27.
I am going to have to ask, is that Azlanti?
EDIT: Azlanti have purple eyes, Tian have orange.
The Totem Guide type is fine with me, but it does remind me I really must get my hands on a physical copy of the Animal Archive.
I have no preference on whether you run your companion under a different alias, although it might be good when it learns to talk.
Just a place for all OOC conversations, you know what it's for.
Thank you for all your applications thus far, I have enjoyed reading them all but I can only take on so many players.
Current successful applicants:
Eladora Rell - Human Sorcerer
Azna - Aasimar Bard
Ungthar Stoneward - Oread Ranger (So long as he is happy to be Eladora's guard)
Drelsh - Human Cleric
Those successful feel free to talk amongst yourselves in the discuss forum.
With one more space free, I am hoping to find something more "tanky" like a Paladin, Fighter, Barbarian or Cavalier.
You guys have not made this easy for me... I will go through the first round of recruitment this later morning.
I would prefer no evil classes, although I might consider LE.
I am happy with altering the Witchguard Archetype to protect any spellcaster.
Also happy with Warden or Horizon Walker.
Still room for applications.
So far we've had one sorcerer application, one druid and one bard.
Liking what I see so far. As a note, I will be operating a rolling recruitment scheme as I hate having to pick at the end... So once I am happy I will be inviting people to post in the discussion thread, starting tomorrow.

The sleepy village of Heldren, Taldor, has rarely seen such excitement. Since spring hunters and farmers alike have looked to the nearby Border Wood and speak of the unseasonable and downright unnatural cold weather that now had it's grip on the land despite it being the height of summer. It started a few days ago, a cold snap that seemed to worsen rapidly. Heavy snow followed and those brave enough to go out there have come back talking of an uneasy presence in the woods as well as new, alien and dangerous predators. No one knows what these events mean, or what ever started them but Old Mother Theodora, the town's soothsayer, claims that dark times lie ahead.
In the night these dark tidings were heralded by the arrival of badly wounded warrior who claims to be the sole surviving guard of Lady Argentea Malassene. Through his fatigued delirium he told the village council that the Nobel woman and her escorts came under attack by bandits and strange, wintry creatures near the edge of Border Wood. He alone escaped the assault while the Lady Argentea was dragged away into the forest.
Now, not long after dawn, the village has taken on a sombre air with villages casting fearful eyes toward the snowy forest. Fearing what could come forth from the woods, the elderly look to their youngers to go out and defend their village.
I would be comfortable with the Wildblood Bloodline.
I have no issue with the Thundercaller archetype. Are you using a normal Aasimar or is there one of the variants?
DM Carpe wrote: Will you consider allowing material from other Paizo sources if its available online? The PFSRD and another site I cannot recall have it available freely, easily, and legally. I does depend on the item in question. I have deliberately created a restricted list of acceptable sources as I wanted to keep things fairly straight forward.
Lloyd Jackson wrote: What point buy/rolling method are you using? Interested in playing a sword/board two-weapon ulfan viking. Other interest would a master summoner, not for the power trip, but the idea. Using the 20-Points Buy system.
DM Carpe wrote: Oh, and importantly what is the ability generation method? I knew I had forgotten something. 20 point buy, I've now added this to the OP.
Not planning on using maps, due to the nature of PbP I wanted to keep Combat loose form to ensure that it keeps moving.
The Summoner is the only class I have reservations about but, as with all things, if you are unsure, ask :)
I am looking to run the Reign of Winter Adventure path, this first module will be run with little alteration but as the story develops I hope to sculpt the campaign to the players.
At least 4 posts a week during weekdays but posting at weekends is optional.
Had our character creation session last week, the party is as follows:
Alex- Human (Possessed) Life Oracle 1
Ulric- Half-Orc Paladin w/ Oath against Savagery 1
Ingra- Dwarf Ranger 1
Queck- Gnome Celestial Sorcerer (this may be changed to a Witch, the player is currently undecided).
It currently appears like the majority of in party talking will take place in Orc...
Something I have been thinking of as I set up my own campaign is the inclusion of Skin Stealers that are introduced in the Carrion Crown Campaign path, they represent the Fey Assassins of the First World and could perhaps be linked to the BBEG.
Crispy3ed wrote: If you are starting the Kingmaker game I highly suggest reading all six books before you start. It is a goldmine of opportunity to create foreshadowing tailored to your group.
Tagged for sensitive eyes.
** spoiler omitted **
Thank you for that. I was aware that they exist in small locations, one of the things that I really wanted to do was provide a cohesive link between all the individual encounters.
I will be running this Kingmaker campaign path for the first time next month, I would like to introduce new encounters into the AP.
I am currently working on the idea that there is a cult devoted to Gyronna is active in the Stolen Lands, who are seeking to reduce the amount of influence that Brevoy is beginning to exert in the River Kingdoms.
I would like this encounter to be separate from the bandits in the area and maybe this cult could continue into the second or third instalment in the adventure.
I am mainly fishing for any advice that you fine fellows may have, but will post information as I come up with it.
Cheers! This is really great.