Man in Battle

Gerald Hynar's page

29 posts. Alias of Morrin.


Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Gerald moves up to the closest monkey within 30 feet, his eyes narrowing. "Abomination!" He slashes at it with his scimitar, seeking to strike it down quickly.

Move up to the nearest one and attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Will post here ASAP. On vacation, but arriving home in a few hours. Am very sorry!

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Upon noticing the charging abominations,, he moves up grit to the groups, shield and sword ready. Do not fear, we have the power off light on our side! and that aura of light erupts again from the paladin.

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Seeing the trouble at rest, for now, He sheaths his sword, tho the light he radiates takes awhile to fade. He grimaces as he looks at the monkeys, seeing thier state. "More work of the approaching evil. It even perverts the wildlife." He looks at the Druid. I think know at your duty to put any further wildlife like these to their eternal rest. It must be done, and the source stopped. He takes another look around the camp with detect evil up, and if he finds nothing, he heads back to sleep.

percerption: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Unsheaths his sword and his shield, looking around, nearly blinded by the darkness. He raises his sword, and hollers out. "Let the Light guide you all!" And a nimbus of light erupts from the paladin, radiating the camp.

[/ooc]30ft radius light, those within receive a +1 morale bonus to AC and on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against fear as long as they remain in the area of light.[/ooc]

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Gerald wakes upat Iiwo's shriek, blinking, and quickly gets up, still in his armor, not encumbered by it, he stands up, and moves out of the tent, taking a quick look around.

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Gerald slides off his house, and sits down, getting ready to eat, of course sharing some of his rations with the food as well. We should plan out the night watches."

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Gerald stays in his armor for now, feeling comfortable upon his horse. He continues to glance around, keeping an eye out for anything in the area that could cause harm to the party, his eyes narrowing every once in awhile.

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15 Plus activating detect evil every few rounds and taking a quick look around, using the cone.

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Is it even bothering me, since I think I'm the only one riding on a horse?

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

The paladin nods his head, sitting comfortably upon his warhorse. I agree. These ruins do sound like the best place to start in finding more information about this evil."

Diffenently interested. Will post character and background later today!

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Hoping the GM is still with us. @..@

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Oh no! Don't give Rufus a breath attack!

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Same here. Enjoying watching the internal party conflict! Looking forward to the external conflict. :)

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Still here. I think we're all waiting on the Gm

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Sound funny! Heehee. I'm currently in a 6 year campaign, a mix of 3.5 and pathfinder. So many funny events. Like the time our cleric was trying to bribe the child king, and used Miracle to conjure up the worlds best fudge! The bribe worked...the king had him executed for breaking the law, then had him true ressed. He technically died for his crime. XD but the king liked him. (we're currently lvl 20, going to be an epic game.)

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

A paladin? Pull prank? Nevah! ;-3

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Rides in formation on his mount, looking around in the jungle as they begin their journey, his eyes narrowing into the woods every once in awhile.

Perception(Which is horrible), as well as on random intervals, activating detect evil, slowly glancing around for anything evil within 60ft cone.(Can't see worth crap, but I can detect evil like nobodies business).
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14

And you're right, where's the others? Hope we didn't lose them! And I hope nobody minds that Gerald has sorta taken the leader position. The paladin seems very outspoken and seems to be pretty well at getting people to listen.

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Listens Rufus and Kiley, still mounted, for a few moments, until Kiley begins yelling. Alright alright...That's enough you two." He looks at Rufus. "You asked where. We're going to head towards where the fog has been sighted. I believe it was around 30 miles from this location. We're going to head there, and see what we can find. We need more info then what we got, and we're not going to get it by staying here." He then looks at Kiley. "I am understanding you had trouble with nobility in the past. But right now.." He motions to Rufus. "He's a member of this party. I know it'll be hard, but we must focus on how to save these people, and work together." He gives a soft sigh, running his fingers through his hair "For now, let's just get this group on it's way."

Perception roll: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

He raises and eyebrow at Rufus, replying to his comment. "Not exactly savages. Just just not what you're use to, civilized in their own way. Though I am surprised you'd want these fine people who you don't trust still stand guard at night." He nods then to the others, then goes around and gathers up the three most competent guards, the guide, and a pack mule and it's handler if there is one. He does also quickly thank the rest of the volunteers, admiring their courage, and asking them to be brave and defend the town if anything attacks. Then he mounts up on his horse. "Alright. This will be everyone. I'd like to move out within 10 minutes, sooner the better. Get what you need and lets move out!

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Turns to Kiley when she walks up, shaking his head. "No, I don't think we do in all honesty. A guide through the woods may be nice, as well perhaps those mules, if we need to carry supplies more then what we can carry." walks over nearby where his horse is at, double checking the saddle strap and saddlebag to make sure he has everything is prepared while continuing. "Let's go ask the others to see their opinions". Then he walks over towards Jack. "The lady Kiley here suggests we should cut back on the people going with us. I am of like mind as well, but I'd like to see what you and the others of this expedition think."

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

The tall blond nods to the gathered group. "No worries, we will find out what's the source of this trouble, and free the village from worry." He says confidently, then glances around at the porters and guards, and the others getting ready to traverse with them, rubbing his chin. He walks among them, talking with a few, getting to know them.

Also making a diplomacy check to gather any info.
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Well, off, seems that link doesn't work. Just tried it when I got home now. Oh well, never mind the whole piecemeal armor, a good mithril breastplate will work just fine.

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Piecemeal armor is complicated to explain. Here's a link. Pretty much mix-matching armor pieces.

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

That pretty much works out to be right. I also plan to do some bullrushing with my shield, to get any baddies off our less hardy folk. And I think it's a given against a EBBG(Evil Big Bad guy), I'll be right in front and smiting him nice and hard. :)

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Healing is always good. Only healing this paladin will have is LoH and Channel. I love this archetype, but going to miss some of those paladin spells..*sniffs* No Blessed weapon. xD But Anyway. I'm all set to go as well.

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Just got back from running my Legacy of Fire game, and was pondering about changing back to normal paladin. But with those points, I'll keep the archetype. Fits more with the background anyway. The character is pretty much fully completed, other then seeing what gear I can do without so I have more gold then I have left over so I'm not a "poor" paladin. xD
Just working on a more fleshed out background. :)

Male Human Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light) 6

Almost done with sheet. Still pondering if giving up spell casting is worth the holy light archtype. *Ponders some more* It's a cool concept tho!